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Ayurvedic Medical Astrology (By Ramanuja das)

Part 1
Medical astrology is a very fabulous field and very useful when applied correctly. I currently see that there is a very wide interest in
Ayurvedic medical astrology in Europe and it is increasing every day. This I have been able to verify because I have given several courses
of medical astrology to allopathic and ayurvedic doctors and I really see that they are very satisfied with the results achieved when they
are applied to their patients. Medical astrology should be used only by doctors who know the human anatomy very well and not by
improvised apprentices of astrology or medicine. I'm not a doctor, but astrologer and I know very well all the astrological techniques of
this branch of knowledge but it would be absurd on my part to pass myself off as an astrologer. Every time I see people with health
problems I immediately recommend a Vedic astrology practitioner. Fortunately, I have several medical students who are currently
applying this science in which they give many benefits to the people who consult them. With this article I want to demonstrate how
astrological and medical knowledge complement each other perfectly and before I begin to explain the application of astrological
techniques on medicine I will give some basic references of these two types of knowledge mentioning that both astrology and medicine (
allopathic, omopathic or Ayurvedic) are very broad and vast matters.
Jyotish and Ayurveda are more related to the various aspects of Vedic science. Vedic astrology contains all the information related to
astrology, astronomy, meteorology and all the various calendars that we as human beings use to measure time. Ayurveda contains
knowledge of how to maintain both physical and mental health, treatments of diseases, how to have a proper life and above all how to
maintain longevity. The value of these two systems of knowledge have been handed over to humanity by the great sages of the past and
should not be ignored or disregarded. In this article we will also examine its general background and the correlation that exists between
Currently, there is an emphasis throughout the world on health care due to the increase in the different risks of contracting diseases that
can manifest themselves on human beings on a large scale, but at the same time we see that there is also an emphasis on the decline of
the healing state of modern medicines and because of that are re-emerging methods of natural healing. This is causing a new interest in
Ayurveda and in the medical aspect of Vedic astrology. Therefore, a re-evaluation of these two disciplines is crucial for the future of
humanity. Unfortunately the connection between Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology, although it is mentioned in the different "ancient" Vedic
tracts and that in the past there was really a complete connection, at present it is not very available in the different "modern"
treaties. And if there are references, they do not become just general references or when they are specific they are simply fragmentary
or incomplete.
At present there are very few Ayurvedic doctors who are competent as Vedic astrologers or few Vedic astrologers who are competent as
Ayurvedic doctors and above all who can show how to relate "practically" the terms and techniques of one system and the
other. Currently Vedic Astrology is not part of the curriculum to specialize in Ayurveda, we see that this is happening in India and what to
say in Western countries. Similarly, most Vedic astrologers do not learn or know the basics of Ayurveda well even knowing that Vedic
Astrology uses Ayurveda terms in the different horoscopes that are calculated. The aim of this article is to encourage statistical research
and the correlation that exists between Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology. It is true that to achieve this a new scope of studies is needed,
which includes organizing and ordering any literature that is available that connects these two branches of knowledge and initiating more
research and applying them to modern conditions. Currently in the West, especially in Europe, the United States and also in South
America it is observed that interest in Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology is increasing over the years, but we see that this same interest is not
shown as much in India . In India we can see that there is a greater interest in the predictive side of astrology and not so much in the
therapeutic side which consists of a part of Ayurveda. This could be compared to a doctor who tells people when they are going to get
sick but does not have the medicines to help them get well.
In the West there are still groups of doctors who are separated from the knowledge of alternative medicine and who believe more in the
chemical or allopathic medicine, which is even expanding among practitioners of natural medicine. But even so, all forms of natural
healing, including many in Asia, such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, are receiving great popularity and popularity. We can see that
the interest is much broader in medicine without astrology and only very few have an interest in medicine with astrology that is growing
more slowly and unfortunately this does not grant a rational development to Vedic astrology to be shown to an audience much wider. But
we must also emphasize that most diverse forms of natural healing, As Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine have their specific and purely
astrological connections. For example, various Ayurveda terminologies are commonly mentioned in Vedic astrological texts, particularly
relating to medical astrology. The terms of Vedic Astrology are also mentioned in Ayurvedic texts particularly concerning calendars to
synchronize treatments or diets. This makes it seem that in a while there has been an extensive literature that has connected both
knowledge. It seems that this knowledge has been more intimately connected in the past than it is today. Unfortunately, such literature
is difficult to obtain. It is known that there is information even in Sanskrit that has not been translated on the specific subjects of
Jyotisha and Ayurveda,
In these modern times we can find in medical astrology texts that are available in India that tend to use a modern allopathic language to
