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Evidence KUK

Udiklat Udiklat Bogor Mentor I Vernon Sapalutua
Penyelanggara Tampubolon
Proyeksi NIP 7804203
Lokasi OJT PT PJB Unit Jabatan General Manager Unit
Pengembangan Usaha Pengembangan Usaha
Nama Siswa Ardy Lafiza Mentor II Adi Apriyanto Wijaya
No. Test 1803/TKI/61/S1- NIP 7906079JA
Bidang Proyek Jabatan Manajer Proyek Add On
Muara Tawar 2,3,4
Mentor III Farieds
Kompetensi Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Sipil Pembangkit
Kode Unit D.35.135.01.KUALIFIKASI.2.DISTEL
KUK Supervisi pekerjaan sipil pembangkit dikendalikan sesuai prosedur
Workplan Melakukan komparasi antara perencanaan dan realisasi
Lokasi Muara Tawar Combined Cycle Power Plant Block 2,3, & 4 Add-On
Lampiran Monthly Progress Report – No. 16 (Period from 1st October 2018 to 31st
October 2018)
Uraian Pada KUK ini siswa diminta untuk membandingkan antara
perencanaan dengan progress realisasi, data yang digunakan adalah
kumulatif progress aktual dengan rencana pada Kurva S.
Dalam proyek ini Kurva-S dibagi menjadi lima bagian, yaitu:
 Kurva-S Overall, merupakan gabungan seluruh pekerjaan dari
suatu proyek mulai dari engineering, procurement, construction,
dan commissioning.
 Kurva-S Construction, merupakan tools yang digunakan untuk
mengontrol kesesuaian progress pekerjaan konstruksi di seluruh
area yang ada di proyek.
 Kurva-S Procurement, merupakan tools yang digunakan untuk
mengontrol kesesuaian jadwal pengadaan seluruh material atau
 Kurva-S Engineering, merupakan tools yang digunakan untuk
mengontrol kesesuaian jadwal design & review sebelum masa
konstruksi dimulai maupun ketika masa konstruksi.
 Kurva-S Commissioning, merupakan tools yag digunakan untuk
mengontrol kegiatan commissioning pada saat konstruksi telah
selesai. Dalam proyek ini masa commissioning belum tercapai
karena masih proses konstruksi.
Pada KUK ini hanya akan membahas mengenai Kurva S construction.
Dari laporan monthly progress yang dibuat oleh kontraktor dapat diketahui
kumulatif pekerjaan konstruksi.. Dengan membaca Kurva-S maka akan
diketahui keterlambatan yang terjadi.
a. Progress Kumulatif Pekerjaan Konstruksi per Bulan Oktober
Berdasarkan laporan monthly progress yang dibuat oleh
Kontraktor, persentasi progress kumulatif pekerjaan konstruksi
hingga bulan Oktober adalah mencapai 26.21% dari rencana
48.05%. Sedangkan progress pada bulan ini mencapai 1.89% dari
rencana 8.39%.
Gambar 1. Kurva-S Pekerjaan Konstruksi
Ketidaksesuaian rencana dengan aktual tersebut mayoritas
disebabkan oleh proses approval drawing yang terlambat sehingga
Kontraktor belum bisa melaksanakan pekerjaan selama drawing
belum mendapatkan status Approve. Salah satu solusi untuk
mengejar ketertinggalan tersebut adalah dengan menambah man
power, tools, jam kerja, ataupun metode pekerjaan yang berubah
sehingga pada bulan berikutnya deviasi pekerjaan dapat terkejar.
Berikut adalah persentase capaian progress pekerjaan pada bulan
Tabel 1. Overall Progress Performance

Dari table di atas diketahui bahwa dalam proyek ini pekerjaan

konstruksi mendapatkan proporsi sebesar 27% dari total 100% yang
mana dari total 100% tersebut terbagi atas pekerjaan engineering,
procurement, dan commissioning. Persentase kumulatif pencapaian
pekerjaan konstruksi sampai bulan sebelumnya mencapai 6.57%,
sedangkan pencapaian pada bulan Oktober sebesar 0.51% maka
kumulatif progress pekerjaan hingga bulan Oktober sebsar 7.08%.
Sedangkan rencana pencapaian progress pada bulan oktober adalah
12,97% sehinggat terdapat deviasi sebesar -5,9%.
b. Daftar Pekerjaan Mayor yang Tidak Terealisasi sesuai Rencana
Beberapa pekerjaan konstruksi tidak dapat diselesaikan sesuai
dengan rencana. Aktifitas mayor inilah yang menyebabkan
besarnya deviasi antara progress aktual dan rencana. Berikut
adalah datar pekerjaan yang tidak terealisasi.
Tabel 2. Unaccomplished Major Activity of Construction

Plan yang dimaksud pada tabel di atas adalah rencana awal mulai
dan selesainya pekerjaan yang disesuaikan dengan baseline
schedule, sedangkan forecasting adalah target Kontraktor dalam
memulai dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan setelah jadwal melenceng
dari yang direncanakan. Forecasting disesuaikan dengan
kesanggupan Kontraktor dalam memulai dan menyelesaikan
c. Pekerjaan pada Bulan Selanjutnya
Berikut adalah daftar pekerjaan yang akan dimulai maupun selesai
pada bulan November:
Tabel 3. List of Next Month Activities
d. Project Highlight
Project highlight ini merupakan daftar milestone pada tiap blok
yaitu blok 2, 3, & 4. Milestone adalah daftar beberapa event dimana
target selesainya telah dikunci dan diusahakan tidak terlambat
karena beberapa event tersebut mempengaruhi pekerjaan lainnya.
Tabel 4. Key Milestone Block 2
Tabel 5. Key Milestone Block 3

Tabel 6. Key Milestone Block 4

Walaupun pencapaian progress tiap bulan mengalami deviasi dari

yang direncanakan, tetapi milestone tetap harus dijaga agar proyek tidak
mengalami keterlambatan. Pencapaian tiap bulan dapat ditoleransi jika
mengalami deviasi dengan rencana, tetapi progress pada bulan selanjutnya
harus lebih dari yang direncanakan agar key milestone dapat dicapai.

(Period from 1st October 2018 to 31st October 2018)






(Project Owner)

10th November, 2018





1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.1 KEY EVENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

1.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
1.2.1 Engineering -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
1.2.2 Procurement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.2.3 Construction & Commissioning --------------------------------------------------------- 14

2. PROJECT HIGHLIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------------17

2.1 AREA OF CONCERN------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

2.2 LIST OF UNACCOMPLISHED MAJOR ACTIVITIES ------------------------------------------------------ 22
2.3 LIST OF NEXT MONTH ACTIVITIES ----------------------------------------------------------------- 24

3. SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE & ANALYSIS ---------------------------------------------------25

3.1 OVERALL PROGRESS PERFORMANCE --------------------------------------------------------------- 25

3.1.1 Engineering Progress --------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
3.1.2 Procurement Progress -------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
3.1.3 Construction Progress -------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
3.1.4 Commissioning Progress ----------------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.2 CRITICAL PATH ANALYSIS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.1 Critical Path Criteria ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.2 Critical Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
3.3 INTERFERENCE POINT SCHEDULE------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

4. FINANCIAL STATUS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------35

4.1 INVOICE & PAYMENT STATUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 35

5. MANPOWER & EQUIPMENT STATUS --------------------------------------------------------38

5.1 MANPOWER MOBILIZATION STATUS --------------------------------------------------------------- 38

5.2 EQUIPMENT MOBILIZATION STATUS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 38

6. QA/QC AND HSE MANAGEMENT -------------------------------------------------------------38

6.1 QA/QC MANAGEMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38

6.2 HSE STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38

7. PERMITS & LICENSES --------------------------------------------------------------------------38

8. SITE PHOTOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------38

Appendix; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
Appendix #1 – Muara Tawar Project Current schedule ------------------------------------------ 39
Appendix #2 – Muara Tawar Project Current schedule (Critical Path) --------------------------- 39
Appendix #3 – Document and Drawing Control Log status ------------------------------------- 39
Appendix #4 – List of Letter exchanged up to this Month -------------------------------------- 39
Appendix #5 – List of Transmittal exchanged up to this Month -------------------------------- 39
Appendix #6 – Photographs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
Appendix #7 – QHSE Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
Appendix #8 – Monthly Target and Actual Progress Chart and Table -------------------------- 39
Appendix #9 – Pre-Requisite Data List from Owner --------------------------------------------- 39

1. Executive Summary
This monthly progress report covers the status and progress of the project during the period
from 1st October, 2018 to 31st October, 2018(this reporting period) based on Overall Baseline
Project Schedule submitted by the consortium on 28th of April, 2018 via Letter No. MRT-DS-PJB-
LT-1800028. As Owner’s request via Letter No. U039101, Commercial Operation Date activity was
added in Project schedule. Updated WBS to calculate the Progress was submitted to Owner on 8th
June, 2018 via Letter No. MRT-DS-PJB-180045 and S-Curve was revised accordingly.

- Overall Project progress achieved 59.92% compared to a forecast of 67.77% / 100%

- Engineering progress achieved 73.49% compared to a forecast of 94.91% / 100%

- Procurement progress achieved 75.64% compared to a forecast of 77.00% / 100%

- Construction progress achieved 26.21% compared to a forecast of 48.05% / 100%

- Commissioning progress achieved 0.00% compared to a forecast of 0.00% / 100%

As of reporting date, 646 (Six hundred forty six) drawings and documents have been submitted
to the Owner during the reporting period. Main reason for delay engineering progress is that
Purchasing Order for some Equipment has not been issued yet due to novation of Owner so
Contractor could not receive any design data from supplier. However, Contractor trying to submit
FC document to Owner before start of construction works.

Procurement Progress is less than a plan from this reporting period due to delay of
transportation which has been cumulatively affected by laydown issue. However, Contractor
trying to expedite to proceed construction to secure proper space in laydown area immediately.

