Anda di halaman 1dari 44


A A Little About Me ……………………………………………………………...….4
B My Breaking Point ……………………………………………………………..….4
C The Turning Point ………………………………………………………………....5
D On the Right Path ……………………………………………………………….....6
E Our Mission ………………………………………………………………………..6
F What You Need to Achieve Your Dream Body …………………………………...6
G Before We Get Started …………………………………………………………….7

Mistake #1..………………………………………………………………………..8
Doing Any Type of Cardio Exercise is the Most Effective Way
in Order to Burn Fat to Get Lean or Toned
A What Is Cardio? …………………………………………………………………...8
B Doing Your Cardio Much More Efficiently to Burn Fat ……………………..…...8
C What You Have To Do First - Know Your BMI ………………………………….9
D Know Your Fat Burning Intensity Numbers ……………………………………...10
E Why Is All This “Scientific Stuff” So Important Anyway? ………………………11
F Putting the entire “Oxygen Fat Burning System” Together …………………...….11
G Master Your Body’s Oxygen System to KILL Fat! (Recap) …………………......12
H Putting Your Cardio On Steroids! ………………………………………………...13
I Advance Cardio Training #1: What is HIIT? ……………………………….……..13
J HIIT is The Most Efficient Way to Burn Fat and Get Lean! ……………………...13
K Sprint Runner vs. Marathon Runner Example……………………………...……..13
L HIIT Exercises ……………………………………..………………………….…..14
M Advance Cardio Training #2: What is Fasting cardio? …………………………..16
N Benefits of Fasting Cardio……………………………………..……………….....16
O Want to FINALLY See Your ABS? - Get Rid of Your Visceral Fat……………..17
P Maximum Results by Combining HIIT + Fasting Cardio……………………..…..17

Mistake #2……………………………………..……………………………...…..18
Your Metabolism Sucks But You Can Still Get Your Dream Body
A Your Metabolism aka “Fat Burning Machine” …………………………………...18
B If You Want to Loose Weight… You Still Have to Eat! ………………….……...19
C What Foods are Good and What Foods are Bad? ………………………………...19
D The Skipping Breakfast Sin …………………………………..………...………...20
E Good Breakfast Samples …………………………………………………..……...20
F Avoiding Your Body Going Into Starvation / Survival Mode………………..…...22
G What is a Caloric Deficiency or Surplus and It Related to Counting Macros?.......22
H What is a Calorie Deficit? ………………………………………….…………......23
I What is a Calorie Surplus? ……………………………………….…………...…...23
J Counting Your Calories ……………………………………….……………...…...23
K Serving Size to Determine Your Marcos …………………………….……....…...23


Mistake #3 ……………………………………………..…………………….……26
Eat food. Stuff You Like. As Much As You Want
A What are Macros and How Do They Work? ………………………………...……27
B How Do I Count my Macros? ………………………………………………..…....27
C Ways to Cut Portions Without Feeling Hungry ………………………………...…28
D Counting Your Marcos - The “Secret” to Get Ripped or Toned! …………………28
E Cook and Prepare Your Own Food! ………………………………………….…....31

Mistake #4 ..……………………………………………..………………………...32
Trying the Latest Trends Instead of Sticking to the Basics!
A Sticking With the Basics - Keeping Things Simple…………………………….………..33
B Supplements: What Are They and are They Good for You? ………………….......33
C Protein Powders……………………………………………………………………33
D Amino Acids…………………………………………………………………….…33
E Creatine…………………………………………………………………………….34
F Glutamine……………………………………………………………….………….34
G Far Burners……………………………………………………………….………..34
H Avoiding the “Shiny Objects” Temptations! ………………….…………...……...35

Mistake #5………………………………………………..…………………...…...35
You Can Still Achieve Your Dream body with Lack of Sleep &
Accumulation of Stress
A The Importance of Sleep To Get Better Results ………………….……………….35
B Ways To Sleep Better Every Night ………………….…………..…………….......36
C Simple Ways to Relieve Stress ……………………………………………….........36

Mistake #6………………………………………………..………………………...37
Genetics Are Blocking You’re From Reaching Your Full
A Genetics Codes Plays a Big Roll in This Process ………………….………………38

Mistake #7……………………………………………..…………………………...39
Not Planning, Not Executing and Not Sticking Through it, No
Matter What!
A How to Set and Reach S.M.A.R.T. Goals……….….……….……….………..…...39
B Monitor EVERYTHING! ……….……….……….….……….……….……....…...41
C Ways to Make Your Workout More Fun ……….……….……….……………......41
D Happiness is Not a Destination: How to Enjoy the Journey ……….……………...41

7 Fitness Mistakes Recap………...…….….………….……….………....…42

How You Can Get a 1-On-1 Consultation With Me for FREE!….43


First of all, I want to thank you for expressing interest and signing up to our fitness
newsletter and going through this free training. Believe it or not, you are already taking a
huge step forward to attempt to improve your quality of life, it takes a lot of courage and
determination to do so, and I sincerely congratulate you for taking action!

A. A Little About Me

As you may or may not already know my

name is George Workout; I’m a certified
trainer from Montreal, Canada. Now as
you’ve probably already noticed, I’m not
really the biggest guy or the most ripped
person you’ll ever meet and this has never
really been my goal...

In fact, I first started working out to overcome my biggest insecurity when I was younger,
which was my self-confidence. This was due to my height measuring only 5 foot 5 inches
(168cm), it pushed me down to attempt anything I ever wanted to achieve in life.

I was always kind of interested in the fitness world but I never really took it that
seriously. But the idea of putting on more muscle on my body to try and avoid some of
the bulling about my height and my overweight body has always been alluring to me.
However, it wasn’t until I reached a breaking point in my life that I really decided to
change things around.

B. My Breaking Point

You see, in my teenage years a 4-year relationship ended when I discovered my first ever
girlfriend cheated on me. This event honestly broke my heart and to make matters worse
my self-confidence was almost none existent before this event ever took place…

Needless to say, this breakup pushed into a very dark place in my life. I began playing
videos games for insane periods of time so I could escape the “real world”. Video games
were always a kind of escape for me, but for some reason this time it just felt like it
wasn’t enough to distract me. To make matter worse, I kept stuffing my face with just
about anything in sight, and so I put on even more weight during this period.


My self-confidence hit rock bottom. I can still remember once being at a local clothing
store and being too scared to even ask the worker for a smaller size shirt because I was
too afraid she would make fun of me… (Yeah looking back it was extreme, but it’s a true

I felt like a loser for always being too scared and shy from everything and anything and
blaming my body for it. I knew deep down inside me that I needed to do something about
it but I was mad at the world for putting me in this situation and making me look and act
the way I do. I was mostly mad at myself for binge eating and gaining a lot of weight and
running away into video games to drown my reality.

“Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back
up taller than you ever were”
– Anonymous

C. The Turning Point

After some time, I realized that food and video games wasn’t going to help my situation.
I felt frustration reaching a maximum level and I needed to release all of this anger
somewhere. So, I began going to the gym, a place I hadn’t visited in months if not a
couple of years.

“People don't change their behavior unless it makes a difference for them to do so”
- Sharon Stone

This quote really stuck with me especially when I hit rock bottom and knew the only way
to change was to change was to completely transform myself…

I figured I can’t do anything about my height but I sure can do something about how my
body looks like. This was the beginning of my transformation journey. I had no idea
where to start but I just got started. I felt lost and scared at times. I was worried that other
people would make fun of me for doing the exercises the wrong way. So, I would spend
endless hours online researching everything I could get my hands on. I even began going
a couple times a week to the gym; but as the events in my life got worse, I started to go
even more often. Sometimes even twice a day just to keep my sanity! However, I always
wished I had someone by my side that was knowledgeable enough to help me get started
and “show me the ropes”.