examine and identify diseases and do not have much of Ayurveda in them, except for brief schemes. Sometimes they reflect Western
medical astrology more. While the information found in the books try to locate and synchronize the diseases, they rarely reflect an
Ayurvedic model and language to locate them.
Medical Astrology should not have an allopathic model in its analyzes but a naturopathic one because astrology reflects a language of
nature, and not a science made by man. Vedic astrology specifically has a medical model based on Ayurveda, Vedic astrology reflects the
same energies of nature as the three Gunas and the five great elements or tattvas of which Ayurveda is based. It does not reflect an
allopathic model. For example, Mars can cause Pitta diseases because it is a Pitta planet (fiery), this is not an allopathic condition that
we can not reflect in the constitution in an Ayurvedic sense.
In summary, medical astrology is astrology used to determine health and diseases, including longevity. It also has psychological as well as
physical ramifications. Medical astrology is related to the synchronization of time and the development of a disease as it is shown in the
birth chart. It also uses methods of choice to synchronize the best periods to start a treatment of the disease (how to determine
favorable moments for surgery). Ayurveda is an important method of medical astrology although there are other forms of medical
astrology that can be used successfully. Ayurveda is clearly the original basis of Vedic medical astrology that is complemented by Vedic
The only aspect of Ayurveda is to determine how the three biological humors or Doshas such as Vata, Pitta and Kapha relate to health and
disease - which corresponds to the biological aspects of the elements of air, fire and water. Greek astrology similarly uses a system of
four biological humors, but all this has disappeared in the course of time. Even one can continue doing medical astrology without using
Ayurveda, only using astrology to understand the synchronization of time and the development of diseases. Although this type of medical
astrology is very useful, but without Ayurveda there is a very important aspect that is not crucial at the same time.
There are several common medical aspects in astrological symbolism. For example, the relationship of signs and body parts, such as Aries
(head); Taurus (neck), etc., this is well known. A similar system exists with the Nakshatras. This helps us determine the location of
diseases, but it is not very helpful to show us their nature.
There are also more specific Ayurvedic correspondences. The classical texts of Vedic astrology give important Ayurvedic correlations that
can represent only one surface of a vast range of interconnections. Perhaps the most important is the relationship of the three Doshas to
the planets, which can be combined with their other physical and personal aspects. As mentioned in the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
3.23-30, the Sun shows Pitta, Moon-Kapha, Mars-Pitta, Mercury-all three humours, Jupiter-Kapha, Venus-Kapha, Saturn-Vatha, Rahu-Vata
and Ketu-Pitta.
The Sun, is a planet of fire, naturally it is related to Pitta or fire humor. The Moon is a planet that is related to Kapha or water. Mars is a
planet of fire that is related to Pitta. Mercury as a changing and mutable planet is related to all three doshas. Venus as a water planet is
related to Kapha. Saturn as an air planet is related to Vata. Ketu, being related to Mars and Rahu to Saturn, will reflect the same natures
of these planets.
If we analyze this scheme, there is an imbalance. Vata is not well represented on the major planets, having only Saturn and Rahu entirely
on its side. One can suggest because Mercury can fall more into the Vata field when it is not under the influence of other
planets. Sometimes a secondary Dosha is added. The Moon and Venus have little Vata as well as Kapha.
Even so, planets can differ greatly from something relative to what aspect of the Doshas are assigned to them. For example, Pitta del Sol
and Pitta de Marte can not be exactly the same. Generally the Sun gives the tendency to show the healthier side of Pitta, that is to say
the vital Pitta that gives health, while Mars as the most evil planet will reflect more the unbalanced Pitta as fevers, infections and
problems to the blood.
The three doshas are an extension of the theory of the five elements. This is in relation to the elements ruled by the planets. The Sun and
Mars are fire, the Moon and Venus water, Jupiter ether, Mercury earth, and Saturn air. Their connections with the Doshas follow their
elementary correspondences to a large extent.
One can even more relate the elements of the signs to the Doshas as Vata-land, Pitta-fire, Kapha-water- While the element of air
generally falls as a vata element in the Ayurvedic system, one can argue for the welfare of the Symmetry of the air that is mixed and how
subtle can have the three doshas or is tridoshiko.
However, generally the nature of the planets is more important than the nature of the signs. For example, Scorpio is a water sign, but it
is ruled by Mars a planet of fire. Scorpio can give more Pitta than Kapha particularly if Mars is strong.
One can even go on to argue that the three qualities of mobile, fixed and dual signs - have some Ayurvedic correlation. Generally Kapha is
more immovable, Pitta has more of a direct movement and Vata is more changeable. Another correlation is made to the planets with the
Dhatus or body tissues. The Sun is related to bones, the Moon to blood, Mars to marrow, Mercury to skin, Jupiter to fat, Venus to semen
and Saturn to muscles. For example, when the Sun is weak the bones will be weak. When the Moon is affected, there will be problems in
the blood and so on. Even in Ayurveda all the Dhatus are generally related to Kapha, which governs the form, except the blood which is
related to Pitta and the bones are connected to Vata. Pitta being fire,
The treatments in Ayurveda follow the theory of the six tastes or flavors (Sadrasas), it is said that each one is composed of two of the five
elements. The six tastes are also related to the planets: Sun has spicy flavor that correspond to the elements in Ayurveda to fire-air; the
Moon has a salty taste and corresponds to the water-fire elements; Mars, bitter, air-ether; Mercury is mixed; Jupiter is sweet, tierr-
water; Venus, acid, earth-fire and Saturn is astringent, earth-air.

