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(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.




George I.N. Rozvany

Dept. of Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Muegyetem rkpt. 3, Kmf 35,
H-1521 Budapest, Hungary

Abstract Drawing on these applications, the basic principles

of optimal layout theory were formulated by Prager
The SIMP (Solid Isotropic Microstructure with and Rozvany (e.g. [3]) and generalized considerably
Penalization for intermediate densities) method was by the latter in the eighties and nineties (e.g. [4, 5]).
proposed by Bends0e over a decade ago and is be- In the context of applied mechanics, topology opti-
coming generally accepted as a topology optimiza- mization for higher volume fractions was prompted
tion technique of overwhelming advantages. It is, by the observation of Cheng and Olhoff (e.g. [6]) that
therefore, high time to review the origins, theoret- optimized solid plates develop systems of ribs which
ical background, history and major advantages of are similar to optimized grillages. The first exact an-
this method. Various problem classes of FE based alytical solutions for optimal perforated plates and
"generalized shape optimization" (GSO), covering the correct expressions for the stiffness of homoge-
so-called ISE, ASE and ISEP topologies, are also de- nized optimal microstructures were obtained by Roz-
fined and the computational efficiency of other meth- vany, Olhoff, Bends0e et al. [7].
ods such as OMP (Optimal Microstructure with Pe- The birth of practical, FE-based topology optimiza-
nalization) and NOM (NonOptimal Microstructures) tion for higher volume fractions was brought about
is compared with that of SIMP. It is important to em- mostly by extensive pioneering research of Bends0e
phasize that SIMP was used by the author's research (e.g. [8]), and his "homogenization" school. This
group for advanced FE-based problems already in was followed by a parallel exploration of the SIMP
1990 and its capability was extended to a very wide approach, suggested orignally by Bends0e [8] and
range of complex design conditions as early as 1991. used extensively by Zhou and Rozvany (e.g. [9], pre-
sented in 1990). This field is now termed Generalized
1. Introduction Shape Optimization (GSO) [9] or Variable Topology
Shape Optimization [10]. It involves the simultane-
Topology optimization is a relatively new and rapidly ous optimization of the topology and shape of inter-
expanding field of structural mechanics, which can nal boundaries in porous and composite continua.
result in much greater savings than mere cross- The aims of this review article is to show that for the
section or shape optimization. Owing to its com- most important class of topology problems (ISE and
plexity, it is an intellectually challenging field; its IS topologies) the so-called SIMP method has deci-
progress, however, has often been hampered by con- sive advantages. The history and theoretical founda-
ceptual inconsistencies. For this reason, a critical tions of this method are also explained.
and systematic re-examination of the relevant issues
seems warranted.
This review deals mainly with mechanical, structural 2. Classes of problems in FE-based
and computational aspects, whilst investigations of generalized shape optimization (GSO) and
purely mathematical interest are outside its scope. their fields of application
For very low volume fractions, important principles
of topology optimization were established already
around the turn of the century, in the context of In order to forestall possible conceptual and termi-
trusses, by the versatile Australian inventor Michell nological misunderstandings in this field, it is neces-
[1]. These were extended to grillages (beam sys- sary to define clearly classes of problems in FE-based
tems) some seventy years later by Rozvany, (e.g. [2]). GSO.
Copyright ©2000 by George I.N. Rozvany, Published by the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with permission
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

2.1 Topologies containing only isotropic solid The number of materials involved may also be in-
or empty finite elements (ISE topologies) dicated: a topology consisting of four possible ma-
terials and void will be denoted 4ISE topology. If
Our discussion is restricted to a given finite set of
all elements must be filled with material (i.e. there
elements affixed shape which may be empty or filled
are no empty elements) then the letter E is omitted
with one of several isotropic materials of given prop-
from the identifier for that topology. For example, a
erties .
topology having solid elements out of four materials
In the terminology of this paper, an element is called
but no empty elements will be called a 4IS topology
• Solid (S), if it is entirely filled with one material; (choice of 4 materials for Isotropic Solid elements).
The simplest subclass of problems in generalized
• Empty (E), if it contains no material; shape optimization is a USE (or "black-and-white")
topology involving the optimal distribution of a sin-
• Porous (P), if it contains one material and void gle material within the design domain. An example
(i.e. empty space); of this type of problems is a perforated plate in which
the plate thickness for any element is restricted to ei-
• Composite (C), if it contains more than one ma- ther zero or a given nonzero value.
terial but no void; and An elementary example of this class of problems is
given in Fig. la, in which we have 2x2 = 4 square
• Composite-Porous (CP), if it contains more than
finite elements in plane stress; two elements (1,2) are
one material and void. supported along their left edge and one element (4)
Using this terminology, ISE topologies contain Iso- is loaded uniformly along its bottom edge. The load
tropic Solid or Empty elements. is to be transmitted to the supports, so that