The construction progress is less than the planned progress due to delay in approval of civil
drawings in BOP Area. Piling works for CW Intake Pump civil could not be started due to non-
availability of approval drawings. However, Consortium has planned to expedite to complete the
civil work for STG BLDG & STG Pedestal Block 2 & 3, CCB and Piling Work of CW Inlet, and for
Mechanical Work.

1.1 Key events

(The period up to 31st of Oct, 2018)

Major events and works listed below were accomplished up to this reporting period.

- 5th July, 2017 : Joint Inspection for Soil Investigation (Refer to MRT-DS-PLN-LT-170006)
- 10th July, 2017 : Joint Inspection for Soil Investigation (Refer to MRT-DS-PLN-LT-170008)
- 11th July, 2017 : 1st Monthly Progress Review Meeting (Regular Meeting)
- 12th July, 2017 : Design Review Meeting for STG Pending Issue
- 20th July, 2017 : Preliminary SI report Review Meeting
- 25th Aug, 2017 : Installation of Test Pile
- 7~8th Sep, 2017 : 2nd Design Review Meeting
- 19th Sep, 2017 : Meeting between Owner, K-sure and Contractor
- 20~25th Sep, 2017 : Joint Inspection for Test Pile
- 28th Sep, 2017 : Early Preparation Meeting for Advance Payment & Master List
- 10th Oct, 2017 : 3rd Design Review Meeting
- 8th Nov, 2017 : Loan agreement signing (last precondition for EPC effectiveness)
- 10th Nov, 2017 : First Pilling (CW Intake)
- 27th Nov, 2017 : 4th Design Review Meeting
- 21st Dec, 2017 : Contract Effective date of the Project
- 22nd Jan, 2018 : Kick Off Meeting of the Project
- 23rd Jan, 2018 : Technical Meeting of the Project
- 24th Jan, 2018 : Commercial Meeting of the Project
- 24th Jan, 2018 : Start of Piling (HRSG #21)
- 13 Feb, 2018
: Shutdown schedule meeting (Diverter Damper replacement)
- 20~23rd Feb, 2018 : Commercial Meeting (Master List/RIB/Pending issue)
- 12th Mar, 2018 : Start of Excavation (HRSG#21)
- 27 Mar, 2018
: Start of FDN (HRSG#21)
- 05th Apr, 2018 : Start of Piling (STG#30)
- 09th Apr, 2018 : Start of Piling (CEP#20)
- 17 Apr, 2018
: Start of Piling (STG Pedestal#30)
- 5th May, 2018 : Start of Piling (CCB)
- 14th May, 2018 : Start of Guide Wall (D-Wall) (CWPH)
- 16 May, 2018
: Start of Excavation D-Wall (CWPH)
- 20th May, 2018 : Start of Piling CW Inlet
- 24 May, 2018
: Start of Piling (Pipe Rack #SH 3)

- 1st June, 2018 : Start Duct Removal of Bypass Stack HRSG 21
- 7th June, 2018 : Start Duct Removal of Bypass Stack HRSG 22
- 8 June, 2018
: Start of FDN Work (STG #20 BLDG)
- 26 June, 2018
: Start of Piling Raw Water Tank
- 28th June, 2018 : Start of FDN Work (STG #30 BLDG)
- 30 June, 2018
: Start of Piling Cooling Water Discharge
- 30 June, 2018
: Start of Excavation (CCR BLDG)
- 04th July, 2018 : Start of FDN Work (CCR BLDG)
- 11st July, 2018 : Start of Duct Removal of Bypass Stack HRSG 31
- 13th July, 2018 : Start of Duct Removal of Bypass Stack HRSG 32
- 17th July, 2018 : Start of Piling Make-up Water Tank FDN
- 20th July, 2018 : Start of Pile cape (CW Pit Block #02 Plan 2)
- 02nd Aug, 2018 : Start of Piling Work ( Make-up Water Tank )
- 11th Aug, 2018 : Start of Piling Work ( WTP )
- 13th Aug, 2018 : Start of Ground Floor Structure at CCB
- 21th Aug, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at CW Discharge Block #4
- 23th Aug, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at Raw Water Tank FDN
- 24th Aug, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at Make-up Water Tank FDN
- 24th Aug, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at Pipe Rack SH-2
- 29th Aug, 2018 : Start of Steel Structure Erection at HRSG #21
- 1st Sept, 2018 : Start of Foundation Work at Pipe Rack SH#2
- 1st Sept, 2018 : Start of Piling Work Balance at HRSG Block #4.3
- 1st Sept, 2018 : Start of Foundation Work at Raw Water Tank Foundation
- 1st Sept, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Transformer #2
- 3rd Sept, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at CWPH
- 4th Sept, 2018 : Start of Foundation Work at Make-up Water Tank Foundation
- 6th Sept, 2018 : Start of Steel Structure Erection at Steam Turbine Block #2
- 9th Sept, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at HRSG #4.3
- 16th Sept, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Transformer #3
- 17th Sept, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at Transformer #2
- 20th Sept, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Desalination Plant
- 22th Sept, 2018 : Start of Bore Piling Work at Electro Chlorination Plant
- 25th Sept, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Make-up Water Shelter
- 2nd Oct, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at Pipe Rack SH#1
- 3rd Oct, 2018 : Start of Structure Work at HRSG #4.3
- 3rd Oct, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Transformer #4

- 4th Oct, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Gas Insulated Bus duct SH-1
- 4th Oct, 2018 : Start of Foundation Work at Pipe Rack SH#1
- 4th Oct, 2018 : Start of Foundation Work at Transformer #2
- 6th Oct, 2018 : Start of Bore Piling Work at WWTP
- 7th Oct, 2018 : Start of Structure Work at CW Discharge Culvert
- 10th Oct, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Gas Insulated Bus duct SH-2
- 11th Oct, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at Raw Water Pump Shelter
- 11th Oct, 2018 : Start of Foundation Work at Raw Water Pump Shelter
- 11th Oct, 2018 : Start of Piling Work at Des. Plant & Aux. Boiler Control Building
- 12th Oct, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at CW Inlet Pipe
- 14th Oct, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at WTP
- 17th Oct, 2018 : Start of Bore Piling Work at MCC Room CWPH
- 18th Oct, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at Gas Insulated Bus duct SH-1
- 24th Oct, 2018 : Start of Excavation Work at WWTP
- 24th Oct, 2018 : Start of Steel Structure Erection at HRSG #31
- 26th Oct, 2018 : Start of Structure Work at WTP

1.2 Project Schedule

This chapter provides the summary and brief information of implementation up to

this reporting period. Detailed schedule and progress for overall project as of
reporting date is contained in Appendix #1 Muara Tawar_PJT Current Schedule.

1.2.1 Engineering

Detailed status describes and Progress related to the engineering are contained in
Appendix #3 Document and Drawing Control Log Status.

646 (Six hundred forty six) drawings and documents have been submitted to the
Owner during the reporting period. And 275 (Two hundred seventy five) drawings and
documents have been reviewed by Owner’s Consultant.

[Summary of Drawing and Document submission]

For Approval
For Information For Construction Re-Issued Total
(1st Issue)
Period For Issued
Actual Actual Actual
Planned Planned Planned Approval (A+B+C)
(A) (B) (C)

Accumulation up
to Last Month 582 350 1877 1523 1774 524 2397
(until Sep. 2018)

This Month*
16 86 52 35 145 260 265 381
(Oct. 2018)

Sub Total 598 436 1929 1558 1919 784 2778

(%) 91.16% 66.46% 98.62% 79.65% 80.33% 32.82%
Next Month
199 383 1231
(Nov. 2018)

58 220 27 398 470 1605
(From Oct. 2018)

Total 656 1956 2389

*The Gap between plan and actual is carried over to the next month

1.2.2 Procurement

The table of procurement overall plan in this chapter presents detailed status of
procurement with the completed date, scheduled and forecasted date in each item
during entire project period. Project progress related to procurement is contained in
chapter 3.1.2 of this report.

[Procurement Overall Plan]

Unit Item PO F.O.B/EXW On site Vendor Division

Actual L3 Actual L3 Actual

#2 HRSG Block2 Doosan

#2 Module 2017-08-01 2018-05-10 2018-06-27 2018-06-09 2018-07-27 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#2 Steam Drum 2017-08-01 2018-06-27 2018-08-30 2018-07-27 2018-09-21 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#2 Piping 2017-08-01 2018-07-11 2018-08-19 2018-09-11 2018-09-08 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#2 Insulation 2017-08-01 2018-08-11 2018-10-12 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#2 Casing & S/S 2017-08-01 2018-05-11 2018-08-26 2018-05-24 2018-08-30 Doosan

#2 Duct 2017-08-01 2018-05-11 2018-08-26 2018-05-25 2018-08-30 Doosan

#2 Main Stack 2017-08-01 2018-07-11 2018-07-26 Doosan

#2 Complete Vendor 2017-08-01 2018-08-11 2018-10-11 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#2 Diverter & Guillotine Damper 2017-08-01 2018-03-15 2018-04-27 2018-04-25 2018-05-30 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#3 HRSG Block3 Doosan

#3 Module 2017-08-01 2018-07-10 2018-08-26 2018-08-09 2018-09-27 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#3 Steam Drum 2017-08-01 2018-07-27 2018-08-30 2018-08-27 2018-09-21 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#3 Piping 2017-08-01 2018-08-14 2018-08-19 2018-10-12 2018-09-08 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#3 Insulation 2017-08-01 2018-09-12 2018-11-13 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#3 Casing & S/S 2017-08-01 2018-06-28 2018-07-12 Doosan

#3 Duct 2017-08-01 2018-06-27 2018-07-13 Doosan

#3 Main Stack 2017-08-01 2018-08-11 2018-08-25 Doosan

#3 Complete Vendor 2017-08-01 2018-09-12 2018-11-12 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#3 Diverter & Guillotine Damper 2017-08-01 2018-03-15 2018-04-27 2018-04-25 2018-05-30 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#4 HRSG Block4 Doosan

