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28 February, 199; Issue 28

The newsletter of the History of the Imperium Working Group (HIWG), a
Traveller club using the official Traveller universe. Produced and distributed by
Clayton R. Bush. .

Getting Caught Up
Attached Is the annual mailing of a Membership list.
and a document list. The membership list shows fewer
members (although several have joined in the last two
months), and the document list shows many Mega-
Traveller era documents.
Since the last mailing of these, HIWH has initiated an
Internet mailing list, and many members now have
InterNet numbers. GEnie has declined In Importance to
Contents Documents
Aslan Ihatei Notes. . . . • 2 The main change In this listing Is a new document
numbering system. Instead of two character codes for
Miniatures: Audacity ••• 3
sectors, the first four characters Identify the sector.
Take No Hostages •• • . . . 3 This developed from two concerns:
1. Trying to make the document name easy to
Year & Temperature . . . . . 4
understand at a glance. The old codes required a map
and an idea where we started our numbering from.
Attachments 2. The first four characters of each sector's name Is a
unique Identifier: within Imperial space and using
HIWGMembership List Imperial names.
HIWG Document List
Sector Files
Looking at different versions of a sector file prompted
a search for ways to Identify the different versions.
How to add the dates? This was the search that led to
the determination that the first four characters of sector
names were unique.
GUSH1120.SEC Is the starting file uploaded to
GEnie by GOP or GOW. GUSH1200 would be the New
Era version, collapsed and with worlds named.

I am using the SEC extension for flies with the stellar
data originally uploaded. The Mod 1 revision of the
TNE rules reduced the frequency of dwarf stars, and
analysts have regenerated stellar data for some
sectors using Hale's system (see last AAB~ or their
own system. These files have a NSC C'new sector")
UWP listing: GUSH1120.SEcvs. GUSH1200.NSC.
Asian Ihate; Notes
-Clayton R. Bush By the end of 1117, most of the Florian league's
worlds in Nora'a subsector had fallen. The AsIan were
OVERVIEW apparently content with these holdings.
Land-hungry Asian in the Hierate moved quickly to Minor clans began to encroach on Glorious Empire
capitalize on Imperial weakness. Ihatei fleets quickly territory in 1117. By the end of 1118, Asian settlers
took by worlds along the Imperial fringe. Great fleets had taken over three worlds from the Empire, and land
crossed the Great Rift, leaving behind the Hierate for seekers surrounded the Empire.
the ripe markets of Trojan Reach and the Spinward In 1118, Asian settlers staked out much of Tobia
Marches. The ihatei overran parts of the Domain of subsector, including the sector capital itself. The new
Deneb in 1119 and 1120, but were halted by 1122. admiral turned from open confrontation and moved the
After that, they were pushed back beyond the former fleet to hold the region's unoccupied worlds. Efforts to
Imperial border, but they retained the formerly exploit factional differences between the clans began,
Independent buffer zone. and seem to coincide with the Asian all but stopping
Participants: The Aokhalte clan and its allies, the their quest for new "unoccupied lands."
Ouokhoi and the Sahao'. desperately needed new Aokhalte main body: In 1119, a full-fledged attack
lands to relieve overpopulation. Under the direction of absorbed the Glorious Empire back into the Asian
the self-proclaImed Lakht Aorlakht Hierate. Goertal was driven
(,Lord of New LandS"), Aokha/te into submission after
colonization fleets swarmed to Those who can write, write; planetary bombardment by
Imperial territory. Defended by the nuclear weapons poisoned
finest Sahao' ground troops and
those who can't, talk about it. Its atmosphere.
Ouokhol fighter pilots, the ihatei The main body, held
Ernest Hemingway together by the Lakht
fleets seIzed world after world on
the Rift's far side. Aorlakht, and strongly
Objectors: The Ikhtealyo, Tlerlearlyo, and Yetahikh Aokhalte In composition, advanced Into Pax Rulln and
clans stood only to lose by increased AsIan expansion. Glisten subsectors.
These clans and their vassals were heavy investors in Other Aorlakht (In Tobia) wrested control of seven
merchant operations. War between the Aokhalte and Reft systems, and their expansion showed no sign of
the Ikhtealyo loomed darkly in the immediate future. slowing. Supported by the Imperial military, indepenent
Aokha/te also faced a threat from the Tralyeaeawl, Tonnurrad (0416) stood alone amid a sea of Ihatel.
fourth-ranked among the Tlaukhu, who dominate Former Imperial bases on Bastion and Aldaya
Ealiyaslym sector. Sahao' legions defeated their supported the Hreakhari clan's operations against
Yahlolrl allies, and Tralyeaeawl swore to avenge Tonnurrad and Deneb.
themselves on the entIre Aokhalte bloc. Trekkyar: Norris initiated the Patrol, or Trekkyar, as
Finally, to the dismay of the Fteweyeakh and part of an effort to handle the Asian Incursion. There
Aroaye'l, the Rlftspan Reaches had ceased to be an was never any reference as to how successful it was in
Important sector In Its own right. Now It was merely a recruiting Asian.
path of stepping stones leading to the promise of land Peace with the Zhodani released naval and military
and foreign wealth. Fteweyeakh interests became assets to deal with both Vargr and Asian incursions.
subordinate to other issues, despite the clan's seat on
the Tlaukhu. Khu Su'ikh's "monopoly" on cross-Rift Expansion Stopped
traffic was forgotten amid the great stream of Ihatei In 1120 and 1121, the Regency fought a series of
traffic. small wars with different ihatei clans. These conflicts
halted their advance and created a no man's land
The Incursions between the Domain and the Asian holdings.
start: The landless ihatei of the trans-Rift colonies The major war zones were Glisten (Spinward
were first to seize the opportunity to expand. They Marches 0) and Pax Rulln (Trojan Reach C)
swept out of AsIan territory into the vast no-man's-land subsectors.
of the Reach's central subsectors. As they pressed With their expansion drive blunted by Norris in the
onward into Imperial territory, lesser powers were Continued on page 4
overrun .

