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mI aaIA Qe 2 AMERICAN SCHOOL ee eading ey Mitt A Raa Crtv Contre 2 caapsamame Authors Mov A Ptah rated or Tsu Melo sche SK nhrehepeRMEBA ony ena ouput eos eh caren nd octane American School Textbook Reading Key ~Basic2 Paine kaj tin ‘aaron Pee Cee Contents estonia 2010 2y40yRatetons 1228 dogatdng ang Sau Ks ovemnogitbncaie ot tnassegmatn arc 2810 Rterans Crarvesians igen pat pon may "ame any fm ry ny rs est ‘hep rten persone he conv one rad eh Feet Ly rn The Best Preparation for Building Academic Reading Skills and Vocabulary ‘The Reading Key series is designed to help s:udents to understand American school textbooks and to develop background knowledge in a wide variety of academic topics. This series also provides learners with the opportunity to enhance their reading comprehension skillsand vocabulary, which will assist them when they take various English exams. Reading Key is a three-book series designed for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners. Reading Key is a three-book series designed for low-intermediate to intermediate learners. Reading Key is a three-book series designed for intermediate to advanced learners. Features + Awide varity of topics that cover American schoo! subjects helps learners expand their knowledge of academic topes through nterdscplinary studies + Intensive practice for reading skill development helps learners prepare for various English exams. + Bullding vocabulary by school subjects and themed texts helps learners expand thelr vocabulary and reading skis in each subject + Graphic organizers for each passage show the structure of the passage and help to bull summary skis + Captivating pictures and illustrations related 12 the topics help learners gain a broader understanding ofthe topies and key concepts

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