#4 Module 2017-08-01 2018-08-28 2018-09-28 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#4 Steam Drum 2017-08-01 2018-09-13 2018-10-24 2018-10-13 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#4 Piping 2017-08-01 2018-09-26 2018-10-26 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#4 Insulation 2017-08-01 2018-10-30 2018-12-31 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#4 Casing & S/S 2017-08-01 2018-07-26 2018-08-11 Doosan

#4 Duct 2017-08-01 2018-07-27 2018-08-11 Doosan

#4 Main Stack 2017-08-01 2018-09-29 2018-10-15 Doosan

#4 Complete Vendor 2017-08-01 2018-10-30 2018-12-27 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#4 Diverter & Guillotine Damper 2017-08-01 2018-03-30 2018-04-27 2018-05-05 2018-05-30 NOOTER/ERIKSEN SRL Doosan

#2 STG Block2 Doosan

#2 Turbine & Valves (STG) 2017-06-30 2018-09-25 2018-08-19 2018-11-23 2018-09-08 Skoda Power Doosan

#2 Generator (For One(1) unit) 2017-06-30 2018-10-30 2018-11-29 Doosan Doosan

#3 STG Block3 Doosan

#3 Turbine & Valves (STG) 2017-06-30 2018-12-29 2019-02-27 Skoda Power Doosan

#3 Generator (For One(1) unit) 2017-06-30 2019-01-29 2019-02-28 Doosan Doosan

#4 STG Block4 Doosan

#4 Turbine & Valves (STG) 2017-06-30 2019-01-29 2019-03-28 Skoda Power Doosan

#4 Generator (For One(1) unit) 2017-06-30 2019-03-01 2019-03-28 Doosan Doosan

#2 Condenser 2018-02-20 2018-09-13 2018-08-30 2018-10-13 2018-09-27 DHHI Doosan

#2 Water Box Vacuum Pump 2018-02-07 2018-10-12 2018-08-30 2018-11-12 2018-09-27 Nskorea Doosan

#3 Condenser 2018-02-20 2018-11-14 2018-10-24 2018-12-13 DHHI Doosan

#3 Water Box Vacuum Pump 2018-02-07 2019-01-11 2019-02-11 Nskorea Doosan

#4 Condenser 2018-02-20 2018-12-13 2018-10-24 2019-01-12 DHHI Doosan

#4 Water Box Vacuum Pump 2018-02-07 2019-02-09 2019-03-13 Nskorea Doosan

#2 PRDS 2017-12-04 2018-11-13 2018-12-12 CCI Doosan

#2 Silencer 2018-03-26 2018-09-20 2018-10-20 Nrtech. Doosan

#2 SRV 2017-12-08 2018-09-20 2018-09-12 2018-10-20 2018-10-01 Jokwang ILI Doosan

#3 PRDS 2017-12-04 2019-01-31 2019-03-04 CCI Doosan

#3 Silencer 2018-03-26 2018-11-10 2018-12-11 Nrtech. Doosan

#3 SRV 2017-12-08 2018-11-10 2018-09-12 2018-12-11 2018-10-01 Jokwang ILI Doosan

#4 PRDS 2017-12-04 2019-03-01 2019-03-29 CCI Doosan

#4 Silencer 2018-03-26 2018-12-13 2019-01-11 Nrtech. Doosan

#4 SRV 2017-12-08 2018-12-13 2019-01-11 Jokwang ILI Doosan

#2 HP BFP 2017-12-12 2018-11-10 2018-11-05 2018-12-11 Hyundai Doosan

#2 Deaerator and Storage Tank 2018-01-19 2018-10-11 2018-08-30 2018-11-10 2018-09-30 DHHI Doosan

#2 CEP 2018-01-08 2018-11-10 2018-12-11 Sspump Doosan

#2 CCWP 2017-12-21 2018-08-31 2018-10-01 wilopump Doosan

#2 PHE (Heat Exchanger) 2017-12-15 2018-10-12 2018-10-23 2018-11-12 HISAKA Doosan

#2 Sampling System 2017-12-12 2018-09-12 2018-09-12 2018-10-12 2018-10-01 Woorisystem Doosan

#2 Chemical Injection System 2018-01-05 2018-10-02 2018-10-24 2018-10-31 Dekatech Doosan

#3 HP BFP 2017-12-12 2019-01-10 2019-02-09 Hyundai Doosan

#3 Deaerator and Storage Tank 2018-01-19 2018-12-12 2019-01-11 DHHI Doosan

#3 CEP 2018-01-08 2019-01-11 2019-02-11 Sspump Doosan

#3 CCWP 2017-12-21 2018-11-01 2018-12-01 wilopump Doosan

#3 PHE (Heat Exchanger) 2017-12-15 2018-12-11 2019-01-10 HISAKA Doosan

#3 Sampling System 2017-12-12 2018-11-30 2018-12-31 Woorisystem Doosan

#3 Chemical Injection System 2018-01-05 2018-12-04 2019-01-02 Dekatech Doosan

#4 HP BFP 2017-12-12 2019-02-08 2019-03-11 Hyundai Doosan

#4 Deaerator and Storage Tank 2018-01-19 2019-01-11 2019-02-11 DHHI Doosan

#4 CEP 2018-01-08 2019-02-12 2019-03-14 Sspump Doosan

#4 CCWP 2017-12-21 2018-12-01 2018-12-31 wilopump Doosan

#4 PHE (Heat Exchanger) 2017-12-15 2019-01-11 2019-02-11 HISAKA Doosan

#4 Sampling System 2017-12-12 2018-11-30 2018-12-31 Woorisystem Doosan

#4 Chemical Injection System 2018-01-05 2019-01-02 2019-02-01 Dekatech Doosan

#2 Compressed Air System 2017-12-19 2018-10-12 2018-09-12 2018-11-13 2018-10-01 Yujin machin. Doosan

N2 Gas Supply System

Common 2018-10-12 2018-11-05 2018-11-13 CCI Doosan
(Cylinder Rack)

#3 Compressed Air System 2017-12-19 2018-12-12 2019-01-11 Yujin machin. Doosan

#4 Compressed Air System 2017-12-19 2019-01-11 2019-02-11 Yujin machin. Doosan

#2 Critical Pipe (Large Bore) 2017-11-25 2018-09-20 2018-10-18 Doosan Doosan

#2 CW Piping 2018-04-06 2018-09-20 2018-10-18 HLB Doosan

Pipe Support and Hanger

#2 2017-11-25 2018-09-20 2018-10-18 Doosan Doosan
Assembly(Critical Large)

#2 Manual Valve(Casting) 2018-09-20 2018-11-05 2018-10-18 Samshin Doosan

#2 Piping Insulation Package 2018-09-20 2018-10-18 Doosan

Common ST Building Main Crane 2017-12-20 2018-06-30 2018-08-19 2018-08-15 2018-09-08 Koreahoist Doosan

#3 Critical Pipe (Large Bore) 2017-11-25 2018-11-10 2018-12-11 Doosan Doosan

#3 CW Piping 2018-04-06 2018-11-10 2018-12-11 HLB Doosan

Pipe Support and Hanger

#3 2017-11-25 2018-11-10 2018-12-11 Doosan Doosan
Assembly(Critical Large)

#3 Manual Valve(Casting) 2018-11-10 2018-12-11 Samshin Doosan

#3 Piping Insulation Package 2018-11-10 2018-12-11 Doosan

#4 Critical Pipe (Large Bore) 2017-11-25 2018-12-12 2019-01-11 Doosan Doosan

#4 CW Piping 2018-04-06 2018-12-12 2019-01-11 HLB Doosan

Pipe Support and Hanger

#4 2017-11-25 2018-12-12 2019-01-11 Doosan Doosan
Assembly(Critical Large)

#4 Manual Valve(Casting) 2018-12-12 2019-01-11 Samshin Doosan

#4 Piping Insulation Package 2018-12-12 2019-01-11 Doosan

Common MOV(Gate/Globe) 2017-11-27 2018-08-31 2018-09-12 2018-10-01 2018-10-01 Samshin Doosan

#2 Control Valve 2017-11-13 2018-08-31 2018-09-12 2018-10-01 2018-10-01 CCI Doosan

#2 Transmitter 2018-02-19 2018-08-31 2018-10-01 Samwoo Instech Doosan

#3 Control Valve 2017-11-13 2018-08-31 2018-09-12 2018-10-01 2018-10-01 CCI Doosan

#3 Transmitter 2018-02-19 2018-11-01 2018-12-01 Samwoo Instech Doosan

#4 Control Valve 2017-11-13 2018-08-31 2018-09-12 2018-10-01 2018-10-01 CCI Doosan

#4 Transmitter 2018-02-19 2018-12-01 2018-12-31 Samwoo Instech Doosan

#2 DCS (For Power Receiving) 2018-01-11 2018-10-26 2018-11-09 Honeywell Doosan

#2 DCS (For Entire Plant) 2018-01-11 2018-12-12 2018-12-25 Honeywell Doosan

#3 DCS (For Power Receiving) 2018-01-11 2018-11-27 2018-12-11 Honeywell Doosan

#3 DCS (For Entire Plant) 2018-01-11 2019-01-10 2019-01-24 Honeywell Doosan

#4 DCS (For Power Receiving) 2018-01-11 2019-01-26 2019-02-09 Honeywell Doosan

#4 DCS (For Entire Plant) 2018-01-11 2019-03-13 2019-03-26 Honeywell Doosan

#2 Step up Transformer 2018-02-25 2018-10-05 2018-12-21 2018-10-19 2019-01-04 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 UAT 2018-03-30 2018-10-05 2018-12-13 2018-10-20 2018-12-28 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 CGIB 2018-03-30 2018-10-23 2018-10-07 2018-11-22 2018-11-06 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 ST GCB 2018-01-25 2018-08-28 2018-09-04 2018-09-11 2018-09-18 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 IPB 2018-02-25 2018-10-23 2018-10-18 2018-11-22 2018-11-17 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 500kV Substation 2018-02-25 2018-10-05 2018-11-15 2018-11-03 2018-12-14 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 Battery 2018-03-06 2018-10-19 2018-11-02 ABB India Ltd HK

