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SPE REPRINT SERIES NO.55 BAVA Pera) Published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE REPRINT SERIES NO. 55 SHALY SAND ANALYSIS 2003 Edition Published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers Richardson, Texas SHALY SAND ANALYSIS SPECIAL REPRINT COMMITTEE* Zaki Bassiouni, Chair Louisiana State U. Baton Rouge, Louisiana John Kulha Consultant Houston E.C. Thomas Bayou Petrophysics ‘Tomball, Texas “The core committee has consulted and considered input form colleagues in providing the list of papers include in this report. © Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers, P.O, Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836, 1.972.952.9393. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved. This book or any pars thereof may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior written permission of | the publisher. ISBN 1-55563-098-7 FOREWORD ‘The main objective of wel-log analysis is the identification of hydrocarbon-bearing formations and the evaluation of their potential. The hydrocarbon potential of a zone is usually implied from a log derived effective porosity and water saturation value. Early evaluation models assumed that brine is the only electric conductor in the formation. However, clay minerals, which are present in most clastic reservoir rocks, do conduct electric current and decrease the response of resistivity logs land the spontaneous potential reading. Consequently, overlooking the effect of clay minerals results in underestimating the formation hydrocarbon potential caused by estimating higher-than- actual water saturation values, Because of their complex chemical composition, clay minerals also ‘complicate porosity estimation from Neutron and Density log responses. In fact, clay minerals affect almost all wel-logging measurements. Clastic formations containing significant amounts of clay minerals are referred to as “shaly sands.” Despite decades of research, shaly sand analysis remains a dificult problem. The analysis of shaly sands is complex because of the wide variety of clay minerals and their distribution within the pore and rock structure. The complexity of the analysis increases as the “shale” content increases, and as the porosity and formation water salinity decrease. That explains the absence of unique universally accepted approach to shaly sand analysis. Many approaches, mostly empirical, exist. These approaches vary from basin to basin, company to company, and even from one analyst to another within the same organization. Practicing patrophysicists and analysts have Usually to generate and test models for their geographic/geologic area of interest. They face a daunting task of developing new representative models, or at least modifying and adapting existing ones to their specific problem. The objective ofthis reprints to introduce the reader tothe petrophysical concepts of shaly sands, and the existing practices and interpretation models. The reader should not search this reprint for a “model” which can be directly applied to a case of interest. This reprint, however, should heighten the reader's appreciation of the problem of shaly sand analysis, and serves as a guide to use current interpretation methods and to develop new approaches. Reprint volumes are, by design, limited in size. Therefore, the special Shaly Sand Analysis Reprint committee members have selected papers which they delieve best accomplish the aforementioned objective of the reprint. The selection rational is presented in the annotated bibliography. In addition to the twenty papers published in full, a limited number of relevant papers, which the reader is encouraged to consult, is listed in the Bibliography section. The Bibliography is organized alphabetically by the first author's last name. The reader is also encouraged to consult the following shaly sand bibliographies: Fertl, Walter: "Selected Bibliography of Well Logging Interpretation in Shaly Reservoir Rock,’ 1972 ‘SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, 7-10 May (113 entries). Patchett, J.G. and Brown, A.A. et al.:"SPWLA Reprint Volume Shely Sand: VI. Bibliography” (1982) vi-1/23, (310 entries). Sneider, R.M. and Kulha, J.T: “Bibliography: Productive Low Resistivity Well Logs of the Offshore Guif of Mexico” (1993) c1-c20 (176 entries). Prensky, S.E.: "Bibliography of Well-Log Applications,” The Log Analyst (now Petrophysics), 1993-2000 Annual Updates (88 entries). Papers in these bibliographies and more recent papers can be located by searching the electronic bibliographies maintained by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (, the Sooiety of Professional Well Log Analysis (, and other earth science-related organizations. ‘The papers selected for this reprint fall into four categories: 1. Petrophysical Concepts of Shaly Sands. This section is devoted to papers that clarity the difference between shaly and clean formations. The papers are presented in chronological order (1942 to 197) to give the reader an insight into the historical development of shaly sand analysis. 2. Empirical Shaly Sand Analysis Methods. The early years of log interpretation of shaly sand analysis was characterized by the development of a multitude of empirical approaches. Most of these methods express the clay effect only in terms of its quantity However, some of these approaches can stil be adapted for certain environments. 