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Table of contents

I. Education............................................................................................................ 2
II. Envirosnment .................................................................................................... 4
III. Crime ............................................................................................................... 7
IV. Health .............................................................................................................. 8
V. Technology ....................................................................................................... 9
VI. Government spending .................................................................................... 11
VII. Family and children ...................................................................................... 12
VIII. Tourism ....................................................................................................... 14
IX. Work .............................................................................................................. 15
X. Media and advertisements. .............................................................................. 17
XI. Other topics ................................................................................................... 19


I. Education
1. The importance of youth education:
Good education will open the door to better employment opportunities.
- The competitiveness of labour market is increasing => well-educated and skilled
labour will be appreciated
Education for the young is the key to create innovations:
- Younger generations who are normally considered the future pillars of a nation=>
A country will be more likely to get stuck in poverty and backwardness without it.
- Education for youngsters can create a new generation of high-quality human
resources => promote socioeconomic growth
Consequence of early school leaving:
- Many school leavers turn to crime after dropping out of school.
2. Higher education
- A degree can open the door to better employment prospects because most jobs
require specific knowledge and skills.
- Economies are becoming increasingly knowledge-based.
- Repetitive manual jobs will soon all be done by machines => a higher education is
- A healthy economy needs a wide range of workers => Some manual workers will
always be needed.
- A university degree is not necessary for many service professions.
- Practical training is more important in some industries.
3. Education in developing countries
- Children in rural/isolated communities have less access to education because of
poverty or poor transport, etc.
- Literacy rates are often low.


- Children often have to work from an early age.
- Developing countries should call for aids from international organizations or
developed countries.
- Other countries can give underdeveloped countries financial support or donate
- Governments should make education compulsory for all children and encourage
parents to send their children to school.
- Children need to have access to free schooling.
4. Study abroad
- Foreign institutions may offer better courses.
- The best universities employ teachers who are experts in their fields.
- Qualifications gained abroad can open the door to better job opportunities.
- Overseas students are exposed to different cultures and customs => Living abroad
can broaden students’ horizons.
- Living and studying abroad can be difficult.
- The language barrier can be a problem.
- Students have problems with paperwork such as visa applications.
- Living alone in an unfamiliar culture can cause homesickness.
5. Tuition fee
Positives of free education:
- Everyone is given the same opportunities, the gap between the rich and the poor
will be narrowed.
- There is the issue of equality of opportunities: Free education can give a chance
for poor students to be educated.
- It will encourage more people to attend schools => lead to a more productive and
educated workforce => benefit society.
Negatives of free education:


- It will cause a great burden on national budget, a possible result may be a sharply
increasing tax rate to balance the spending
- Governments may lack money to update facilities at schools and conduct
educational researches =>the quality of education will be more likely to go down
- Attending to tertiary education freely may prevent students from studying
harder=> it would be better to lend more support to the studious and determined
6. Distance learning
- The application of virtual classes can boost the quality of tertiary education.
- This trend can erase distance barriers => students from any geographical areas can
access to high-quality education or can learn with prominent lecturers in the
- Many visual aids or audio teaching facilities are used => more vivid than physical
ones => students are attracted to lessons and learn more effectively.
- The Internet is home for not only knowledge but also many other temptations =>
academic performance becomes poorer is inevitable => online learners’
concentration can be broken.
- Joining virtual classes can endanger communication skills => Learners can fall
into a virtual world in games and alleviate their acquaintance with the real life.
II. Environment
7. Pollution
- Human activity is a major factor in the rise of the greenhouse gases.
- Factories and vehicles produce emissions and exhaust fumes.
- Many developing countries are becoming industrialised.
- Environment degradation: soil pollution, air pollution, water pollution
- Environment problems affect human’s health
- Pollution can lead to global warming


From governments:
- Governments could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories.
- They should invest in renewable energy from solar, wind or water power.
- Government campaigns should promote recycling.
- Natural areas and wild animals should be protected.
From individuals:
- People should take public transport rather than driving.
- Individuals should choose products with less packaging.
- We should recycle as much as possible.
8. Recycling
- Recycling helps people save raw materials and energy
- Recycling reduces landfill waste
- Recycling creates more jobs.
Measures to enhance recycling:
- Governments should be stricter about waste produced by companies => put legal
limits on packaging.
- Companies should make goods that last longer.
- They should not use so much packaging.
- Consumers should avoid buying over-packaged products.
- We should recycle and reuse useful materials to save energy and raw materials.
- There are collection banks for glass, paper and plastic bottles.
- Households can use several rubbish bins to separate waste.
9. Nuclear power


