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Developing the Right Relationships for Personal and Corporate Effectiveness


Goodluck Idawu

“Relationships are the glue that hold team members together, the more solid
the relationships, the more cohesive the team”- John C. Maxwell

Man operates in an environment that is driven by diverse levels of

interactions. Systems are in constant interactions with one another at all
levels whether as individuals or as corporations. The extent to which a
person or business will go will largely be determined by its network of

Beginning from the micro level, that is the family unit, all members of the
family must communicate and relate effectively to foster actualisation of
family goals. Each unit in the family is assigned specific roles by nature
and society however, these roles are interwoven, and the performance of
one precedes the other. Developing right relationships therefore cannot be

All forms of relationships must be clearly defined and mutually beneficial

and must be driven by a genuineness of purpose. Relationships do not
exist in vacuum, they exist among units and teams with a common goal.
All parties to the relationship must be aware of the team goals and must
work tirelessly towards the actualisation of these goals.

David O.Clifton and Paula Nelson explains that, “Relationships help us

define who we are and what we become.” Great business leaders like Jack
Welch of General Electric, Jorma Ollilia of NOKIA, and Roger Enrico of PEPSI
explored early enough the opportunities untapped in Human Relations
Management, otherwise referred to as People Skill. At the Crux of the
matter, John D. Rockefeller buttresses,“I will pay a man more for his ability
to get along with others than for any skill he may possess’’.

The ability to relate effectively with people lies in every human but at
varying degrees. Some Psychologists have attributed this variation to
different Personality Traits –introverts and extroverts. Sociologists, on the
other hand, believe that environmental factors play dominant roles,
especially, in the formation stages of a person. In spite of these varying
views, quality relationship can be developed through conscious efforts. A
man cannot be a good husband without communication skill, neither will a
woman make an ideal wife/mother without possessing the abilities to
relate well with her husband/children, nor would sales personnel meet
their periodic targets without good knowledge of Human Relations skills.

Here are key success factors necessary in developing the required

relationship skills needed for high performance:
• Learn to understudy people-It takes conscious efforts in
getting to know people. You must create the right environment.
That way you will understand why people act the way they do,
understand different behavioural styles and foster communication.
The way to take charge of your actions and reactions to others is to
understand the mind of the person and connect. “Few things will
pay you bigger dividends than the time and trouble you take to
understand people” George Kienzle.

• Show genuine interest in them- Always develop genuine

interest in seeking to know people and develop more on the softer
values of building a team, sharing ideas and spurring excitement in
others. The operative assumption today is that there is someone,
somewhere who has a better idea; while the operative compulsion
is to find out the individual who has that ‘better idea’, learn it and
put it into action. To further buttress this claim is Abraham Lincoln’s
quote, “If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him
that you are his true friend. Next probe to discover what he wants
to accomplish.”

• Develop a Positive Mental Attitude--“Our attitude

determines our relationship with people” John C. Maxwell. Always
see yourself as an integral part of the team and always contribute
your quota, also adapt a learning culture, get good ideas from
everywhere – learn continuously from any source, incidents, past
experiences- and be able to transform such learning to action.
There should never be any feeling of inferiority complex or feel
underprivileged. To succeed is to embark on a journey, not a
destination, and your passion must ignite your vision. ‘’The fear of
rejection is worse than rejection itself’’ Nora Profit

• Carefully select your team mates-Where one is fortunate to

choose teammates, carefully select them. Members of your team
are like ladders; they can take you up or down. Strive to win the
friendship of calculated and well-informed individuals who possess
good leadership traits and a clear vision. “You must avoid
relationships that do not respect you and your dreams. Avoid
negative people at all costs; they are the greatest destroyers of
self-confidence and self-esteem. Eliminate all relationships that are
full of criticism. You will have to sever ties. Wrong people do not
leave your life voluntarily” Keith Johnson.

Although, independence is supreme, there is however, great wisdom in

inter-dependence. Productivity in its entirety, comes from challenged,
empowered, excited, and rewarded teams of people

Suggestions for further reading

Stephen R. Covey, (2004)-The 7 habits of highly effective People

(Habit 4)

Dale Carnegie –How to win friends and influence people

John C. Maxwell- 17 Essential qualities of a Team player

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