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TEST N°4 LEVEL:4AM................

Every child in the U.S.A must go to school from the age of 6 to 16, but most stay at school until they
graduate at 18. Between those ages, they attend three different schools.
From 6to 12 , children go to elementary school. From 12 to 15, they attend junior high school.
Finally, from15 to 18, they go to high school.
At high school, the day usually begins at about 08:30a.m, and ends at about 03:30 p.m. Lunch time
lasts an hour and is usually from 12 to 1 o’clock. There is homework every evening. Pupils (called
“students” in the U.S.A.)may choose some less important subjects at high school. But, in general ,
everyone takes English, maths , one foreign language ( often Spanish), history, geography , the
sciences( physics , chemistry , and biology) and P.E until they leave at 18

Reading comprehension

a)- read & answer: (3pts)

1- how many kinds of schools do children attend in the U.S.A? -..............................................

2 – Which school do children go to from 12 to 15 ?-......................................................................

3 – What is the foreign language do American students often learn?-......................................

b) –read & complete(3pts)

ages school
From 6to 12 …………………….
From 12 to 15 …………………….
From 15 to 18 …………………….

c) –lexis(2pts)

- find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:

- named=…………… - starts =………………

Mastery of the language

a ) –rewrite this sentence &change “I” by “he”(2pts)

- If I pass my B.E.M exam, I will go to the lycee.

- If he.............................................................................

b )- correct verbs between brackets : (3pts)

1- if Nancy (to revise) .............................well, she (to succeed)...................... in her exam.

2- I( to go ) the lycee, as soon as , I(to pass) exam.

3-Last week , he (to be) .......................ill. He (not come) school .

c ) – put a thick in the right place : (2pts)

words Consonants cluster at Consonants cluster at Consonants cluster

the beginning the middle at the end.



Written expression :(6pts)

Write a paragraph describing the describing the different schools in Algeria .

The following hints can help you :
-children must go to school from 6 to 16.
- ages.
- Primary school
- Middle school (C.E.M) – the brevet exam.
-Secondary school (lycee) - the bac exam.

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