• the vertical displacement at the bottom right cor-

ner of element 4 (point A) is minimized, and
1 3
• any element is either solid or empty and the vol-
ume fraction does not exceed 0.75.

2 4 At the limiting volume fraction of 0.75, we have four

00 possible solutions: one is infeasible (Fig. Ib), one is
lilUllH] optimal (Fig. Ic), and two are feasible but nonopti-
mal (Figs. Id and e). At the volume fraction of 0.5,
we have only one feasible solution (Fig. If) which is
nonoptimal. At the volume fraction of 0.25 we have
no feasible solution.
It is important to note the following.

• In practical topology optimization problems, the

number of finite elements involved is very large,

(c)' (d) but the governing basic principles are exactly

the same as in the above elementary example.

• The considered problem does not change essen-

tially if we prescribe the maximum displacement
at Point A and minimize the total volume or
weight [with variable but uniform thickness for
all nonvanishing plate (membrane) elements],
subject to a limit of 0.75 on the volume frac-

(e) (f) • We can easily add other design constraints, re-

Figure 1: Simple example involving an USE topol- stricting e.g. the stresses, natural frequencies,
ogy: (a) problem statement, (b) infeasible solution, buckling loads, etc., but all these refer to the fi-
(c) optimal solution, (d-f) feasible but nonoptimal nite element model. This means that, for exam-
solutions ple, instead of the (theoretically) infinite stress
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

at the reentrant corner, we consider only dis-

cretized stresses at the nodes of the finite ele-
ments or average stresses for each element. How-
ever, stress concentrations in the actual design
can be avoided by a second stage shape opti- *„ ---> E 1111
mization. ~ E2222
Optimization of a USE (or "black-and-white") topol-
ogy is a discrete variable (0-1) problem, involving 1N
possible solutions where N is the given number of the
finite elements. As can be seen from the example in
Fig. 1, many of the possible solutions may be infea-
sible. The number of possible solutions for a nISE
(n material) topology is (n + l)N.
Finally, it is to be noted that ISE topologies can be Figure 2: Simple example of an ASE topology
regarded as a special case of IS topologies, in which
the density and mechanical properties of one mate-
2.3 ISEP, ISEC and ISECP topologies
rial tend to zero and hence that material degenerates
(isotropic base material, solid, empty or
into void. For example, a USE (black and white)
porous/composite elements)
topology is a special case of 2IS topologies.
Using an FE formulation, we may try to approxi-
2.1.1 Applications of ISE topologies. mate the "exact", continuum-type optimal topology
for a given problem (in which the number of inter-
Discrete ISE topologies are used for practical de-
nal boundaries is allowed to tend to infinity). In this
sign problems in which we want to finish up with
case, for each finite element we use the homogenized
chunks of given isotropic materials (including "bars"
anisotropic properties of originally nonhomogeneous
or "ribs") which are at least as big as the size of the
elements. The latter contain an optimal microstruc-
elements used. Important applications are abundant
ture consisting of void and one or several isotropic
in all branches of manufacturing and construction
materials. The above topology is called (before ho-
mogenization) an ISEP topology (isotropic base ma-
2.2 ASE topologies (anisotropic material, terial; solid, empty or porous elements). After ho-
solid or empty elements) mogenization, an ISEP topology reduces to an ASE
topology for computational purposes.
Anisotropic elements may also be employed in dis- An elementary example of a conceptually optimal
crete generalized shape optimization if we wish to ISEP topology is given in Fig. 3, having elements
finish up in our design with relatively large chunks with rank-2 microstructures.
of materials, but our choice of the latter includes
anisotropic materials.
This class of topologies will be termed ASE topolo-
gies (involving anisotropic-solid or empty elements)
in which the orientation and magnitude of mechan-
ical properties (e.g. elements of the stiffness tensor)
are constant for each element. A general formula-
tion of this class of problem was recently developed
by Rodrigues, Soto and Taylor [11]. In ASE topolo-
gies, the relation between the usually continuously
varying mechanical properties and the element cost
or weight is given and, therefore, we can use opti-
mization with continuous variables. However, an el-
ement is allowed to degenerate into an empty element
during the optimization process.
Figure 2 shows an elementary conceptually optimal Figure 3: Simple example of an ISEP topology
ASE topology for the problem in Fig. la, assuming
that only the material properties E\in and £"2222 are ISEC topologies are similar to ISEP topologies, but
relevant. their porous elements are replaced by composite
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