.28 February, 1995 Page 2 AAB Proceedings 28

Miniatures and RPG Advice: Audacity/
-Clay Bush force possible on the firing line. A 'A>" . .~8-.~~~
. A::" ~ Pmd.e.ed/rlil.s~
' ... ·L:
I discussed miniatures events with brigade was behind a hill while a :::~ Pi'~~~~gs.~:4istii~ut~: ~() ~ ::
several GDW staff. They have a
multi-level starbase they have used
single scout vehicle was In position :att ~ctiV~ mwo. !iie!iib¢iS; A,ll:6tlie~ ::
to see and shoot atthe enemy :may;acqiilie:copies at $2:00 per iSsue.: :
to run Traveller demos, and they
have run it several times at
during their approach.
At the striker II demonstration,
:::T:~ $ iiiai~:pi¢~~ $~dit: ::::
:tc;>;:Q~yt(m R..:~~~h;: ~o: ~()1{:~~;: : : : : :
conventions. They had one strong the Regency marine cpmmanders Lim' .. : CO: gOg2RAlhnaterials :are ::::
...... ~ ...................................... .
Impression. landed everything together to :"Q'·....
mi..J.;fe· d lJ
}I.,. ... .I.f5.ll
].;.y" A':r:l'1OI",'QD: :';y"d: : : ::: : :: :
. . . :U.lI.1 .1,""u.u..: ......... .
Players are over cautious. Often quickly seize a landing zone for :Piliiicii f6till$¢ti~~i~h by petfu~$i6h; ::
fatally so. reinforcements. It worked, but it :&.4 iB..: ¢~PYiig)itl~wprt;t~~ w:orti$; :::
The normal demonstration is the
attempted seizure of the base. The
was the same one-thing-at-a-time
problem. When the Regency
:~oti4eiiSJ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
attackers have neversucceeded. landed in one place, the defenders :jj: )l\¢kq()Wi~~ge.~b(s. j): :::
1. Players' usual approach, even were able to bottle them up. ::: Tr.aveller.: MegaTri:Weller: :and: ::::::
knowing they have surpris~ is to 3. At last year's GenCon, GDW tf:tj~~ii~j.;· th~ N.~~ iit~~ ::ar~ ~d~~: ::::
land at one location, proceed in one designed the Command Decision :~~k~~~. ~yq~~ p'~sig1ie~::: :::
group, and take objectives one at a event so that the Germans had to :WofkSho'
........... P.;..................
ReferenceS:to: P......
:.rodliclS ::::
time. The chosen movement speed be bold to win. Referees planning :ofGDW otitSJi,<ieiisees:ate.ii6t :: ::::: ::
is cautious, sneaky, rather than to run striker II events may want to :mt~n~¢~ tti mMtig¢:6ri :tii~»-:iight$.::
............... .
racing to critical pOints. try a similar design philosophy. :::::::H':IWG··::C· .... ·....
Eventually surprise is lost. The Give players only a few options at .. .. .. . . .. .. on·nec
......... .. ... lon.......
.... ·...

