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26 SMe Mining engineering handbook

this opportunity must be followed up. The effective integra- developments, most mining companies will not want to incur
tion and use of these data will provide the backbone of future the high costs and will prefer to buy technology from special-
advances in surface mining and will enhance the ability to ist suppliers. Mining companies will need to develop a method
deploy the automated systems that are such a critical part of for overcoming this nexus because the provision of a complete
the future. turnkey automation package by a single supplier is unlikely to
happen in a timely manner.
AuToMATion AnD ReMoTe oPeRATion Underground mining, where the imperatives for change are
The automation of mining processes is a technological step- much greater, was the first bastion to fall to equipment automa-
change that will provide part of the solution to the indus- tion. Space is tight, the dangers are greater than surface mining,
try’s most pressing challenge: achieving higher outputs to and health issues are of greater concern. Unmanned vehicles
satisfy the projected continuing growth in commodity metal are now more common. Vision and guidance systems enable
requirements. a remotely controlled vehicle to know precisely its location
Automation also addresses the shorter-term imperative of in a mine by comparing the camera view with stored images.
maintaining a suitably qualified work force at remote mine Vision systems improve the ability of a remotely controlled
sites, which is an industry-wide problem. Younger generations vehicle to approach a rock pile and optimize the load collected.
are reluctant to leave the comforts of urban life, where they The combination of these semi-smart machines with effective
see their futures. Although work forces can be maintained in communications infrastructure enables tele-remote operation of
mining regions, the cost of doing so is extremely high, not underground machinery by operators sitting in safe and benign
only in direct wages, training costs, and penalties that have to office-like environments and allows machinery to be operated
be paid to professionals and skilled workers alike, but also in in areas where the dangers preclude human operation.
housing and other infrastructure needed to support the work
force. vision for the future
The mine of the future might include
Benefits of Automation
• A mine site where automated blasthole drill rigs perfectly
Automation increases the level of control in what is inher-
position every hole, conduct analysis during the drilling,
ently a chaotic process by applying more stringent rules to
and tell the explosives delivery vehicle what explosives
decision-making processes and removing the randomness
load and blend to be charged to each hole;
inherent in isolated decision making. Applying a controlled
• An excavator that can “see” the difference between ore
process to variable mine geology and ever-changing topogra-
and waste in the muckpile, can separate the two, and
phy results in higher productivity and lower cost. Automation
automatically load the driverless haul truck before dis-
involves the collection and use of data; for example, gathering
patching it;
data from the blasthole drilling process, which enables hole
• Driverless trains fitted with an array of sensors that
placement and blast design to be better controlled and blast
enable them to see beyond the horizon and that can travel
outcomes to be predictable and optimum.
in a convoy as though linked by some invisible thread;
Another benefit of automation comes from increasing the
• A haul truck that automatically reports to the workshop as
utilization and performance of haul trucks and other high-cost
scheduled maintenance becomes due; and
capital items. With improved control comes a reduction in the
• A haul truck with none of the design constraints that come
expected levels of wear and tear and breakdowns, enabling
with having a driver—no cabin, windows, air condition-
preventive maintenance to be better planned and performed.
ing, nor headlights; that is more symmetrical, possibly
Moreover, the amount of wear and tear will be reduced
able to travel in two directions equally; and that comes
because the autonomous machine is operated constantly
with the current energy system and drive train—all-wheel
within its design envelope. Costly breakdowns and unplanned
drive and steering, electric motors driving each axle,
maintenance should be avoided, as the cost of the repairs are
power generators, and storage systems under body.
higher than planned ones, but more importantly, the disruption
to the production process cascades through the system with If these and other systems were put together, it is easy to imag-
costly knock-on effects. Attempts to control wear and tear ine the mine of the future operating similar to a rock factory
through driver regulation have had limited success because where all functions work in unison, more like a production
such regulations are not easily enforceable. Higher availabil- mine than the variable mines seen today.
ity and utilization means higher productivity and lower unit
costs. Another significant benefit is the large fuel savings that Automated Mine Site
can be achieved by optimizing the vehicle operating param- In surface mining, “islands of automation” in haul trucks,
eters, a vital consideration in times of high oil prices and con- blasthole drill rigs, shovels, surveying, and blasting are
cern about GHG emissions. being developed. These independent developments must be
Clearly, the time is right for automation, but it will not integrated, which will multiply the benefits that would oth-
happen overnight. The technology for a fully autonomous erwise be achieved. Integration avoids unnecessary duplica-
mine must be developed, but it is unlikely that any one single tion of enabling systems such as navigation and provides
company could take on the challenge alone. The disparate, operational standards and links all data sets. To avoid pos-
independently developed pieces of the automation puzzle sible choking of the available bandwidth, developments in
will need to be connected and synchronized. This will require wireless communication are needed. Although individual
the industry to adopt automation standards that allow this pieces of equipment will need to become smarter to reduce
to happen. Even so, the cost of automating all of the func- the communications requirement, a central “brain” to con-
tions in mining will be a lengthy and costly endeavor. If duct the disparate mining activities must be developed and
there is no sustainable competitive advantage from in-house implemented.

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