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From script to screen- OGR 1

PEST Controller


Humans must be stopped from escaping the zoo, so the pest controller is called.

In a backwards universe where pests rule the world, humans keep trying to escape
the zoo they’re caged in, where they are forced to do tricks. So… the pest controller
is called to stop it getting out of hand before they make it to the outside world.
In the first scene, the environment is introduced by zooming out of welding a hole in the fence back
together and then panning out to reveal the zoo itself. In the background somebody is talking on the
phone, explaining that the zoo is losing animals that keep escaping (to the pest controller).
This then leads onto revealing that the zoo is a zoo full of tiny naked human creatures, run by pests to
reveal this universe is backwards to our reality.
Pan around the zoo to reveal human creatures doing tricks in cages and shows for the animals
(primarily pests). Human creatures being exploited, cutting to different tricks, water shows where humans
are diving, circus-like shows with trapeze acts and contortionists through until the sun sets.
When the sun begins to set over the zoo, the pest controller arrives. Pan up from his feet to his head to
reveal that he is a rat, the most common ‘pest’.
After the zoo staff leave, We then follow the pest controller around the zoo as he lays traps while he
smirks, thinking it will be an easy night while all the humans are asleep. He then retreats to the security
room with his net and relaxes in the chair in front of the camera screens.
Zooming into a cage while the pest controller drifts off, the humans begin to awaken, ready to begin their
escape, splitting in teams within their cages the humans start hatching their plan- we follow one team
climbing over the chain-link fence to distract the rat.
The pest controller is in the security room sipping coffee when he sees movement on the screen, he grabs
his net and cage and runs to the sector of the zoo from the screen.
The chase begins. Multiple teams of humans are now out of their cages, a team of athletes run toward
the security office in order to get the master key. Other teams of humans with similar skillsets (based
on their performances) are working to help other humans out of cages and distract the pest controller.
more and more humans begin to start escaping, the pest controller is beginning to be outnumbered and
the scene darts back and forth from humans to the rat. Then, the humans get the key. (split screen)
The pest controller running frantically with his net and traps as many of the humans as he can get to,
but The humans outnumber the pest controller, the humans then make their way to the gate, defeating
the pest controller. As he is defeated, the humans then enter the outside world, which is not how they left
it before.
The final shot ends on the humans face of shock to the world they are exposed to.

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