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Katherine Stier 1

Classroom Management Plan

Relationships with Parents
Routines and Procedures
Classroom Rules
Classroom Rewards and Consequences
Sample Behavior Intervention Plan

Relationships with Parents

Meet the Teacher and Meet the Family
As an initial means of communication, a semi-informal letter will be
sent home to the parents that includes a biography about me, what to
expect from the class, supply list, and helpful documents that students
can return back to help me get to know their child and their family. The
biography will include a simplified version of the little things about me
as a human, like my favorites, my age, my family, etc., as well as a
quick overview of my qualifications.

A Meet the Family letter will be included as well. This letter will be a blank set of things that the
families will fill in to help me get to know them. Things that will be included are how many
siblings the child has, pets, favorite games in the house, favorite family activities. Other
important items will be included as well, such as allergy information, learning needs, favorites of
all kinds.

Communication through the year

Weekly Newsletter
Every Friday, students will be sent home with a newsletter that prepares them and their families
for the week ahead. The newsletter will always be sent home on paper that is the same color as
the school colors. This will create a routine for all parties, so that students and parents can
always check the newsletter. The newsletter will include the week’s spelling words, strategies,
important dates, or any unique happenings to note.

An app called Edmodo will be used for the majority of communication
between families and myself. Edmodo is an educational tool that has a
functionality and design similar to Facebook. Through Edmodo, parents
can see their child’s homework, pictures of the class happenings,
schedule updates, reminders, etc. Edmodo is a free tool that can be
access as an app or on a website. Parents will be encouraged to utilize
this app to be a part of their child’s year in our class.

Behaviors, Questions, and Concerns

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Parents are encouraged to use Edmodo to communicate with me in any way. Questions and
concerns are always welcome through Edmodo. It will be used as a means of communication
whenever a behavior occurs, as well. Parents will be informed via private conversation on
Edmodo, as well as a Think Sheet.

Routines and Procedures

Attendance and lunch/ milk
Each morning, students will be responsible for determining what they are having for lunch. They
have the choice of whatever the school is offering that day, or to have their own lunch. Students
will simply move their name over to the corresponding side of the chart to show their choice.
This will also help with attendance. If a student’s name is left off the chart, I will know that the
student is absent.

Students will also do this with their milk choice, which ill be next to the lunch chart. Students
will indicate whether they want chocolate milk, white milk, or no milk.

Morning meeting and schedule (Monday weekly review, with daily review daily thereafter)
Every Monday morning after morning duties are completed, the class will meet at the carpet to
talk about the week’s happenings. This meeting will include our specials each day, unique things
happening during the week, and any out of the ordinary items.

Each morning, after morning duties are completed the class will meet at the carpet to have a
morning meeting. The meeting will be a discussion of today’s date and day of the week, as well
as yesterday and tomorrow, a reminder of the special that is happening that day, and a number
talk to get our brains pumping. The number talks will come in the form of Math routines
predetermined by myself. We will also discuss the day’s jobs and a reminder of what each job
holder does.

Today’s jobs
Leader- this person will be in the front of our lines, lead the Pledge of Allegiance,
as well as perform the daily maintenance of classroom supplies like sharpening
pencils and stocking group supply stations.
Caboose- This person will be at the end of our lines and assist the Leader in
maintenance tasks.
Teacher’s Assistant- This person will be in charge of assisting the teacher in
various roles such as delivering mail and messages, supervising students, passing
out papers, etc.
Librarian- this person will be in charge of maintaining the proper organization and
cleanliness of the classroom Library.
Door Holder- this person will be in charge of holding the door, opening and
closing the door, and running the lights in the classroom.

Daily duties
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Students will be expected to leave their snacks in their backpack until instructed
to get them. They will have a choice of bringing their own snack or having the
‘teacher’ snack. If a student would like to have a teacher snack, they are
instructed to place a paper towel on their desk. The Teacher’s Assistant for the
day will pass out the snack from the teacher.

Lining up
Lining up is a crucial component of classroom procedures in the early grades.
Students will be given a set of criteria in lining up. Differing the criteria for the
order creates an equal playing field each opportunity to line up, rather than lining
up by last name or class number. A list of potential criteria is shown.

The anchor chart below will be pasted on or next to the door to give students a
visual of the song that will be sung to get ready to enter the hall. As the teacher, I
will initiate the song by beginning, with the expectation that ALL students will
follow suit and continue the rest of the song and complete the actions that the
song requests. If expectations are not followed, students will be instructed to
leave their spot in the line and walk to the back of the line.

End of Day
At the end of the day, students will refer to the End Your Day anchor chart in
the classroom. The chart will be shown on the class technology board, as
well as a paper version in a convenient place on a wall. The anchor chart will
display the steps to end their day in order. Until this process can become
independent, the entire class will do one step at a time. A sample End Your
Day anchor chart is provided.