These correlations usually make sense. The spicy flavor is more Pitta or fire in nature like the Sun. The salty flavors are Kapha or water in
nature like the Moon. The sweet taste is Kapha in nature like Jupiter. The acid taste is Kapha in nature as Venus. The astringent taste is
Vata or air in nature like Saturn. However, the correlation with Mars is exceptional. The bitter taste in Ayurveda is composed of elements
of air and ether and is cold in nature. These are not the qualities of Mars but are opposite qualities. However, we should note that a tall
Pitta can create a bitter taste in the mouth.
Another factor is that diseases are classified astrologically according to the nature of the planets. Generally the malefics cause diseases,
the beneficial promote health and only when they are weak or affected cause diseases. If we examine the diseases assigned to the
different planets they usually reflect a specific dose to each one and if you want you can go further in the diagnostics to determine the
deficiencies or excesses of the vitamins and minerals related to the biological humors that cause problems . For example, most Vata
diseases such as costipation (retention of spent materials), arthritis, pain, Debilitating and paralyzing diseases fall under the category of
Saturn and we know that most arthritic problems are caused by a collagen disorder and to balance this disorder one should consume good
amounts of vitamin C to help the process of collagen creation, with this it is shown that Saturn rules over this vitamin in its positive form
and in its negative form represents the absence of collagen or vitamin C and as the main malefic planet we see that it is simply a problem
mostly of the biological humor of Vata. Pitta disorders such as fevers, infections, inflammations, bleeding, ulcer etc, are related to Mars,
One can therefore define more specifically Ayurvedic Vedic Astrology. Ayurvedic Astrology can apply more techniques of medical
astrology but gives more Ayurvedic terminology and scope. As a holistic system it can both encompass mental and physical health.
Ayurveda has two main parts. The first is the determination of the constitution (the prakriti) and the régimenes in the lifestyle. This
results in daily and seasonal regimes (Dina and Ritucarya) for the maintenance of the constitution comprising all aspects of diets (Ahara)
and lifestyle (Vihara). The second part is the treatment of diseases (Vikruti) that covers all forms of treatments, including diets, herbs
(Ausadha), gems (Mani), mantras as well as more specific clinical measures such as Pancha Karma, the five Ayurvedic methods of
Ayurvedic Astrology can first of all help us determine the biological constitution of the person. Second, it can help us with the nature,
timing and prognosis of diseases and their treatment. In both levels it must be related to the physical and mental conditions.
In the first place it may be possible to determine the Ayurvedic constitution of the person through an astral chart, and other factors of
life can also be determined. This can be reflected in the predominant planetary influence relative to the main health factors, the
Ascendant, the 8th house, the 6th house, its regents and other additional significators can show the vitality of a person.
Secondly, it may be possible to determine the Ayurvedic type of diseases to which a person may be prone or what may already be
activated at a particular time, whether Vata, Pitta or Kapha diseases, which Dhatus or tissues are they can alter. This can be understood
by observing the planetary positions, particularly Dashas and Bhuktis (periods or sub-periods) that are activated during the manifestation
of a disease.
Third, Vedic astrology can be used to help with treatments, to determine favorable periods for treatments, as well as to determine the
outcome of treatments. In some instances, particularly for psychological disorders, mysterious or difficult to treat diseases, or can help
when the correct treatments normally fail, neutralizing remedies such as gems or mantras, may be useful in treating diseases at least in a
way supplementary In this way Vedic Astrology can provide a deeper dimension of Ayurveda. Similarly, Ayurveda can add a practical
dimension to Vedic Astrology in showing a person how he lives in harmony with the individual nature as reflected in the natal chart.

