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❏ Turn this in online on CANVAS. 
❏ You MUST have a total of 15 hours planned out. 
❏ Because this is a plan that is ​subject-to-change​, you are estimating the amount of time 
activities may take and you are estimating the date as well.  
❏ Take a look at the 2​ 018-2019 CMS CALENDAR​ ​before getting started. ​Take the planning 
process seriously​.  
❏ I will not approve this form unless it is filled out in-full. 
Directions: Please review the questions below. These questions are meant to help you focus on 
exactly WHAT you will do with your 15 hours. It is your choice whether you fill out the 15 hour plan 
first or answer the questions first. Just make sure this is completed. 
1. Provide the original title of your junior paper.  

Abortion: a legal crime 

2. What was your topic about? What was your position (belief) about the topic. Give pertinent 
details. Explain #2 in a paragraph or less. If you have changed your topic, explain it here. 

My topic is about abortion and I think that abortion should be illegal because it causes a lot of 
problems; abortion is murder, it causes psychological damage for the mother, and promotes a culture 
in where human life is disposable; this problem need to stop because a lot of childrens are losing their 
life, this is stupid if we want have all the rights that we want so why that little person can’t have the 
right to live?,  

3. Explain the overall goal of your efforts by answering these questions: 

a. Describe the community/ies you will focus on. 

I'm going to focus on youth. 

b. Where will you go to find these people? 


c. Explain HOW the community will benefit from your SLE. 

Young people will be aware of the consequences they can have if they want to practice 
abortion and how they can help other people who want to have an abortion. 

d. At the end of your hours, how will YOU know you helped this community? How will 
you measure this? 2-3 sentences. 
I will always be in contact with them through chat groups or visit them. 

4. Will you have a mentor? NO 

**A mentor is optional, but it does get you extra points on your final project grade. You must provide 
evidence of working with a mentor throughout your project, if you choose to have one. 

Date  Amount  Description of activity   Materials  Evidence of  Name the group you will 
you’ll  of time  needed  performing  impact.  
perform  you’ll  to  activity (Picture,  Then explain how this 
activity  spend on  complete  video, emails,  activity will positively 
activity  activity  etc.)  impact your targeted 

Ex.  Ex. 45  Ex. I’m going to choreograph an  Ex. Video,  Ex. My dance  Ex. It will impact t​ eens at MLK 
February  minutes  interpretive dance.  playlist,  teacher will video  Middle -​ where it will be 
27  pen and  me dancing, to help  performed. 
paper, list  me see how  It will positively impact them 
of moves,  everything looks to  because they will be emotionally 
etc.  an audience.  moved by what they see. 

Novemb 45  the ball asks.  a ball,  all the young  this will be a good thing that 
er 3  minutes  music  people will make  will help them get to know 
a circle, then I will  each other. 
give them the ball, 
this game consists 
in that while the 
music is playing all 
will pass the ball, 
to the music the 
person who was 
left with the ball 
will say his name 
and what they like 
to do , if that 
person already 
participated the 
group could ask a 
question to that 

Novemb 58  What do you know about  Playlist   Let young people  This will help young people know 
er 4  minutes  abortion?  participate by  about data they may not know 
giving their  about abortion. 
knowledge about 

Novemb 47  Brainstorming  Pencil,  Give a question  This will give us an idea of 
er 9  minutes    paper  and have them  when a fetus has the right to 
brainstorm what  live and will help them think a 
they think, when  little more about whether 
life begins?  abortion is bad or not. 
Give the 
opportunity to 
each of them an 
answer to the 

Novemb 55  reflect and ask about how an  Powerpoi I'm going to use  this will help young people to 
er 10  minutes  abortion is performed.  nt, video,  Powerpoint to  have more knowledge about 
  music  create the slides  the abortion process. 
  with information 
about what the 
procedure is like 
and if the young 
people have any 
questions on the 
subject and I will 
answer it. 

Novemb 60  answer the question and give  sticky  I will give the  this will help them to 
er 11  minutes  your anonymous answer (how  notes,  young people  reconsider and think about it 
do you think a person feels  music,  time to answer  very well that the suffering 
after practicing the abortion?)  pens, and  that question and  does not end when the 
  blackboar then they will  abortion is practiced but it 
  d.  stick it on the  worsens and causes traumatic 
  blackboard, then I  damages. 
  will choose a 
young person to 
explain what he 
thinks because 
some of the 
young people 
gave that answer. 