- It can be used to produce electricity without wasting natural resources.
- It could replace the use of natural resources like coal, oil or gas.
- Nuclear power stations are cleaner than fossil fuel power stations => reduce
carbon emissions that cause global warming.
- Opponents of nuclear power worry about the safety of power stations => nobody
wants to live near one.
- Nuclear waste disposal is a significant problem because there is currently no way
to decontaminate radioactive material.
- Terrorists could use radioactive materials to produce nuclear weapons => threat
the peace of mankind.
10. Alternative energy
- Alternative energy is unlimited => more reliable and sustainable energy sources
=> guarantee long-term sustainability.
- Source of power like solar or wind is more eco-friendly than fossil fuels=>
decrease greenhouse gases => the world will become greener and people’s health
can be improved.
- This type of energy is largely dependent on weather => may cause interruptions in
power supply.
- Nuclear power can pose threats to human beings.
11. Impacts of human activities on the extinction of the animal species.
- The deforestation and forest fires are on the rise => animals lose their habitat.
- Toxic sewage is dumped from manufacturing plants or households into the sea =>
cause water degradation
- Government can implement more severe punishment for deforestation
- we should invest more money in inventing and upgrading pollution treatment
system to clean sewage before dumping it into rivers or oceans.


III. Crime
12. Youth crimes
- Peer pressure along with the cognitive immaturity is the major factor causing
teenagers’ involvement in illegal activities
- Children have poor awareness of crimes and law
- Parents do not play a good role model
From schools:
- Creating a healthy and educational learning environment for young people
- Cushing more lessons of penalties of illegal crimes to educational system
From families:
- Parents should have the fundamental skills of parenting => help children to build
good characters and personalities
- Parents should spend more time having open conversations with their children to
find out what problems they are having during their puberty.
13. Punishment
- Impose different punishments depending on the level dangerous of crime:
- Fines are used as punishment for minor crimes.
- If the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishment.
- Some criminals pose a threat to society => They are put in prison to ensure the
safety of other citizens.
14. Imprisonment
- It can function as a deterrent for those intending to commit a crime
- It protects society from dangerous and violent criminals
- Prison time gives offenders the chance to reflect on their actions and reform their
- Prisoners are seriously affected psychologically.


- Criminals are put together => They can make friends with other offenders => re-
offend when they are released.
- It is hard for prisoners to integrate into society later on. For example: a criminal
record makes finding a job more difficult.
15. Rehabilitation
- Prisoners receive education or vocational training => they should learn personal
skills and specific job skills.
- Punishment could make prisoners’ behaviour worse => rehabilitation aims to
make them better citizens => rehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offend.
IV. Health
16. Government should have the responsibility for childhood health.
- Governments hold the whole right to regulate it => if they prohibit harmful foods,
the number of unhealthy kids will decrease.
- Governments can censor advertisements targeting at children => deter producers
from manipulating children to consume unhealthy foods or drinks.
- Not only governments but both parents and schools should also take that
- Parents should control how their children use money => prevent them from buying
or eating unhealthy products.
- Schools should educate children and their parents about a balanced diet => help
them to have healthy diet.
17. It is difficult for people in the cities to get enough physical exercise.
- Overpopulated => lack space to do exercise
- Too busy => don’t have enough time to do exercise
- Construct more space such as parks or stadiums