Table 1: Fundamental properties of various types of topologies in generalized or variable-topology shape

void allowed yes no yes yes
base material(s) . isotropic isotropic anisotropic isotropic
original elements homogeneous homogeneous homogeneous (optimally)
homogenized anisotropic
elements homogeneous
types of optimization discrete value discrete value continuous continuous
problem (0-1 for USE)
number of (n + 1)N infinite infinite
possible solutions*
* some may be infeasible, N = number of elements, n — number of materials

ones. Their elements are therefore solid, empty or Since most practical problems are associated with
composite. In ISECP topologies, composite-porous ISE and IS topologies at present, we will only discuss
elements are also admitted. in detail methods for these problems. As before, our
investigation is restricted to topologies with a given
2.3.1 Applications of ISEP topologies finite number of elements.
ISEP (ISEC and ISECP) topologies have two very
3.1 The SIMP method
important applications.
In this method, we are using Solid Isotropic Micro-
• They may indicate the exact optimal topology for structures 1 with Penalization for intermediate den-
a given problem, which can be compared with sities.
exact analytical solutions for verification pur- The SIMP method can be easily understood if we
poses. Exact solutions can be used as the ab- consider the example of a perforated plate in plane
solute limit of material economy for a given de- stress, in which the plate thickness is either zero or a
sign problem, providing a basis for assessing the given value (to). In order to explore all possible solu-
relative degree of material economy of practical tions for a large number of elements (e.g. 40000), we
designs. would have to carry out a prohibitively large number
(24oooo ^ 10 i204i) of analyses, and therefore we must
• We may wish to manufacture fibre-reinforced or
resort to iterative methods.
other densely structured composites on the basis
We can, for example, assume that the plate thickness
of "exact" optimal solutions.
t may vary continuously between zero and to (after
The basic features of the above topologies is summa- Rossow and Taylor [15]). The mechanical properties
rized in Table 1. of the plate (e.g. stiffness for in-plane forces, per-
The ISE and ISEP topologies were termed, respec- missible values of in-plane forces etc.) are linearly
tively, SE and SEP topologies in earlier studies (e.g. proportional to its thickness. We can easily mini-
[12, 13]). mize the weight of the above plate by using either
Naturally, we could restrict the material properties an optimality criteria (OC) or a mathematical pro-
and microstructure parameters in ASE and ISEP J
It should be noted that an alternative interpretation for
topologies, respectively, to given discrete values and "M" in SIMP is "Materials" , see e.g. [14]. This author
then we would again finish up with discrete value prefers the term "microstructures" because he uses the word
optimization. "material" for the base material in microstructures, which is
isotropic even in ISEP and ISEC topologies. The limiting (de-
generate) case of a microstructure is indeed a solid element (or
an empty element). As indicated in Section 2.1, multimaterial
3. Basic methods of generalized shape systems are called "composites" (and not "materials") in this
optimization with ISE and IS topologies article.
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