Energitama Catu
#2 DC & UPS 2018-08-10 2018-10-19 2018-11-02 HK

#2 MV SWGR 2018-01-25 2018-10-25 2018-10-05 2018-11-08 2018-10-19 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 LV SWGR 2018-03-10 2018-09-20 2018-09-25 2018-10-04 2018-10-09 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 Raceway 2018-03-20 2018-07-24 2018-07-15 2018-08-21 2018-08-12 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 Electrical Cable 2018-03-20 2018-05-15 2018-07-29 2018-05-29 2018-08-12 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 Lighting Equip. 2018-10-06 2018-10-20 HK

#2 Earthing & Lightning 2018-02-25 2018-03-06 2018-05-29 2018-03-20 2018-06-12 ABB India Ltd. HK

#2 Power Metering Equip. 2018-11-22 2018-12-22 HK

#2 Intake Screening Equip. 2018-05-25 2018-11-07 2018-12-25 2018-11-22 2018-12-25 Beaudrey HK

#2 CWP 2018-01-26 2018-10-18 2018-12-25 2018-11-01 2018-12-06 Hyosung Good springs HK

#2 Overhead Traveling Crane 2018-09-20 2018-11-22 2018-10-20 1900-01-00 HK

#3 Step up Transformer 2018-02-25 2018-11-01 2019-01-15 2018-11-15 2019-01-29 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 UAT 2018-03-30 2018-11-01 2018-12-14 2018-11-15 2018-12-28 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 CGIB 2018-03-30 2018-11-21 2018-10-23 2018-12-05 2018-11-06 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 ST GCB 2018-01-25 2018-11-22 2018-08-20 2018-12-21 2018-09-18 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 IPB 2018-02-25 2018-11-23 2018-11-04 2018-12-24 2018-12-05 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 500kV Substation 2018-02-25 2018-10-06 2018-11-13 2018-11-06 2018-12-14 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 Battery 2018-03-06 2018-10-19 2018-11-02 ABB India Ltd

Energitama Catu
#3 DC & UPS 2018-08-10 2018-10-19 2018-11-02 HK

#3 MV SWGR 2018-01-25 2018-10-25 2018-11-02 2018-11-08 2018-11-16 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 LV SWGR 2018-03-10 2018-09-20 2018-10-26 2018-10-04 2018-11-09 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 Raceway 2018-03-20 2018-08-22 2018-08-14 2018-09-21 2018-09-13 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 Electrical Cable 2018-03-20 2018-05-15 2018-08-30 2018-05-29 2018-09-13 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 Lighting Equip. 2018-10-06 2018-10-19 HK

#3 Earthing & Lightning 2018-02-25 2018-03-06 2018-06-16 2018-03-20 2018-06-30 ABB India Ltd. HK

#3 Power Metering Equip. 2018-12-21 2019-01-21 HK

#3 CWP 2018-01-26 2018-11-17 2018-12-23 2018-12-01 2019-01-06 Hyosung Good springs HK

#4 Step up Transformer 2018-02-25 2018-11-21 2019-01-27 2018-12-06 2019-02-11 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 UAT 2018-03-30 2018-11-21 2018-12-13 2018-12-06 2018-12-28 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 CGIB 2018-03-30 2018-11-21 2018-10-23 2018-12-05 2018-11-06 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 ST GCB 2018-01-25 2019-01-23 2018-08-20 2019-02-21 2018-09-18 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 IPB 2018-02-25 2019-01-23 2018-12-11 2019-02-23 2019-01-11 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 500kV Substation 2018-02-25 2019-01-05 2018-11-14 2019-02-04 2018-12-14 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 Battery 2018-03-06 2018-10-19 2018-11-02 ABB India Ltd HK

Energitama Catu
#4 DC & UPS 2018-08-10 2018-10-19 2018-11-02 HK

#4 MV SWGR 2018-01-25 2018-10-25 2018-11-02 2018-11-08 2018-11-16 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 LV SWGR 2018-03-10 2018-09-20 2018-12-22 2018-10-04 2019-01-05 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 Raceway 2018-03-20 2018-09-20 2018-08-14 2018-10-20 2018-09-13 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 Electrical Cable 2018-03-20 2018-05-15 2018-08-30 2018-05-29 2018-09-13 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 Lighting Equip. 2018-10-06 2018-10-19 HK

#4 Earthing & Lightning 2018-02-25 2018-03-06 2018-06-16 2018-03-20 2018-06-30 ABB India Ltd. HK

#4 Power Metering Equip. 2019-02-21 2019-03-23 HK

#4 CWP 2018-01-26 2018-12-19 2018-12-23 2019-01-02 2019-01-06 Hyosung Good springs HK

Common Desalination Plant 2018-04-12 2018-11-23 2019-04-26 2018-12-21 2019-04-26 HK

Common WWTS 2018-10-17 2019-03-02 2018-10-31 2019-03-02 HK

Common Chlorination Plant 2018-05-25 2018-12-19 2019-04-09 2019-01-02 2019-04-09 Denora HK

Common HVAC 2018-11-17 2019-04-01 2018-12-01 2019-04-01 HK

Common Fire Fighting 2018-07-25 2018-08-22 2019-01-01 2018-09-05 2019-01-01 Indolok Bakti Utama HK

2018-09-11 HK
Common EDG 2018-06-04 2019-01-05 2019-02-05 2019-01-05 Indo Marine

2018-05-25 2018-12-20 Teledyne HK

Common Aux. Boiler 2018-11-02 2018-09-25 2018-11-02

2018-12-04 HK
Common H2 system 2018-07-10 2019-01-09 2019-01-03 2019-01-09 Lautan Organo

Common WTS 2018-12-04 2019-03-02 2018-12-18 2019-03-02 HK

1.2.3 Construction & Commissioning

Excavation work and foundation work for civil structures described in below has been
conducted during the reporting period. Progress related to the construction activities
are contained in chapter 3.1.3 of this report.

No. System/ Area Activity Actual Date L3

Steel Structure Erection S 18-08-29 18-06-02

1 HRSG #21
Steel Structure Erection Continue 18-11-30 (F) 18-08-06

Steel Structure Erection S 18-09-16 18-06-09

Steel Structure Erection Continue 18-12-10 (F) 18-08-13

2 HRSG #22 Miscellaneous Building in HRSG S 18-07-01

Hold & doing

Miscellaneous Building in HRSG : 50 / 100% Continue 19-01-08 (F) after
Steel Structure Erection S 18-10-24 18-07-17
3 HRSG #31
Steel Structure Erection Continue 19-01-10 18-09-15

Miscellaneous Building in HRSG S 18-08-03

4 HRSG #32
Miscellaneous Building in HRSG : 100 / 100% C 18-07-06

Miscellaneous Building in HRSG S 18-07-20

5 HRSG #33 Hold & doing

Miscellaneous Building in HRSG : 50 / 100% Continue 18-12-23 (F) after damper

Miscellaneous Building in HRSG S 18-07-19

6 HRSG #41 Hold & doing

Miscellaneous Building in HRSG : 50 / 100% Continue 18-11-18 (F) after damper
Diverter Damper Installation S 18-10-05 18-07-26

Diverter Damper Installation C 18-10-22 18-08-06

Miscellaneous Building in HRSG S 18-07-19

7 HRSG #42
Miscellaneous Building in HRSG : 100 / 100% C 18-10-15

Diverter Damper Installation S 18-10-07 18-07-30

Diverter Damper Installation C 18-10-29 18-08-09

Excavation work : S 18-09-09 18-03-23 (S)

8 HRSG #43
Excavation work : 1695 / 1695 m3 Continue 18-11-05 (F) 18-08-14 (F)

Foundation work S 18-10-03 18-05-17 (S)

Foundation work : / 719,3 m3 Continue 18-11-29 (F) 18-07-17 (F)

Hold & doing

after erection
9 Pipe Rack #20 Bore Pile Work (#20) : 4 / 10 pile (q’ty) Continue 19-01-31 HRSG Column

Excavation work: S 18-08-24 18-04-10

Excavation work: 33 / 100 % Continue 18-11-24 (F) 18-05-14

Foundation work S 18-10-04 18-05-15 (S)

Foundation work : 28 / 178 m3 Continue 18-12-21 (F) 18-07-20 (F)

10 Pipe Rack #40
Bore Pile Work (#20) : 2 / 7 pile (q’ty) Continue 18-11-10
11 STG Building#2
Foundation work S 18-05-09 18-04-02 (S)

Foundation work : 1221 / 1374,45 m3 Continue 18-11-11 (F) 18-05-25 (F)

Steel Structure Erection S 18-09-06 18-05-28

12 STG Pedestal#2 Steel Structure Erection : 77,5 / 1123 MT Continue 19-02-11 (F) 18-11-07

Pedestal work (#02) S 18-07-23 18-04-02 (S)

Pedestal work (#02) : 487 / 839 m3 Continue 18-11-05 (F) 18-05-25 (F)

Foundation work S 18-06-28 18-04-02 (S)

STG Building#3
Foundation work : 463,42 / 1267,21 m3 Continue 18-11-11 (F) 18-05-25 (F)
14 STG Pedestal #3
Excavation (#30) : S 18-05-26 18-03-12 (S)

Excavation (#30) : 2570 / 3427 m3 Continue 18-11-09 (F) 18-03-24

Excavation (#40) : S 18-07-11 18-03-12 (S)

