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A Case Based Approach to

89 Acute Flaccid Paralysis

Salil Gupta

CASE VIGNETTE Nerve (acute neuropathies)

A 24 years old young male is brought to the casualty • Diphtheria
with 2 days history of acute onset, progressive weakness • “Dumb” rabies
of all four limbs. At presentation he is bed bound. On
examination he has flaccid quadriplegia with swallowing • Porphyria
difficulty. What should be the approach to such a patient? • Drugs & Toxins (arsenic, thallium, lead, gold,
INTRODUCTION chemotherapy - cisplatin / vincristine)
Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) can be defined as a clinical • Vasculitis (incl. lupus, polyarteritis)
syndrome characterized by rapid onset (usually hours
to days), progressive weakness of at least one, usually Nerve Roots (acute polyradiculopathies) and plexus lesions
two or more limbs. There may be bulbar and respiratory • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
involvement. • HIV
Accurate diagnosis of the cause of AFP is important for • Other viruses like CMV
therapy and prognosis. If untreated, AFP may not only
persist but also lead to death due to failure of respiratory • Cauda equina syndrome (lumbar disc, tumour,
muscles. It can also cause complications like aspiration etc.)
pneumonia, deep venous thrombosis, bed sores and • Sarcoidosis
contractures. AFP also is of great public health importance
because of its use in surveillance for poliomyelitis in the • Lyme disease
context of the polio eradication initiative. • Plexus lesions (brachial plexitis, lumbosacral
DIAGNOSIS Anterior Horn Cell
Before approaching the given case it is useful to keep some • Poliomyelitis
common differential diagnoses in mind as per anatomical • Other viruses like HIV
location starting from one end of the neuraxis.
• Paraneoplastic
• Inflammatory myopathy (polymyositis, Spinal Cord
dermatomyositis) • Inflammatory (Transverse myelitis)

• Viral myositis • Other myelopathies (epidural abscess or hematoma)

• Periodic paralyses (hypokalemic, hyperkalemic) • Anterior spinal artery syndrome

• Metabolic derangements (hypophosphatemia, CLINICAL CLUES

hypokalemia, hypermagnesemia) History: Following points in the history must be enquired
into so as to classify the presenting pattern of weakness (as
Neuromuscular Junction given below). This helps not only finding the underlying
• Myasthenia Gravis etiology but also the prognosis and deciding the therapy:
• Animal toxins (snake bite especially cobra, krait; • Onset & progression of weakness: sudden, acute
shellfish, crab etc) (over hours), subacute (days to weeks)
• Botulism • duration of weakness (hours to days to weeks)
• Tick paralysis • pattern of weakness (eg: proximal, distal)
• Organophosphate toxicity (can also cause • pattern of progression (eg: onset in arms, “ascending
neuropathy) paralysis”)
• Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) • sensory involvement (numbness, tingling, loss of
balance esp. in dark, pain / burning)
424 • bulbar involvement (change in voice or swallowing) Clues to UMN lesion (mostly a spinal cord lesion) could
be presence of either:
• facial weakness (trouble chewing, sucking with
straw, blowing) • Brisk reflexes
• extraocular muscle weakness (diplopia) or ptosis • Extensor plantar
• respiratory involvement (iability to complete • Definite sensory level
sentences, dyspnea, orthopnea)
• Bladder or bowel involvement
• bladder or bowel involvement
A LMN lesion will have absent reflexes with mute plantar.
• autonomic involvement (diarrhea, orthostatic Frequently, an acute onset spinal cord lesion may present
dizziness, urinary retention, palpitations) with absent reflexes due to spinal shock. But the presence
of other differentiating features (extensor plantar, definite
• systemic symptoms (fever, weight loss, rash, joint

sensory level and bladder involvement) help localize the

lesion to spinal cord.
• recent illness or immunization (diarrheal or
Step 2: If it is a LMN lesion what is the pattern of weakness?
respiratory tract infection, anti rabies vaccine, oral
Is it proximal or distal?
polio vaccine)
Lesions localized to the following anatomical locations
• recent travel (out of country, to woods [tick bites])
cause proximal, mostly symmetrical weakness in AFP:
• recent h/o dog bite
• Muscle
• precipitating factors (exertion, carbohydrate
loading - with periodic paralyses)
• Polyradiculoneuropathies
• fluctuation in weakness (eg. diurnal variation,
fatiguability in myasthenia) Poly neuropathy will present with distal, mostly
symmetrical weakness. Lesions localized to the anterior
• drug or toxin exposure (canned or ‘bad’ food,
horn cells can present with symmetrical or asymmetrical,
pesticides, lead exposure)
proximal, distal or a combination of both. The reflexes
• family history (porphyria) will be absent in both the conditions.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Step 3: Are the reflexes preserved?
• Distribution and degree of weakness looking Localization of lesions with proximal weakness and
specially for extraocular muscles, facial muscles preserved reflexes include muscle or NMJ. Fatigability
and bulbar involvement (appearance of weakness with repeated use) is a prominent
• Assess for fatiguability feature in NMJ disorders especially myasthenia.
• Sensory impairment: particular modality (vibration Reflexes would be absent in:
/ proprioception vs. pain / temperature) - is there a • Anterior horn cell disorders
sensory level?
• Polyradiculoneuropathies
• Reflexes: Are the deep tendon reflexes lost? (ie.
areflexic), depressed, preserved, or brisk); Do • neuropathies
diminished reflexes facilitate with repeated efforts? Step 4: Are sensations preserved?
Neuropathies present with sensory involvement.
• Autonomic features (postural fall, abnormal Polyneuropathy presents with glove and stocking sensory
sweating, pupillary response, ileus) involvement while mononeuritis multiplex would present
• Skin: lines on nails with arsenic poisoning (Mee’s with patchy sensory loss.
lines), ticks, photosensitivity, Gottron’s papules on Polyradiculoneuropathies may or may not have a sensory
extensor surfaces & heliotrope discoloration over loss. Some GBS variants may have sensory loss. Cauda
eyelids (dermatomyositis), fang marks equina may present with a sensory loss in a radicular
• Spinal tenderness (with epidural abscess or distribution.
hematoma, spinal tumour)
• Straight leg raise (radiculopathy) It is useful to classifying the pattern of involvement into
any one of the following given below. This approach
CLINICAL CLUES TO DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS narrows the differential diagnosis further (Figure 1).
Step 1: Is it an upper motor neuron (UMN) or a lower
motor neuron (LMN) lesion? 1. Flaccid symmetric quadripareis (± bulbar and
respiratory involvement) with areflexia and
minimal to profound sensory loss (but often