group continues advancing up one start. This speeds up the starting :............
::Htwa: i'~!History':.:6ftfui fujnPTium:
....... ~~~

corridor. Only the first two players process, and permits pacing the :WOrking Group") is: it fan.:orgamza;,: ::::
can fire at defenders, and they do action, and you can organize things i<)h ii$~:th~ Tiiv¢ti~:t6i¢ijiaY.itig: :::
so until shot themselves. Then the to guarantee several command :g~~.:fQr:w~~~~I1ip. w.~rm~tiQn;: ::
next two players take their place, roles. :~~e:t6;:: ::: :::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::: ::: :::: :::
and the group leaves a trail of dead Staying in one group leaves only :: :Menitierihlp: Settetaij.~ :Cmy: ::::::
PCs until no one is left. one leader making command :B.~~:P:.o.:B~i89.$d~iili~rt; cO: :::::::
2. The same cautious approach decisions-no matter how much :$Q$~$Ji~j)i~~~~e~:~ ::::: :: :::::: ::::
governs in miniatures events. Very initiative others exercise, they still 1fo~eej1i~gs,: :~~1t yoli:#~re~.::
aggressive moves are very defer the big decisions to one :::mw~Aiistr.alla:: ::::::::::::::
:~";'i.:';'::·d""': :':~:E':: t:AV:+.:: ~':All''...:..i;';::::::
uncommon, even though they are a leader. Consider starting the .'i>:\i4~~~. 0;..1'...... !;IS.. . .eHU.. , . O;"HV.y.....
stand-alone event. scenario with two or more separate :OW4~;;:$:. A~t,r~ :$909:;:: ::: :::::: :::
Also, told to hold a sector, player groups, or a situation that requires :AiiStiatia: He:'ProdUces:Sia;.vursi:::::::
................. ............................. .
commanders put the minimum splitting up after landing. ) :~~IP~yq~J\liStr8liit~~sl~tfu.i.:::::::

Take No Hostages! Lose no troops! :B.~4~d{e~~~Rt;~q; M~~::

