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Letters to the Editor-in-Chief


Revisiting Tabata_s Protocol: Does It second bout due to peripheral fatigue and discomfort, even
with significant load reduction. In fact, protocols that use
Even Exist?
20 s of all-out efforts on cycle ergometers usually use rest
intervals of 2 min with only three bouts per session (3).
Dear Editor-in-Chief, Therefore, given our practical experience and theoretical
evidence presented, the inclusion of cycle ergometers in the
In a recent study, Logan et al. (4) tested the effects of an
study of Logan et al. seems to be unrealistic, especially if
adaptation of the ‘‘Tabata protocol’’ on the cardiometabolic
we consider that the study involved low-active male ado-
parameters of low-active male adolescents. The authors
lescents. This limitation may also apply to other exercises
stated that the participants performed one to five sets of
presented in the study protocol, especially the cross-trainer,
four repetitions of ‘‘all-out’’ maximum effort exercises last-
because elliptical trainers provide higher stress on the an-
ing 20 s, interspaced with 10 s of passive rest periods.
aerobic metabolism than cycle ergometers (5), which would
According to the article, participants had the choice of
accentuate peripheral fatigue and discomfort.
completing the training using different exercises, including
We think that it is important to address these issues, be-
cycle ergometers and cross-trainers (a type of elliptical
cause other researchers and health professionals may be-
trainer). Although the study yielded interesting results, we
come frustrated when attempting to replicate the study
would like to make some observations about its methods and
protocol. Moreover, we must use a more critical approach
practical applications.
regarding the reproducibility and feasibility of the ‘‘Tabata
Twenty years ago, Tabata et al. (8) impressed the scien-
protocol,’’ and make a special effort to address the unde-
tific community by suggesting that a training protocol last-
niable gap that exists between the original protocol and its
ing 4 min was as, or more, efficient in increasing aerobic
power and anaerobic capacity than 1 h of moderately in-
tense activities. Although it is commonly suggested that
the original protocol was performed at 170% of V̇O2max (1),
the original study used the load necessary to perform seven Paulo Gentil
to nine repetitions of 20 s with a minimum velocity of João Pedro Araújo Naves
85 rpm (8), without reporting any specific intensity. The study Ricardo Borges Viana
that used 170% of V̇O2max used five to six repetitions and Faculdade de Educa0ão Fı́sica e Dan0a
was published in 1997 (7). Apparently, both studies were Universidade Federal de Goias
merged to form the recommendations that subsequently be- Goiânia, BRAZIL
come popular.
Our laboratories independently tried to replicate the Victor Coswig
‘‘Tabata protocol’’ using 170% of the intensity associated Marcelo dos Santos Vaz
with the achievement of maximal oxygen uptake (iV̇O2max) Charles Bartel
on a cycle ergometer, with most subjects interrupting the Fabrı́cio Boscolo Del Vecchio
exercise by the second or third bout. It appears that using Escola Superior de Educa0ão Fı́sica
170% of iV̇O2max is unfeasible, because this intensity is Universidade Federal de Pelotas
equivalent to running 400 m in 52 s (6). Therefore, it would Pelotas, BRAZIL
be unrealistic to propose that it is possible to accumulate DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001023
160 s of work at this same rate of intensity by using 20 s:10 s
intervals, especially if we consider that cycling elicits a
higher peripheral fatigue than running (2).
Perhaps due to difficulties in establishing the adequate REFERENCES
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Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2071

Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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