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Wednesday, 9 January 2019 11:33

Rakesh Roshan Diagnosed With Throat Cancer When Rahu The Rog
Harnam Afflicted In Natal and Transit Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Rakesh Roshan diagnosed with throat cancer link
He was diagnosed with ealy stage of Throat Cancer 21 hrs ago
Transit Rahu Adverse and Natal Rahu in Sarp Dreshkanne and
aspected By Fallen Jupiter the sign Lord hence both Under
affliction. Rahu is Rog harnam and Ketu Rog karnam hence
Problems are sprouting , More so the Transit Rahu over the
Natal Mars in Debilitation and Transit Mars over the natal
Rahu and Both having aspect of Jupiter in Transit
Rakesh Roshan is Born on the 6th Sept. 1949 the place and
time of birth is not known never the less Astrology still can see
the impact
Have a Look at the charts Below comparing the Planetary
Positions at the time of Birth and when the News come on the
8th Jan. 2019 around 10.54 hrs.
The Transit Chart is below
For Cancer Disease the most important parameters are the the
1. Planets in Sarp Dreshkanne. Venus and Jupiter in Sarp
Dreshkanne and Venus has ingressed in Scorpio only on the
2nd Jan. 2019
2. The Nodes Rahu and Ketu . Rahu is Rog harnam and Ketu
Rogkarnam and both are vargottam , but in Transit both are
malefic and in Forward motion considered to be most venoous
3. The sign Scorpio for Cancer disease has Venus and Jupiter
and Jupiter has Exchange with Mars placed in the sign Pieces
and Jupiter in Sarp Dreshkanne aspects Rahu and Mars also.
4. The Yoga at the time of Diagnosis. Here the yoga is Vajr and
the Lord is Moon and Moon is with Ketu in the 12th house the
Disease giver and Moon is in 12th House. Rahu Rogharnam is
placed in the 6th house is not a good parameter since both the
nodes are most malefic condition being in adverse motion and
connecting to the 6th house and the 6th Lord .
5.In Navamsha Moon is ill placed from Ketu the disease giver
and Moon is also the 6th Lord is a malefic parameter.
6.Relation of the Lagna Lord Saturn, Lagna Lord of the
Dreshkanne chart Venus to be seen with Ketu in the D6
Shashtamsha chart and they are placed well for cure.
6. Placement of Mars in D6 Shashtamsha chart has to be seen
and placed in the fiery sign is best for Cure.
7. Ketu and the 6th Lord to be seen in the D6 Shashtamsha
chart chart and here they are placed well from each other is a
saving for cure.
6. Placement of Mars in D6 Shashtamsha chart has to be seen
and placed in the fiery sign is best for Cure.
7. Ketu and the 6th Lord to be seen in the D6 Shashtamsha
chart chart and here they are placed well from each other is a
saving for cure.
8.In the D8 Ashtamsha chart the 6th Lord Moon is afflicted by
Ketu aspect and hence it gives a cripping disease like cancer ,
Here Mercury and Mars also also afflicted by Ketu and Rahu,
hence the Cancer disease
The Sign Scorpio is the prime sign , Rahu in Scorpio is
supposed to give cancer. Association of Moon-Rahu,Rahu-
Mercury Or Rahu-Mars gives cancer, if these planets are well
associated with Mars then these disease will be cured . In the
chart Moon, Merucury and Rahu are well placed from Ketu but
associated with Ketu is not good . In the D8 chart Ashtamsha
chart Mercury and Mars are connected to Rahu and ill placed
from the sign Scorpio hence Cancerous growth
Since we dont know the exact time of Diagnosis we have to
depend upon the Planets in the particular signs and the above
parameters. The Lagna at 11.00 am is Pieces 1 degree . Rahu
Rog harnam for cure , but unfortunately Rahu and Ketu when
I am writing and when diagnosed are in most malefic state . It
is said that at the the time of the Disease query Moon should
not have any relation with Rahu.
Now Let us construct the Birth chart of 6th Sept. 1949 to
comapre the planetary positions with same Lagna Aquarius
29.44 degrees.
1.The Planets in Sarp Dreshkanne Rahu in the sign Pieces over
which Mars is in Transit
Mars is Debilitated in the chart in the sign Cancer and Transit
Rahu over the natal Mars when Rahu is most venomous for 17
days in a stretch from the day when Rakesh Roshan is
diagnosed with Throat Cancer
2. The Node Rahu in Sarp Dreshkanne
3. The sign Scorpio for Cancer disease is aspected By Rahu in
sarp Dreshkanne
4. Placement of Mars in watery sign in the D6 Shashtamsha
chart the sign of Cancer disease is not good for Cure
5. Ketu and Moon the 6th Lord are placed well from each other
but Moon has aspect of Ketu
6. In the D8 Chart the 6th Lord Moon is with Rahu and Ketu
shows the lingering disease like Cancer
7. In the D8 chart Moon and Mars are placed well from the
sign Scorpio of Cancer disease but Mercury is not hence
disease will linger on for some while
The biggest concern as far as the Birth Planets are concerned
Rahu is in the sign of Pieces and aspected By the Lord Jupiter
who is fallen in the natal chart and will fall in the sign Scorpio
in Transit on the 23rd April 2019 indicationfg problems for the
cancer disease then Jupiter Fallen in Transit will also aspect
the Natal Rahu in Sarp Dreshkanne . Ketu will be over the
Natal Jupiter after 25th March 2019
The Transit Parameters Rahu and Jupiter are most venomous
for Rakesh Roshan and these parameters are also in affliction
in the birth chart along with another parameter Transit Mars
over the Natal Rahu and Transit Rahu over the Natal Mars is
definitely a concern.Yet another parameter Sun and Saturn
conjunction in Transit and natal chart in close degrees . In the
natal chart this conjunction is aspected By Fallen Jupiter and
in the birth chart along with another parameter Transit Mars
over the Natal Rahu and Transit Rahu over the Natal Mars is
definitely a concern.Yet another parameter Sun and Saturn
conjunction in Transit and natal chart in close degrees . In the
natal chart this conjunction is aspected By Fallen Jupiter and
in Transit this conjunction is over the natal Jupiter in
Sagitarius . Jupiter in Gandantha in Transit between the signs
Sagitarius and Scorpio will also be Venomous for the disease
since it is the dispositor of Rahu in the natal chart who is in
Sarp Dreshkanne and also afflicted in the natal chart. Jupiter
will also be in the 6th Paraya and then , hence The disease may
linger on till Jupiter and Ketu are with Saturn in Transit till
20-1-2020 . Rahu and Kertu Transit and connected to the
Moon at the time of the Diagnosis malefic Parameters .
If the Transit Parameter Rahu Causes concern till 25th March
2019 then there could be difficulty in cure since the Rahu
acquires a special dimansion in the natal and the Transit. Else
After 25th March 2019 and Jan 2020 some relief could be
expected .
Written on the 9th Jan. 2019 at 10-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan
Mobile +918527884764

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