:Hiiddei:S~ field R])1~:6NK:He :::::, :.....
.......................................... :::::.
Surrounded by attacking off-world consider in their miniatures rules. :l> Jf1iii~:1\1~i.Ye~~ :t!ie: :::: :: ~ :::: ::
troops, the planetary defenders Their suggestIon was that If the ':HIW(HJ:K new.~tettet;:: ::::::: ::: :: :::: ::
reported that they would soon be defenders wanted to try taking :::::::::::::c': ..... : .... t··· .... :::::::::::::::
overrun. What came back over the civilian hostages, they would have
............... omp· u erg ........ ··
::::::::::::: ........ : ........... ::::::::::::::.
radio was not an exhortation or a to check all units' morale :::'ll.l\i: :)j~: 13#iUl:t~6Ii~h; :3~(} ~Otli: :
recognition of their sacrifice. The immediately. Failure would mean :~1#et;:Silit:l)iego~:qj\ ~2:1(}5~3~(}5;::::
defending commander radioed to immediate surrender. Rob. Pri6r~:67.: :. ::::::::::
take hostages to keep the The other situation to consider is :Gt~~nb~k~Md;jij~hiri~M.J-tilf :::::::
off-worlders from firing on the civilian casualties. Certain players :Qiit8#o~:Gai1~cta:: lAG: ~~~;:::::::::::::
position. chose to shoot at civilian counters;
Striker II will not include rules on referees should not let this go
hostages. It may be a RPG event, unnoticed when evaluating
but it is not anything GDW wants to performance and awarding prizes.

AAB Proceedings 28 Page 3 28 February, 1995

Quick Year and Temperature Tables If you can dream it,
-Clayton R. Bush you can do it.
-Version date: 7-Jan-95 Walt Disney
Spectral Luminosity Class
~ II III IV Y. Asian (con.)
AO 23,589 9,148 4,715 6,456
AS 9,555 3,850 2,165 2,988 Domain of Deneb, a large portion of
FO 10,021 1,531 2,739 1,312 the still unlanded ihatei did not
F5 11,135 1,937 1,210 648 journey across the Great Rift after
GO 11,135 2,739 1,293 358 1122. They still sought new lands;
G5 10,021 6,456 1,210 221 some moved to rimward, but there
KO 26,612 5,774 487 236 was general turmOil within the
K5 23,589 14,172 43 Hierate about what to do with its
MO 61,929 12,625 47 unlanded sons.
M5 174,483 32,446 More volatile sons talked about
Incursions to trailing, into the
draw Solomani naval assets away
BASE TEMPERATURE (KelVIn) from expansion into the old
Spectral Luminosity Class Imperium.
~ II .ill y. Y..
Virus to present: The spread of
AO 411. 3 345 . 5 417.5 364.3 Virus Into the Hlerate In 1131
AS 456.2 364.3 405.1 328.0 ended the major support of the
FO 418.2 442.9 342.8 377.8 Asian colonies. Unsupported,
F5 401.3 419.9 415.8 405.1 forward Aorlakht were forced to
GO 410.6 436.3 357.6 392.7 leave Regency space or swear
G5 441.0 347.7 333.0 402.3 allegiance to it. Rlftspan changed
KO 327.9 369.0 434.7 3.62.1 from a transit sector to the end of
K5 422 . 7 357 . 4 443.3 the line, and trade fell severely.
MO 350.8 392.9 376.4 Both pressures led to new
M5 333 . 0 414 . 9 settlement In the former buffer
This part of the calculation depends only on star type and orbit number. zone. and the Asian are now firmly
entrenched throughout Trojan
Hydro Atmoshere QWP Code The Trekkyar was not mentioned
Code L.5. ~ !LJL...l2 in the TNE rulebook. and its status
0,1 0.945 0.990 1.035 in the New Era is unsure. It may
2,3 0.903 0.946 0.989 have been absorbed by the
4 0.861 0.902 0.943 Quarantine Service. Also, Aokhalte
5 0.819 0.858 0.897 clan's relations with the Ikhtealyo
6 0.777 0.814 0.851 and Tralyeaeawi after 1120 were
7 0.735 0.770 0.805 not mentioned in TNE.
8 0.693 0.726 0.759
9 0.651 0.682 0.713
A 0.650 0.681 0.712
This part of the calculation depends solely on the UWP.
'I am not indecisive. Am I
If the atmosphere is 0-3 or A+, or the world Is outside the habitable Indecisive?
zone, PCs should be In protective suits of some kind.
Emprewror Lucan

28 February, 1995 Page 4 AAB Proceedings 28

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