Medical astrology where it can have a predominant role is in:

1. Synchronize the dates of time of the diseases: Prevent them or warn them.
2. The nature of a disease: Diagnosis, anatomical, physiological and pathological
3. The total course of the disease: Its result.
4. The complications that appear during the course of the diseases or their treatment.
5. The best treatment method: Conservative, operative, remedies -astral, etc.
6. The effects of the residues of the disease or its treatment.
7. Determination of longevity; nature of death.
8. Astrological remedies.

These points are applied with equal validity to the well-established system of medicine, whether allopathic, homeopathic and today's
Ayurveda. It is inappropriate to try to prove the superiority of one system over the other. In the Vedic culture that is the most scientific
consider the ancient Ayurveda, "the science of life", deals with allopathy, homeopathy, yogic remedies, natural cures, astrological
remedies and medical astrology as its components. All these systems were used, separately or all together, with the sole purpose of
keeping humanity healthy physically and mentally. These systems individually are incomplete but mutually complementary.

Vedic astrology has a margin of advantage over medical science; it can help to predict the period of time when a future illness is very
likely to manifest itself in an individual, just by carefully studying his astral chart. This is a very important factor because the native can
be warned about a disease and advise him to take the necessary precautions. The native can also be warned of any accident or physical
damage he may suffer. This knowledge can be used in this way to reduce or alleviate suffering.
In contrast, a doctor can not predict exactly whether an individual is likely to suffer from a specific disease in the future. It can only
indicate the probable illness that the patient will have as an occurrence and family or hereditary consequence that he has of his parents
and that he will give to his children. However, you will not always be sure if a particular descendant of a patient will manifest a disease
and can not accurately predict the probable time when the disease will manifest itself. In such a situation, an astrologer with a broad
understanding of the basic concepts of Vedic astrology will be able to help and guide the doctor as well as his patient. You can tell with
precision if a native will fall ill and exactly when.
This emphasizes the need to have accurate astral charts of patients. In medical astrology it is also an advantage to have the astral charts
of a patient's relatives as they allow a better understanding of hereditary diseases. Just as children acquire the physical features and
other characteristics of parents, they also inherit from the parents their resistance or their tendency to diseases. A careful and precise
study of the astral charts of consanguineous relatives of different generations such as grandparents, parents and children will give very
interesting revelations in determining possible diseases.