Excavation (#40) : 2157 / 3427 m3 Continue 18-11-25 (F) 18-03-24

15 STG Building #4
Foundation work (#04) S 18-08-03 (S) 18-07-0(S)
16 CCB
Foundation work (#04) : 421,8 / 1259,18 m3 Continue 18-12-17 (F) 18-09-07 (F)

Ground Floor Work : S 18-08-13 18-05-11 (S)

Ground Floor Work : 47,3 / 126,3 m3 Continue 18-11-30 (F) 18-06-29 (F)

Mezzanine Floor Work : S 18-09-08 18-06-25 (S)

Mezzanine Floor Work : 165,7 / 165,7 m3 C 18-10-21 18-08-09 (F)

Operating Floor Work : S 18-09-30 18-07-30

Operating Floor Work : 158,6 / 158,6 m3 C 18-10-28 18-09-17

Roof Work : S 18-10-13 18-09-05

Raw Water Tank
17 Roof Work : 85 / 115 m3 Continue 18-11-15 (F) 18-10-22
Foundation work: S 18-09-01 18-05-12(S)

Foundation work: 366,7 / 366,7 m3 C 18-10-02 18-05-30(F)

18 Raw Water Shelter Foundation work: S 18-10-11 18-05-12(S)

Foundation work: / 136,7 m3 Continue 18-11-27 18-05-30(F)

Make-up Water
19 Foundation work: S 18-09-04 18-04-20(S)
Tank FDN
Foundation work: 306,6 / 306,6 m3 Continue 18-10-07 18-05-02(F)

20 Transformer #2 Foundation work: S 18-10-04 18-04-18

Foundation work: 57 / 57 pile Continue 18-12-18(F) 18-08-24

21 Transformer #3 Piling Work S 18-09-16 18-04-11

Piling Work : 60 / 60 pile C 18-10-01 18-04-18

22 Transformer #4 Piling Work S 18-10-03 18-04-11

Piling Work : 60 / 60 pile C 18-10-20 18-04-18

23 Desalination Plant Piling Work S 18-09-20 18-05-03

Piling Work : 86 / 86 pile C 18-10-17 18-03-16

24 El. Chlorination Bore Piling Work S 18-09-22 18-05-12

Bore Piling Work : 41 / 41 pile C 18-10-08 18-06-14

25 WWTP Bore Piling Work S 18-10-06 18-01-24

Bore Piling Work : 78 / 78 pile C 18-10-24 18-02-21

26 MCC CWPH Bore Piling Work S 18-10-17

Bore Piling Work : 21 / 21 pile C 18-10-25

27 GIB SH-1 Piling Work S 18-10-04 18-04-17

Piling Work : 18 / 18 pile C 18-10-08 18-04-30

28 GIB SH-2 Piling Work S 18-10-10 18-05-18

Piling Work : 26 / 42 pile Continue 18-11-07 (F) 18-06-05

29 CW-Inlet Piling & Bore Pile Work S 18-05-21

Piling & Bore Pile Work : 189 / 189 pile C 18-10-10

30 CW-Discharge Piling & Bore Pile Work S 18-06-30 18-03-26

Piling & Bore Pile Work : 154 / 256 pile Continue 18-10-31 18-04-23

2. Project Highlight
As of reporting date, it is examined that key milestone can be achieved on planned date if
critical path items are managed closely. The information related to critical path is contained in
Appendix #2 Muara Tawar_PJT Current Schedule (Critical Path).

[Key milestone of the Project for Block2]

Forecast Date Forecast Date

Key Milestone Start Plan Date
Last month this month

NTP Start 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 2017-12-21

First Piling (Intake Area) Start 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 2017-11-10
Start of HRSG #21 Erection works Start 2018-06-02 2018-08-29 2018-08-29
STG #20 On Foundation Start 2018-11-28 (2019-04-26) (2019-05-28)
Power Receiving Finish 2019-01-24 (2019-10-10) (2019-08-25)
HRSG #21 Hydro Test Start 2019-01-31 (2019-06-26) (2019-07-24)
Steam Blowing out Start 2019-05-25 (2020-01-25) (2020-01-25)
Reliability Test Start 2019-10-01 (2020-06-02) (2020-06-02)
Commercial Operation Date #2 Finish 2019-12-20 (2019-12-20) (2019-12-20)

[Key milestone of the Project for Block3]

Forecast Date Forecast Date

Key Milestone Start Plan Date
Last month this month

Start of HRSG #31 Erection works Start 2018-07-17 (2018-10-23) 2018-10-23

STG #30 On Foundation Start 2019-02-27 (2019-05-27) (2019-07-05)
Power Receiving Finish 2019-03-02 (2019-11-29) (2019-09-17)
HRSG #31 Hydro Test start 2019-04-05 (2019-12-30) (2019-11-08)
Steam Blowing out Start 2019-08-29 (2020-04-02) (2020-05-01)
Reliability Test Start 2019-12-30 (2020-08-03) (2020-09-02)
Commercial Operation Date #3 Finish 2020-03-20 (2020-03-20) (2020-03-20)

[Key milestone of the Project for Block4]

Forecast Date Forecast Date

Key Milestone Start Plan Date
Last month this month

Start of HRSG #41 Erection works Start 2018-09-15 (2018-12-20) (2019-01-12)

STG #40 On Foundation Start 2019-03-28 (2019-06-14) (2019-07-15)
Power Receiving Finish 2019-05-03 (2020-02-08) (2019-10-10)
HRSG #41 Hydro Test start 2019-05-15 (2020-02-05) (2019-12-16)
Steam Blowing out Start 2019-11-29 (2020-08-09) (2020-06-19)
Reliability Test Start 2020-04-01 (2020-12-10) (2020-10-19)
Commercial Operation Date #4 Finish 2020-06-20 (2020-06-20) (2020-06-20)

2.1 Area of Concern

Owner’s supports and mutual agreement are required to complete project successfully and
to minimize the project impacts. So, Contractor would like to inform this with described
items below.

1. IDR Payment

- As consortium have reported to request expedition for local currency payment, we

finally released material from the factory. However, the current delay for real payment
still cause the critical impact on project execution, especially local manufacturing
progress and delivery schedule due to the delay of laydown handover.

- Consortium have supported and provided all documents requested by the Owner by
the end of February, 2018 and waited for the completion of the Loan Effectiveness
information till now because the Consortium has no right and obligation for the Loan
Effectiveness. This is the root cause for delay payment of local currency which is
defined by the progress payment. Even if we agreed to hold all progress payment till
the loan effectiveness, there was also mutual agreement for the expected completion
date for loan effectiveness as 3 months after NTP date. But the duration have been
postponed with novation of contract and cumulated impacts shall be considered by
Owner for proper compensation. So Detail impact will be reported and any further
impact cannot be endured by Contractor.

2. Shutdown Schedule for Diverter Damper

- As Consortium reported to Owner via our letter No. MRT-DS-PJB-LC-180090 on 29th

October, 2018, Outage schedule for replacement of diverter Damper #33, 41, 42, 43 has
been changed several times due to Owner’s request.

- As a result, due to uncontrollable and unexpectable reasons, Project Overall Schedule

will be impacted to Block 3 for 165days and Block 4 for 112days on COD so we kindly
would like to request owner to consent our extension of time (“EOT”) accordingly.

3. Pre-Requisite Data

- To finalize the design without any delay, the consortium would like to request the
Owner to provide the pre-requisite data as follow

- Data of existing CCB GA or Arch. Drawing For Plant Layout Design

- Data of existing Road Layout and general spec. Design for "For Plant Layout Design -to
understand the previous road design spec. and define available space for add-on plant.

- Data of Existing Ring Main Layout & Detail for Plant Layout Design to prevent crash
between existing and new one.

- As Built Drawing, calculation of Existing Central Control Building (Block 1) for Design
Modification of Central Control Building

- Existing Gas Turbine correction curve full set for each block because exhaust gas data
for various site condition are required for design finalization of the main equipment of
combined cycle. However, only one condition for GT exhaust gas data at RSC ( 30
deg.C/83% RH ) in RFP

- Correction curve full set for each block- Existing Gas Turbine exhaust gas data at
max/min site condition (at least)

- Consortium would like to remind Owner that all the design for this project shall be
conducted based on Contract requirement and we cannot guarantee any deviation for
real value against contract requirement.

4. Difficulties for Commercial Aspect

- After Owner and Consortium made the Contract for this project, both parties have been

carrying out the project smoothly with cooperation and support each other. Nowadays,

some of the commercial aspects are expected to make unnecessary losses for both

parties in future. So, the Consortium would like to inform the Owner of our intention to

amend some conditions through the mutual agreement with Owner.

- In one case, the ‘Training’ item on the Contract schedule include both amounts at

onshore and offshore together. However, corresponding item shall be considered as

service activities, so Indonesian government will request relevant tax for both amount.

However, it will not be easy to pay this tax for offshore amount for Owner.

- In addition, since the price schedule does not distinguish the amount of each

consortium party, it is practically impossible to check the invoiced amount from each

consortium party.

- Due to this reason, Consortium will gather the concerned matters as soon as possible,

and we will conduct the separate meeting to finalize any issue together.

5. Site Inspection for Arrived Materials

- Consortium have requested proper inspection at site as adopting Owner’s need during

site meeting. However, current requirement from Owner like huge volume of open

inspection, PMI, dimension checking and additional submittal for all fabrication

drawings are very excessive comparing contract requirement and it have caused

project impact seriously. Owner still have refused to give signed MRRs for so many

items due to lack of this additional requirement, and this impact shall not be born to


- Contractor have to request Owner to optimize the inspection schedule according to

Contract, and we want to propose that 2 weeks after material receipt will be the

maximum duration for every receiving inspection for delivered materials. And

additional requirement shall not be the disturbance for material receiving inspection.

Even if Consortium accept this additional demands, it shall be conducted separately

with normal receiving inspection

2.2 List of Unaccomplished major activities

Activities which are not completed in this reporting period and have less than 20 days float
listed compare to previous reporting period plan. The major unaccomplished activities
described like below
The main reason for unaccomplishment is described in Article 2.1 Area of Concern.