- Encourage people to take advantage of time to do exercise every day
18. Advantages and disadvantages of private healthcare
- Doctors and nurses in private ones cater for patients more carefully and meticulously.
- This trend can also lead to a higher-quality medical service.
- Private hospitals can offer more specialized care and treatment and an excellent
doctor-to-patient ratio.
Still exist some immoral private hospitals or clinics to gain more money
The private hospital fee tends to go up, but poor patients are incapable of paying
for this enormous fee.
V. Technology
19. The rapid advancement of communication technology
- Smart devices are fastest and most convenient means of communication.
- Using apps on smart devices to communicate is cheaper than the conventional way
=> costs us less money.
-Overreliance on smartphones may render users vulnerable to addiction => causing
them to indulge in the virtual world and become socially isolated
- Several health problems can be ascribed to the excessive use of modern tools such
as eyesight degradation or obesity
20. Technology replace traditional skills
- The application of technology on production helps boost productivity => more
people can have access to the product than ever => promote economic
- Thanks to advanced technology, products are mass-produced without wasting
time=> the price of goods now are more reasonable than in the past


- Traditional skills reflect the culture of many countries=> the advent of technology
can contribute to the loss of local customs and values.
- Machinery replaces traditional skills can cause the increase in unemployment rate.
21. Technology and entertainment
- Technology has added more options to the range of entertainment sources =>
promote the development of technology
- Technology has created many entertaining activities with reasonable price for
every people from every class in society.
- Overreliance on advanced technology forms sedentary lifestyle in society => may
cause many health problems.
- The state-of-the-art technology increases the isolation among people
22. Technology and work
- Workers can communicate via online network => save time and money for
travelling or delivering paper documents.
- The advanced technology helps us store a huge number of documents, reports and
data => avoid losing paper.
- Despite of security systems, hacker can access datastore to steal important
- Too much reliance on electronic methods of communication can decrease vital
personal interaction.
- Communication also depends on some factors such as the internet speed.
23. Technology and education
- Technology application on teaching can help attract students’ attention on the
lesion thanks to the support of visual aids.
- Students have chances to access many great educational resources => expand their
understanding in many fields.


- There are so much harmful materials on the internet => may affect kids’
awareness => they can imitate and have bad behaviour.
- Due to the technological development, students can cheat easily => affect
educational quality.
VI. Government spending
24. Invest more money in science education rather than other subjects
Science teaching makes enormous contributions to the country’s growth:
- Students equipped technological knowledge => invent new useful devices that
help to save labour and boost productivity.
- Learning about artificial intelligence helps students have ability to create robots
and programs to replace people in some risky tasks
Other subjects are also extremely vital:
- Example: Language teaching is very essential because it can contribute to easier
international trade and connection.
- Civic education can educate people moral lessons => they will grow to become
better citizens => the country can alleviate social evils
25. Should government or user pay for road systems?
Reasons why government need to invest in the construction and maintenance of roads:
- Government have responsibility for increasing the living standard + transportation
is one of the basic needs of each individual.
- Car buyers had to pay tax when purchasing a car => it’s unfair if they have to pay
for infrastructure investment.
Car drivers should cover this cost because of their own convenience and wealth:
- Walking and bicycling inflict virtually no damage on road => car drivers are most
beneficial if roads are upgraded => they can save time travelling and increase their
- A person who can afford a car is normally richer than others => Paying for road
construction is a kind of financial support for the poor => whole community can
enjoy a better life.
26. Government funding for cultural activities.
Government funding should not be used for supporting art and culture


- Government spending is limited => public money should be prioritized for urgent
- It would be better if art and cultural festivals could be financed by voluntary
Supporting cultural activities may be beneficial for the population and the culture.
Cultural activities can promote the development of tourism industry => create
more jobs and generating money for the society.
- Government funding for art can encourage creativity and innovation amongst the
population => beneficial for an educated and developed society.
- Arts can become a political power because it can have social impacts => funding
for arts should not come from private donation.
27. Invest money for illness prevention vs spending on treatment
Reason for why government should invest money on illness prevention:
- In modern-day life there are many diseases caused by unhealthy habits => raising
people’s awareness of having a good habit.
- Some diseases like cancer or HIV/AIDS cannot be cured => it is just a waste of
time and resources to allocate tax revenue for them.
Treatment also needs government funding:
- Diseases are inevitable in life => illnesses can still happen in unexpected =>
treatment should also be given proper attention.
- All citizens have already paid money through tax => they have right to access
healthcare when they need
VII. Family and children
28. Spending less time with family.

- The higher degree of competitiveness at workplaces has forced people to work
overtime/ go on business trips frequently.
- Technological advances have affected the way people spend their free time =>
family members prefer using their smart phone to having a family gathering.