After only a couple of weeks; my friends and co-workers started to ask me if I had started
taking steroids or fat burners because after 2 ½ months I had cut down a little over 22lbs
of fat and gained some more size everywhere around my body. I even started to see
abdominal muscles; something I did not know existed on my body. I guess the anger and
determination inside me was all the steroids and fat burners I ever needed J!


D. On the Right Path

As the months went by, this anger slowly tamed itself and my self-confidence kept
growing by each compliment I got. I even began to be less shy! It felt great, and it was
something I had never experienced in my life before. I kept going to the gym because it
made me feel good before, during and after each workout.

After a lot of work, a lot of studying and many many trial and errors, a lot more people
began to notice how I was growing a strong interest in fitness. People at the gym started
to come to me and ask me for fitness advice. At first it seemed odd when people asked
me questions or wanted me to help them get in shape. But what kept me going is when
they began to see changes in their own body and told me it’s the first time that they
actually saw real results!

Amongst the growing amount of people coming to me for fitness advice there was this
one individual that every time he saw me at the gym, he would come see me just to say hi
and always asked me different fitness related questions. A couple of months later,
following his usual routine of coming to talk to me, he had showed me a picture of him
before on his cellphone and then he took off his shirt and told me: “Thank you for
helping me workout George”. His body had completely transformed! He told me that he
printed out a picture of me from Facebook and put it in his room wall as a future dream
body goal. (Yeah, it was kind of weird at first but I was truly honored).

This particular event marked me so much that I began to more motivated to help even
more people. From hating my body and thinking I was cursed to having someone look up
to me and wanting to achieve my body is still something I find unbelievable today.

E. Our Mission

From that point on I realized after so much reading and studying in this field that it
actually did help me but it also allowed me to help others. This is when I decided to go
deeper into the fitness world. As I mentioned before, I’m now a fully certified personal
trainer and I'm also currently doing a bachelors of Kinesiology in University.

To accomplish this mission, I’ve teamed up with my younger brother Alex, who takes
care more of the business side of things and together we’ve launched this fitness
company “Help Me Workout”. We both share a strong passion for fitness and both strive
to help you achieve your desired fitness goal in the fastest and safest way possible.

F. What You Need to Achieve Your Dream Body

I’ve found over the years that the people that usually get the best and quickest results are


the one’s with a burning desire to change. This could be you right now and that’s great or
you may simply want to get more in shape, both are great motivators. But I would even
go as far as to recommend you begin thinking of the core reason you want to change and
get fit and use that same reason as your motivation for your transformation.

Now I’m not going to sugar coat anything and tell you this is going to be easy. It’s not.
But if you find a good enough reason to keep working hard, you’ll be that much more
willing not to quit and achieve your fitness goal!

Lastly I share my story with you because I just wanted to say, I started just like you. I’ve
asked myself how I could do it. I've read for countless hours, studied, doubted myself,
failed, succeeded, and learned a lot on how our body works. If you are in the position I
was once in and you want guidance, don’t hesitate and ask…

I’ll be there to help you out.

Your friend and coach,

George Workout

Certified Personal Trainer &


G. Before We Get Started

Before we get started and move on to the reason you are here, let me just tell you one
quick thing. The following 7 fitness mistakes I will be breaking down for you one-by-one
are what I believe to be some of the major pitfalls that have blocked me personally, as
well as many people I’ve worked with, from achieving their desired dream body.

Most importantly, you are bound to face theses situations when you approach fitness. I’ve
seen a number of people that have fallen trap to many of theses mistakes, which I will
reveal and explain them all to you in this short report.

Looking back on my own fitness journey: I wish someone had told me about all this
stuff… I injured myself a couple of times due to lack of guidance and have done many


workouts using the wrong techniques and if I knew before; it could have saved me a
couple of months if not years of progress.

I believe what I’m about to reveal to you is so important that I’ve designed this entire
training for you and decided to share it with you free of charge! I did this on purpose so
that I can share it with the most people possible to avoid having a person such as you go
through the same trials and errors I had to go through. So, if you do end up finding this
report valuable (which I’m pretty sure you will J), feel free to share it with anyone that
you think will appreciate this training, it would also be extremely appreciated by us.

Now without further a do, let’s get started!!!

Doing Any Type of Cardio Exercise is the
Most Effective Way in Order to Burn Fat to
Get Lean or Toned

A. What Is Cardio?

You might laugh at this question but I had a client that I made a workout plan for and I
wrote “cardio” as one of the exercises and I was asked: “George… what is cardio”?

Basically, most people know what cardio is… It involves a cardiovascular exercise for
your heart pace to increase the use of your oxygen in order to burn fat. Often, these
exercises are already practiced if you ever done any kind of sport such as soccer, football
and baseball, etc. Also, the gym or home workout equipment are created to simulate these
sports such as the treadmill, stair master, stationary bicycle or the elliptical machine, just
to name a few.

In case you didn’t know, most cardio machines may look slightly different depending on
the equipment or brand you are using at home or at your local gym, but the workout is
always the same. You can also use and combine different cardio machines to maximize
your results for the day. The speed and intensity of most cardio machines can also be
adjusted depending on your needs (will discuss this next).

B. Doing Your Cardio Much More Efficiently to Burn Fat

Most people that begin doing cardio exercises, with the intention of loosing weight or
burning fat to get lean, don’t really see that much of a change in their body. After a while
of seeing very minimal results, they unfortunately give up.


Other people sometimes spend hours doing their cardio and they begin to see some
changes in their body, but most of the time they find it too time consuming and torturous
to do it consistently and eventually they also end up giving up.

(Trust me, I’m not trying to demotivate you here, I’m just telling you the reality of things
and the mistake you should be avoiding!).

Now the mistake that most people make is that they do not know the proper cardio
intensity they need to be doing in order in order to burn fat. If they did, they would spend
half the time doing their cardio and would get much better and faster results!

Fat doesn't just show up at your door one day, rent a room, and live alone quietly. Fat
loves company. Fats organizing a cocktail party where nobody ever goes home and
everyone hangs out around your midsection. The more fat you open the door to, the
harder it will be to stop even more fat from inviting itself in.

Just like a math problem, there’s always several different ways to figure out the problem
and get your answer BUT when you have the right formula right in front of you, it’s
going to be pretty easy to just apply it and find your answer, right? Well, doing your
cardio is the same way. Once you know your optimal fat burning intensity level for your
body, it’s going to be pretty straightforward from then on!

You might already have a good idea BUT; temporarily, erase everything you know about
cardio and let me show you how to get the more effective results.

C. What You Have To Do First - Know Your BMI

Before doing any kind of workout, if you have not exercised in a long time and have any
discomfort or pain. Again, please consult a physician before attempting doing any other
activity. Now like looking for a destination on a GPS; one must know their current
location before setting up a destination. How do we get our current location when talking
about fitness?

This question can be answered with another question; what is my BMI?

Google’s definition of BMI is a number based on your weight and height. In general, the
higher the number, the more body fat a person has. BMI is often used as a screening tool
to decide if your weight might be putting you at risk for health problems such as heart
disease, diabetes or respiratory problems.

Note: Even if you score in the range of overweight or obese when you yourself know that
you are not that bad, it is normal. The zone you are in it’s just good way to know where
you are so you know how to plan in order to reach a desired goal).


Now go ahead a try to find where your current position is on the graph below.

Also, if you have a good amount of muscle mass on your body, it will play a huge factor in
determining BMI. Example: I am 5’5”; 170 lb. and when I check my score, it puts me
borderline obese. (If that was truly the case, you probably wouldn’t be reading this report,
right!? J)

Now once you found your number, just keep it as a side note for now, we will use it later to
determine your best cardio intensity level to burn fat.