The medical diagnosis involves a total understanding of the normal functioning of the body as well as the process of the disease. This
requires years of study, training, experience and application. There is usually a need to take the help of a laboratory or other
investigations while making the diagnoses. In spite of all this there are dangers and many times the correct diagnoses elude the most
experienced doctor.
An astrologer should consider the factors mentioned above while attempting a diagnostic astro based on the study of an astral chart. It is
essential to have sufficient understanding of human anatomy, physiology and pathology if success is your goal. Along with this, a broad
knowledge of astrological principles and their application in individual horoscopes is a must.

The most basic principle of medical astrology is that the Lagna represents the body of the native. The house one of an astral chart, the
Lagna or ascendant is also known as "Thanu Bhava" or "The house that represents the body". Because each disease has to do with the body
of a patient, the house one assumes great importance in medical astrology. On the other hand, the ascendant is the most important house
in the horoscope because it is the reference point of all other houses, and the planets assume their specific roles depending only on the
Just as a private house represents certain definite aspects of the native, the ruler of that house also assumes a similar
function. Therefore, if even the ascendant represents the body, the ruler of the ascendant also represents it and is known as Paka
Lagna. Therefore it is natural to consider that the ascendant and the ruler of the ascendant must be "healthy" to ensure good health for
the native. When both are under adverse influences, the health of the native will suffer. In all medical astrology, the first attention must
be directed to the state of the ascendant and the ruler of the ascendant.

The twelve lagnas rise and oppose during the 24 hours. Each ascendant can remain on the horizon for a period of 2 hours. Several people
are born during this period of time with the same astrological charts. Divisional charts, technically known as 'vargas' or subtle divisions,
help to distinguish natives who are born with very close birth hours from each other. Moreover, the different divisional cards have specific
and different functions. The sage Parashara describes 16 divisional cards - Of all these used mostly in medical astrology are the
Drekkanas, the Navamsha, the Dwadashamsha and the Trimshamsha.

The Navamsha letter is the ninth part of a rashi and is equivalent to 3 degrees 20 minutes of arc. This is the most important divisional
card. In general, no prediction should be made if the study of the Navamsha is not considered. Here also the condition is that the
ascendant and the ruler of the ascendant must be analyzed. The different houses of the Navamsha chart indicate functions similar to
those of the Rashi letter. It has been said when the indicators of the rashi letter and the Navamsha letter differ from one to the other,
those of the Navamsha chart have precedence. The Navamsha that falls exactly in the 8th house from the natal position of the Moon has a
special and sinister relevance in medical astrology; this is also known as the Navamsha 64.
When the ascendant in the Navamsha chart is identical with the natal ascendant, it is called vargottama lagna, a state of force in
general. A planet occupied in the same sign in the rashi and in the Navamsha is also called vargottama.

The Drekkana card is one third of division (10 degrees each) of a rashi. This has been considered as of special relevance in diseases. The
Drekkana have been used in a subtle way to indicate the various parts of the body although adequate information in this matter is not yet
available. The Drekkana that falls exactly in the 8th house from the natal ascendant has a special sinister relevance in medical astrology,
such as the Navamsha 64 and is known as the Drekkana 22. Beyond this, there is what is known as Sarpa Drekkanas (the second and the
third Drekkana of Karka (Cancer), the first and second Drekkana of Vrischika (Scorpio) and the third of Meena (Pisces) which also have an
adverse role in matters of Health.

The Dwadashamsha is the twelfth division (2 degrees 30 minutes each) of a sign. The Dwadashamsha letter also has a lot to do with its use
in medical astrology. Some subtle uses of the Dwadashamsha is also done to determine longevity.
For any horoscope and the analysis of diseases, at least the four divisional cards must be analyzed.

The Trismshamsha or thirtieth division is also sometimes used, particularly to understand the vulnerabilities or susceptibilities of the
native. Each of these divisional cards has to be studied exactly like the rashi card, and all these letters must first be studied, initially
individually and then all together, in order to have an integral conclusion.
The other divisional cards, not mentioned by Parashara, have been mentioned by some authorities. These include the Shashtiamsha
(division 60) and the Ashtamamsha (division 18). They seem to have been taken from the techniques of Varshaphala or the Tajika
system. They have not been studied enough to justify their inclusion in this article.
It is a custom to use the term of affliction for the adverse influences of a house or planet. Therefore, health, which is meant by the
ascendant and the ruler of the ascendant, suffers when the ascendant and the ruler of the ascendant are affected. Beneficial influences
on the ascendant and the ascendant ruler improve health. This aspect will be discussed again when we refer to the trend of poor health.