Table 2: Methods used for ISE or IS topologies in generalized shape optimization

Microstructure of solid, optimal nonoptimal
elements isotropic nonhomogeneous nonhomogeneous
additional yes yes no
homogenization no yes yes
no. of free 2D*: 3 or 4
parameters 1 > 1
per element 3D: 5 or 6
available for: all combinations compliance all combinations
of design constraints of design constraints
penalization adequate yes yes no
* layered orthogonal or nonorthogonal rank-2 laminates

gramming (MP) method. In fact, for a compliance straints and objective function(al). Such microstruc-
constraint, this problem is convex and therefore the tures have been studied completely at present only
(only) optimum is easily and quickly calculated. for "compliance" design, in which the total amount
The catch is that the resulting solution will contain of external work is either minimized or constrained.
all sorts of thicknesses and in ISE topologies we want
only thicknesses of zero or to. Our unwanted result ——— solid isotropic microstructure
can be largely improved if we penalize intermediate ——— rank-2 laminate
thicknesses (with 0 < t < to). —•—- solid microstructure with penalty (SIMP)
This procedure is shown graphically in Fig. 4, in .——— microstructure with sqare holes
which the relation between the normalized plate stiff-
ness s (in plane stress) and the specific cost p (here: Specific Cost
plate thickness) is indicated. For a plate of varying 1.0
thickness without penalty, this relation is a straight
line. We can penalize the intermediate thicknesses
by using the relation (after Bends0e [8])

s= (1)
0.5 -/
where p > I. In our unpenalized procedure (after
[15]), we had p — 1. The relation in (!) is shown
graphically for p = 5 in Fig. 4.
The above penalization will effectively suppress in-
termediate thickness values but the problem becomes
nonconvex even for compliance design and therefore Stiffness
globality of the optimum cannot be guaranteed. The
results are usually improved if we start at the begin- Figure 4: Stiffness (s) specific cost (g) relation for
ning of the iteration with p — 1 and then increase p various types of microstructures
gradually to a higher value (say p = 5).
For a 2D problem, the optimal (rank2 layered) mi-
3.2 The OMP method
crostructure of an element has three free parame-
In this method Optimal Microstructures with ters (two layer densities and one orientation) and for
Penalization for intermediate densities are used. 3D problems it has five free parameters (three layer
This means that first the solution is optimized using densities and two orientations). For so-called non-
for each finite element an optimal microstructure, de- selfadjoint problems (e.g. Lurie [16]), the rank2 lay-
rived rigorously for the particular type of design con- ered microstructures are not orthogonal and hence
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

the number of free parameters must be increased to In the NOM method, the number of free parame-
three (2D) and six (3D). ters per element may be somewhat lower than in the
However, optimal microstructures do not provide OMP method (for 2D problems with square hole, for
sufficient penalization for ISE (black-and-white) example, two instead of three).
topologies (see Fig. 4). For this reason, some ad- The three main methods used for ISE or IS topologies
ditional penalization is usually introduced. are summarized in Table 2.

Specific Material Cost 4 Justifications of the SIMP-type procedure

V'M by various authors

4.1 Artificial material model

One possible approach to justify the s = (f rela-
Specific tion in (1) is to find ranges of microstructures which
generate the correct value of s and p for various p
values. This was demonstrated recently in a very
(a) elegant study by Bends0e and Sigmund [14], who
• determined the limits of p values within which a
Specific Fabrication Cost micromechanical model of relation (1) can be re-
alized, using variational bounds on the homoge-
nized material properties of mixtures of materi-
als, e.g. the Hashim-Shtrikman [17] bounds; and

• constructed actual microstructures realizing rela-

tion (1) for various values of p and Poisson's
ratios v, using the "inverse homogenization"
(b) method by Sigmund (e.g. [18]).

Specific Total Cost 4.2 Allowance for fabrication costs

In an independent derivation of the SIMP approach,
V- Rozvany and Zhou [9] justified the relation (1) by
including fabrication costs (in addition to material
costs) in the total cost.
As long as we include the final thicknesses (t = 0,
t = to) in our range of solutions for a perforated
Approximation plate, we can choose any physical model for interme-
diate values. By selecting a plate varying continu-
ously between the above values (Rossow and Taylor
[15]), we obtain the specific material cost shown in
Fig. 5a. If we then assume that elements with t < to
Figure 5: Justification of the SIMP procedure on the are "machined down" from an original thickness of
basis of fabrication costs (Rozvany and Zhou [9]) to (Fig. 6), the fabrication cost of such machining
will be, say, /?(fo — t), see Fig. 5b. However, for ele-
ments of zero thickness, the fabrication cost reduces
3.3 The NOM method stepwise to zero (we neglect the cost of "sawing out"
empty elements). If we then superimpose the specific
In this method NonOptimal Microstructures are material and specific fabrication costs, we arrive at a
used without penalty. The fact that the microstruc- specific total cost p function in terms of the stiffness
ture is nonoptimal assures a certain degree of "fixed" s which can be closely approximated by the relation
penalization, but this is often not adequate for an in (1), see Fig. 5c.
ISE or IS topology. For example, if we use square Another possibility is to use, for example, square
holes in our microstructure, we obtain the curve in- holes in a plate and including the length of the
dicated in Fig. 4, which is far from the strongly pe- perimeter of the square holes multiplied by a given
nalized relation (with p — 5). constant as fabrication costs ("sawing out" the
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