D. Know Your Fat Burning Intensity Numbers

Your body at rest has a heart intensity called Resting Heart

Rate (RHR). The Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is slightly
different for men and women. The average heart usually
beats between 60-80 times per minute while at rest.
(Resting heart rate can be decreased due to consistent
aerobic training).

If you check your RHR right now; place two fingers (use
very light pressure) between the bone and the tendon over
your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of
your wrist or you carotid artery near your neck area.


When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats over a 15 second period. Whichever
numbers you get multiply it by 4 to calculate your beats per minute (BPM). The number
might be slightly higher than this average 60 to 80 beats per minute. Don’t be alarmed since
the best time to check your RHR is when you just wake up before doing any activity or
consuming any stimulants (coffee / energy drinks, etc.)

E. Why Is All This “Scientific Stuff” So Important Anyway?

Lets say for example; you currently scored a 77 beats per minute RHR (before doing any
activity). You are then told to do for example, a 100-meter sprint and to run as fast as you
can. The second you reach the finish line you check your pulse / beats per minute (BPM).
You then count the first 15 seconds number of beats and then multiple it by 4 and you get
175 beats per minutes.

You are then told to recheck your pulse after 1 minute after doing some normal walking.
You count 130 beats per minute (still not close to your RHR - resting heat rate). Meaning
your body still has not recovered from the activity and it will take you more time to recover
back to your normal RHR.

Now this is important because as you progress and as you begin to get more and more fit,
your recovery time will become faster – meaning your bounce back to your normal RHR of
77 will come sooner. When it get’s faster; you are able to do more activity without getting
so tired and out of breath.

Having a higher resting heart is one of the reasons you get out of breath faster than your
more fit friends but it is not the only thing that determines your RHR. Another

F. Putting the entire “Oxygen Fat Burning System” Together

When you found your BMI, as a general rule here’s what you should stick to:


- If you are in the “Healthy” category. That means your body has a good recovery system, so
you can push the intensity level of your cardio exercise as much as you want. Just as long as
you don’t feel any discomfort or weakness.

- If you score in the “Overweight” category. That means your body needs to have more time
to recover, so as you increase your intensity; your body might not be able to deal with the
pressure. So, as a general rule of thumb, try to stay under 180 beats per minute when doing
any cardio activity.

- If you are in the “Obese” obese category. That means your body needs even more time to
recover. A slow jog could already be giving you 180 beats per minute (very high), so slow-
to –moderate activity would be a light/fast walk and that alone would be more than enough.

By the way, in some cases, people that are obese the activity of walking or fast walking
could trigger a BPM of 140 beats/min or more. For others, a light jog, fast jog or sprint
might be needed to raise your BPM over 140.

Lastly, when ever you are over 140 beats per minute… that means you are in the “full fat
burning zone”. This is where you want to be in order to burn fat the quickest way possible.
You don’t need to push your body to the point where you can no longer breath and risk
health problems.

By the way, another good rule of thumb to know if you are near 140 bpm (fat burning zone)
is that you won’t necessarily be able to speak at the same time you are doing the exercise,
because you will be took pre-occupied with catching your own breath.

G. Master Your Body’s Oxygen System to KILL Fat! (Recap)

So to recap…

I mentioned previously, having a more “fit body” means that you will be able to endure
more intense activities for much longer periods of time because you have increased your
body’s capacity to generate more energy; it will require more for it to keep going!

Now what does this all mean to you?

Well where does the body get the most of its energy? You guessed it… fat J!

When doing cardio exercises, 140 BPM is the optimal fat burning zone you need to be.
Often your BPM intensity level is shown on your cardio machine display.

It all makes sense, basic stuff right? Let’s talk about more advance stuff now…


H. Putting Your Cardio On Steroids!

What I’m about to reveal to you is how to do your cardiovascular workout in the shortest
amount of time possible for a maximum fat burning results using two advance training
methods (which you can combine).

Let’s begin with advance cardio training numero uno… High Intensity Interval Training

I. Advance Cardio Training #1: What is HIIT?

High-intensity interval training is an advance cardio training method in which you go all-
out, by putting one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of cardio exercises,
followed by short, and sometimes-active recovery periods. This type of training keeps your
heart rate up and burns more fat in less time…

J. HIIT is The Most Efficient Way to Burn Fat and Get Lean!

Instead of spending 60 - 90 minutes doing normal cardio (i.e. being around 140 BPM for
long periods of time) you can cut your exercise time down to half when applying HIIT and
you will end up burning more fat.

Say what!?

You see, with normal cardio you will be burning some fat BUT mostly something in your
body called Adenosine Triphosphate (or ATP for short). This is sugar in your body that
produces around 400 grams of it – yes a lot of sugar!) BUT when using HIIT you burn
straight away just the fat in your body!

So to recap, using HIIT is so much more efficient because your body needs huge amount of
energy when doing this type of exercise. So your body will take energy from it’s #1 energy
holder, which is fat! With HIIT your body won’t waste time and go through burning your
ATP first for energy (like with normal cardio) and then your fat but instead it will just burn
your fat so you get lean quicker! That’s what makes HIIT so effective.    
K. Sprint Runner vs. Marathon Runner Example

What do these two do differently? Sprinters do frequent sudden

burst of speed (e.g. HIIT), so it aims fat for fast energy.

Marathon runners stay long hours running at a decently constant


speed (e.g. normal cardio), so your body needs less energy to power it up. By giving your
body time to think of what energy location it will get it from you are slowing your progress.

Also, to avoid burning muscles and only focusing on burning fat in your body, as a general
rule you need to keep your sessions  around  30  minutes. (More about this very soon).

Now you know to how burn the same fat you originally wanted to incinerate but in less
time! (This sciency stuff is pretty cool huh? J)

L. HIIT Exercises:

The beauty of HIIT is that you can apply it to any current cardio workout you are already
doing. Whether your physical activity is running on a treadmill, stairmaster or even jogging

Applying HIIT workout looks something like this whenever you are doing a cardio exercise:

15 seconds: High-intensity exercise

60 seconds: Rest or low-intensity exercise
Repeat another 10 times,
followed by a final 15-second high-intensity blast.
Total time: 14 minutes

And every week you raise the difficulty to keep the intensity up since your body will get
stronger and the workout will get easier; hence, your heart rate will be less high since your
body is getting used to it.

So your raise the intensity to what might look something like this after a few weeks:

30 seconds: High-intensity exercise

60 seconds: Rest or low-intensity exercise
Repeat  another  10  times,    
followed  by  a  final  30-­‐second  high-­‐intensity  blast.    
Total  time:  17  minutes  
So  you  do  30  seconds  of  fast  running  and  then  60  seconds  of  slow  walk  to  rest  and  then  
again  30  seconds  fast  run  and  so  on  for  10  consecutive  times.    
Here  are  different  combinations  of  HIIT  you  can  begin  applying  this  method  with  the  
cardio  exercise  of  your  choice.    
You  can  gradually  increase  the  intensity  weeks  by  week  like  this…    


Or  you  can  quickly  increase  the  intensity  each  set  like  this…

By  the  way,  just  in  case  you  didn’t  know  this…  in  the  fitness  world  instead  of  using  the    


word  “times”  we  use  the  word  “sets”.  There  is  also  the  word  “rep”  –  short  for  
For  example,  if  you  complete  10  reps,  set  the  weight  down,  complete  eight  
more  reps,  set  the  weight  down  again,  and  repeat  for  six  more  reps,  you  have  
completed  three  sets  of  the  exercise.  Repetition  (rep)  -­‐  The  number  of  times  you  lift  
and  lower  a  weight  in  one  set  of  an  exercise.  