3. Cation Exchange Capacity Models, Better understanding of clay effect on the electric ‘conductivity of rocks led to models based on the Cation Exchange Capacity, which is a measure of both the clay volume content and clay type. 4, Emerging Technology. Nuolear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging has been introduced to characterize free fluid volumes and the effective porosity. Recent tool designs may also provide a measure of the clay-bound water volume, which is relevant to the correction of the clay effect for resistivity analysis. Topics such as laminated, low-contrast, and low-resistivity formations were included not only in the interests of space, but also because the committee believes that they warrant a special effort and, their own reprint. ‘On a personal note, | would lke to thank John Kulha and E.C. Thomas for their valuable effort and input throughout this project. Zaki Bassiour Chair CONTENTS Petrophysical Concepts of Shaly Sands The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics........6...-0ee eee ees Ain. Detar ansale, by G.E. Archie (1942), Trans, AIME, 146, 54. The Presence of Conductive Solids in Reservoir Rocks as a Factor in Electric Log Interpretation by H.W. Patnode and M.R.J Wyllie (1950) Trans., AMIE, 189, 47. lonic Double-Layer Conductivity in Reservoir Rock... by WO. Winsauer and WM. McCardell (1953) Trans, AMIE, 198, 129. Effect of Clay and Water Salinity on Electrochemical Behavior of Reservoir Rocks ... by H.J. Hill and J.D. Milburn (1956) Tran: The Morphology of Dispersed Clay in Sandstone Reservors and Its Effect on Sandstone Shaliness, Pore Space and Fluid Flow Properties ....... . by J.W. Neasham, paper SPE 6858 presented at the 1977 SPE Annual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Denver, Colorado, 9-12 October. Empirical Shaly Sand Analysis Methods ‘A Contribution to Electrical Log Interpretation in Shaly Sands.......... 0.0.5 by A. Poupon, M.E. Loy, and M.P. Tixier (1954) Trans., AMIE, 201, 138. Log Analysis of Sand-Shale Sequences-A Systematic Approach ............ by A. Poupon, C.Clavier, J. Dumanoir, R.Gaymard, and A. Misk, JPT, (July 1970) 867. ‘An Approach to Determining Water Saturation in Shaly Sands .............. by J.G. Patchett and R.W. Rausch, JPT (October 1967) 1395. Simplified Shaly Sand Analysis ..........0..0ec0ecccceeseceeeueseres by WH. Fert! and H.B. Watt, paper SPE 6465 presented at the 1977, AIME/SPE Oklahoma City Regional Meeting on Operating Practices in Drilling and Production of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 21-22 February. The Evolution of Shaly-Sand Concepts in Reservoir Evaluation ............. by Paul F. Worthington, The Log Analyst ( January-February 1985) 25, 23. Cation Exchange Capacity Models Electrical Conductivities in Oil-Bearing Shaly Sands ...... 31 39 . 107 by M.H. Waxman and L.J.M. Smits, SPEJ (June 1968) 107; Trans., AIME, 243. Electrical Conduetivities in Shaly Sands-I. The Relation Between Hydrocarbon Saturation and Resistivity Index; Il. The Temperature Coefficient of Electrical Conductivity .. 02.0.0... ee cee eevee eee by M.H. Waxman and E.C. Thomas, JPT (February 1974) 213; Trans.,. AIME, 257. 123 The Determination of Q, From Membrane Potential Measurements on ‘Shaly Sands Give. sons eeaoG sioviaaerl ii ailing Sy vaika le Boracay 137 by E.C. Thomas, JPT (September 1976) 1087. Evaluation of Shaly Classic Reservoir Rocks 2.0... ....0e0eeeee uses +. 147 by WH. Fert! and E. Frost, Jr., JPT (September 1980) 1641. Theoretical and Experimental Bases for the Dual-Water Model for Interpretation of Shaly Sands . .. . 3 by C. Clavier, G. Coates, and J. Dumanoir, SPI - 153 A Computer-Processed Wellsite Log Computation . . 169 by D.L. Best, J.S. Gardner, and J.L. Dumanoir, paper Z presented the 1978 SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, El Paso, Texas 13-16 June. Hydrocarbon Saturation Equation in Shaly Sands According to the SAE COMP MOONE POLE Sa Oe beaters bev eee teck 201 by PL. Silva and Z. Bassiouni, SPEFE (September 1988) 503. Emerging Technologies Measurements of Clay-Bound Water and Total Porosity by Magnetic Resonance Logging ina4 ilsawiesa A-pnovevewre alates 12. BeVANOBOS by M.G. Prammer, E.D. Drack, J.C. Bouton, v.S. Gardner, G.R. Coates, R.N. Chandler and M.N. Miller, paper SPE 35222 presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Thechnical Conference and Exhibitor, Denver, Colorado, 5-9 October. Petrophysical Implications of Laboratory NMR and Petrographical Investigation on Shaly Sand Core. by D.V. Chitale, PI. Day, and G.R. Coates, paper SPE 56765 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3-6 October. 219 Integration of NMR With Other Openhole Logs for Improved Formation Evaluation...........0..0..ecvers by C.C. Minh, R. Freedman, S. Crary, and, D. Cannon, SPEREE (December 2000) 509. Bibliography ..... és ean cee Vides TE nes re scene 5 5 237 229 The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics By G, E, Ancurs* (Dallas Meeting, October 1942) ‘Taz usefulness of the electrical resistivity log in determining reservoir characteristics is governed largely by: (r) the accuracy with which the true resistivity of the formation can be determined; (2) the scope of detailed data concerning the relation of resistivity measure- ‘ments to formation characteristics; (3) the available information concerning the conduc- tivity of connate or formation waters; (4) the extent of geologic knowledge regarding proba- ble changes in facies within given horizons, both vertically and laterally, particularly in relation to the resultant effect on the electrical proper- ties of the reservoir, Simple examples are given in the following pages to illustrate the use of resistivity logs in the solution of some problems dealing with oil and gas reservoirs. From the available information, itis apparent that much care must be exercised in applying to more complicated cases the methods suggested. Tt should be remembered that the equations given are not precise and represent only approximate relationships. Tt is believed, however, that under favorable conditions their application falls within useful limits of accuracy. Inrropuction ‘The electrical