Summing up with this we can have an idea of the immensity of astrological techniques that can be applied in a medical diagnosis of a
horoscope and that in this opportunity I will present only 1 case of a person in which will be determined the possible diseases that will be
activated in his life. I will present the different steps to follow to make a good astrological diagnosis at a medical level and due to the
enormous information that can be obtained from it I will present this article in several parts.
Pubblicato da Ramanuja Das at 2/26/2006 07:01:00 pm No comments: Link to questo post

Case 1

The first step is to determine the biological constitution (Tridoshas) of the body in the astral chart of this person.

Determining the biological humor

a) we see that the ascendant is Virgo a sign of Earth-Vata and what jumps to the eye is the location of Venus in the Ascendant and this
planet is influenced by Vata-Kapha, but as it is in a vata sign , Venus becomes more vata than kapha, Venus is ruler of Taurus-vata and
Libra-tridathu (has the 3 humors). This means that Vata predominates in this first group, although Venus is weak indicates that it will
show some negative effects of Vata.

b) We see that Jupiter-Kapha, Mars-Pitta and Saturn-Vata aspect the ascendant, among all these planets Jupiter is stronger because it is
in Pisces-Kapha its own sign and Jupiter is Kapha, indicating that the influence of Kapha is very strong. Saturn is vata and is in a Kapha
sign and receives an aspect of Jupiter that is kapha indicating that the aspect of Saturn is mixed with Vata and Kapha to the
organism. Mars is pitta but it is in a tridoshiko sign indicating that its pitta influence is not as marked.

c) Regent of the ascendant Mercurio-tridoshiko is in a tridoshiko sign Libra and makes a conjunction with the Sun-pitta, with Rahu-vata
and receives the appearance of Ketu-Vata-Pitta. The Sun is weakened indicating that the biological constitution of pitta will not manifest
itself in the predominance of the body. We see that Rahu-Vata conjuncts the Sun and because it is stronger than the Sun, the Sun tends to
absorb Vata's mood and does not manifest its own. As for Ketu it is vata-pitta in sign of Aries-pitta throws an aspect giving a weak pitta

With this analysis we pass to the group and we see clearly that Kapha and Vata predominate but with greater incidence in Kapha because
Jupiter is stronger in the astral chart because it is in its own sign and throws aspects on the ascendant and Venus which in turn find weak
in the ascendant indicating that illnesses in the organism corresponding to these 2 doshas will be manifested mainly when an imbalance is

Usually the Ayurvedic doctors who do not use astrology determine the doshas through the visual observation of the body, the lifestyle
that the person has and through the pulse and in this way they see the dosha that predominates in the body. Through visual observation
this person effectively shows the predominance of Kapha very marked since his body has the common weight problems with the tendency
to get fat when he does not control his diet. Of course, this biological humor shows other characteristics such as:

Kapha primary biological humor

Water humor is called Kapha and literally means that which "sticks or sticks". Kapha governs form and substance and is responsible for
weight, cohesion and stability. It is the fluid solution, the internal ocean in which the other two doshas move and constitutes the greatest
substance of the body. It is responsible for the lubrication, the excretion of secretions and the protection of the nerves, the mind and the
senses. Kapha predominates in the various tissues of the body and in the upper part of the body such as the stomach, lungs and head
where mucus accumulates. It is related to the senses of taste and smell corresponding to water and earth. Kapha governs the feelings,
the emotions and the capacity of the mind to cling to the form. It provides mental calm and stability but can prevent growth and
expansion. Desire and excessive attachment are the most affected emotions as well as the mental attachment to objects which can
overwhelm the mind.