M. Advance Cardio Training #2: What Is Fasting cardio?

Just like the word says – fasting cardio – is doing cardio on an empty stomach, often in the
morning when you wake up. This is a little harder to accomplish because a lot of people,
maybe including you, don’t necessarily have the time to have a workout in the morning
because of work or other obligations. But if you do, I’d definitely recommend you try this.

Why should you begin thinking of doing this? It’s because it’s more than just burning

When it comes to the benefits of fasted cardio, they may be more than you might think.
Most people believe that the primary benefit of fasted cardio is that boosted fat burning
effect. While this definitely is one of the benefits that it provides, it's not the only one.

N. Benefits of Fasting Cardio  

First, fat is burned faster during fasted cardio, more than any other form of fat burning
exercise. When you are in fasted state you will have a greater ability to target the stubborn
fat stores on your body. This includes the hips and thighs for women as well as the abs and
lower back for men. These areas of the body tend to be more resistant to giving up their fat
stores and are why these are generally the very last places that you'll lose body fat. (More
details about how to kill stubborn fat and get abs in the next paragraph).

My fitness teacher actually told me this example a long time ago and it stayed in my head
ever since. He told me: “ Think of 2 cooking pans you would normally use to scramble your
eggs on. Now turn on the heat. In the first pan put a teaspoon of butter. In the 2nd pan put a
piece of toast and turn on the heat for both pans. Which one will burn faster?”

You probably guessed the butter and you are right! (Easy question right?)
The  bread  in  1  pan  is  like  food  in  your  stomach.  The  pan  has  to  burn  off  the  bread  and  
it  takes  a  lot  more  time  to  burn  off  than  the  butter.  The  bread  symbolizes  the  food  in  
your  stomach.  You  want  to  burn  fat  and  not  the  food  inside  your  stomach.  


O. Want To Finally See Your Abs? - Get Rid of Your Visceral


As you can see from the picture, it is indeed a

creature that lives inside your own body’s cave.
Visceral fat is usually seen on men and women
on areas such as oblique muscles (love handles),
lower, mid and top abdominal muscles as well as
under your pecks/breast.

Most of the time when people change their eating

habits; you automatically see a slight reduction in
the size of the stomach; a less “bloated look”.
This is not by accident since visceral fat’s main
nemeses, is consuming healthy foods. Visceral fat
second most lethal opponent of is doing HIIT
training and combing it with fasting cardio to get
rid of this stomach fat-demon!

Think of Visceral fat as a lazy moocher that lives in the core of your body. You give this
freeloader everything it needs to survive and it just takes up space. Normal cardio won’t
get this guy moving but by hitting it hard with HIIT workouts not only will you start
noticing you are getting more lean and toned faster than ever but you will start seeing
your abs appear when combined with proper nutrition.

By the way, some people are genetically lean and toned and they can see their abs even if
they have a higher body fat percentage yet another person with the same percentage could
have no abs visible. This is where you fight genetics with fasting cardio + HiiT.

Hard work beats talent (genetics) when talent doesn't work hard (proper workout and
nutrition). By fusing both of these advance cardio fat-burning techniques, you will start to
see your fat melt off of like butter on popcorn and the only thing popping will be your

P. Maximum Results by Combining HIIT + Fasting Cardio

This is where it all connects, so pay close attention because If you combine these two fat
assassins HIIT + Fasting Cardio; it becomes a deadly force to kill fat!

Now as you can imagine you can combined both HITT and fasting cardio for maximum


results. However, there is the risk that if you do begin doing this the wrong way you will
begin burning off muscles in your body that you spent hours and hours building.

To avoid burning muscles and only focusing on burning fat in your body, as a general
rule you need to keep your cardio sessions around 30 minutes. If you keep your cardio
sessions between this duration, your body won’t have time to go and get the energy it
needs from your protein cells (muscles) – it will need the energy quickly and so it will
attack your fat instead.

Fasting cardio combined with HIIT exercises is probably one of the biggest secret
weapons of choice I personally use to keep my body at a low body fat percentage
yearlong and to have my abs say hello when needed.

When  my  private  coaching  clients  come  to  me  asking  for  my  best  fat  burning  
techniques;  most  men  ask  to  be  ripped  and  cut  and  the  women  ask  to  be  toned  and  
sexy  for  their  soon  vacation  or  important  event,  whatever  the  reason.  This  is  my  
preferred  fat  killer  technique  that  I  tell  them  about  that  works  on  both  but  comes  
naturally  differently  due  to  their  gender.  

Mistakes #2:
Your Metabolism Sucks But You Can Still Get
Your Dream Body
You probably know a person that wants to in shape and lose a few pounds and decided to
stop eating or began skipping a few meals here and there to accomplish this. I’ll begin by
saying don’t stop eating… never ever deprive yourself from eating!

This is a huge mistake a lot of people make, whether you want to gain mass or lose fat!

You have to begin thinking that your body is like a car. If you don’t put fuel (i.e. food), it
won’t work properly, right?    

A. Your Metabolism aka “Fat Burning Machine”

Your body is already wired to be a fat-burning machine. All you need to do to start
changing your body's shape and speed up your metabolism aka your “fat furnace” and get
it roaring at maximum efficiency so you're burning even more fat while going about the
everyday rituals of life.


Simply put, your metabolism is all the various chemical reactions that happen inside your
body, 24-7, which keeps you alive. It's food being turned into energy and that energy
being burned off to keep your heart beating, your liver pumping, your lungs transferring
oxygen into your bloodstream for energy. If you give your machine no energy source it
will stop functioning the right way!
B. If You Want to Loose Weight… You Still Have to Eat!  

If you want to loose weight… you have to eat and not deprive yourself from any food. At
first, this may sound counter-intuitive but eating increases the speed of your metabolism.

If you currently are overweight, that means you have slower metabolism and you want to
do everything possible to increase the speed of it. The more you eat, the more you will
increase your metabolism and teach it to digest faster and faster in order to loose weight

To accomplish increasing the speed of your metabolism, space out your meals and
routinely eat at the same times. For example, if you are used to eating 3 large meals a day
try to break down your food and aim to eat smaller portions every 2-3 hours. That is the
best way to increase your metabolism and to naturally begin loosing weight.

Again, do not skip any meals! If you are you going to have your breakfast have your
breakfast. If you are going to have lunch have your lunch. However, big emphasis on
NOT skipping breakfast! (More about this very soon).

C. What Foods are Good and What Foods are Bad?

So  you  must  be  asking  yourself  “George…  you’re  telling  me  keep  eating  but  what  
should  I  eat?”.  Here’s  the  general  rule  of  thumb  of  foods  to  stick  with  that  are  
considered  healthy…  
“Good”  foods:  
Almost  anything  fresh  is  a  good  start.  Better  still  is  fresh  organic  food.  Example  are  
oily  fish,  chicken,  vegetables,  particularly  orange-­‐  or  dark  green  ones  (carrots,  chard,  
broccoli,  squashes  like  pumpkins),  fruits,  oats  and  other  fibre-­‐rich  grains,  pulses,  
beans,  peas,  etc.  Theses  are  all  great  examples  of  good  foods.    
“Bad”  foods:  
Most processed foods are bad; they generally contain lots of sugar, salt and fat. Fatty
foods like margarines, butter, cream, most cheeses, and fatty meat. Sugar and sugary
foods like cakes and candies. Food containing additives and colourings. Sugary drinks
(including diet soda drinks). Salty foods. Junk foods and of course fast foods.


D. The Skipping Breakfast Sin

Skipping breakfast is almost the same as if you had a computer and while it is still
loading you decide to open 10 other large programs at the same time. Your computer
won’t load or work properly, right?

