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Squeeze theorem

In calculus, the squeeze theorem, also known as the pinching theorem, the sandwich
theorem, the sandwich rule, and sometimes the squeeze lemma, is a theorem regarding
the limit of a function.
The squeeze theorem is used in calculus and mathematical analysis. It is typically used to
confirm the limit of a function via comparison with two other functions whose limits are
known or easily computed. It was first used geometrically by the mathematicians
Archimedes and Eudoxus in an effort to compute π, and was formulated in modern terms
by Carl Friedrich Gauss.

In many languages (e.g. French, German, Italian and Russian), the squeeze theorem is
also known as the two policemen (and a drunk) theorem, or some variation thereof.
The story is that if two policemen are escorting a drunk prisoner between them, and both
officers go to a cell, then (regardless of the path taken, and the fact that the prisoner may
be wobbling about between the policemen) the prisoner must also end up in the cell.

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