Physical Aspects

* People with Kapha-type Prakriti (physical constitution) are generally well-shaped physically. * Well-developed bodies with a strong
tendency to overweight. * Wide and extensive thorax. * Veins and tendons hidden under the skin. * Beautiful and resplendent
complexion. Soft, lustrous and oiled skin. Generally cold and pale. * Dense eyelashes and large attractive eyes with a large white portion
visible. * The conjunctiva has no tendency to redness as the Pitta. * The bones are wide and prominent. * Appetite is regular and digestion
is slow. * They like spicy, bitter and astringent food * Stools are soft and pale. Digestion is slow. * Perspiration is moderate. * Sleep is
deep and prolonged. * These people are generally tolerant, calm, benevolent and loving.

Psychological aspects

The Kapha are emotional temperament and positive aspects have much love, devotion and loyalty. As negative aspects we have excessive
desire, attachment, possession and greed. They are romantic, sentimental and cry easily. Mentally they are slow to learn compared to
the other constitutions but they retain what they learn after much repetition. They are not creative or innovative, but enterprising. They
are better to finish a company than to start it. They like to create institutions and establishments. The people of the water constitution
are traditional in their behaviors and beliefs. They like to belong, be part of the group and rarely rebel. They are good followers and
prefer to work in partnership. They are content with what is established and accept things as they are. They are stable but sometimes
they stagnate. They do not like the change and have difficulty changing even if they wish. They are friendly and familiar in privacy but
have difficulty relating to strangers. They do not like to hurt anyone but they can be insensitive towards people outside their inner
circle. Sometimes they tend to suffocate or suppress others. Kaphas tend to be good parents and providers. Among the women are good
mothers and wives and they like to cook, bake and fix the house. Men can be kitchen chefs. With their wide breasts, good lungs and
voices can be excellent singers. They like to accumulate wealth and maintain it. They are good at real estate and in banking
companies. They are friendly and familiar in privacy but have difficulty relating to strangers. They do not like to hurt anyone but they can
be insensitive towards people outside their inner circle. Sometimes they tend to suffocate or suppress others. Kaphas tend to be good
parents and providers. Among the women are good mothers and wives and they like to cook, bake and fix the house. Men can be kitchen
chefs. With their wide breasts, good lungs and voices can be excellent singers. They like to accumulate wealth and maintain it. They are
good at real estate and in banking companies. They are friendly and familiar in privacy but have difficulty relating to strangers. They do
not like to hurt anyone but they can be insensitive towards people outside their inner circle. Sometimes they tend to suffocate or
suppress others. Kaphas tend to be good parents and providers. Among the women are good mothers and wives and they like to cook,
bake and fix the house. Men can be kitchen chefs. With their wide breasts, good lungs and voices can be excellent singers. They like to
accumulate wealth and maintain it. They are good at real estate and in banking companies. Among the women are good mothers and
wives and they like to cook, bake and fix the house. Men can be kitchen chefs. With their wide breasts, good lungs and voices can be
excellent singers. They like to accumulate wealth and maintain it. They are good at real estate and in banking companies. Among the
women are good mothers and wives and they like to cook, bake and fix the house. Men can be kitchen chefs. With their wide breasts,
good lungs and voices can be excellent singers. They like to accumulate wealth and maintain it. They are good at real estate and in
banking companies.

Kapha Diseases

Anorexia nervosa, Drowsiness, Drowsiness, Excessive sleep, Shyness, Heaviness, Laziness, Sweet taste, Salivation, Excessive production of
mucus, Excess body excretion, Loss of energy, Indigestion, Mucus around the heart, throat, Atherosclerosis , Obesity, Papera, Goiter,
Decreased digestive capacity, Urticaria.
All that has been mentioned previously corresponding to Kapha show the predispositions that the person can have, but they are still
referential and this does not mean that the person will suffer from all the diseases that are mentioned in the list corresponding to Kapha
diseases. A more detailed and more individual analysis of the astral chart should be done to determine precisely which are the sensitive
points of the body. Later we will explain the procedure, now we will analyze the second predominant biological humor called Vata.