Your body kind of works the same way... if you don’t feed it in the morning it won’t have
the nutriments to be able to function properly during the day. You need your body to
function properly so it does the job of starting your metabolism to burn fat and not have it
work against you in starvation mode and just store all the food away into fat (will talk
about this in more detail in the next paragraph).

Start slow, even if you are not hungry, eats something small, no matter what. Even if it’s
just an apple, start with that. This will help kick start your metabolism (remember you
want your metabolism to be fast in order to begin loosing weight). Also, the things to eat
in the morning are eggs, anything rich in fibber (oatmeal, cereal) or fruits.

E. Good Breakfast Samples

Oatmeal & Fruits (pick any fruit you enjoy ^_^ !) :



Protein Pancake :


Or the classic: Eggs



Theses pictures are taken directly from our social media accounts. We constantly update
and add many different healthy meal ideas and how to prepare them on our Facebook and
Instagram accounts, so be sure to follow us here:

F. Avoiding Your Body Going Into Starvation / Survival Mode  
If you do stop eating or when you deprive your body from food then you are basically
telling your body to go into a starvation / survival mode. You can also look at it as your
body going into “storage mode”.

You see, throughout evolution our body has evolved and learned to survive through some
of the worst conditions you can put it through. For example, when you feel cold, tiny
sensors in your skin send messages to your brain telling you need to warm up. Your brain
sends messages to nerves all over your body telling your muscles to tighten and loosen
really fast, which is what we call shivering. It does this because when muscles move they
generate heat.

The problem with having your body think it’s in storage / survival mode is that your body
is basically going to be thinking… “this person is not feeding me, but I’m built for
survival”, so what does the body do? It stores all the “energy” aka creates more fat in
your body. So, as I mentioned before… if you don’t give your body food / nutriments
then the reaction your body will do is that it is going to go into survival mode and store in
fat of whatever minimal food you feed it.

Also, don’t expect to build the body of your dreams if you don’t give it all the nutriments
it needs to build upon. Basically, if you don’t put more clay in (i.e. food) how are you
going to sculpt it?

The proper way to burn fat is by creating a Caloric Deficit. This is essentially what every
diet breaks down to. To know this you must know your macronutrient (macros) intake,
which are your protein, fats and carbohydrates. (We will explain “Macros” further in
mistake #3).
G. What Is A Caloric Deficiency or Surplus and How Is It
Related To Counting Your Macros?

Whether you're trying to gain weight, lose weight or simply remain at the weight you're
at, you need to control your calorie intake. Gaining weight requires that you eat more
calories than you burn while losing weight requires the opposite. Your calorie balance
(difference between what you eat and what you burn) will determine your current weight;


there is no way around it.

H. What is a Calorie Deficit?

A calorie deficit is a state in which you are burning more calories than you eat. Losing
weight requires a calorie deficit. When you enter this state, your body needs to somehow
make up the difference of what you burn and what you eat. If you're burning 2,000
calories per day and eating 1,500 calories, that 500 calories needs to come from
somewhere. That somewhere is body fat. Body fat is stored energy that was created in
times of calorie surpluses (read below). When you are in a calorie deficit, your body
begins drawing upon those fat stores for energy, which over time causes weight loss.

I. What is a Calorie Surplus?

A calorie surplus is a state in which you are eating more calories than you are burning.
Gaining weight requires a calorie surplus. When you enter this state, your body takes the
excess energy and uses it to either make you more muscular (if you are working out) or
build up body fat and make you fatter. When you workout, you damage your muscle
tissue. This damage is repaired during rest and is what makes you bigger and stronger.
The recovery process is a very energy demanding which is why you need to eat more
than burn. The calorie surplus fuels muscle growth. Without this extra energy, muscle
gains will be almost non-existent.

J. Counting Your Calories

Generally, 3,500 calories is equal to one pound. If you're trying to lose one pound, you
need to create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day over seven days (500 calorie deficit
per day x 7 days per week = 3,500 calorie deficit per week). To lose two pounds per
week, double it to 1,000 calories per day. The same numbers work for gaining weight but
in reverse (surplus instead of a deficit).

Remember that for any diet plan to work, you need to make changes gradually over time.
Making changes slowly, both to your diet and exercise routine, will allow your body to
adjust and get used to your new routine over time rather than overnight, which will
increase your chances of long-term success.

K. Serving Size to Determine Your Marcos

The information listed on most nutrition labels is usually for 1 serving. However, it is
important to keep this in mind because many consumer products contain 2-3+ servings in
a package.


Let me show you an example of how certain food companies manipulate their nutrition
facts to make their unhealthy products seem “less bad” for you.

For example, the macros listed on this bottle of soda is:

• Fat: 0g
• Protein: 0g
• Carbs: 31g

However, there are 2.5 servings in a bottle.

So, the macros for this bottle of soda is actually:


• Fat: 0 grams (0g*2.5)

• Carbs: 78 grams (31g*2.5)
• Protein: 0 grams (0g*2.5)

Don’t get caught in the trap that gets the average consumer falls for. This is not 31 grams
of sugar - 110 calories. It is in reality 2.5 TIMES the serving, so that means 78 grams of
sugar – 275 calories!

Here is another visual example to represent what is actually in your soda...

(Yikes... that’s a lot of sugar right!)

These are regular sugar cubes (4 grams each) to show you how much sugar literally stack
up, gram for gram. Now you will no longer be fooled and you will be better at finding out
where the sugar is hiding, and see how much of the sweet stuff you’re really eating.


Mistake #3:
Eat food. Stuff you like. As much as you
Said no dietitian or fitness expert… ever!

BUT it is true, if you eat whatever you want as long as you stay in your calorie range you
will gain or lose weight. You can also eat the stuff you like but in moderation. It’s all
about staying in your limit zone and that is exactly what you will learn how to do now.

A. What Are Macros and How Do They Work?

There are 3 macronutrients, or “Macros”:

à Proteins:
Meats, dairy, fish are all good sources of protein. Also, beans and nuts can also be good
sources of protein bust not as solid as meats, fish and dairy.

Protein consumption will help build muscle and/or prevent muscle loss if you are in a
calorie deficit (I will explain this in more detail soon). It controls appetite and slows off
hunger better than fats or carbs as it causes you to feel full longer.

It also requires more energy than other macros for your body to digest, therefore
effectively burning more calories gram for gram through the digestion process. All of
these reasons make high-protein diets great for fat loss.

à Fats:
- Good Fats:
Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, trout, sardines), Tofu, rice, Most oils – (healthiest to cook with
is coconut oil), Beans and Nuts not only give you protein but also fat.

- Bad Fats:
We already know most of them…the good stuff... cake, pizza, donuts… a bucket of fried
chicken. (Ok. I’ll stop now J).

Fat is an essential nutrient that our body requires to live; it assists in vitamin absorption,
hormone regulation, brain function, and more.

à Carbohydrates:
- Goods carbs:
Vegetables, legumes (beans), whole grains, fruits, nuts, and yogurt.


- Bad carbs:
Dried fruit, most cereals, crackers, cakes, flours, jams, preserves, bread products, and
potato products (except sweet potatoes).

Carbs are stored in the liver, brain, blood and muscles as glycogen (glucose = body sugar
that serves as a form of energy storage). Our body uses carbohydrates for energy.

à Alcohol:
Technically, alcohol is a stand-in fourth. It’s empty calories - with no real nutrient for
your body. (It’s only good for parties J).

Remember, all calories come from macronutrients. Vitamins, minerals, sodium, etc.
Theses are all considered “micro-nutrients” and do not contain calories. ONLY proteins,
fats, carbs and booze yield calories.

