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Monthly Lifestyle plan for a

Positive Year
Dr. Dany Paul Baby MD

The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in WHO's definition of health as

contained in its constitution: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
You are not alone. About half of the mental disorders begin before the age of 14.
Similar types of disorders are being reported across cultures. Neuropsychiatric
disorders are among the leading causes of worldwide disability in young people. Yet,
regions of the world with the highest percentage of population under the age of 19
have the poorest level of mental health resources. Most low- and middle-income
countries have only one child psychiatrist for every 1 to 4 million people. [WHO FACTS ON
My goal is to give a “Monthly Healthy Lifestyle Plan” that anyone can practice for a
Good Mental Health.

10 Habits 'Once a Month' for a Healthy

Lifestyle Plan
1. Talk to
someone. Sounds
easy, But we all know how hard it is. We all live under a clock of stress, from work,
college, marital problems, financial troubles, and many more, we often think we are
alone. The best remedy is to talk to someone. Sharing our emotions and problems to
another person are not a strong suit for any human. But those who overpower their
own inferiority complex and let someone into your emotions can help you in many
ways. It can be your partner, parents, friends or an absolute stranger. It doesn’t matter
who it is as long as the person is all ears.

2. Be Physical.
I meant to exercise. Our brain thinks and analyzes 24/7, and not all thoughts are
healthy, How to avoid unhealthy thoughts? Don’t give our brain the time to think
unhealthy, Be proactive, Lifts some weight, run a mile, use the energy that you have
in you. Exercise regularly, find friends that are going to help you achieve your goal.
Never fail on yourself, be consistent. World Health Organization says 39% of adults
aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2016, and 13% were obese. In order to
have positive mental health, you have to feel good about yourself. I am not asking you
to look like ‘Bradley Cooper’. There is no standard weight we should follow, but
medical professional advice to have a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 range. But above all, you’ll
have to feel good about yourself and your appearance, work towards that,

3. Eat Green.
'Not literally'. Eat healthy food, instead of going to the drive-through, use that
time to make a salad, eating healthy itself is one of the great satisfaction you can give
your body, its positive reinforcements for you. (this will help with the workout too).
There are many other perks that come from eating healthy. The biggest one is the
possibility to avoid a hospital stay. If you maintain your food, your body will maintain
you. You don’t have to pop those vitamin pills if you eat right.
‘’I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens - Isaac Bashevis Singer’’

4. New hobby.
‘’Yeah I know that you don’t have time to’’. But never let your unhealthy
thoughts sediment in your brain. [Here’s an idea: make a vegetable garden or start
writing]. A hobby Helps your mental health. Practicing a hobby creates chemical
reactions in your brain that may stave off mental illness for some. Also, hobbies can
improve mental alertness and concentration. I think it also boosts one's self-esteem.

5. Help someone.
You might be thinking how can you help someone when you need help? You
are helping yourself by sharing your knowledge and effort. Doing things for others -
whether small, unplanned acts or regular volunteering - is a powerful way to boost our
own happiness as well of those around us. The people we help may be strangers,
family, friends, colleagues or neighbors. They can be old or young, nearby or far
6. Invest in yourself.
‘’It’s not like you don’t want to’’. You are your best work, invest time in
yourself so you look shining. Make sure you look good, talk good, make yourself
presentable, reinforce yourself with positiveness. To invest in yourself means to invest
in your future. Material things come and go, but your knowledge stays with you. By
investing in a coach or training, you learn new things, thus making yourself better.

7. Be kind.
‘’I am not kidding’’ When was the last time you volunteered? Without pressure?
Get out and help at a soup kitchen, or help a charity, do something positive be
positively reinforced. Kindness strengthens our immune system, reduces aches and
pains, improves our cardiovascular profile, and boosts energy and strength in elderly
people. In a 2006 study, the most loving and kind couples were shown to have the
lowest levels of atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries). And there is no bigger
happiness than being kind.
8. Confront your Demon.
‘’ Metaphorically’’ We possess an unbearable amount of demons, all of them have
spectacular names, and I will name few, jealousy attitude, rudeness, possessives,
lying, doubtfulness, there is a reason why they are called demons and not angels.
These demons possess the power to make your thoughts straight from hell, controlling
and casting out your demons are not easy, I agree to that, but it's never impossible.
Meditation, Yoga and there are many other ways you can start controlling your inner
thoughts. Why don't you start with a brain teaser or solve a crossword puzzle?
Anything and everything helps. One way to confront your demons are by training
your brain how to.

9. Train your Brain

'I really mean it'. If you want to train your brain and your emotions, you have to
learn the fundamentals of your brain and your emotions, find the root cause. if the root
is buried very deep in your mind, there is no shame in asking a professional to help
you out. training your brain and emotions and controlling the way you want will not
happen overnight, it will take time and effort, this is an investment that you are
making and it will surely pay off
10. Positivity
or negative." “Virtually nothing is
The big difference is whether it is positive
impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain
a positive attitude." “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or
lose." “You know what's just as powerful as a good cup of coffee in the morning? Our
Brain doesn’t have any feelings, our brain registers the inputs we give our brain. If
you claim yourself to be positive, your brain register positivity, and Vise Verse. Never
downgrade yourself, as I told you before you are your best work you have ever made,
and you are far from finishing yourself, there’s so much more of you that you can
contribute, don’t pass along without marking your name on something. Be positive,
and work hard. If you have to do the same thing for a thousand times to be positive
and successful do it ten thousand times. Hard Work always pays off

I have listed 10 basic easy to do things for you to achieve positive mental health and a
successful future, the goal is not to stop at the ten. Make another twenty and share it
with the world, as we all know, We need are in need of people with positivity.

My advice for you is to practice all the 10 Lifestyle plans in every month.


1. Geneva: World Health Report; 2002. World Health Organization.

2. Strengthening mental health. Resolution of the Executive Board of the WHO.
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6. Barry MM, Jenkins R. Implementing Mental Health Promotion. Oxford: Churchill Livingstone,
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8. Young-Jin L. Psychometric characteristics of the Korean Mental Health Continuum Short Form
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