Vata secondary biological humor

Etymologically it means "what makes things move". It is the motivating force behind the other 2 doshas. It governs our mental and sensory
balance as well as our orientation. Promotes mental adaptability and understanding. Vata governs and is responsible for the discharge of
all impulses both voluntary and involuntary. It works through the brain and the central nervous system. It is related to the large intestine
where gas (air) accumulates. The senses of touch and hearing, which correspond to the elements air and ether, are part of Vata. It is the
force that guides and governs the other 2 doshas since life itself is derived from air. Vata promotes agility, adaptability and ease of
action. His power encourages us and makes us feel vital and enthusiastic. Vata governs the basic sensitivity and mobility of the mental
field. It provides energy to all mental functions from the senses to the subconscious. It allows us to respond mentally to both external and
internal stimuli. Fear and anxiety are the main disorders of Vata and occur when we feel that our life force is in danger.

Physical Aspects

* Physically the Vatas are thin. * The thorax is flat, veins and muscle tendons are visible. * The skin is cold, rough, dry and cracked. * Vata
people are very tall or very low and have a thin body structure. * Muscular development is poor. * The hair is wavy and sparse. * The
eyelashes are thin and the eyes are opaque, the eyes can be sunken, small, dry, very active and the conjunctiva is dry and dark. * The
nails are rough and brittle. * The nose is crooked and raised. * Appetite and digestion are variable. * Vata people crave sweet, sour or
salty flavors and like hot drinks. * The dream is easily disturbed. * The hands and feet are usually cold. * They are creative, active and
uneasy people. * They walk and talk fast. * They have a short memory but good ability to catch the essence. * The reasoning is good but
they become anxious and fearful when making decisions. * Regarding money, they want to earn it quickly and spend it even more
quickly. * They tend to develop wrinkles in the skin, constipation, insomnia and body aches.

Psychological aspects

The Vatas are quick and agile with the mind and present variable interests and inclinations. They are talkative, well-informed,
intellectual and can understand different points of view. However, they can be superficial in their ideas and speak without
direction. Their minds waver and wander without control. While they are aware of everything they lack the depth of particular
topics. They are undecided and insecure. They lack determination, consistency and self-confidence and often have a negative image of
themselves. Fear is the predominant emotion of the Vatas and their first reaction to everything that is new or strange. They like to
complain, anxiety overwhelms them and they generally lack stability. They always seem to be absent and disoriented. His memory is
short or erratic. They suffer quickly from exhaustion from work and excessive exercise and tend to give themselves up too much in
everything they do. Air types are good teachers, computer programmers and are excellent media communicators. They are good at
thinking, writing and organizing information. They are good musicians and can be very sensitive to noise. In general they are creative and
many artists belong to this constitution. They are highly sociable and like to interact with people of all types. But when the aerial
element is very high they become lonely and hypersensitive to human contact, this is because they have a lot to say but do not know how
to do it, not because they are solitary in nature. In general they are rebels and do not like to be leaders or followers. But nevertheless,

Vata diseases

* Cracking of the nails

* Cracking of the feet
*Feet ache
* Fallen foot
* Numbness of the feet
* Rigid ankle
* Calf cramping
* Sciatica * Rigidity and pain of the thighs
*Rectal prolapse
* Pain in the scrotum
* Tension in the groin
* Pain around the pelvis
* Diarrhea * Lameness
* Kyphosis
* Dwarfism
* Sacral iliac arthritis
* Rigidity in the back
*Chest pain
* Cramping and abdominal pain
* Friction and chest pain
* Stab pain in the chest
* Arm atrophy
* Rigidity of the neck
*Stiff neck
* Pain in the temporomandibular joint
* Pain in the lips
*Eye pain
* Pain in the teeth
* Loose tooth * Aphasia
*Speak slow
* Astringent taste in the mouth
* Dryness in the mouth
* Tinnitus
*Hearing loss
* Painful pressure in the eye
* Sinking of the eyeball
* Temporary pain
* Frontal pain
*Fallen eyelid
*Facial paralysis
* Monoplejia
* Quadriplegia
* Hemiplegia
* Dryness and hardness
* Reddish appearance
* Mental instability

This person we are analyzing has not shown much Vata disease symptoms, only that a period of time suffered from nervous and muscular
paralysis and could not move the various joints of the body are clear symptoms of Vata

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