B. How Do I Count my Macros?

Each macronutrient yields a certain number of


• One gram of protein gives 4 calories.

• One gram of carbohydrate gives 4 calories.
• One gram of fat gives 9 calories.
• One gram of alcohol gives 7 calories.

If you would take a peek at the nutrition label, I

show you the relationship between macronutrients
and calories. Here we have a visual example:

à Protein = 13 * 4 = 52 (the 4 comes from what

is written above in “protein” and so on)
àCarbohydrates: 36 * 4 = 144
Fat: 1 * 9 = 9
à 144+52+9 = 205 calories (it’s written 200 on
the label)

Pretty close, outside of the unavoidable rounding

error. This might be tricky for you. If it is,
practice on a few items in your kitchen. When counting macros, foods with a nutrition
label are easy. Just take 30 seconds to look at the label, jot down your macros and move
on with your day. They’re freebies.


C. Ways to Cut Portions Without Feeling Hungry

Portion your meals, don’t over eat. Even when you are eating your own meals don’t go
crazy. Have a meal where you are satisfied with the portion of food. You don’t want to
ever have the feeling of having eaten too much. If you do, not only are you stretching the
inside of your stomach but the next time you eat you are going to end up eating more
because your stomach has gotten bigger in size.

You are also eating more calories than you even need if you are looking to loose weight.
The secret is that you can’t eat too much and you can’t eat too little.

D. Counting Your Marcos - The “Secret” to Get Ripped or


Think of your body as a role-playing video game character with multiple needs. You are
your character and you have many stats that you have to satisfy. Now you have different
bars to fill up into 4 daily accomplishments, which you must complete to win your daily

Write down on your preferred task-planner (I use my cellphone with an alarm to remind
me every 4 hours). This way I’m constantly reminded of my “Achievement goal”.

Calories: (Goal)
Protein: (Goal)
Fats: (Goal)
Carbohydrates: (Goal)

Let’s take me for example and my current goal. During this past winter, I did something
called “bulking” this is a slang term from the real word “Caloric Surplus”.

----- Example Goal - Calorie surplus a.k.a. “bulk” -----

Step #1 – Plug-in your info:

The easiest way to do this is by using a tool such as a calorie counter. They’re any
hundreds of free calorie calculators apps or websites that are all good. “IIFYM” is a free
application that I sometimes use on my smartphone to calculate my calories or for those
that rather go on a website here is a good one

Put your own stats and it will generate it. Here ‘s my stats:


My Stats (Example):
Age: 26
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
Weight: 170 pounds
Activity Level: Very Active – 5x a week and around 120 minutes a day workouts.
Gender: male

Step #2 – Choose Your Goals (and pick your intensity)

Whatever your fitness goal. Select it in this step. My goal was to bulk; therefore I select
bulk and chose average “textbook” 10%.

Step #3 – Select Your Nutrition Plan

I usually keep it on what’s recommended as a plan.


Step #4 – Check Your Macro Results

Now all you need to do in this step is plug-in these numbers in your “Achievement Goal”
for the day and by writing down what you eat or drink during your day you can see what
you’re missing or need more to complete your daily goal.


Here’s an actual picture of what my fridge looked like during my winter-bulk last


E. Cook and Prepare Your Own Food!  


Macros is all about planning ahead (which will be disguised in detail in mistake #7)

A lot of people don’t have the time to prepare meals. But being organized always pays
off this is because if you do cook and prepare your own food, you are going to avoid a lot
of temptations and avoid “cheating”. You’ll also better understand what your macros are.

However, don’t deprive yourself from eating out when you feel like it, keep in mind this
is not a diet this is a lifestyle change. The issue with eating out is that you will end up
looking at the menu and instead of picking a healthy choice you will almost always see
something that you like (which will probably going to be unhealthy). So, you want to
avoid as much as possible of being put in that situation. Make it a lot easier for yourself
and just prepare your own meals.

Also, if you do end up going to a restaurant, try to eat healthy. Sometimes even order off
the menu. If you go to a breakfast place or a steakhouse, you can assume they will have
egg whites and brown bread or lean meat.

Mistake #4:
Trying the Latest Trends Instead of Sticking
to the Basics!
My friend tried this new “gluten free” or this new “liquid diet”, my other friend tried this
“new exercise program”... listen up, just sticking with the basics will get you very far
because that is what works best. In fact, you’ll reach your fitness goals just sticking with
the basics!

All theses latest trends are all a temporary solutions. Also, many diets deprive you of a
certain type of macro. As we’ve previously discussed, you don’t want to deprive your
body from any nutriments. You want to give it as much of it as possible to make your
body work optimally.

Nowadays there are a number of new diets and exercise gadgets advertised on TV or in
fitness magazines that promise you will have the body of your dreams in no time. Most
of them claim that all you have to do is follow their program for a couple of weeks and
presto! Well, the truth of the matter is that you will need to do much more than “7
minutes a day to get abs”... the good news is that all you really need to do is to stick with
the basics to get them J.


A. Sticking With the Basics - Keeping Things Simple

Follow a nutritious diet, add variety to your training routines and begin implementing
fasting cardio, perform efficient cardiovascular exercises such HIIT, train with intensity,
drink plenty of water, rest well. You’ve already heard of all theses things but most people
are lucky if they follow half of them!

Simply put, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not allowing time to be on their
side. They immediately want results or they will not continue with their fitness goal. Do
not let this happen to you.

B. Supplements: What Are They And Are They Good for You?

Just as the name says, they SUPPLEMENT your REAL FOOD. Taking supplements
without having your workout and meals is like trying to build a house. But instead of
starting with the basic foundation to build this house you start by adding chairs or
painting the walls that are not there.

It just doesn’t work that way. Supplements help you if you to the groundwork first and
often you don’t need every supplement advertised just because the title looks cool.

As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve all heard the pitch or bold claims such as, “Get ripped in
no time!” or “Burn fat the easy way!” Sounds pretty cool right? Well, that all depends.
Today’s vast array of health and fitness supplements can be mind numbing to navigate
through because of all this “clever” marketing.
Here’s  some  of  the  basics  supplements  that  you  should  have  an  idea  of  what  they  do  
and  that  you  could  consider  purchasing  at  a  local  supplement/vitamin  store.    
C. Protein Powders

Ingesting protein alone won’t build muscle. Your muscles need to be worked out first at
which point protein is effective in feeding muscles during your workout and will aid in
the rebuilding process afterward. Ingesting more protein than your body needs will not
provide any benefit, and can, in fact, put a great deal of stress on your liver and kidneys.

D. Amino Acids

After protein is ingested it breaks down into amino acids. Amino acids are known as the
building blocks of proteins and are responsible for the development of all of your body’s
enzymes, including those responsible for digestion. Among aiding other crucial body


functions, amino acids will also help in the repair and growth of muscles when taken in
conjunction with your workout.

E. Creatine

The effects of creatine as a supplement are often debated. However, creatine is already
naturally produced in your liver, about 2 grams everyday. creatine is used to produce
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) — a molecule responsible for providing energy to your

Also, creatine is usually obtained in your diet via meat or fish. When taking creatine
supplements people will typically report gaining a few pounds of weight immediately,
however this initial weight gain is water weight, not fat or muscle. Creatine is meant to be
used in short periods of time (1 ½ months to 3 months max).

The purpose of creatine is to increase your strength do be able to do heavier weights.

Once you stop taking it you will lose the “water puffy look” but keep some strength from
when you were on creatine. Obviously, you will not get any benefit from it if you don’t
push your body to do heavier weights in order to grow stronger.