Fig. 1: Flow diagram of approach to acute flaccid paralysis (AFP)
sensory symptoms) - Acute neuropathy or • Paraneoplastic syndromes
polyradiculopathy (eg GBS)
• Organophosphate toxicity (muscarinic cholinergic
2. Symmetric proximal muscle weakness without overstimulation)
sensory symptoms or signs and with preserved
• Botulism
reflexes: Acute myopathy (eg. polymyositis);
3. Fatiguable muscle weakness with diplopia, ptosis It is imperative to have a clinical approach as outlined
and bulbar dysfunction (eg myasthenia and other above rather than relying only on electrophysiology, lab
neuromuscular disorders) parameters or imaging to aid in the diagnosis. After the
differential diagnosis is narrowed then tests can be done
4. Flaccid Paraparesis with sensory level (often with to confirm diagnosis. Further management strategies will
reduced lower limb reflexes & bladder dysfunction) depend on the most probable diagnosis.
- Cauda equina syndrome (painful), thoracic spinal
cord lesions (eg. transverse myelitis, spinal cord MANAGEMENT OUTLINE IN SOME SPECIFIC AFP
infarct) Guillain- Barre Syndrome
5. Bulbar predominant involvement: Specific Measures:

• Botulism • IVIg or plasmapheresis are equally effective in

reversing the conditions. However the side effect
• Myasthenia gravis profile of IVIg is better.
• GBS • IVIg is given in dose of 400 mg/kg /day for 5 days
• Snake bite while plasmapheresis can be done on alternate day
for 5-6 sessions depending on the response.
6. Ophthalmoplegia with motor weakness:
• Indications include
• Miller-Fischer variant of GBS (areflexia)
1. Rapidly progressive weakness
• Botulism & Tick paralysis
2. Presence of respiratory or bulbar involvement
• Snake Bite
• Not indicated if the degree of weakness is non
7. Prominent autonomic dysfunction: progressive and has been present for more than 2
• GBS weeks.
426 Supportive Measures: 1. Thymic mass is demonstrated on a CT chest
• Air way protection 2. If no thymic mass then if age is between 10 to 55
• Cardiovascular monitoring for autonomic
dysfunction POLYMYOSITIS
• Enteral feeding if oropharyngeal dysfunction • Steroids are started as soon as the diagnosis is
present confirmed.

• Nutrition and daily fluid balance in ICU patients • On follow up once improvement starts steroid
sparing immune suppressants like azathioprine or
• Correction of electrolyte imbalance and conditions mycophenolate etc are added.
like SIADH
• Early rehabilitation is needed
• Heparin/ LMWH for prevention of DVT

• Prevention of bed sores

• Correction should start with oral therapy of 15
• Early rehabilitation ml solution of KCl (diluted) and can be given as
frequent as 30 minutes till improvement starts.
• Steroids are the main stay. However should start at • IV replacement is usually not necessary and
low dose and then gradually build up indicated if there is swallowing difficulty or
• Immunosuppressants like azathioprine may be
added subsequently as steroid sparing agents. • Long term therapy consists of acetazolamide in
Other drugs like mycophenolate also are a good doses from 250 mg-1000 mg/day.
• Acetyl Coline esterase inhibitors like pyridostignine 1. Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson
(60 mg tablet) or neostigmine (15 mg tablet) are JL, Loscalzo J (editors). Harrisons Principles Of Internal
started along with steroids and titrated as per Medicine.19th Ed.New Delhi:Mc Graw Hill;2015.
requirement. 2. Campell WW. DeJong’s The Neurologic Examination. 7th
Ed. Lippincot Williams Wilkins; 2012.
• IVIg (400 mg/kg / day X 5 days) or plasmapheresis is
3. Daroff RB, Jankovic J, Mazziotta JC, Pomeroy SL
indicated if patient presents in crisis or impending
(editors). Bradley’s Neurology in Clinical Practice. 7th Ed.
crisis. Presence of respiratory distress defines the Elsevier;2016.
presence of crisis
• Patient may be referred for thymectomy if they
have generalized disease and

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