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GRAMMAR A sorszamnevek képzése ‘Tészamnévbél sorszdmnevet a TH hozzdadasaval képziink, amelyet min tagja kap meg. Ejtése (0): four — fourth, rviditve: 4th. Kivételek: first / 1st (els6) second / 2nd (masodik) third / 3rd (harmadik) Usyeljiink a helyesirasra a kévetkez6 szémnevek esetében: five ~ fifth / 5th, eight —eighth /8th nine - ninth / 9th twelve — twelfth / 12th Haa szdmnév_,ms.+y"-ra végz6dik, akkor a tbbes szdm képzési szabilyaihoz hasonléan az y-bél lesz, majd ETH-+ tesziink hozzé fifty — fiftieth / 55th. vvy | Match the umbers in the two columns. Rendelje egymés mellé a két oszlopban lévs szdmokat! a thousandth ninth third sixth seventh twentieth 2. Write the ordinal numbers. Irja be a sorszém- neveket! 15 68. 39 12. 51 3. Look at the pictures and repeat after the teacher. Figyelie a képeket, és ismételje a tandr utdn! Letter ‘A’ is an airport. Letter ‘B’ is a bank. (etc.) (1) A- airport ¢ (2) B - bank ¢ (3) C- cinema * (4) D - department store * (6) F - flag * (6) G - gat © (7) H-- hospital # (8) I~ inn * (9) J- jug @ (10) K - key * (11) L - letter * (12) M- map * (13) N notebook ¢ (14) O - office * (15) P- pub * (16) Q- queue ¢ (17) R - restaurant * (18) S - supermarket : (19) T- theatre # (20) U- underground ¢ (21) V - village + (22) W- wood * (23) X - xerox machine ‘ (24) Y - yard (25) Z - 200 ~PLACESAND OBJECTS) iC US NIT 7 4. Close your books and answver the teacher's questions. Csukjdk be a konyveket, és vilaszoljanak a tandr kérdé- seire! = What is letter ‘A’? =It’s an airport. ~ Which letter is a theatre? =ItsT. (etc) 5. The teacher will show you the following objects. Try to find the names. A tandr be fogja mutatni a kovetkexé tirgyakat, Probdlja kitaldlni a neviiket! Teacher (showing a ruler): This is letter ‘R’. What is it? Students: If’s a ruler. Objects in the classroom books ¢ chalk * blackboard * sponge ¢ rubber * globe * map * notebook * pen ¢ felt pen * pencil ¢ crayon ¢ paintbrush ¢ paints ¢ pencil sharpener * scissors * stapler * student's desk * teacher's desk 6. Game: vocabulary revision, Think of as many words as you can beginning with the letters the teacher will give you. See teacher's instructions in the appendix. Jaték: a szdkincs ismétlése. Probdljon kitaldlni a tandr dltal megadott betiikkel annyi sz6t, amennyit esak tud. 7. Answer the teacher’s questions. Look at exercise 1. for help. Vélaszoljon a tanér kérdéseire! Segitségképpen hasznélja az 1. feladatot! = Which letter in the alphabet is ‘C’? ~‘C’is the third letter in the alphabet. ~Which is the twentieth letter in the alphabet? is (the twentieth letter in the alphabet). &. Spelling. Read out the following dialogues in pairs then replace the names with your own surnames. Betitzés: olvassa el a kivetkex6 dialégosokat, majd a nevek helyett hasznélja sajét vezetéknevét! Good morning Sir. What's your name? ~Mr Péterfalvy. Pardon? -PETERFALVY — Good evening Madam. What's your name? ~ Miss Schieldmayer. ~Pardon? -SCHIELDMAYER. 35

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