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Bus Discipline Procedures

1. Bus Drivers are responsible for the safety and security of students and will maintain order on the bus
through reinforcement of conduct expectations.
2. Bus drivers will complete a Bus Conduct Report (AR 810.4) for inappropriate behavior.
3. All Bus Conduct forms will be submitted to the appropriate building administrator for review. This may
result in a ​minor​ or ​major​ infraction.

Examples of minor infractions are, but not limited to:

● Standing ● Hands outside the windows
● Moving from an assigned seat ● Excessive loudness
● Feet in the aisle ● Horseplay

The consequence for a minor infraction may include parent contact, principal conference with student and/or
parents, peer mediation, or other principal determined response.

Examples of major infractions are, but not limited to:

● Defiance/Disrespect​: comments or behaviors that escalate with adult intervention
● Fighting​: usually involves observable anger, can result in harm to another and participants continue to
express hostility towards each other, even when adults intervene
● Harm to others​: requires nurse or doctor intervention
● A threat to inflict harm to others​: this can be verbal, written, or physical

A determination of a major infraction will result in a more serious consequence, as outlined below, and will
include parent contact. The consequences for possession of drugs, alcohol, and/or weapons, and threats of
terroristic nature will align with Board Policies addressing these types of student discipline violations.

● 1​st​ Major Infraction May include detention or up to one-day suspension from the school bus.
● 2​nd​ Major Infraction One to five days of suspension from the school bus.
● 3​rd​ Major Infraction Five to ten days of suspension from the school bus.
● 4​th​ Major Infraction Thirty days of suspension from the bus.
● 5​th​ Major Infraction Permanent suspension from the bus for the rest of the school year.

Bus Conduct Reports will result in a consequence appropriate to the misbehavior, which may alter the sequence
of the outlined consequences above and/or follow the overall District discipline policy. If a student is
suspended from the bus, it is the parent/guardian responsibility to transport their child to and from school.
Absences due to not having transportation will be marked unexcused/unlawful.

Video cameras and audio recording devices are installed on all buses, and video will be made available for
administrative review to assist in the determination of consequence. The cameras also provide a check and
balance system for student and/or driver behavior.

Copies of the Bus Conduct Report will be made available to the child’s parent/guardian, district transportation
office, the bus driver, and the school bus company.

Meetings with Bus Drivers, Transportation Administration, and Building Administration will take place
periodically to review referrals and procedures.
Revised 1/2019

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