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Nutrition Questionnaire

1. What type of flavour do you prefer in a meal?

Response Response
Percent Total
1 Spicy 20.00% 4
2 Sweet/Savoury 70.00% 14
3 Bitter/Salty 10.00% 2

Analysis Mean: 1.9 Std. Deviation: 0.54 Satisfaction Rate: 45 answered 20

Variance: 0.29 Std. Error: 0.12 skipped 0

2. How would you rate each of the following foods on a scale of 1-5? (1 being the
worst/disgusting and 5 being the best/delicious)
Total Overall
Score 1 Rank
Fish 81 1
Beans 71 2
Eggs 60 3
Cheese 50 4
Meat 38 5
1 Score is a weighted calculation. Items ranked first are valued higher than the following ranks, answered 20
the score is a sum of all weighted rank counts. skipped 0

3. Tick all of the vegetables that you find tasty in a main meal.

Response Response
Percent Total
1 Carrot 90.00% 18
2 Sweet Potato 65.00% 13
3 Pea 60.00% 12
4 Aubergine 10.00% 2
5 Asparagus 20.00% 4
6 Cauliflower 35.00% 7
7 Potato 90.00% 18
8 Broccoli 55.00% 11

Analysis Mean: 18.2 Std. Deviation: 29.2 Satisfaction Rate: 199.29 answered 20
Variance: 852.69 Std. Error: 6.53 skipped 0
4. Tick all the fruits that you find tasty in a dessert.

Response Response
Percent Total
1 Cherry 30.00% 6
2 Lemon 60.00% 12
3 Apple 50.00% 10
4 Banana 40.00% 8
5 Avocado 20.00% 4
6 Raspberry 60.00% 12
7 Strawberry 95.00% 19

Analysis Mean: 15.85 Std. Deviation: 21.82 Satisfaction Rate: 205 answered 20
Variance: 476.14 Std. Error: 4.88 skipped 0

5. Rate the following foods on a scale of 1-5! (1 being the worst/disgusting and 5 being
the best/delicious)
Total Overall
Score 1 Rank
Quinoa 76 1
Wholemeal Bread 63 2
Oats 62 3
Brown Rice 60 4
Sweet Potato 39 5
1 Score is a weighted calculation. Items ranked first are valued higher than the following ranks, answered 20
the score is a sum of all weighted rank counts.
skipped 0

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