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Unsurpassed Beauty

Create a space that is both beautiful and functional VISIT SITE

using high quality stone.

Membuat Batu Permata dari Produk Dapur Rumah Tangga


Kami berdiri di dapur biasa di dalam rumah biasa. Lemari diisi dengan
berbagai barang makanan, bumbu, dan hiasan biasa. Lemari juga diisi dengan
panci, wajan, piring, sendok garpu, dan peralatan saji biasa. Dengan kata lain
... kita ada di dapur mana saja, di rumah mana saja, di seluruh dunia. Dengan
satu pengecualian: bersama kami, kami memiliki mesin hidrolik tekanan tinggi
dan panas. Dan dengan pers ini kita akan mengambil barang-barang biasa dari
dapur biasa ini dan membuat beberapa batu permata dan mineral yang luar

Untuk melakukan ini, kami akan mengambil elemen yang terkandung dalam berbagai item di dapur
ini, mencampurkannya bersama-sama dalam mesin press hidrolik kami, memanaskannya pada suhu
yang diperlukan, dan memungkinkan mereka untuk membentuk kristal dari berbagai mineral yang
kami pilih untuk dibuat. Memang kami mengambil beberapa lisensi puitis karena kondisi yang benar
dari panas dan tekanan tidak dapat benar-benar diduplikasi dalam pers dapur kami, dan beberapa
proses kristalisasi memakan waktu jutaan tahun. Tetapi demi pemahaman kita tentang permata dan
mineral, kita akan mempercepat waktu, menyalakan panas, dan meningkatkan tekanan yang cukup
untuk membuat ini terjadi di sini di dapur biasa kita, di rumah kita yang biasa, dan dalam waktu
singkat waktu


Kami akan mulai dengan sesuatu yang mudah. Seperti opal. Untuk membuat opal kita akan
melupakan menanampohon konifer kuno dan harus menunggu sampai mati dan meluruh di tanah
dan ruang kosong yang tersisa diisi dengan silikon cair yang mengeras menjadi opal. Kami hanya akan
mengambil produk yang diperlukan dari lemari
dapur dan membuat opal. Dalam hal ini yang kita
butuhkan hanyalah lem silikon dari tabung di
bawah wastafel dapur. Opal adalah oksida silikon
terhidrasi, yang berarti tabung lem silikon yang
kita miliki dapat dicampur dengan sebagian udara
di dapur, dan sedikit air dari keran, dan aduk
hingga terbentuk ramuan seperti pasta. Sekarang
kita bisa membiarkan pasta ini meresap ke dalam rongga,
terbentuk di mana pohon konifer kuno kita mati, dikubur oleh
tumbuh-tumbuhan lainnya, membusuk dan menghilang.

Silikon + oksigen dari udara di dapur + air = Opal



 Karena kami memiliki tabung lem silikon kami, kami mungkin

juga menyiapkan sejumlah amethyst saat kami sedang
melakukannya. Bahan dasarnya sama,
kamihanya perlu melakukan beberapa
perubahan. Pertama-tama kita akan mengambil beberapa silikon dari tabung lem
kita dan memasukkannya ke dalam mesin cetak. Kita akan membutuhkan oksigen
dari udara. Sama seperti opal, silikon dan oksigen adalah bahan utama kuarsa.
Yang merupakan keluarga besar permata dan mineral yang merupakan anggota kecubung. Tetapi
meskipun semua anggota keluarga kuarsa, mereka semua sedikit berbeda karena masing-masing
memiliki jenis pengotor sendiri dalam bentuk berbagai elemen lain dalam kristal mereka, yang
menyebabkan variasi warna. Jadi untuk membuat amethyst kita akan mencampur silikon dan
oksigen, tetapi kita juga harus menghapus wajan besi dari rak panci. Karena amethyst hanya memiliki
sejumput besi di dalamnya untuk memberikannya warna ungu. Jadi kita akan menambahkan
sepotong pegangan dari wajan besi ke lem silikon dan oksigen dari udara dan nyalakan panas dan
tekanan selama beberapa juta tahun dan lagi, biola, kita memiliki batu kecubung.

Kita dapat melakukan hal yang sama dengan campuran silikon dan oksigen untuk
membuat banyak anggota keluarga kuarsa lainnya. Lemparkan
seluruh wajan besi cor ke dalam pers dan Anda akan memiliki
citrine kuning. Matikan api sehingga campuran tidak perlu lama
mengkristal dan itu akan membuat jutaan kristal kecil yang akan
membentuk batu besar yang lebih besar yang dikenal sebagai kalsedon. Ini tidak akan
transparan tetapi akan menjadi buram.

Tapi mari kita menjadi sedikit lebih kreatif dengan campuran kalsedon kami. Kami akan
meninggalkan silikon dan oksigen, tetapi kali ini tambahkan beberapa nikel. Kita dapat mengambil
beberapa nikel dari baterai isi ulang Ni-Cad dari lampu
darurat di dinding.

Kami akan mengambil beberapa nikel dan menambahkannya ke dalam campuran, membiarkan
panasnya rendah sehingga campuran tersebut mengkristal dengan cepat di batu-batu besar kecil, dan
sekarang kami mendapatkan berbagai apel hijau kalsedon kuarsa yang dikenal sebagai ... chrysoprase.
Kita bisa melanjutkan sepanjang hari dengan keluarga kuarsa tetapi ada begitu banyak yang bisa
dilihat. Jadi kami akan menekan (no pun intended)!

