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The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Paleopathology Arthur C. Aufderheide & Conrado Rodriguez-Martin including a dental chapter by Odin Langsjoen 2 CAMBRIDGE |) UNIVERSITY PRESS Glb.0> Asoo Jon. 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toWorld wari) 5 ‘Thenew paleopathology (World Wari uptothe present) 7 y4 Mare Armand Ruffer Parr Two Pseudopathology 1 Introduction 12 Soft tissue pseudopathology 12 Pseudopathologicaeaurs related to mortuoy practices 12 Pseudopethology resulting from efecsarsing within body assue allewing interment 34 changes arsng from eects ofthe interment environment 15 ‘Skeletal tissue pseudopaleopathology 15 ‘xcovtionskeletlartfacts 35 ostexcavation specimen handing 35 Scavengerandinsetefects 15 Botanical eects 36 Cyogenicand hermaleffectsonbone 16 hema ersion 16 ‘Mirobilogicalagents 36 Prssureofets 17 Radoogicalpeeudopathology 17 Parr THREE ‘Traumatic conditions .» Skelotalevidenceoftrauma 20 ‘Slulfntres nd rushing injures 23 vill | conrents: Vertebrotandthorcifrocures 24 Discos 25, Troumaiemysisossians 26 Located subperstel thickenings 27 ‘Skeletal injures by weapons. 27, Decoptaion 29 ‘Sangulation “29 ‘Amputation: the skeletal evidence 29 ‘amputation: the sop tissue Inge) euidence 30 Tephinaion 32 Genial deformation 24 Cautereaion 36 loodleting 36 Seaping 37 Cnetion "38 Soft tssueinjuries: inflicted bythers. 38, ocerotins ond stab wounds 38 Seeiiceviins 42 ‘ecientlinjries 44 Soft tissue injuries: mutilation 45 abrets 45, Nesalandearings 45 Nairn ais 46 Crcumcsion 46 Tattoasandscarfcation 47 Part Four Congenital anomalies 5: Congenital skeletal anomolies 52 ‘Skull malformations 52 Crniosmostoses 52 Conplexcrnojcialdefrmiies 54 ‘Anencephaly 55 ‘Micocephay 36 ‘Mocrocephaly 57 rrocepelus 57 Congentalhemlationofmeninges and rain 58 eftpaltepalatascis) 58 Enlarged prea framin (oramina parietal permagna: atin tia) 59 CCongesitalmalformationsofthespine 59 ‘les ocptalitin atlano-ocptl fusion; tlonto-ccptl ‘ssiiatin) 59 Basarimpression 59 Kippel-Fetsyrdrome 60 Jartho-Levin syndrome of vertebral aromas 60 Congentalabsenceoftheadontoidprocess. 6 Spinabiide 6 Buteryverebe 62 ‘Anterior spinatipda. 62 Incampete segmentation of etebresegments 62 Spondyfolyisandspondyllsthesis 63 liemiverteoroe 64 Socrococeygealagenesis 64 Soorlageresis 64 Congenital absence ofthe pedicles 65 Tronsonalveretnoe 6 Scola 66 Congentalryposs 68 Congenital malformations ofthethorax 68 Cereals 68 Costalfsion 69 Otherrb anomalies 69 Congenital malformations ofthe pelvis 6 Congentadslocation ofthe hp 69 soy ofbladderandcie pels 70 ‘Aplasiaand hypoplasia oftheextremties 72 Falturesinthedevelopmentayaline 70 Folluresin the developmentofbones 73 Upperextremity malformations. 72 Dysostsiscleldocanials 72 Sprengel deformity 72 Madelung scefornity 72 Congenitalradioutnarsynostosis 73 Congenital dsacation of teradus "73 Congentalpseudoarvassofthe clave 73 Carpatbiocks 74 Lower extremity malformations 74 ‘Developmentalcoravara 74 ‘enurecuratumcongentum 74 Biparitepatefla 74 Congenitalonguation of he bie 74 Congenalpseudoartvassofthe bie 74 Tia oularsynostosis 75 Tarsolbiocs 75 Tales equlnvanss 75 Metatorsusvaruscongentus 76 Talusveriatscongentus 78 ‘Malformations ofingersand toes 76 ‘Adin 76 Sydecty’ 76 Potydacny 76 Sympbalengism 76 Hyperoboingism 76 Pant Five Circulatory disorders 77 Aneurysms 78 "Aheroscleoi peripheral asculerdseaseandaneuysin mation 72 Infeciousareurysn 79 ‘aural ose9 aneurysms 80 Jortiessction 80 Congenital artic disease 20 ‘Coartationftheoorta 80 Paleopehotogyafaneunsms 8 ‘osteochondritis dissecans —& ‘Syonymyanddefnition 81 ‘Blologyend epidemiology 8: Pathogenesis” 82 Radiology 83 ‘Conpiatons 3 Paleopthotogy 83 Osteochondroses 83 eg9-Calé-Perthesdiease 84 Osgood-Schatersdsease 85, Sindng-ohansson-Lasensclstose 85 Blounctsease 85 Osteochondasisof te proximal epiphysis 86 Necrosisofésolobat epiphysis 86 Haglund asease 86 ‘Kohiers disease 86 Frebersdiseae 86 Eppbysisof te fst proximal phalancafthefoot 87 ‘Sehauemann’s disease 8 Calves disease 87 Pamersdsease 87 Kienbéeksdisene 88 Prisersdisease 88 Thlemanns disease 89 VenWeckscseose 9 Necrosis ofthe femoral head 9 ‘Synonymy andepliemblogy 89 Pathogenesis andradiciogy % Paleopethology 89 Primary necrosis ofthe media femoral condyle. 