- The children who receive an inadequate attention from their parents can grow up
into self-centered individuals.
- If children do not receive sufficient supervision and care from parents => increase
the chances for them to get involved in criminal or illegal activities.
29. College students living far away from home is better than living with their parents.
Main idea 1: Living far from home helps increase their maturity.
- The lack of parental care => they have to take care of themselves
- without the control of parents => students will develop their independence => they
have rights to do whatever they like and take responsibility for their actions.
Main idea 2: Not to live at home is also advantageous for their study at university.
- Living on campus or renting a house near their study place will save travelling
time => have more time to study.
- This choice gives them easier access to study facilities
- Living near university helps students easily participate in some extracurricular
activities => gain cultural exchange and make many new friends.
30. Parents respond to all requirements of their children
- This action can keep children happy and prevent disappointment.
- This helps increase the responsibility and independence of children from their
- Children have not been taught to take care or concern about others => can lead to
the development of selfishness
- When they grow up, they may become dependent on parents’ budget instead of
working hard and earning their own living.
31. Children nowadays have more freedom.
- Children have more money than the past and are free to decide how to spend it.
- Children in modern life own a more powerful voice and have freedom to pursue
their interest


- The number of crime and road accidents increase significantly => youngsters are
no longer permitted to participate in leisure activities freely
- Each couple has fewer children =>they try to put their offspring under
surveillance, culminating in the loss of freedom in their daily life.
VIII. Tourism
32. Tour to remote areas
- The increasing arrivals of visitors help service industry develop quickly=> Create
more jobs and bring stable income for local community.
- Local government can gain more taxes => invest in constructing and upgrading
more social infrastructure => ensure the high standard of living for local
-Many tourists coming means more waste is dumped into the area => local
environment is polluted.
- Local traditions and customs might be negatively affected
- Mass tourism can cause an increased level of crime
33. International tourism
- More people can afford travelling cost due to the increase in personal income
- The development of airline providing lower-price tickets and shorter flights
- The growth of global tourism industry offers more employment for local people
- It helps people to enrich their knowledge about cultural diversities in the world
34. Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local
- Local residents are to familiars with their traditional value while visitors find it


- Some museums organize and display their artefacts has remained unchanged over
years => fail to attract local people to come back there.
- Local authorities: invest more money into building and preserving attractive
images of these historical sites.
- Local media: inform the public about upcoming events taking place here.
- Museum directors: alter the way historical relics are presented.
35. Space travel.
- The cost to have a space voyage is exorbitant => it benefits only a small number of
affluent tourists.
- Sometimes it can be a risky activity because of the extreme conditions in the outer
- People can discover alien life forms and explore new living space.
- A space voyage is a truly-out-of-the-world experience for adventurers.
IX. Work
36. Changing jobs frequently.
- Changing various jobs helps people learn to adapt to different working
- By switching their occupations regularly, graduates will be aware of their
strengths and interests => gain valuable working experience and become more
- Switching jobs is to find more happiness at workplaces rather than follow only one
defined career path.
37. Unemployment
- The booming of population is one of the reasons of the increase in unemployment
- People who are unemployed may not have the sufficient level of education or


- Nowadays, machine and robots can replace people in some repetition work.
- Unemployment causes frustration and mental stress.
- Jobless people may become involved in crime as a means to get money.
- A good education system is the most effective solution to reduce the
unemployment rate.
- Governments need to provide vocational courses and retraining.
38. Self- employment
- Self-employment offers greater freedom than working for a company.
- You can keep all money you make.
- Self-employed people may face financial difficulties.
- Many businesses fail to make a profit.
- Self-employment involves hard work, long hours and total responsibility => there
are no benefits like pensions, sick pay and holiday pay.
39. Child labour
- In some countries, it is still the tradition for young children to help their parents at
- Some children may also be forced to work because their family is too poor
- Governments should make education a priority => build new schools and supply
the resources to educate children.
- The employment of children should be prohibited.
40. It is better for people to be unemployed than people to be employed but they do not
Main idea 1: Having a job helps people cover their basics needs and make their living.