Attention and Asking for Help
If students need assistance or would like to have my attention, students will
be expected to raise a full hand. When a student needs assistance or would like attention but
does not follow procedure, as the teacher I will silently model what is expected of them and
continue with the present task. Students will be given the assistance when the expectation of
quietly raising their hand has been met. Acknowledgement and praise for following expectations
will follow.
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When students need help with an assignment or repeated directions, they

will be directed to use the 3 Before Me system. In this system, students
are required to use 3 other resources to find the solution to their problem
before coming to the teacher. This system encourages students to be a
self-starter and using independence before getting assistance from me.
There will be an anchor chart on the wall to remind students to use the
system. The system includes 1- think with your brain, 2- look at your
friends, 3- ask another buddy. If the student’s needs are not met after the
three required resources have been used, I will then assist.

Leaving seat
When a student needs to leave their seat, for any reason, they are to raise a closed fist. This
closed fist is a signal to the teacher that a student has a need that requires them to leave their seat.
If a student follows expectations for this request, meaning they have their fist raised and are
quietly waiting for my approval, I will look the student in the eye and give them a closed fist
back to let them know they are now welcome to leave their seat.

There will be times where leaving seats are not appropriate. These times are times of instruction
from the teacher, during group activities or testing periods, or other times as deemed
inappropriate by the teacher. When I deem it inappropriate to leave their seat, I will respectfully
thank them for following expectations but now it not a good time.

Room and desk organization

Students will be arranged in groups, with each group having a name or theme. Each group will
have an anchor chart shown of what their desks are expected to look like. This anchor chart is
very specific and will include expectations for seat and desk arrangement, floor cleanliness, and
supplies management. Students (as a whole group) will be given a green card if they are
following expectations wonderfully and a yellow card if they need a reminder to check their

Early Finishers
For early finishers, there will be a list of Must Do’s and May Do’s on the board. On this list is
everything that has been expected of them as the day goes on. If an activity has been assigned
and a student finished it early, they must check whether they have finished everything else on the
Must Do list, before completing an activity on the May Do list. Must Do’s will often include
assignments throughout the day and week. May Do’s will include activities that increase mastery
of things like quick facts or content that enriches a student’s understanding, brain activities that
increase focus or motor skills, or reading a book.

Makeup work
Every week, a copy of each activity that is anticipated to be performed each day will be placed in
a tub that is full of folders for each day of the week. Days will be color-coded and students will
be responsible for asking the teacher to make them a copy of the activities that are in the folder
of the day they were or will be absent. Students that are proactive about receiving their makeup
work will receive a prize for independence. Students that need my reminder to get their work
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will not be reprimanded in any way; they will simply just not receive the prize for independence.
Parents will also be sent a message via Edmodo that their child should be bringing home the
makeup work.

Classroom Rules
Students will be given a list of rules that are required by me. These rules will be posted in an frequently-
viewed spot in the classroom, and will be reviewed consistently until expectations are followed. A list of
rules is shown below.

As a class, we will come up with ‘rules’ that we can follow to make our class better. Students will be
encouraged to input their opinion of what they think should be expected of them and what should be
expected of me. Students will be reminded that they must be teacher-approved and appropriate. I will
create an anchor chart that will serve in a similar fashion to a contract or a promise that we have made to
each other to follow. Sample ‘rules’ are listed below.
1. Be respectful to people outside of the room
2. Work hard
3. Offer fun prizes
4. Try your best
5. Be a good friend

Classroom Rewards and Consequences

Whole Class
Rewards will be given when the whole class completes expected behavior, show kindness as a
group, etc.. When the class shows these positive actions, I will place a ‘marble’ in the jar. Once
students have filled up the jar, a reward (previously determined by me) will be given to the class.
A list of possible rewards is listed.
Lunch in the classroom Bring a stuffed animal to school
Movie Day Games during recess
Pajama Day Show and Tell
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In my class, students will be given rewards for positive behavior, smart choices, kindness, and
making the teacher happy in general. These rewards will be given in the form of tickets. Students
will be given the responsibility of collecting and managing their own ticket box. Students get to
collect tickets until they raise enough tickets to trade in for a reward. Students will be given the
choice of what they would like and are expected to be accountable for ‘saving’ up for a certain
reward. For example, a reward of lunch with Miss
Stier could cost 10 tickets, but having 5 minutes of
extra snack time is worth 15 tickets. A student can
choose to trade in tickets to have lunch or they can
save their tickets for extra snack time.

As stated above, students will be given the

opportunity to choose from a list of rewards when
they have accomplished collected a certain amount of
tickets. This ticket and reward system will be treated
much like a store setup. Examples of the anchor chart is given.