1) Forecast date of purchase order has been revised in below table without revision of

other schedule such as F.O.B and On-site. To mitigate a shorten period of

procurement in this item, acceleration of reviewing document and drawing for

below is required. Owner’s support is required to expedite of reviewing document

and drawings


PO F.O.B/EXW On site
Unit Item Changed Vendor Division
L3 L3 L3
PO date
#2 (Power Metering Equip) 2018-01-22 2018-12-21 2018-11-22 2019-01-22 TBA HK

#2 (Cathodic Protection 2017-12-21 2018-11-25 2018-11-22 2019-01-22 TBA

#2 (Overhead Traveling Crane) 2017-12-21 2018-11-20 2018-09-20 2019-01-20 TBA HK
#3 (Power Metering Equip) 2018-01-22 2018-12-21 2018-12-21 2019-01-21 TBA HK
#3 (Cathodic Protection 2017-12-21 2018-11-25 2018-12-21 2019-01-21 TBA
#4 (Power Metering Equip) 2018-01-22 2018-12-21 2019-02-21 2019-03-23 TBA HK
#4 (Cathodic Protection 2017-12-21 2018-11-25 2019-02-21 2019-03-23 TBA
Com (Sump Pump) 2018-01-19 2018-11-07 2018-11-20 2019-01-20 TBA HK
(Workshop &
Com Laboratory) _Over Head 2018-02-23 2018-12-31 2018-08-24 2019-02-07 TBA HK
mon Traveling Bridge Crane
Com (Workshop & 2018-02-23 2018-12-31 2018-08-24 2019-02-07 TBA HK
mon Laboratory) _Laboratory


Activity ID Activity Plan Forecasting Start/

Start Finish Start Finish Complete

3CF1600W20A1 (HRSG #32 S/Structure & 2018-09-04 2018-10-20 2018-11-30 2019-02-07
230 Casing) S/Structure & S
Casing Installation
3CF1700W20A1 (HRSG #33 S/Structure & 2018-09-21 2018-11-06 2018-12-31 2019-03-10
450 Casing) S/Structure & S
Casing Installation
3CF2010W12A1 (STG #30 BLDG) 2018-06-30 2018-12-11 2018-11-21 2019-03-07
680 Structure Work(S/S) S

3CF2020W16A1 (ST #30) FDN Work 2018-04-25 2018-05-28 2018-11-19 2019-01-17

3CF3020W12A2 (CEP) Excavation #3 2018-04-12 2018-04-18 2018-11-29 2018-12-07
3CF3020W16A2 (CEP) FDN Work #3 2018-04-19 2018-05-28 2018-12-08 2019-01-20
4CF2010W12A1 (STG #40 BLDG) Structure 2018-09-05 2019-02-08 2018-12-31 2019-03-13
680 Work(S/S)
4CF2020W16A1 (ST #40) FDN Work 2018-06-26 2018-07-23 2018-12-21 2019-02-29
4CF3020W12A2 (CEP) Excavation #4 2018-06-23 2018-06-28 2018-12-12 2018-12-16
4CF3020W16A2 (CEP) FDN Work #4 2018-06-29 2018-08-09 2018-12-17 2019-01-30
4CF3015W16A2 (Pipe Rack) FDN Work 2018-08-10 2018-10-15 2018-11-27 2019-01-22
0CF3550W14A1 (Aux. Boiler) Piling Work 2018-05-31 2018-07-06 2018-11-23 2018-12-11

2.3 List of Next Month Activities

Activities scheduled to be started or completed during next reporting period are listed with
their forecasted schedule as below:

Start/Co Forecasting
No. System/ Area Activity L3
mplete Date
1 Overhead Traveling Crane Purchase Order C 2018-11-25 2017-12-21

2 Cathodic Protection Purchase Order C 2018-11-25 2017-12-21

3 Power Metering Equipment Purchase Order C 2018-11-25 2017-12-21

4 Make Up Water Tank Purchase Order C 2018-11-30 2018-01-19

5 Raw Water Tank Purchase Order C 2018-11-30 2018-01-10

6 Central Laboratory Purchase Order C 2018-11-30 2018-02-23

7 STG Building #20 Foundation Work : 1273/1273 m3 C 2018-11-15 2018-05-26

Pedestal Work : 839 / 839 m3 C 2018-11-25 2018-07-11

8 STG Pedestal #20 Foundation Work : 1127/1127 m3 C 2018-11-30 2018-07-03

9 STG Building #30

10 STG Pedestal #30 Excavation (#30) : 3427 / 3427m3 C 2018-11-18 2018-04-24

Foundation (#30) : 714 / 714m3 S 2018-11-20 2018-04-24

11 STG Building #40 Excavation (#40) : 3426 / 3426m3 C 2018-11-17 2018-06-25

Foundation Work : 1127/1127 m3 C 2018-11-30 2018-07-03

12 (DPB) Excavation Work Excavation Work : 50 / 100 % C 2018-11-31 2018-03-16

13 (DPS) Excavation Work Excavation Work : 50 / 100 % C 2018-11-30 2018-03-16

14 (Step-up TR) FDN & Firewall Work Foundation Work : 503 / 503 m3 C 2018-11-30 2018-08-24

15 (CCR BLDG) Roof Work Concrete Work : 115 / 115 m3 C 2018-11-30 2018-10-22

16 (Aux. Boiler) Piling Work Piling Work : / 9 pile S 2018-11-22 2018-05-31

17 (Workshop & Laboratory) Excavation : / 100% S 2018-11-20 2018-04-02


18 (H2 Equipment) Excavation Excavation : / 100% S 2018-11-20 2018-06-13

19 (H2 Equipment) FDN Work Foundation Work : / 98,5sS S 2018-11-25 2018-06-26


20 (DWP BLDG) FDN Work Foundation Work : / 56,96 m3 S 2018-11-01 2018-04-23

21 (Chlorination BLDG) Excavation Excavation : / 100% S 2018-11-15 2018-06-22

22 S/Structure & Casing Installation S/S Installation : / 100% S 2018-11-17 2018-07-28

HRSG #3.2

23 EDG BLDG Piling Work Piling Work : / 26 pile S 2018-11-12 2018-03-21

24 (Step-up TR) Excavation #03 Excavation : / 100% S 2018-11-22 2018-05-04

3. Schedule Performance & Analysis
The accumulative progress status of the individual activities is shown in chapter 3.1 and
Appendix #8 - Monthly Target and Actual Progress Chart and Table based on the progress
achievement on the individual activities.

3.1 Overall Progress Performance

Up to In this Actual Plan
Departmental Difference
Previous Month Accumulated(A) Accumulated(B)
Activity (A-B)
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Engineering 5% 3.37% 0.31% 3.67% 4.75% -1.07%
Procurement 65% 44.99% 4.17% 49.17% 50.05% -0.88%
Construction 27% 6.57% 0.51% 7.08% 12.97% -5.90%
Commissioning 3% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total 100% 54.93% 4.99% 59.92% 67.77% -7.85%

Overall Progress
10.00% 100.00%

9.00% 90.00%

8.00% 80.00%

7.00% 70.00%

6.00% 60.00%

5.00% 50.00%

4.00% 40.00%
Overall S-Curve

3.00% 30.00%

2.00% 20.00%

1.00% 10.00%

0.00% 0.00%

Plan Monthly Actual Monthly Plan Accumulate Actual Accumulate

0.00% Aug-17

0.59% Nov-17

7.29% May-18

8.09% Aug-18

7.76% Nov-18

1.16% May-19

0.33% Aug-19

0.07% Nov-19

0.04% May-20
0.00% Jun-17

0.18% Sep-17

1.20% Dec-17

3.47% Jan-18

4.48% Feb-18

5.32% Mar-18

6.24% Apr-18

7.18% Jun-18

6.88% Sep-18

6.50% Dec-18

5.17% Jan-19

3.79% Feb-19

3.22% Mar-19

2.37% Apr-19

0.55% Jun-19

0.13% Sep-19

0.07% Dec-19

0.18% Jan-20

0.07% Feb-20

0.04% Mar-20

0.01% Apr-20

0.01% Jun-20
0.00% Jul-17

0.31% Oct-17

7.80% Jul-18

8.74% Oct-18

0.60% Jul-19

0.17% Oct-19
WF (%)
Actual Accum Actual Plan Accum

WF (%)



































WF (%)

















WF (%)

















[S-Curve Trend Analysis]

The progress gap between plan and actual compared to last month, overall progress is
behind 7.85%. The actual curve trend is maintaining early plan S-curve; it also can be
interpreted, the actual curve is positioned above compared to plan S-curve.

Engineering S-Curve
Actual Accum Actual Plan Accum Plan
WF (%) WF (%) WF (%) WF (%)

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jun-17

0.16% 0.16% 0.00% 0.00% Jul-17

0.59% 0.43% 0.01% 0.01% Aug-17

1.30% 0.71% 0.38% 0.37% Sep-17

4.34% 3.04% 3.50% 3.11% Oct-17

12.40% 8.06% 10.57% 7.07% Nov-17

17.22% 4.82% 21.19% 10.62% Dec-17

19.15% 1.93% 35.90% 14.72% Jan-18

[S-Curve Trend Analysis]

Clause 1.2.1 Engineering.

21.45% 2.30% 53.10% 17.19% Feb-18

is positioned below 21.42%.

