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Computer-Aided VLSI System Design

TetraMAX® Lab: Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG)

In this lab, you will learn:
How to generate single stuck-at fault test patterns for our simple ALU

Download Files from ~cvsd/CUR/Testing/ATPG

1. Create a work directory and copy the lab files into it
2. check if you have these files:
Filename Description
ALU_syn_dft.v Scan-ready gate level netlist for the simple ALU
ALU_syn_dft.spf STIL format test protocol file (generated by DFT Compiler)
atpg.tcl Reference script in this lab
3. Check the contents of these files.

Invoke Tetramax
To invoke Tetramax, first include the following C shell script
source /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/tmax.csh
And then, you can do either one
tmax -nogui (command mode)
tmax & (GUI mode)
In this Lab, we will use the command mode. You are welcome to try the
GUI mode. In the GUI mode, you can type in your commands in the
command line, located at the bottom of the window.

STEP 1: Read Input Files

Read in your design and cell library
read_netlist ALU_syn_dft.v
Read in cell library in Verilog format
read_netlist <your library path>/tsmc13.v

NOTE: unlike the design compiler, Tetramax does not take the library in .ddc
format. Instead, Tetramax reads library in Verilog format.
The location of tsmc13.v is at:

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NTU GIEE  Computer Aided System Design 

STEP 2: Build Model

1. This step builds a model of your design for ATPG.
run build_model ALU
Question: How many violations do you see? ________

2. To probe further for the violations, type

report violations -all
Examine these violations,

Question: What causes these violations? _________________________

NOTE: You may see some warning messages. Should you ignore these
warning messages? Try to explain these warning messages.


The spf file tells the ATPG how to operate the circuit in test mode.
This step run design rule checking. Please type,
run drc ALU_syn_dft.spf

Question: Does our design pass all rules? _________

STEP 4: Set fault list

Specify the fault model. We use stuck-at fault model in this lab.
set faults -model stuck
Inject all faults into the circuit under test
add faults -all


To obtain the maximum test coverage while minimizing the number of
patterns, we can set the ATPG options as follows.
set_atpg -abort_limit 100 -merge high
run_atpg -auto_compression

Question: How many total faults do we have? _____________

STEP 5 Review Results

To get a summary of your ATPG results, type

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NTU GIEE  Computer Aided System Design 

Question 1: How many faults are detected? ______

Question 2: What is the fault coverage? ______
Question 3: How many test patterns do we have? ______
Question 4: Which fault(s) are not detected? ___ Do you know why? ____

The default test coverage is obtained by using uncollapsed fault list. To

use the collapsed fault list, type
set_faults -report collapsed

TetraMAX ATPG defines test coverage and fault coverage as follows:

To display fault coverage in addition to test coverage with the summary

report type
set_faults -fault_coverage

STEP 7 Save Patterns

To see your test patterns, type
report patterns -all

Save your patterns into files. There are many formats supported by
TetraMAX. WGL (Waveform Generation Language), and STIL
(Standard Test Interface Language) are two of the popular formats.
Depends on the test equipment you use, you can choose other different
write_patterns ALU_syn_ATPG.wgl -format WGL
write_patterns ALU_syn_ATPG.stil -format STIL

Although ATPG should give us “correct” patterns, it is always good to

verify the patterns. Save patterns in Verilog format so that you can verify
your patterns using Verilog simulator.
write_patterns ALU_syn_ATPG_tb.v -format verilog

Question: How many files do you get by typing the last command? ______

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Try to run Verilog simulations and see if you get correct results.

Please check with TAs before leaving this lab to make sure the following
goals are accomplished and to get credits.
1. Show your ATPG results.
2. Answer the questions in this lab.


1st Edition: Chien-Mo Li, 2001
2nd Edition: Yu-Lin Chang, 2004
3rd Edition: Jui-Hsin Lai(Larry), 2008
4th Edition: Bing-Chuan Bai, 2010
5th Edition: Bing-Chuan Bai, 2011

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