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Journal of Micrcbiology, Immunology and Infection (2014) 47, 63-69 ‘Avatable online at SciVerse ScienceDirect ELSEVIER journal homepay ORIGINAL ARTICLE Efficacy of nasal irrigation in the treatment Qe of acute sinusitis in atopic children Yun-Hu Wang’, Min-Sho Ku *, Hai-Lun Sun*°, Ko-Huang Lue™?* “Division of Allergy, Asthma and Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan Received 2 February 2012; received in revised form 30 June 2012; accepted 17 August 2012 KEYWoRDS ‘Background: Nasal irigation has been used as adjunctive therapy for sinonasal disease Dut is ‘Acute sinusitis Lnder-researched in children. The study aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of nasal riga- ‘Atopic children; ton with normal saline in the management of acute sinusitis in atopic children. Nasal peak expiratory ‘Methods: We enrolled 60 atopic children with acute sinusitis, of whom 29 received nasal iriga- flow rate; {ton with normal saline and31 id not receve nasal irrigation Al participants underwent a nasal Pediatric peak expiratory low rate inPEFR) test, 2 nasal smear examination, and radiography (Water's Rhinoconjunctivitis projection) and were requested to complete a Pediatric RhinoconjunctWvits Quality-of-Life Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (PRQLQ) during the baseline visit. Al participants were requested to record ‘questionnaire symptons ina daly diary and were fallowed upatt-week intervals. Apiysical examination, nasat smear, and nPEFR were performed at each vst, and all daly dares were collected. At the ral. vist after 3 weeks), the symptom diaries were reviewed and participants were requested to complete the PRQLQ again. nPEFR, radiography, and a nasal smear were alo repeated. Results: There were significant improvements mean PRQLQ and APEFR values (p< 0.05) forthe inngation compared tthe nor-irzation group. Tere was no significant difference in rado- raphicfindings between the grou > 0.05). The tigation group recorded significant improve- iments in eye congestion, rhinorrhea, nasalitching, sneezing, and cughsymptoms compared with the norrigation group. Conclusion: Nasal irgation isan eectve adjunctive treatment for acute shusts in atopic chit ren. Copyright © 2012, Tatwan Society of Microbiology. Published by Elsevier Tatwan LLC. All rights reserved, * Corresponding author. Division of Allergy, Asthma and Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, Chung Shan Medical University Hostal, ‘No. 110, Section 1, languo N. Road, Taichung 40201, Ttwan. E-mail addres! tw (K.-H. Lue). 1684-1182/$36 Copyright © 2072, Tatwan Soctety of Microbiology. Published by Elsevier Tatwan ULC. All rights reserved. tp: //¢}. ji. 2012.08.018,

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