3.1.1 Engineering Progress

33.99% 12.53% 66.33% 13.24% Mar-18

40.32% 6.34% 77.19% 10.85% Apr-18

47.51% 7.19% 84.62% 7.44% May-18

Plan Monthly
56.36% 8.85% 88.88% 4.26% Jun-18

62.36% 6.00% 91.93% 3.05% Jul-18

66.30% 3.94% 93.71% 1.78% Aug-18

67.38% 1.08% 94.42% 0.71% Sep-18

Actual Monthly
73.49% 6.11% 94.91% 0.49% Oct-18

94.94% 0.03% Nov-18

94.98% 0.03% Dec-18

95.00% 0.02% Jan-19

Engineering Progress

95.00% 0.00% Feb-19

Plan Accumulate

95.00% 0.00% Mar-19

95.00% 0.00% Apr-19

95.00% 0.00% May-19

95.00% 0.00% Jun-19

95.00% 0.00% Jul-19

Actual Accumulate

95.00% 0.00% Aug-19

95.00% 0.00% Sep-19

value 0.49%. The departmental-wise progress is summarized as follows;

97.50% 2.50% Oct-19

97.50% 0.00% Nov-19

97.50% 0.00% Dec-19

100.00% 2.50% Jan-20

100.00% 0.00% Feb-20

100.00% 0.00% Mar-20

This progress status archived up to this reporting period is 73.49% compared to plan

Main delay factor is came from submission drawings. Detail information is described as
The progress gap between plan and actual compared to last month, overall engineering
value 94.91%. The progress status archived in this month is 6.11% compared to plan

100.00% 0.00% Apr-20

100.00% 0.00% May-20


100.00% 0.00% Jun-20

Procurement S-Curve
Actual Accum Actual Plan Accum Plan

WF (%) WF (%) WF (%) WF (%)


0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jun-17

0.05% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% Jul-17

1.42% 1.36% 0.00% 0.00% Aug-17

3.23% 1.81% 0.00% 0.00% Sep-17

6.11% 2.88% 0.04% 0.04% Oct-17

10.03% 3.93% 0.38% 0.34% Nov-17

15.19% 5.16% 1.26% 0.88% Dec-17

20.72% 5.53% 3.52% 2.26% Jan-18

[S-Curve Trend Analysis]

25.98% 5.26% 7.05% 3.53% Feb-18

30.80% 4.82% 12.56% 5.51% Mar-18

35.76% 4.96% 19.46% 6.91% Apr-18

3.1.2 Procurement Progress

39.45% 3.69% 28.20% 8.74% May-18

Plan Monthly
46.57% 7.12% 37.43% 9.23% Jun-18

53.23% 6.66% 47.39% 9.96% Jul-18

61.56% 8.33% 58.11% 10.71% Aug-18

69.22% 7.66% 67.07% 8.96% Sep-18

Actual Monthly
75.64% 6.41% 77.00% 9.93% Oct-18

85.15% 8.15% Nov-18

90.82% 5.67% Dec-18

94.91% 4.10% Jan-19

Procurement Progress

97.41% 2.50% Feb-19

Plan Accumulate

99.07% 1.66% Mar-19

99.80% 0.73% Apr-19

100.00% 0.20% May-19

100.00% 0.00% Jun-19

100.00% 0.00% Jul-19

Actual Accumulate

100.00% 0.00% Aug-19

100.00% 0.00% Sep-19

100.00% 0.00% Oct-19

value 9.93%. The departmental-wise progress is summarized as follows;

100.00% 0.00% Nov-19

100.00% 0.00% Dec-19

100.00% 0.00% Jan-20

100.00% 0.00% Feb-20

100.00% 0.00% Mar-20

100.00% 0.00% Apr-20

Potential delay factor is came from delay of purchasing order issuance for remain
The progress gap between plan and actual compared to last month, overall
This progress status archived up to this reporting period is 75.64% compared to plan

equipment. Detail information is described as Clause 2.2 List of major unaccomplished

procurement is positioned below 1.36%. The curve trend is maintaining early plan S-
value 77.00%. The progress status archived in this month is 6.41% compared to plan

100.00% 0.00% May-20


100.00% 0.00% Jun-20

Construction S-Curve
Actual Accum Actual Plan Accum Plan
WF (%) WF (%) WF (%) WF (%)


0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jun-17

0.09% 0.09% 0.00% 0.00% Jul-17

0.16% 0.06% 0.01% 0.01% Aug-17

0.22% 0.06% 0.59% 0.58% Sep-17

0.22% 0.00% 1.06% 0.48% Oct-17

0.27% 0.05% 1.13% 0.07% Nov-17

0.33% 0.06% 1.50% 0.37% Dec-17

0.60% 0.27% 6.18% 4.68% Jan-18

[S-Curve Trend Analysis]

0.97% 0.37% 11.08% 4.90% Feb-18

1.27% 0.30% 15.07% 3.99% Mar-18

3.1.3 Construction Progress

1.78% 0.52% 19.53% 4.46% Apr-18

13.26% 11.48% 24.13% 4.60% May-18

Plan Monthly
16.45% 3.19% 27.71% 3.58% Jun-18

21.30% 4.85% 32.05% 4.34% Jul-18

23.43% 2.14% 35.90% 3.85% Aug-18

24.32% 0.89% 39.67% 3.77% Sep-18

Construction is positioned behind 21.84%.

Actual Monthly
26.21% 1.89% 48.05% 8.39% Oct-18

57.16% 9.10% Nov-18

67.31% 10.15% Dec-18

75.59% 8.28% Jan-19

Construction Progress

82.15% 6.57% Feb-19

Plan Accumulate

89.01% 6.86% Mar-19

94.29% 5.28% Apr-19

96.99% 2.70% May-19

98.12% 1.13% Jun-19

99.34% 1.22% Jul-19

Actual Accumulate

99.80% 0.47% Aug-19

99.84% 0.04% Sep-19

99.86% 0.02% Oct-19

value 8.39%. The departmental-wise progress is summarized as follows;

99.89% FALSE Nov-19

99.92% 0.03% Dec-19

information is described as Clause 2.2 List of major unaccomplished activities.

99.97% 0.05% Jan-20

100.00% 0.03% Feb-20

100.00% 0.00% Mar-20

100.00% 0.00% Apr-20

Main delay factor is came from delay of Starting Piling and Excavation works. Detail
The progress gap between plan and actual compared to last month, overall
This progress status archived up to this reporting period is 26.21% compared to plan
value 48.05%. The progress status archived in this month is 1.89% compared to plan

100.00% 0.00% May-20


100.00% 0.00% Jun-20

Commissioning S-Curve
Actual Accum Actual Plan Accum Plan
WF (%) WF (%) WF (%) WF (%)

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jun-17

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jul-17

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Aug-17

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Sep-17

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Oct-17

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Nov-17

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Dec-17

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jan-18

[S-Curve Trend Analysis]

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Feb-18

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Mar-18

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Apr-18

Plan Monthly
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% May-18
3.1.4 Commissioning Progress

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jun-18

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Jul-18

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Aug-18

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Sep-18

Actual Monthly
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Oct-18

0.09% 0.09% Nov-18

2.46% 2.38% Dec-18

11.42% 9.00% Jan-19

Commissioning Progress

24.50% 13.14% Feb-19

Plan Accumulate

34.16% 9.70% Mar-19

49.80% 15.70% Apr-19

60.00% 10.25% May-19

68.18% 8.22% Jun-19

77.24% 9.09% Jul-19

Actual Accumulate
0.0%. The departmental-wise progress is summarized as follows;

83.90% 6.69% Aug-19

87.95% 4.08% Sep-19

89.35% 1.41% Oct-19

91.25% 1.91% Nov-19

93.21% 1.96% Dec-19

94.59% 1.39% Jan-20

96.52% 1.94% Feb-20

97.90% 1.39% Mar-20

98.35% 0.45% Apr-20


Construction is positioned planned value. The curve trend is maintaining early plan S-
This progress status archived up to this reporting period is 0.0% compared to plan

The progress gap between plan and actual compared to last month, overall
value 0.0%. The progress status archived in this month is 0.0% compared to plan value


99.57% 1.23% May-20

100.00% 0.43% Jun-20

3.2 Critical Path Analysis

The accumulative progress status of the individual activities is shown in Appendix #2 –

Muara Tawar Project Current schedule (Critical Path) and based on the progress
achievement on the individual activities.

3.2.1 Critical Path Criteria

Critical path has been sorted out on the basis of that total float is less than 0 (zero)

3.2.2 Critical Path

Updated schedule indicated following systems have been categorized as critical path
items according to Updated schedule until last period.

1. Block 2

1) HRSG #21, #22

HRSG is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Diverter damper, HRSG Piping,
Hydro Test, Acid Cleaning, Electrical and I&C system activities.

2) STG #20

STG is a critical path in Updated schedule related with STG Building, STG pedestal, STG
Installation activities.

3) Electrical and I&C system

Electrical and I&C system are a critical path in Updated schedule related with Step up
TR, Unit Auxiliary TR, CGIB,GCB, IPB, 500kV substation, Battery, DC & UPS, MV SWGR,
LV SWGR, DCS activities.

4) Power Receiving

Power Receiving Test is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Electrical and
I&C system activities.

5) Circulating Water system

Intake Structure is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Intake Piling work,
delivery of CW Piping activities.

6) Compressed Air system

Compressed Air system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with FDN Work,
Delivery of Compressor, Installation and individual Test activities.

7) Condensate system

Condensate system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with delivery of

Condenser and CEP, installation, Piping works, Individual test activities.

8) Feed water system

Feed water system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with installation
individual test activities.

9) Steam system

Steam system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Engineering,

procurement and construction of Main Steam, Hot and Cold Reheat, Aux. Steam
system, Bypass system, pipe rack installation activities

10) Sampling System

Sampling System is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Engineering, FDN
Work, Installation, Piping Work, individual test activities.

11) Commissioning include Steam Blowing, Synchronization, Performance Test

Overall Commissioning is a critical path according to the Updated schedule.

2. Block3

1) HRSG #31, #32, #33

HRSG is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Diverter damper schedule,
Steel structure and casing installation, Electrical & I&C System, Piping, HRSG Hydro
Test activities.

2) STG #30

STG is a critical path in Updated schedule related with BLDG Work, delivery of STG and
installation, Individual Test activities.