pt (for (3/a = 1/5)



Figure 6: Fabrication cost based on "machining"

plates of varying thickness 0.1 -

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
square holes). In this case, the specific material cc
Figure 7: Specific cost of perforated plates taking
2 cost
pm — a(l — a ) —>• a = v/1 — gm/a (2) °^ "sawulg out"mto consideration (see gt)

where a is the material cost per unit plate area and .„„ _ , , , . . , . , , . , . .,
. ,, •„ • , , ,, r ,1 i i TM 20, 21 ) which does not rely on a physical model to
a is the specific side length ol the square holes. 1 he ..... v
justify it.
fabrication cost becomes

Pt = /?(4a) • (3) 5 Advantages of the SIMP method and

disadvantages of other methods for ISE (and
The ratio of the total cost (pt) to material cost then IS) topologies
"2" 2"'""V (4) As noted previously, ISE/IS topologies are the most
pm -
useful in practice because they provide a sharp,
Figure 7 is a modified version of a diagram which black-and-white material layout and do not contain
appeared in the author's 1989 book [19]. The origi- porous regions with infinitesimal fibres, which are
nal diagram contained the lower three curves which difficult to realise in industrial applications. More-
compared the specific cost (weight) of microstruc- over, SIMP has a very large, and constantly increas-
tures with square holes and rank2 laminates (with ing, element number capability and hence relatively
percentage difference) for given equal principal stiff- dense systems of "members" can be obtained by this
ensses. The new top curves show the total cost gt method in the optimal topology if such a solution is
for a fabrication cost factor of /3/a = 0.2 and the preferred. If the number of internal boundaries is to
SIMP-curve for s = g5, which are clearly similar. be kept low, then "perimeter control" (e.g. Haber et
One could also use circular holes in a perforated plate al. [10]) can be combined with SIMP.
and cubic or spherical holes in a 3D continuum and
would arrive at relations close to (1) by allowing for 5.1 Main advantages of the SIMP method
the manufacturing cost of internal boundaries. The SIMP method has many obvious advantages for
4.3 Penalization method as computational optimizing ISE/IS topologies, some of which are as
tool in discrete value optimization follows.

Penalization in between given discrete design values (a) Computational efficiency in terms of storage ca-
is a standard method in nonlinear optimization (e.g. pacity and CPU time required, since only one
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