Novemb 50  brainstorming about abortion.  Paper and  they will form  This will help them remember 
er 16  minutes    markers.  groups (it will  everything they have learned 
  depend on the  with the group. 
  number of young 
  people who are 
  there) and they 
will put the word 
"abortion" in the 
middle of the 
paper and write 
the concepts or 
things that are 
remembered and 
that we have 
dealt with on that 

Novemb 60  Why is it necessary to talk  paper,  I will divide the  This will allow them to 
er 17  minutes  about abortion?  markers  young people into  understand the importance of 
  and  two groups, I will  talking about abortion and 
  music.  give them some  that there is nothing wrong 
  questions to  with talking about it. 
answer in the 
paper they will be 
given, after they 
have finished their 
posters, we will 
meet to talk 
about the key 
points that these 
answers have and 
the importance 
that there is to 
talk about 

Novemb 55  tree about unwanted  paper and  divide the  This will help them understand 
er 18  minutes  pregnancy   markers.  participants into  the causes, effects and 
    two groups, then  solutions of abortion. 
  on the sheet of 
paper they have 
to draw a tree 
with its leaves and 
roots, one of the 
groups will focus 
on the topic from 
the perspective of 
a pregnant young 
woman, the other 
group will focus 
on the theme of 
the groom of the 
pregnant young 
woman, in the 
roots will be the 
causes, inside the 
trunk will be the 
subject of the 
outside of it will 
be the solutions 
on the subject and 
the leaves will be 
the consequences. 

Novemb 60  I'm going to give a little lesson  markers,  I'm going to give a  This will be a good thing for 
er 23  minutes  about the consequences of  blackboar little lesson about  them to understand that not 
abortion.  d.  some of the  only can there be 
  consequences  consequences for them but it 
  that a girl who  also affects the people around 
  wants to practice  them. 
abortion can 
suffer and also 
how it would 
affect her 
situation to those 
around her. 

Novemb 60  walking in her shoes (the  markers  5 groups will be  This will help them understand 
er 24  minutes  decision to end a pregnancy).  and  formed, each of  the different reasons why 
  paper.  them will think of  there are young people who 
a case of a girl  practice abortion. 
who has decided 
to abort, I will 
give them some 
questions and 
they will answer 
them on the 
poster, then they 
will present their 
case to everyone. 

Novemb 60  explosive questions  A balloon,  the participants  This is a fun activity that will 
er 25  minutes    thread,  will make a circle,  test how much attention they 
matches.  the balloon will  paid in past activities. 
have the thread 
hung and I will 
light the tip of the 
thread with the 
matches, the 
game is that the 
participants have 
to answer 
questions before 
the balloon is 

Decemb 40  Short test on abortion.  the pages  this will be a short  this will help them not to 
er 1  minutes    of the  test of what they  forget what they have been 
exam.  learned from each  taught and also to stay alert in 
activity we had,  every activity we do. 
the test will be 
true or false (it 
will be an easy 

Decemb 60  What options do women have  blackboar create a circle  they will learn to know that 
er 2  minutes  for not aborting?  d,  with all the young  not only is there a solution for 
  markers.  people and think  an unwanted pregnancy, but 
  about options  there are other ways of solving 
  that a young  the problems without harming 
  woman can  the health of the baby and of 
  choose instead of  the women. 
abort, discuss   
about the options 
with the whole 

Decemb 60  pregnancy test.  activity  create groups of  This will help them to be 
er 8  minutes    sheets on  two, this activity  prepared in case they are 
  pregnanc is that one of  presented with a situation, 
  y test.  them will act as  and how they should react. 
the girl and the 
other person as 
boyfriend of a girl, 
couples have to 
write their story 
and how they 
came to think 
about doing a 
pregnancy test, 
then I will give 
them The result of 
the pregnancy 
test (not real), will 
explain how they 
feel and what 
decision they will 

Decemb 50  How to raise awareness of  Markers  I will give a lesson  This will help them to have 
er 9  minutes  women who want to have an  and  about: how to  more confidence to talk about 
abortion?  blackboar raise awareness of  this issue, and help those 
  d.  women who want  people who need our help. 
  to have an 
  abortion?, I will 
ask them how 
they think we can 
talk to those 
people who want 
to practice 

Decemb 35  A short test  Pencils  It will be a short  This will help them to 
er 15  minutes    test about the last  remember each one of the 
  activities we have  activities that we have done, 
  done.  for when they need this 
information they will already 
know ir.Dec 

Decemb 45    Flags (one  This is a game to  It is a game in which they will 
er 16  minutes  Who knows more?  blue, and  know who paid  have fun, they will enjoy it 
  the other  attention in all the  very much, and where they 
one red),  activities we do; I  will show what they know. 
awards.  will divide the 
participants into 4 
groups, the team 
that wins will win 
a award. 


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