3) Electrical and I&C system

Electrical and I&C system are a critical path in Updated schedule related with Step-up
TR, CGIB, IPB, Battery Installation, MV SWGR, LV SWGR and DCS activities.

4) Power Receiving

5) Power Receiving Test is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Electrical and
I&C system activities.

6) Steam system

Steam system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Engineering,

procurement and construction of Main Steam, Hot and Cold Reheat system, Aux.
Steam System activities.

7) Commissioning include Steam Blowing, Synchronization, Performance Test

Overall Commissioning is a critical path according to the Updated schedule.

3. Block4

1) HRSG #41, #42, #43

HRSG is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Steel Structure and casing
Installation, installation of Module, Drum, Piping, Stack Installation, Electrical and I&C
system, HRSG Hydro test and Acid Cleaning activities.

2) STG #40

STG is a critical path in Updated schedule related with delivery of STG and Installation

12) Electrical and I&C system

Electrical and I&C system are a critical path in Updated schedule related with Step-up
TR, GCB, CGIB,IPB, 500kV substation, DCS activities.

13) Power Receiving

Power Receiving Test is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Electrical and
I&C system activities.

14) Circulating Water system

CWS, CCWS is a critical path in Updated schedule related with individual test activities.

15) Compressed Air system

Compressed Air system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with FDN Work,
individual Test activities.

16) Condensate system

Condensate system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Individual test

17) Feed water system

Feed water system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with individual test

18) Steam system

Steam system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with piping work and
insulation works, Aux. Steam System activities.

3) Commissioning include Steam Blowing, Synchronization, Performance Test

Overall Commissioning is a critical path according to the Updated schedule.

4. Plant Common

1) Desalination Plant

Desalination Plant system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with delivery
of DPS, FDN work, Piping Work, Individual Test activities.

2) Water Treatment System

WTS is a critical path in Updated schedule related with FDN and BLDG Structure Work,
operation test for Raw Water Pump, WTS, Make up Water system, Service water system

3) Waste Water Treatment system

WWTS system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Engineering,

Procurement, Installation for WWTS, WWT LEB, Sump pump activities.

4) Chlorination system

Chlorination system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with piling work for
Chlorination system and BLDG activities.

5) Fire Fighting system

Firefighting system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Engineering,

Procurement, Installation, and Individual Test for Fire Fighting system and BLDG

6) Aux. Boiler

Aux. Boiler system is a critical path in Updated schedule related with Piling work,
Procurement and individual test activities.

3.3 Interference Point Schedule

Interface Point Plan Date Actual Date Remark

Shut down for Diverter damper #21 replacement 2018-05-25 2018.06.01 Completion : 2018.07.08
Shut down for Diverter damper #22 replacement 2018-05-28 2018.06.07 Completion : 2018.07.10
Shut down for Diverter damper #31 replacement 2018-07-08 2018.07.11 Completion : 2018.08.07
Shut down for Diverter damper #32 replacement 2018-07-10 2018.07.13 Completion : 2018.08.10
Shut down for Diverter damper #33 replacement 2018-09-10 2018.12.15

Shut down for Diverter damper #41 replacement 2018-09-13 2018.09.10 Completion : 2018.10.22
Shut down for Diverter damper #42 replacement 2018-10-14 2018.09.17 Completion : 2018.10.29
Shut down for Diverter damper #43 replacement 2018-10-17 2018.12.22
Switchyard Outage for extension Block2 TBA
Switchyard Outage for extension Block3 TBA
Switchyard Outage for extension Block4 TBA

4. Financial Status

4.1 Invoice & Payment Status

S/N Invoice No Invoice Date Currency Amount Paid Date Remark

1 MT-DHI-AP-001 2017-12-21 USD 277,828.65 2018-01-02 Doosan
2 MT-DHI-AP-002 2017-12-21 EUR 17,218,791.90 2018-01-02 Doosan
3 MT-DHI-AP-003 2017-12-21 KRW 14,538,153,296 2018-01-03 Doosan
4 MT-DHI-AP-004 2017-12-21 IDR 53,409,090,556 2017-12-30 Doosan
5 MT-DHI-AP-005 2017-12-21 IDR 17,263,182,929 2017-12-30 Doosan
6 001/HK/AP- 2017-12-21 IDR 151,278,105,584 2017-12-29 PT.HK

7 001/HK/AP- 2017-12-21 IDR 73,654,871,444 2017-12-29 PT.HK

8 001/HK/AP-FOB 2017-12-21 USD 4,779,988.80 2018-09-05 PT.HK
9 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-001- 2018-04-27 EUR 1,754,301.00 2018-06-29 Doosan
10 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-003- 2018-04-27 EUR 1,214,515.50 2018-06-27 Doosan
11 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-002- 2018-05-04 EUR 485,806.50 2018-06-27 Doosan
12 MT-DHI-INV-AS-001- 2018-06-08 EUR 877,150.50 2018-07-05 Doosan

13 MT-DHI-INV-AS-003- 2018-06-08 EUR 607,257.75 2018-07-04 Doosan


14 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-004- 2018-06-22 EUR 1,630,417.50 2018-08-28 Doosan


15 MT-DHI-INV-IF-001- 2018-05-25 USD 359,050.00 2018-08-28 Doosan


16 MT-DHI-INV-IF-002- 2018-05-25 USD 99,427.00 2018-08-28 Doosan


17 MT-DHI-INV-IF-003- 2018-05-25 USD 248,573.00 2018-08-28 Doosan


18 MT-DHI-INV-AS-002- 2018-08-08 EUR 242,903.25 2018-08-28 Doosan


19 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-005- 2018-08-19 KRW 147,628,950 2018-10-02 Doosan


20 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-008- 2018-08-13 KRW 210,193,491 Not Paid Doosan


21 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-008- 2018-08-13 USD 63,177.30 Not Paid Doosan

22 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-015- 2018-08-19 KRW 1,693,257,890 2018-10-02 Doosan


23 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-009- 2018-08-26 EUR 2,445,626.40 2018-09-28 Doosan


24 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-007- 2018-08-30 EUR 2,889,871.80 2018-09-28 Doosan


25 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-101- 2018-08-30 KRW 791,430,846 2018-10-02 Doosan


26 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-102- 2018-08-30 KRW 115,117,200 2018-10-02 Doosan


27 003/HK/PP- 2018-11-05 IDR 50,340,915,778 Not Paid PT.HK


28 004/HK/PP- 2018-11-05 IDR 68,791,572,258 Not Paid PT.HK


29 005/HK/PP- 2018-11-05 IDR 26,939,756,909 Not Paid PT.HK


30 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-014- 2018-09-12 EUR 858,120.00 2018-10-30 Doosan


31 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-038- 2018-09-12 USD 102,696.96 2018-11-09 Doosan


32 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-036- 2018-09-12 KRW 1,203,081,486 Not Paid Doosan


33 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-023- 2018-10-01 EUR 1,287,180.00 2018-11-09 Doosan


34 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-015- 2018-10-01 KRW 168,803,716 Not Paid Doosan


35 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-012- 2018-09-15 EUR 518,193.00 Not Paid Doosan


36 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-013- 2018-09-23 EUR 353,280.00 2018-11-07 Doosan


37 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-024- 2018-09-23 EUR 772,290.00 2018-11-07 Doosan


38 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-016- 2018-09-23 EUR 180,251.10 Not Paid Doosan


39 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-028- 2018-09-29 EUR 205,252.50 Not Paid Doosan


40 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-034- 2018-10-10 KRW 99,105,449 Not Paid Doosan

41 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-027- 2018-10-07 EUR 214,530.00 Not Paid Doosan


42 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-006- 2018-10-15 KRW 306,563,506 Not Paid Doosan


43 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-019- 2018-10-22 EUR 18,065.70 Not Paid Doosan


44 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-109- 2018-10-23 KRW 1,027,239,046 Not Paid Doosan


45 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-011- 2018-10-23 EUR 1,733,923.20 Not Paid Doosan


46 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-020- 2018-10-30 EUR 24,087.30 Not Paid Doosan


47 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-040- 2018-10-23 KRW 171,685,314 Not Paid Doosan


48 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-100- 2018-08-30 KRW 706,518,292 Not Paid Doosan


49 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-035- 2018-10-24 USD 89,516.10 Not Paid Doosan


50 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-038- 2018-09-12 USD 174,138.24 Not Paid Doosan


51 MT-DHI-INV-FOB-036- 2018-09-12 KRW 891,982,989 Not Paid Doosan


5. Manpower & Equipment Status

5.1 Manpower Mobilization Status

The Manpower Mobilization Status are shown in Appendix #7 – QHSE Report and based on the
activities which performed at the site.

5.2 Equipment Mobilization Status

The Equipment Mobilization Status are shown in Appendix #7 – QHSE Report and based on the
activities which performed at the site.

6. QA/QC and HSE Management

6.1 QA/QC Management

The QA/QC Management are shown in Appendix #7 – QHSE Report and based on the
activities which performed at the site.

6.2 HSE Status

The updated HSE Status are shown in Appendix #7 – QHSE Report and based on the
activities which performed at the site.

7. Permits & Licenses

The Permits and Licenses are shown in Appendix #7 – QHSE and based on the activities which
performed at the site.

8. Site Photos
The updated site photographs are shown in Appendix #6 – Photographs and based on the activities

which performed at the site.


Appendix #1 – Muara Tawar Project Current schedule

Appendix #2 – Muara Tawar Project Current schedule (Critical Path)

Appendix #3 – Document and Drawing Control Log status

Appendix #4 – List of Letter exchanged up to this Month

Appendix #5 – List of Transmittal exchanged up to this Month

Appendix #6 – Photographs

Appendix #7 – QHSE Report

Appendix #8 – Monthly Target and Actual Progress Chart and Table

Appendix #9 – Pre-Requisite Data List from Owner

Appendix #10 – Shipping Information with the updated status


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