Since we have torn up our cast iron skillet we might as well use some of it to make

ourselves a peridot. Except for this we will also need some magnesium. So we will go to the cabinet

and get the "milk of magnesia", you know, the antacid. We could also use the magnesium

from the Epson salt, but we may need that later. For now we will use the

magnesium, some iron from our skillet, and throw in some or our silicon glue from the tube that is

starting to get empty by now , and put them in the press with some oxygen from the kitchen

under very high heat and pressure and we get ourselves a very nice peridot crystal. (Mg2SiO4-Fe2SIO4)

Now that the milk of magnesia bottle is open we should use what's left to stir up some garnets. But for
these we will also have to get the aluminum foil out of the cabinet. Because garnets are made from
magnesium, aluminum, oxygen, and what's left of our tube of silicon glue. We will put all of this into
the press and we will soon have a beautiful red pyrope garnet. If we take out the magnesium and add

some iron from our skillet to the aluminum foil, and oxygen

and silicon glue , we will can have ourselves an almandine garnet. Tired of red, let's go to

the cabinet with the vitamins and get some chromium tablets. We can substitute that

chromium for the iron, and get a beautiful green uvarovite garnet. Since the stainless steel cookware

contains almost 18 percent chromium we could have used those for our chromium source. But

then, the tablets have more chromium and we may need the cookware for dinner. Lets go to the
Sapphires and Ruby 
Getting board with green and red stones, lets make some blue sapphires. Sapphires occur in every
color of the rainbow so we can have some fun with this one. We have just about everything out we will
need to make a sapphire. The mineral that forms sapphire is known as corundum. The red one's are
known as ruby, every other color is known as sapphire. We will create a blue color. All we need to

make a corundum is the aluminum from our roll of aluminum foil, and oxygen from the
air. Pure and simple. Throw that aluminum foil into the press with some oxygen and you will

get a colorless corundum crystal. But for some color we will need to add something extra. We will put

some of the iron from the skillet in the mix along with something new...titanium.

There are a number of places in the kitchen we can get titanium. We can take it from the white paint

on the walls, from the plastic cups in the cabinet, or from the linoleum floor. Since we

don't need much we can scrape some paint from behind the refrigerator and put it in the press. The
aluminum and oxygen will form the corundum, and the iron and titanium will join together by sharing

an electron, and together they will selectively absorb the right colors to make our

sapphire transmit a beautiful blue color. (Al2O3) This one is the colored banded one from the gem
grading course.

And of course, you can take the aluminum and oxygen from the air and mix

in just a pinch of chromium and you will have yourself.....a ruby! That's all

there is in a ruby.

We can make some simple gems and minerals with very little effort. Just take the graphite pencil lead

out of all the pencils in the drawer, turn the heat and pressure up to the highest

setting and we can make a diamond.

Or dissolve some table salt in a bowl of water and let it sit long enough to dry and form

crystals. You have halite.

Pearls, Aragonite, Ammolite 

Here's another good one. The TUMS tablets by the sink. it is made of calcium carbonate.

We can put the TUMS into the press and let them form some aragonite

crystals . Nothing else needs to be added. And if we run that aragonite through an

oyster, we will get ourselves some nice South Sea Pearls. If you allow an ammolite

to eat your TUMS, he will eventually turn that calcium carbonate into a sea shell. Which will one day

become a gemstone made from a fossil called ammolite All four items, TUMS, aragonite,

ammolite, and pearls, are made from the same mineral: calcium carbonate (CaCO3).


Something in pink? No problem. Take some of the lithium grease from under the sink, add

some aluminum foil, use what's left of our silicon glue, add some oxygen,
and we can make ourselves a variety of the spodumene family known as kunzite. (

LiAlSi2O6 ) Don't take it out in the sun, though. The color is not permanent and will fade in strong

sunlight. That's why they call it the "midnight stone". But if you stick it in a flame it

will make the flame burn a brilliant color of red.

How about some feldspars? Let's make a variety of microcline feldspar known as amazonite.

For this we will need to go to the refrigerator and get a bunch of cans of Diet 7UP. In

those we will find a great source of potassium due to the preservatives: potassium benzoate,

potassium disodium EDTA, and acesulfame potassium. We will take this potassium,

mix it with our aluminum foil, add some silicon glue from our tube , and finally

oxygen from the kitchen air ...and make ourselves an amazonite, a member of the potassium

feldspar group. (KAlSi3O8) 

Imperial Jade

OK, one more. Someone may be wanting to start dinner. We are going to take some of the sodium out

of the salt shaker on the table (you know, sodium chloride). We will add in some aluminum from

the last of our foil roll , a piece of iron from the cast iron skillet,
whatever is left of our silicon glue tube, some oxygen, and just a pinch of chromium

from our vitamin cabinet. Press it at the right temperature and pressure. And we have made

ourselves a very fine piece of jadeite known as Imperial Jade. Na(Al,Fe)Si2O6 

We could go on and on. Because extraordinary things like gems and minerals are actually made out of
ordinary things like aluminum foil, cast iron skillets, table salt, lithium grease, silicon glue, and soft
drink name a few. In reality, we could make just about every gem and mineral on this
earth from a few bottles of vitamin and mineral supplements from the local GNC or some groceries
and other items from the local Walgreens stores. And it is the exceptionally wide variety of gems and
minerals that are formed by a rather unexceptional list of elements that makes gems and minerals so
fascinating to so many people.

I hope you enjoyed this little demonstration on the formation of gemstones. I took some poetic license,
I realize. You cannot actually make gemstones in your kitchen without a lot more heat and pressure
than you can generate. So please don't you science guys write me and tell me every little detail of
physics that may have been violated. The general purpose was fulfilled with a respectable amount of
accuracy. And the real purpose was to have some fun. I hope it fulfilled its purpose for you.

To learn more about the formation of gemstones we invite you to join us for the study of gemology
with the:

International School of Gemology

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Robert James FGA, GG.....YourGemologist

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