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\subsection{Utilizing Dual Bloom Filter}

%Revocation in the compressed CRL using the bloom filter can reduce the CRL size to
the fixed value but it suffers from the false positives which can misidentify the
valid certificates as the revoked certificates. To minimize the false positive rate
(FPR) of bloom filter is to use two bloom filters introduced
in~\cite{rabieh2017scalable}. Out of the two filters, one bloom filter contains the
bit vector for the revoked certificates while the other bloom filter contains the
bit vector for the valid certificates. It is the property of the bloom filter that
there are no false negatives\footnote{when the certificates is not matched in the
first bloom filter, then it is sure that the bloom filter does not contain that
particular certificate.}, it can easily decide the authenticity of the certificate
when there is not matched. The false positive only occurs when there will be the
match of the certificate in the bloom filter. If there is a false positive in the
first bloom filter then it will check the second bloom filter. If the certificate
is matched in both filters then the authenticity of the certificate is uncertain,
thus the query RIS is sent to the TA through the L-RSU. Two bloom filters has a
good performance over the single bloom filter because the false matches can be
reduced, however, it is also associated with the verification failure probability
that occurs when the certificate is matched in both bloom filters. The other
demerit of using two bloom filters is the increased CRL size due to the two bit
vectors. If two bloom filters is used in the global CRL scheme, there would be a
huge number of revoked and the valid vehicle certificates that has very high chance
of getting the false match. Thus, we propose this scheme to use in our architecture
domain where the valid and the revoked certificates are small compared to the
global numbers that will decrease the size dramatically.

%Revocation in the compressed CRL using the bloom filter can reduce the CRL size to
the fixed value but it suffers from the false positives which can misidentify the
valid certificates as the revoked certificates. To minimize the false positive rate
(FPR) of bloom filter is to use two bloom filters introduced
in~\cite{rabieh2017scalable}. Out of the two filters, one bloom filter contains the
bit vector for the revoked certificates while the other bloom filter contains the
bit vector for the valid certificates. It is the property of the bloom filter that
there are no false negatives\footnote{when the certificates is not matched in the
first bloom filter, then it is sure that the bloom filter does not contain that
particular certificate.}, it can easily decide the authenticity of the certificate
when there is not matched.

%If the certificate is matched in both filters then the authenticity of the
certificate is uncertain, thus the query RIS is sent to the TA through the L-RSU.
Two bloom filters has a good performance over the single bloom filter because the
false matches can be reduced. Although, it is associated with the verification
failure probability that occurs when the certificate is matched in both bloom
filters and using two bloom filters increased the CRL size, it affects adversely
when used in the global CRL scheme. Thus, we propose this scheme to adopt in our
hierarchical architecture of VANET where the valid and the revoked certificates are
small compared to the global numbers that will decrease the size dramatically and
provides the scalability while designing the optimum regional CRL size.

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