F. Glutamine

Glutamine is the amino acid that is produced in the highest quantity by your body. It is a
non-essential amino acid — meaning it can naturally be produced through other amino
acids. Glutamine is responsible for the development of the glucose (sugar) that provides
the body with energy. In addition, glutamine can help maintain muscle mass and aids the
recovery from athletic training.

G. Fat burners

Another hot topic is fat burners and I’ll start off by saying they aren’t exactly the best for
your body. You will loose weight by taking fat burners but what fat burners are is that
they block your fat receptors from producing future fat. But your body needs fat to

In other words, what happens when you block a pipe? It accumulates pressure, right.
Think of your body as a high-pressure tube, you are putting a lot of pressure and it is
going to blow up! Eventually, your body is going to fight back and you will gain back
even more fat because the body is going to be deprived from so much fat that it will come


Overall, you may even end up gaining more weight and you might also end up taking
more fat burners to battle your own body… that’s when you start feeling your kidneys
start hurting (not good). Try to avoid taking fat burners entirely. There are so many
alternatives and healthier and natural ways to burn fat, as you’ve previously read.

H. Avoiding the “Shiny Objects” Temptations!

Again, sticking with the basics is going to get you that dream body, end of story.
Everything else is a shiny object or something that will supplement what you are already
doing. The reason the basics have lasted through the test of time is because they work and
they will continue to work and get you the best results you are looking to get.

Lastly, I’ll also mention that the supplement business is a multi-billion dollar industry
ruled by a few key players. It is not uncommon to see many of your favourite fitness
models, magazines; “authority” websites promote the heck out of particular brand of

Keep this reality in the back of your mind when trying to make an informed decision
before purchasing any supplement. No matter what, do your own research about
particular products or name brands on your own and figure out which one is best for you
and avoid thinking the best product is the company that promotes itself better.

Mistake #5:
You Can Still Achieve Your Dream Body With
Lack of Sleep & Accumulation of Stress
Lack of sleep and accumulation of stress is one of the worst things for your body. Believe
it or not theses two elements will stop production of muscle and will hinder your
progress. Overall, it will slow down your body from functioning properly. The good
news is that they can quickly be fixed.

A. The Importance of Sleep To Get Better Results

The number one reason sleep is important is because Growth Hormone (HGH) rises
during deep sleep, which often begins about 30-45 minutes after falling asleep. This is an
important factor to know since this hormone helps your body recover from your day’s

Not getting enough sleep doesn't only make you tired the next day; it also has a big


impact on what's happening inside your body. Sleep is the time when your body repairs
itself. If we don't get enough sleep, we don't perform well.

The amount of sleep is different from individual to individual. Generally, 6 to 12 hours of

sleep are sufficient. As long as you feel rested the next day, then your sleep
accomplishments is completed.

I once read that if you had enough good sleep, you shouldn’t need an alarm clock to wake
you up. Also, there are possible sleep myths out there that if you get more hours of sleep
before midnight, your sleep will be more fulfilling - something worth trying out, at least.
But what can be done if you have no other choice but to wake up to your alarm (even
thought you didn’t get a full nights rest).

B. Ways To Sleep Better Every Night

If you had a bad night sleep make it up the next time. If you absolutely need to stay up
late, take naps during the day. Some of the top athletes in the world take several naps
during the day. Twenty minutes of naptime is what experts recommending, which they
say is equivalent to 2 hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep takes commitment, just like
training. A lot of things can get in the way like early sports practices, work, important
project deadlines. Make it part of your routine.  

1) Get on a regular schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

2) Avoid sleep medication; unless a doctor has prescribed it. Over-the-counter sleep-
aids are likely to disturb the quality of your sleep and your performance the next
day. Relying on natural relaxation techniques before bed - such as deep breathing
is a better approach.

3) Reduce alcohol and caffeine and start cutting back on alcohol. You want to avoid
anything that could disrupt your sleep. If you are thirsty; drink water or milk
instead. (Milk has something called melatonin that is great for a good deep sleep).

C. Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

As you wake up from your sleep; you have something in your body called “cortisol”.
This is a stress hormone that increases as the day progresses and goes back down as you
sleep. It’s also the cause of:


1. The reduction of protein in your body

2. The facilitation of protein to glucose (slows down metabolism).
3. Stress Slows Exercise Recovery

Having a high cortisol level (high stress) not only is bad for your health but also is a
important factor to determine how fast your fitness gains progress.

One is to sleep well to reduce stress. The second is to practice breathing techniques.
Take a deep breath with your nose and hold it for 5 seconds. Count up to 5 second and
then release the air with your mouth. Do it 10-20 times consecutively and by just doing
that you will feel a lot better already and it will release stress. So go ahead and try it if
you’re feeling stressed out.

Also, if you are the kind of person that stresses a lot, I’d encourage you to stretch (which
also reduces risk of injury) as it helps with reducing your level of stress. You can also
maybe try out yoga or meditation. If you’re not interested in any of that you can always
just listen to relaxing music that calms you down in the background whenever you can,
this can also help reduce your stress.

Yoga or stretching is the action of stretching which helps release pressure point areas in
your muscles, which in the long run not only increase your flexibility to prevent injury
but also lowers your cortisol level. Not as much as good sleep but it does help.

Mistake #6:
Genetics Are Blocking You’re From Reaching
Your Full Potential
One of my favourite movies is the Marvel fictional action superhero Captain America. If
you haven’t seen the movie. The story is of a genetically inferior and short man (Steve
Rogers) goes through a “transformation” of a superior being and becomes Captain
America (a super powerful person) in order to pursue his lifelong dream of being
accepted as a soldier. Maybe I felt related because of my height and always wanted to be
like a superhero. Also the movie is filled with powerful and inspiring quotes.

We do not have some crazy smart scientist like in this movie to give us this “magic
transformation” but it can still be done trough hard work, determination and consistency.

Not giving up and persisting is the name of the game and the key to your success. Yet
what do most people do? Give up way too early and blame it on their “bad genetics”.


A. Genetics Codes Plays a Big Roll in This Process

There are 3 different body types that exist, you may be able to quickly recognize which
body type you are simply by looking at the example picture below.

Now the 3 different body types are:

- Endomorph, this is when you naturally gain weight very quickly.

- Ectomorphs, this when you have a have a hard time gaining weight.
- Mesomorph this is when you have an athletic looking body by society standards.

It’s very important to know which body type you are because by knowing this
information you will know how many calories or what types of food to avoid or to go for.

Example, a person that is endomorph can eat the same thing as an ectomorph but the
endomorph person will gain a pound while the ectomorph might stay at the exact same

At the end of the day, you are given a body type and it will be your journey to make the
best of it… it always reminds me of the quote:

“If life hands you lemons… make lemonade with it!”

I hate admitting this, but yes genetics DO matter. Throughout my training career I’ve
seen guys looking ripped before they even touched a weight. I’ve seen


guys pulling 300lbs their first workout. I’ve seen guys, who never put any real work in
the gym or kitchen, gaining shocking amounts of strength and muscle… good for them!

You cannot allow negativity to effect your thinking. If anyone ever tries telling you that
you will never achieve your fitness goals because of your “bad” genetics, body type or
build, I say prove them wrong. Use that as motivation.

6 years ago some idiot personal trainer told me “You’re not going to see a lot of progress
because of your body type and because of your height since you can never really build as
much strength as someone taller than you can therefore my muscles will always be

The truth that nobody likes to hear is that genetics become irrelevant when you tackle it
with consistency.

Fact is, your “bad” genetics are only a roadblock to your own success if you believe they
are. All around me, I see clients and friends gaining massive amounts of muscle, losing
huge amounts of fat and lifting incredible amounts of weights, who quite frankly,
shouldn’t be achieving these kind of results considering their “genetics”. They are “hard
gainers”, ectomorphs, “old”, lazy, undisciplined and still getting amazing results.