free variable is used per element (OMP requires The OMP method has a potential marginal advan-
up to 6, see Section 3.2). tage, if we wish to calculate both optimal ISE and
ISEP topologies for a given design problem, because
(b) Robustness in the sense that SIMP can be both can be obtained in an extended single operation
readily used for any combination of design con- (by starting with an unpenalized optimal microstruc-
straints. OMP is presently restricted to compli-
ture). This, however, happens rarely in practice.
ance or equivalent designs, because the optimal
microstructure is not known for more compli- 5.3 Disadvantages of the NOM method for
cated design conditions. ISE/IS topologies
(c) Penalization can be adjusted freely, and hence The NOM method may potentially have a smaller
the computationally optimal penalization can be number of variables than the OMP method (e.g.
used, which is not the case with NOM, for ex- square holes), which is a slight advantage. However,
ample. it has the following disadvantages.
(d) Conceptual simplicity, since the algorithm does (a) NOM involves more variables per element than
not require derivations involving higher mathe- SIMP (but possibly less than OMP).
matics (derivations of the optimal microstruc-
ture for OMP relies on advanced mathematical (b) Penalization is fixed and often inadequate, re-
methods). sulting in "grey" regions and/or a nonoptimal
ISE/IS topology.
(e) Since the p-value in (1) is increased progres-
sively, we can start SIMP with a solution for (c) As OMP, NOM is also inherently nonconvex.
p = 1 for which some problems (e.g. compli-
(d) NOM also requires homogenization.
ance) are convex and the solution a global op-
timum. The subsequent gradual incrementation The relative advantages and disadvantages of various
of the p-value is not likely to move the solution methods for ISE and IS topologies are summarized
too far from the global optimum, but this is only in Tables 3 and 4.
an "experimental" finding at this stage.
(f) SIMP does not require homogenization of the 6 Theoretical objections to SIMP and their
microstructure. irrelevance to ISE/IS topologies
The SIMP method has no known disadvantage for
ISE/IS topologies at present. The universal adoption of the computationally supe-
rior SIMP method was delayed by almost a decade
5.2 Disadvantages of the OMP method for owing to certain theoretical objections to this tech-
ISE/IS topologies nique.
The OMP method has no known major advantages 6.1 Lack of physical interpretation of SIMP
for purely ISE/IS topologies but has the following
obvious disadvantages. In first introducing the SIMP method, Bends0e [8]
commented on the efficiency of this method but
(a) It is computationally complicated and relatively noted that "it is impossible to give a physical mean-
inefficient, requiring much more free variables ing for intermediate values" (of density). For this
per element than SIMP. reason, Bends0e [8] refers to an "artificial material"
(b) The optimal microstructures are developed fully with the appropriate density-stiffness relation. At
at present for compliance design only, which the time, Bends0e's comments were absolutely cor-
makes OMP a highly nonrobust method. rect.
As noted already by Rozvany and Zhou [9] at a meet-
(c) Derivation of the exact optimal microstructure ing in 1990, a certain physical interpretation of the
for any new design condition requires a highly SIMP relation in (1) can be achieved by the inclu-
advanced mathematical treatment. sion of manufacturing costs (e.g. the length of the
perimeter of the holes) in the cost function.
(d) The OMP problem is intrinsically nonconvex,
As mentioned in Section 4.1, the above objection was
even for compliance design.
completely removed by Bends0e and Sigmund [14],
(e) OMP requires homogenization of the microstruc- who constructed composites realizing the relation in
ture which is an extra operation in comparison (1) within limits on the p-value. Moreover, these
to SIMP. authors correctly point out:
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

Table 3: Relative advantages of the SIMP, OMP and NOM methods in optimizing ISE and IS topologies
(a) computational efficiency additional information about potentially smaller no. of
(one variable per element) the optimal ISEP topology variables per element than
(b) robustness, suitable for (almost) OMP
any design condition
(c) penalization can be adjusted freely
(d) conceptual simplicity, no
higher mathematics required
(e) convexity can be preserved
for the early iterations with p = I
(f) no homogenization necessary

Table 4: Relative disadvantages of the SIMP, OMP and NQM methods in optimizing ISE and IS topologies
no known (a) greater computational effort (a) more variables per
disadvantage than SIMP element than SIMP
(b) highly nonrobust (restricted (b) penalization fixed and often insufficient
presently to compliance design) for reaching the correct ISE/IS topology
(c) requires advanced mathematics (c) intrinsically nonconvex
for deriving optimal microstructures (d) requires homogenization
(d) intrinsically nonconvex
(e) requires homogenization

