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AUGUSTE ERLE sae ies New science reveals they're smarter than we realized Table of Contents: August 16, 2010 IN THIS ISSUE EDITION: U.S. Vol. 176 No. 7 COVER Inside The Minds of Animals (Science) Science is revealing just how smart other species can be and raising new questions about how we treat them [EERIE Protos: smart Animals A portfolio of creature portraits by photographer Finlay MacKay NATION ‘An Rs for the Army's Wounded Minds (The Well / Nation) ‘An understaffed mental-health corps is struggling to fight the stigma of therapy and bring relict to thousands of damaged soldiers CEE Proios: treatin, ‘The Army employs state-of-the-art technology at its Warrior Resiliency and Recovery Center at Fort Soldier Sires Campbell, Ky. to help bring relief to thousands of mentally damaged soldicrs. Photographs by Gareth MeConnell for TIME, Russia's Long War (The Well) Werld) Unlike Western nations conitonting terrorism in their midst, the Kremlin has little ime for legal niceties and fnuman rights as it deals with an Islamist insurgency. But does brutality work? CEEEEE Photos: Dagestan and Russia's Long War ‘The tension between Moscow and Islamic insurgents spreads to other paris of the Caueasus, where the Kremlin's brutal methods have lef a trail of tears. Photographs by Yuri Kezyrev/ NOOR fer TIME, Cleaning the People's House (The Well / Nation) Corruption-busting helped Nancy Pelosi's Democrats win back the House in 2006, But with two senior members facing messy ethics trials, the issue may come back to bite them this fall ESSAY Iraq: Requiem for a Profound Misadventure (Commentary In the Arena) ‘Obama's somber speech on Head is a reminder of when and why we should —and should not —go to war Sit. Stay. Trust. Learn Some of life's most important lessons come from its least Likely i WORLD Postcaed from Parwan (Postcard After years of alleged abuse, a new U.S. prison in Afghanistan aims to improve conditions for its detainees. Trying for a better kind of justice Native Son. Expatriate, Activist, Musician. Ambassador, President? (The Well / World) Wyclef Jean Enters the Race To Rescue a Battered Haiti SOCIETY Extreme Trampoline (Life / Sports) Ifyou build it (and pad the walls for safety reasons). they will jump In-Flight Recycling’s Slow Takeoff (Life/ Going Green) Coke, Diet Coke, landfill? Too many airlines keep trashing bottles and cans Finding Mom on Facebook (Life/ Web Watch) For adoplive families, social networks can be a blessing and a complication ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT But Is Tt Art? (Television) How Bravo's latest realty series is riling up the art world CEERI Photos: artworks from "Work of Art” A sampling of pieces produced by the artists partisipatingin the hit Bravo series Love Triangle (Books) Mona Simpson's new novel explores the delicate relationships between parent, child and nanny ‘The Other Guys: Will Ferrell Grows Up (Movies) His new comedy, The Other Guys, gives Will Ferrell a measure of maturity that's ao less weird —or funny (OKA Rob Reiner Shoot List ‘TIME'S PICKS FOR THE WEEK PEOPLE 10 Questions for Mark Wahlberg (10 Questions) ‘The actor's new buddy-cop film, The Other Guys, is out now. Mark Wahtberg will now take your ‘questions LETTERS Inbox (Inbox) BRIEFING What Obama Didn't Tell Barbara Walters (Washington The Polities Page) ‘The Moment 813110: New York AClinton-ys~-Obama Campaign Test (Washington The Polities Page)

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