Take that genetics!

Mistake #7:
Not Planning, Not Executing and Not Sticking
Through it, No Matter What!
This is probably one of the most important mistakes you absolutely have to avoid at all
cost, hence why I kept it last for you...

By having a detailed plan that you can monitor yourself and execute daily is going to help
you stay on track and on destination to your goal. Have you ever gone grocery shopping
without a list of things to buy? You ended buying all sorts of other things you didn’t
really need, right? If you don’t plan out your own body’s transformation you won’t know
what is working and what is not.

A. How to Set and Reach S.M.A.R.T. Goals

You’ve probably already heard or learned this but here’s a recap:


- S stands for Specific

It is important that your goal is as specific and as clearly defined as possible. There
should be no distractions to goal. This will help create a clear point of focus and helps
you aim your energy properly. I will start my fitness journey tomorrow’ is an unspecific
goal. On the other hand, ‘I will go jogging tomorrow morning for 30 minutes’ is far more
specific. The promise of a specific goal is that it includes the action that you need to take
to achieve the goal.

- M stands for Measurable

It is important that you are able to measure your goals. Or else, you will not be clear on
the progress you have made. In the previous example, “I will go jogging tomorrow
morning for 30 minutes” is a measurable goal. Either you do 30 minutes of jogging or
you don’t. If you don’t, you can easily measure how short you fell and create a plan to
avoid these shortfalls.

- A stands for Achievable

It’s important that your goal is achievable. If it’s not, you are likely to feel discontent
with your progress and frustrated at your lack of results. It is therefore important to keep
both your strengths and limitations in mind before you start your goal setting activity. In
the same example, if you are someone who hates running, 30 minutes of jogging may be
unachievable for you due to; for example an injury, so chose anther exercise that you
could achieve and work your way up from there.

- R stands for Realistic

When setting your goals, it is crucial that you are being realistic. If your goals are
unrealistic, your likelihood of achieving them is very little. You will end up being very
frustrated dealing with failure and lack of results. In the previous example, plan out 30
minutes of jogging yet for example; if you have a broken leg, that goal would
automatically be unrealistic. It would be humanly impossible. So, pick something that is
more realistic.

- T stands for Timely

Without a timeline, it would be impossible to measure your goals. In the same example, if
the word ‘tomorrow’ was missing, the goal would become uncertain and indefinable. It’s
good you went jogging but if you only jogged for 5minutes when you know you could
have done more your goal will be pushed to a further date and time to achieve that goal.
The timeline is equally important in helping you achieve the results you want.



The best thing to do for monitoring is to write everything down. But I suggest the best is
to hold yourself accountable to someone you know and trust like a family member or
even a close friend.

My best advice is something I stole from my brother, it’s the same advice I tell every
client of mine and that is to threat your body like a business. If you are not getting sales
through the door and doing your bookkeeping, how do you expect to properly operate
and know whether your company is profitable or not?

Your body is almost the same, if you don’t know how many calories you are eating and
you are not recording your weight, you won’t know what’s working and what’s not. Also,
I highly recommend you record your weight daily to stay on track.

Additionally, I recommend taking a picture of yourself every 30 days. When you start
seeing progress you will actually see it by comparing your body’s transformation month
after month, with the progress pictures side by side. This will give you a crazy amount of
motivation to stay focused and keep you working hard!

C. Ways To Make Your Workout More Fun

For example, instead of running for 30 minutes on a treadmill or on a Stairmaster. If you

prefer going for a jog outside then by all means do that. If you prefer playing a sport then
do that.

Do something you like and enjoy because if you are not having fun and enjoying the
process it’s going to be an uphill battle. It’s the best motivation you will ever have
(besides people complementing you on your results J). That way it will feel like a win,
win. You are getting that body you want while enjoy doing it because its fun.

The last thing you want is to feel like it’s a big drag to go do your exercise, because
eventually you will stop doing it. It will also reduce your cortisol level (stress hormone) if
you are having fun.

D. Happiness Is Not A Destination: How To Enjoy The Journey

It’s as if you are traveling somewhere basically. You want to improve your body to
eventually get a dream body. You know this trip will take time to get there but you enjoy
the entire process, right? Well you should have the same attitude about this entire
journey. Enjoy the journey and have fun!


7 Fitness Mistakes Recap:

MISTAKE #1: When your goal is to burn fat and lose weight, or get lean and toned,
you don't want to waste time on a method that is less than the best. Finding the optimal
way to lose weight by burning fat can be difficult, though. But it's how you perform
cardio and with what combination added that can provide the best results. This is where
we make you more familiar to HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) as well as
something called fasting cardio. When combining these two together, they create a very
effective fat burning technique that will get you ripped or toned very quickly.

MISTAKE #2 Your metabolism includes all the things your body does to turn food into
energy and keep you going. You will also learn; whether you're trying to gain weight,
lose weight or simply stay where you're at, to control your calorie intake. You will know
the reality of the food and beverage industry and learn how to not be hungry anymore
when eating healthy foods. You will be eating more yet see yourself get more leaned and

MISTAKE #3 This part has a little more math than you might like but by the end of this
chapter you will understand what are macronutrients and how to count and use it to get
your fitness goal faster. It gets much easier since you only need to count your macros
once for your desired goal and you only need to change it once you accomplished that
goal. There will also be an application you can download or a website url; both free, to
help you set a macro goal. You will know how to portion your food and know how much
food you are actually eating and if it is enough or not to see real progress in your body.

MISTAKE #4 The majority of your daily calories should come from nutritious, healthy
foods, but there’s much more that goes into proper meal planning for muscle growth or
weight loss. You will learn about supplement products as well as the latest trends and
know the reality behind them.

MISTAKE #5 If you feel that sleep and stress (they usually go hand in hand) are issues
for you I encourage you to make them a priority with your short-term goals and action
items. This section will show you how much you damage your gains and progress if these
two need are not satisfied as well as what you can do right now to change things around.

MISTAKE #6 Your genetics might give an uphill battle on your hands, but there’s no
reason you can’t make reach your desired fitness goals. In this chapter, you will
understand how your genetics works and how you can take advantage of it to speed up
your results!

MISTAKE #7 To take action you must make a decision and to plan out your road map to
your desires fitness goal. You learn how to make S.M.A.R.T choices as well as how to
use it to monitor and track results to know whether you are on the right path or not.


How You Can Get a 1-On-1 Consultation With Me For FREE!

If you’ve ever felt terrified of getting started and have experienced similar emotions
about changing your routine and working out or eating healthier, or if you simply want to
ask a few questions and get some direction then let me be the first to tell you that you are
not alone!
Sometimes a little extra help is all you need. As a new member of our fitness newsletter
I’m offering you a free consultations completely free of charge (yes no strings attached).

Here's what this consultation with me will include:

- Answering any question you may already have and discussing your current fitness
regimen and exercise/nutrition history.
- Based on your goals and schedule, I'll share with you how you can attain your fitness
objective by properly planning for success.
- Lastly, you'll receive a recommendation of basic exercises and nutrition for you to get
started in the right direction.

Pretty sweet, right?...

So, don't hesitate and book your free consultation with me before it's too late! (I'm only
doing this for a very limited time only because my schedule is getting busier and busier,
so book now before it’s too late).

So, that sums it up. I hope you have found this report to be valuable and hopefully you’ve
learned a few things. Be sure to also check out the training videos you will be receiving
every 2 days in your email. Also, be sure to book your free consultation appointment with

I look forward in hearing from you soon!

Your friend and coach,

George Workout

Certified Personal Trainer & Co-founder,  


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