"if a numerical method leads to black-and- Sigmund et al. [23]. In this beam layout problem, a
white designs, one can, in essence, ignore rhombic grillage has simple line supports along two
the physical relevance of 'grey' and in many edges (double lines) and the other two edges (single
situations a better computational scheme lines) are unsupported (Fig. 8), with a point load
can be obtained if one allows the violation P at the unsupported corner. It was shown rig-
of bounds on properties of composites". orously by Prager and Rozvany ([22]) that for the
above problem the optimal layout consists of an infi-
6.2 Mesh-dependence of SIMP results nite number of beams, having the type of beam lay-
out shown in Fig. 8, in which continuous and broken
As another possible disadvantage of the SIMP lines indicate beams under positive and negative mo-
method (then termed "direct approach"), Bends0e ments, respectively. For a finite number (n) of long
[8] correctly noted that the "scheme is very depen- beams, the structural weight has been shown to be
dent on the mesh". [22]
Mesh-dependence can be mostly avoided by con-
straining the length of the internal boundaries or
"perimeter", as demonstrated in an outstanding pa-
per by Haber, Bends0e and Jog [10]. For each con- where k is a constant. The optimal layout and op-
strained perimeter value, the ISE topology remains timal weight for a given n-value is strongly mesh-
stable below a critical mesh size. dependent, with the absolute optimal weight (for
Whilst perimeter control is absolutely necessary if we 77 —> oo) of
want to restrict a practical design to a simple topol- = 7-kPa2 (6)
ogy, mesh-dependence actually becomes beneficial if
we want to demonstrate that ISE topologies tend to In verifying this optimal layout by FE-based meth-
a known exact analytical solution. ods (e.g. [23]), we find that the strongly mesh-
To demonstrate this, we refer (once more) to an op- dependent structural weight clearly converges to the
timal grillage solution by Prager and Rozvany [22], value in (6). Similarly, it is necessary to allow mesh-
which was also confirmed using a FE formulation by dependence if we wish to confirm by ISE topologies
(c)2000 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization.

(SIMP method) any analytical solutions consisting solution clearly exists and the problem is intrinsi-
of an infinite number of internal boundaries. This cally well-posed, even when N is extremely large (but
procedure would not be possible, if we put an effec- finite). The foregoing conclusion should, in itself,
tive constraint on the perimeter (i.e. total length of disperse any doubt about the validity of the ISE/IS
internal boundaries). topology formulation for any practical problem: with
the rapid improvement of computational capabilities,
in the not so distant future we will be able to em-
ploy the SIMP procedure for ground structures with
millions of elements, and the problem will still be

(b) Irrelevance of well-posedness of the underlying

continuum-type problem. Turning to the problem of
exact, continuum type problems, it will be explained

• for a rigorous mathematical solution existence and

well-posedness must be established, but

• this fact has nothing to do with the validity and

computational efficiency of methods for discrete
Figure 8: A strongly mesh-dependent optimal topol- ISE/IS topologies (e.g. the SIMP method).
The objections associated with exact, continuum-
type solutions can be best elucidated by considering
6.3 "Nonexistence" of the solution or "ill- again the optimal solution in Fig. 8 (with n —> oo).
posedness" of the problem
It should be clarified that this example is a zero vol-
The SIMP method was often criticized in the past as ume fraction problem with rank-1 microstructures
being an "intuitive" algorithm, owing to but the principles to be discussed are independent of
the volume fraction or the rank of the microstruc-
• "nonexistence of the solution", or
• "ill-posedness" of the problem. The force field corresponding to the optimal solution
in Fig. 6a with n —> oo
Here we only mention a balanced statement by Haber
et al. [10], who quite correctly point out that SIMP • has an infinite number of discontinuities, and
(then called "engineering approach") "does not di-
rectly address the ill-posedness of the underlying con- • takes on locally an infinite value (in mechan-
tinuum problem". ics: "concentrated forces"), as in the delta-
(a) Unquestionable well-posedness of ISE/IS topology
problems. In order to forestall any misunderstanding, If a mathematician were to restrict his solutions to
we must state from the outset that optimization of some "better-behaved" functions (e.g. functions with
ISE/IS topologies is clearly well-posed. For exam- only a finite number of discontinuities), then he could
ple, for one material/void (USE) problems we have declare that the solution to the problem in Fig. 8
1N (O-l)-type solutions where N is the given num- "does not exist". To a "mechanician" (e.g. Prager),
ber of finite elements. If we generate all 2N solutions, this statement is less relevant, because his optimal
one (or several) of these must have the lowest objec- solutions containing an infinite number of internal
tive function value and hence it (they) represents the boundaries and impulse-like material/force concen-
global optimum. trations can be derived and described by using prin-
Nonexistence may occur only in the sense that for ciples of mechanics.
a given limiting volume fraction some loaded nodes
cannot be connected to the supports with nonempty
elements. For this reason, we may restrict ISE/IS 7. Concluding Remarks
type problems to those cases for which at least one
solution is feasible. (a) Types of problem classes and solution strategies
Within this restriction, the solution for ISE/IS type of FE-based generalized shape optimization (GSO)
problems (by definition: with a finite N value) the have been outlined.
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