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Mandate Reference:

Invoice Values:

Payment DatesNalues:

Please note - 50% deposit of tuition fees must be paid by an alternative method of payment prior to this
agreement being accepted, the balance will be divided equally into the following three months:

15 October

15 November

15 December

Plan Amendment:


Completion of the Direct Debit mandate will be taken as your acceptance of the payment terms set out above.
Any ammendment to the amount will be adjusted in the instalments in line with the original amounts.

Failure to honour the installment plan as detailed above will result in the agreement being cancelled and
an administration charge will be applied to your account. Additionally, this may lead to your Registration
being withdrawn (Tuition only), this means that you will no longer be a student of the University, and will
therefore be unable to appear for assessment in, or obtain credit for any courses, which you may have
registered for in the current academic year. Additionally, it terminates your right to occupy University
accommodation, to exemption from Council Tax and eligibility for student grants and loans.

Please return this completed form to:

The Credit Control Department, Cash Office, University Office, King's College, Aberdeen AB24 3FX

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