89 Foldeioiogyandetilogy 89 Patholoay 89 ‘Slipped femoral capital epiphysis 90 Defaton epidemiology andeoiogy 90 Pathology end complications 90 Paleopatblogy 90 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 91 Defation andepldemiology 9 Patotogy 9 Radiologealfeatues 9% Diferentaldagnosis 9: Praleopathology 91 Parr Six Joint diseases 93 Degenerativejoint disease 93 ‘Defniton epidemiology andetilogy 93 Patbolgy ond radiology 94 Paleopathelogy 95 Degenerative disease ofthespine 96 Defridon endepidemioiogy 96 Patbolsy 96 Palopattotony 97 Dis idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) 97 ‘Defcon etiology andepidemiology 97 Pathelogyand radiology 97 Differential iegnosi Between DISH and ankylosing sponds 98 Palepetnoiony 98 orn DISH 99 Rheumatald arthritis 99 Defirtonetlogy and epidemiology 9 Netaral histo 99 Paleopathoiogy "100 Jwesile chronic arthritis x01 Defntion,etziogy end epdemiotooy 10% Pathology radiology and natural history 10% Peleopathology 302 Ankylosing spondyitis (AS) 02 Defation. etiology andepiemology 102 Pathology railogy and naturaistory 102 Poleopathology 303 Psoriaticarthtis 104 Defnton etiology and epléemoiogy 104 Pathologyend radiology "304 Paleopathology 04 Reiter's syndrome (eactivearthrts) 104 Definition etiology andepiemioiogy 104 Pathology ralogy and natura history 104 Paleopathelogy 105, Enteropathicarthropathies. 105 Traumaticartheis 105 Defntion and pathology 105 Paleopathology 105, Nonspeciicseptic arthritis 06 Definition elegy ond epidemiology 106 Pathologyendradioiogy 106 Paleopathotogy 107, Neurotrophic arthropathy 107 Defnton elegy pathology and epidemitogy 307 Palepettotogyofharotsjaine 108 Gout 308 Defnton andetilogy 108 Epidemiology 308 tural history 208 ‘atityanchistory 220 Skeletalpathology 310 Paleopathloay 1 Cochronasis 11 Defnton epidemiology etiology and neal istony 3 Pathology of skeletalandsofssuelesions 331 ‘Anca histor, end peeopathology 122 Hemochromatosis 113 Defer 33, Genet eriman, heredltny eopathie hemochromatesls 133 Aewureshemoehomatests 13 Paleopattology 14 Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (pseudogout) 114 Definton etiology andepldemicogy 14 Pathology endradology 34 Difernialciegasis 14 Joint sarcoldosis 114 Osteltiscondensasilil 14 Amyloldesis 35, Joint neoplasms 315, Pigmentedvilenodvlersyovis 115 Syrovalosteochonaromatasis 335 ‘Synavlalhemangiome 335 Symoviaisonoma 336 Part SEVEN Infectious diseases x7 Bacremiatinrecrions 18 Tuberculosis 338 Defnition ondtaxonomy 118 Pathogenessand naturaistory 19 Epldemoiogy entity and histo 325 Features ofspecial bioantropologcalinteest 331 Poeopathologialappeornce oflesions 133 Differential ciagnosisoftuberculsieIkelesions 140 Leprosy sai Defation ondtavonomy 148 Epliemology 242 Immunologzl modulations oflpresy infections 143, Nawwratisory 44 Imveractons between eprosyand tuberculosis 146 inal course 147 ‘atiutyandistory 247 Steletlpethology 150 Paleopatralogy 354 Treponematosis 54 Defnionandtexorony 354 Phta 355 awe 355 Bejet_ 157 Venerealsyphite 357 Congenital syphilis 164 ‘Origins ofthe vepenematoses x66 Geogephicaigins ofthe weponematoses 67 Histor fthetreponematases 168 Palepetrologtaleviencecfsyphits 169 Osteomyelitis 172 ‘Acta osteomyeltts 372 ‘one pyagenicosteomyelts 377 Brodlsanscess 178, ‘Sclerosing osteomyelitis of Gore 378 Septic artis 378 Perosite 379 Poleopthologicalevdence 379 Pneumonia <5: ‘efintn andepidemiology 381 Netualison) 182

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