log has been used exten- sively in a qualitative way to correlate formations penetrated by the drill in the exploitation of oil and gas reservoirs and to provide some indication of reservoir content. However, its use in a quantitative way has been limited because of various factors that tend to obscure the significance of the electrical readings obtained. Some of these factors are the borehole size, received at the office of the Institute Sept 27] reviged Dec. 8, 1941. fosued as T'P. 1423 in Peraoceum Tecunovocy, January 1942. * Shell Ol! Co., Houston, Texas the resistivity of the mud in the borehole, the effect of invasion of the mud filtrate into the formation, the relation of the recorded thickness of beds to electrode spacing, the heterogeneity of geologic formations, the salinity or conductivity of connate water, and, perhaps of greatest importance, the lack of data indicating the relationship of the resistivity of a formation in situ to its character and fluid content, On the Gulf Coast it is found that the effects of the size of the borehole and the mud resistivity are generally of little importance, except when dealing with high formational resistivities or extremely low mud resistivities. Fortunately, little practical significance need be attached to the exact values of the higher resistivities recorded. Low mud resistivities are not common, but when this condition is encountered it may be corrected by replacing the mud column. With the present advanced knowledge of mud control, invasion of mud filtrate into sands can be minimized, thereby increasing the dependability of the electrical log. The effect of electrode spacing on the recorded thickness of a bed is often subject to compensation or can be sufficiently accounted for to provide an acceptable approximation of the true resistivity of the formation. As development of a field or area progressively enhances the knowl- edge of the lithologic section, the resistivity values of the electrical log take on greater significance, ultimately affording accept- able interpretations. The salinity, and G. 8, ARCHIE therefore the conductivity, of the connate water associated with the various produc- ing horizons may be determined with sufficient accuracy by the usual sampling procedure. Determination of the significance of the resistivity of a producing formation as recorded by the electrical log appears, for the present at least, to rest largely with the application of empirical relation- ships established in the laboratory between certain of the physical properties of a reservoir rock and what may be termed a formation factor. It should be stressed at this point that numerous detailed laboratory studies of the physical proper- ties of the formations in relation to the electrical measurements in question are essential to a reliable solution of the problems dealing with reservoir content. ‘The purpose of this paper is to present some of these laboratory data and to suggest their application to quantitative studies of the electrical log. It is not tended to attempt to discuss individual resistivity curves and their application. ‘The disturbing factors (borehole, bed thickness, and invasion) are discussed brielly only to indicate instances when they are not likely to affect the usefulness of the observed resistivity. Resistivity or SANDS WHEN Pores Ane Entity Fintep wita Brive ‘A study of the resistivity of formations when all the pores are filled with water is of basic importance in the detection of oil or gas by the use of an electrical log. Unless this value is known, the! added resistivity due to oil or gas in a formation cannot be determined. ‘The resistivities of a large number of brine-saturated cores from various sand formations were determined in the labora- tory; the porosity of the samples ranged from 10 to 40 per cent. The salinity of the clectrolyte filling the pores ranged from 20,000 to 100,000 milligrams of NaCl pet liter. ‘The following simple relation was found to exist for that range of porosities and salinities: Ry= FRe re where R, = resistivity of the sand when all the pores were filled with brine, Re = resistivity of the brine, and F = a “for- mation resistivity factor.” In Figs. 1 and 2, F is plotted against the permeabilities end porosities, respec- tively, of the samples investigated. The data presented in Fig. 1 were obtained from consolidated sandstone cores in which the cementing medium consisted of various amounts of calcareous as well as siliceous materials. The cores hed essentially the same permeability, parallel to and perpendicular to the bedding of the layers. All of the cores were from producing zones in the Gulf Coast region. Cores from the following fields were used: Southeast Premont, Tom Graham, Big ‘Dome-Hardin, Magnet-Withers, and Sheri- dan, Texas; also La Pice, and Happytown, La. Fig. 2 presents similar data obtained from cores of a widely different sandstone; that is, one that had extremely low per- meability values compared with those shown in Fig. x for corresponding porosities. These cores were from the Nacatoch sand in the Bellevue area, Louisiana. From Figs. 1 and 2 it appears that the formation resistivity factor F is a function of the type and character of the formation, and varies, among other properties, with the porosity and permeability of the reser- voir rock; many points depart from the average line shown, which represents a reasonable relationship. Therefore, indi- vidual determinations from any particular core sample may deviate considerably from the average. This is particularly true for the indicated relationship to permeability, Further, although the varia tion of F with porosity for the two groups of data taken from sands of widely different character is quite consistent, the effect 10

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