- They can earn salaries to afford the most essential expenses
- They can avoid the dependence on their families or government
Main idea 2: the employed can gain more experience
- They can learn from their coworkers via on-job training or observation.
- They can learn several useful skills such as teamwork, presentation, etc.
Main idea 3: People accepting a position different from their passion may discover their
potential abilities.
Normally, people dislike a particular job but when they try to overcome, they may
extend their limits => explore their hide abilities and find their new interests with this
X. Media and advertisements.
41. The popularity of advertisements.
- Encouraging commodity consumption => help companies expand and develop
their markets => leads to a dynamic and strong economy.
- Creating a lot of job opportunities => unemployment rate decreases
- Consumers might think material possessions are essential to true happiness =>
they make many purchase decisions although they do not truly need the products.
- When advertisements become popular, it’s difficult for parents to control the
unsuitable content that can reach their children.
42. Some people say that we do not need printed newspaper any more.
Main ideas 1: Online news could bring about more rewarding reading experiences.
- People can browse several websites for the same piece of information in the
Internet => they can consider the reliability of the news/ see one affair from
different angles.
- Due to the Internet, reader can catch up with the latest news inside and outside
their countries more quickly.


Main idea 2: Reading non-printed sources of news can be more eco-friendly to the
- This helps reduce the amount of wood cut down for publishing printed materials
- People can live in a greener world with less waste being dumped into the
Main idea 3: Reading news on the Internet can be a more economical choice
43. The influence of the media
- People update information all around the word quickly and conveniently due to the
development of the internet.
- Contributing to the globalization process and cross-cultural exchange activities =>
religions or nationalities to get closer and understand more about each other.
- Offering people with more choices for their recreational activities.
- To be the powerful channel of advertising in business => contribute to the growth
of a consumer society.
- media can make people become instant celebrities => some people can do wrong
things in order to attract the media attention=> society can be negatively affected.
44. The media should include more stories which report good news.
- The flood of negative news may form a negative attitudes and unnecessary anxiety
among the population.
- Good news help people stay optimistic and restore the faith in humanity.
- Negative information is not necessarily a bad thing => it can help people improve
and grow from it.
- Good things should not be over-praised and bad things should not be covered up.
- Having an objective view towards life is crucial for any healthy development of
the society and economy.
45. The use of social media is replacing face-to-face contact in this century.


- Social media erase geographical barriers => make it easier to communicate with
others regardless of a long distance.
- It can accelerate the speed of transmitting information.
- The over-reliance on those online platforms discourages real communication =>
loosening the closeness.
- Hackers can steal vital information people have shared or updated in their
account=> This alternative may pose many threats to users
XI. Other topics:
46. International financial aids
- Financial aid can help developing countries combat with starvation and poverty
- This is also a win-win cooperation for both investors and receivers.
- This solution is only workable for a short time => increases the reliance of
countries in poverty on other giants
- It is better to give advice by providing opportunities for the poor to learn
knowledge and experience from the affluent.
- Many international workshops about medical care, business and so on is also a
practical aid
47. Government should ban dangerous sports.
- Players can not only trigger serious injuries but also deprive their lives.
- The popularity of some dangerous sports may bring violence into the real life.
- Each individual has right to enjoy his life and freedom of choice => no one can
deter others from pursuing of thrill and adventure.
- Those sports can stimulate bravery and problem-solving skills, leading to the
success at work
48. People in the community can buy cheaper products nowadays.


- People in all social class can enjoy a more comfortable and convenient life since
they are able to own whatever they need.
- The production of more cheap goods also boosts economic development.
- This trend will entail the decrease in quality.
- Another repercussion of this trend is the escalation of consumerism
49. Global language
- People in different countries can gain knowledge constructed by all countries in
the world without language barriers.
- Using the same language at work can help people easily exchange information =>
increase their productivity => promote economic development.
- Universal verbalization may lead to the extinction of other minority languages =>
cultural identities disappear.
- It’s hard to reach an agreement in creating a global language.
50. When designing a building, the most important factor is intended use of the
building rather than its outward appearance.
- How a building will be utilized for its purposes is the initial consideration in the
designing stage
- Without fulfilling its intended functions, the building will become useless and
probably need repairing and refurbishing later on => a waste of finance in
- The outward appearance of any construction is just as important, especially in
terms of commercial values.
- The appearance of a building represents typical architecture of modern-day



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