Calm Down Corner
When behaviors arise in the classroom, students will be directed to visit the calm down corner. In
this corner of the room, there are several fidgets and relaxing materials. The corner will be a
comfortable area where students can go to relax without judgement or fear of consequence.
Students will also move their clip to how they are feeling when the teacher comes to check in.

The calm down corner is for situations in which a student becomes overwhelmed or simply
needs a break from the intensity of the situation. The corner is NOT used when the student
exhibits behaviors that are necessary for consequence or removal from the room.

There may come a time when a student does not follow our classroom rules and may need a
concrete consequence. A minimal consequence within the classroom is to simply turn in one of
their tickets to myself or the teacher in which the rules were broken. Students will apologize to
the teacher in the situation and offer an alternative, more appropriate action that they could have
displayed. If a student shows deep sadness or anger in the consequence, they will be reminded
that it is about the choices that they make and that I believe they can make smarter choices to
receive compensation for their ticket.

Think Sheet
When any negative occurrence that is deemed necessary for consequence, students will be
responsible for explaining the situation to their parents. This will be done by filling out a Think
Sheet with myself in a conference. The Think Sheet will include what happened, how it made
them feel, what a better choice would be next time, etc.

Sample Behavior Intervention Plan

A sample of a possible behavior intervention plan is included on the next page.
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Behavior Intervention Plan

Name: Sean Date: 10/10/2018
Target Behavior: Anger
Supporting Data: Sean chooses to not pay attention to the directions given because he is
distracted by playing with his erasers or gum. As a result, he does not know what do when the
assignment is handed out. Sean gets frustrated after trying the first problem and immediately
says that he can’t do the work. He becomes angry when the teacher tries to help him, and
throws whatever is in front of him or crinkles his paper into a ball and throws it away.
Goal of Plan: Sean will decrease the number of angry bursts in frequency and duration weekly until he
experiences 1 or less outbursts for 2 consecutive weeks.

1. Sean will quietly signal to the teacher he is frustrated and excuse himself to the cool down area
if he starts to feel angry or shows an angry behavior.
2. Sean will independently use the Lazy 8 deep breathing strategy as a means of calming himself.
3. Sean will be able to positively communicate his anger verbally by using “I Feel” statements
instead of using angry behaviors.

Replacement Skills To Be Strategies Person Responsible Materials Needed

Staying calm Providing the student General Education Area in classroom for the
with an area where they Teacher student to go to take a
can go in the classroom break
to take a brain break and
regain calmness and
control of their actions

Teaching Sean how to

follow the poster with General Education Lazy 8 Breathing Strategy
this head and breath and Teacher poster
do it 8 times

Teaching the student

ways to positively
Positive Communication communicate with the General Education None
teacher and other staff so Teacher
that they know that he SPED Teacher
needs help and so that he All Team Members
can express to them he
anger by using his words
and not angry behaviors.
Modifications to the
Calm Down Corner Instruct Sean to visit the General Education Concrete materials that
calm down corner if he is Teacher increase mental focus
angry or shows angry and internal harmony-
behaviors could include:
Katherine Stier 8

- Glitter bottles
- Fidgets
- Stuffed animals
- Puzzles
- Breathing
- I Feel posters
- Mindset coloring

Velcro on bottom of desk Velcro would provide a General Education Velcro

slight release to any small Teacher
intense feelings Sean is
feeling. It also gives a
focus point so that Sean
can eliminate outside
distractions by focusing
on the teacher while
rubbing the Velcro.
Positive Reinforcement
(What will happen when
the desired behavior is
displayed?) Smiles,
Verbal praise Give Sean verbal General Education None
reminders of positive Teacher
choices and praise for
following expectations

Reward Chart Sean will use a reward General Education Reward Chart with a
chart for every day of the Teacher section for each day of
week. When Sean the school week
controls his anger Sean
through the day, he will Reward box with various
receive a sticker. On prizes to keep interest
Friday, Sean will receive
the amount of prizes that
correspond to how many
stickers he got that week.
Consequences (What will
happen when
maladaptive behavior is
No Sticker If Sean is unable to use Sean Stickers
the strategies he was
given to control his
outbursts, he will not
receive a sticker for the
day, thus not receiving a
prize for that day.
Katherine Stier 9

Visit to Calm Down Sean will visit the calm General Education Calm Down Corner
Corner with teacher down corner with the Teacher
teacher to refresh him on
how to use it, the Sean
importance of using it,
How will plan be
monitored and progress
Sticker Chart Teacher will keep sticker General Education Sticker Charts
charts week after week in Teacher
order to collect data on
Sean’s progress towards
his goal.

Functional Behavior Teacher reflects on All Team members Functional Behavior

Assessment Form behaviors when they Assessment Form
occur and reports to the
team. Team reflects and
decides next steps

Signature of team members and date:

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