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Theme: Colors/Counting

Age of children: 4 years old

Book: Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd

Age: 4

Type of Activity: Dramatic Play Center

Primary Literacy Skill: Fine-motor Skills

State Standard: 4.PK.5a Recall information from an event, text, or picture related to self and the world

around them. 3.PK.1 Retell a story with the aid of pictures, props, or a book. 8.PK.3a Engage in dramatic

play to convey experiences, feelings, ideas, or stories

Objectives: At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

 Name the various colors listed in the story

 Describe the key events in the story

 Demonstrate fine motor skills by placing the dots on the flannel board

Materials: Felt cut out of Dog and felt spots in the various colors named in the story, Flannel board

Activity: This activity will be incorporated into the dramatic play center. There will be a flannel board

for the children to use. There will be a flannel cut out of the dog and all the colored dots he acquires in

the story. Children can then refer back to the book or memory of the book to place the dots on dog.

Children can take turns telling the story to each other or work together.

Scaffolding: The children will need some fine motor skills to place the dogs onto the dog. They will

also need to know the various colors that are used for the dots.
Age: 4

Type of Activity: Math/Science/Discovery Center

Primary Literacy Skill: Fine-motor Skills

State Standard: 5.PK.1 Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to

information. 5.PK.2a Experiment with beginning techniques for using various writing materials

Objectives: At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

 Sort items based on colors

 Name all colors in the story

 Recognize and explain that all colors have letters in their names

Materials: Muffin tin, pom-poms, tongs, colored paper, marker

Activity: This activity will be incorporated into the math/science/discovery center. There will be a

muffin tin on a table with 10 different colored circles at the bottom of each tin holder. These pieces of

paper will have the name of their color written on them for the children to see. There will be pom-poms of

all the 10 colors and pair of tongs for the child to use. The child can then sort the pom-poms into the

muffin tin based on colors.

Scaffolding: The children will need some fine motor skills to use the tongs and place the pom-poms

inside the appropriate part of the muffin tin. Children will also need to identify the 10 different colors to

sort the pom-poms.

Age: 4

Type of Activity: Small group activity

Primary Literacy Skill: Vocabulary, fine-motor skills

State Standard: 7.PK.1a Listen for a variety of purposes with increasing attention span. 7.PK.2 Listen

and respond appropriately to stories and group discussions.

Objectives: At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

 Use fine-motor skills to stick playdoh to the mat

 Name all colors in the story

 Re-tell the story

Materials: Playdoh (various colors), picture of dog from the story (laminated or put in plastic sleeve).

Activity: The teacher will lead this small group activity. Children will each have a picture of the dog and

there will be all 10 colors of playdoh open and out on the table. The teacher will read the story and the

children will follow along by putting the color of playdoh on their dog when that color comes up in the

story. The teacher will ask the students if they know which item gave the dog that color before telling

them the answer. The teacher will also ask the children if they can roll the playdoh in their hands and

make it into a ball to put on the dog. The children can then smash the ball onto their dog mat to create the

dot. The teacher will ask the children if they remember what color is coming up next in the story. The

children will follow along until their dog has all 10 spots and then they can all “wash” their dog clean.

Scaffolding: The children will need some fine motor skills to tear the playdoh apart and put it on the

dog. They will need to focus on listening to the story so they know when to place the playdoh on the

Age: 4

Type of Activity: Small group activity

Primary Literacy Skill: Vocabulary, word awareness

State Standard: 2.PK.3 Identify pictures to aid in comprehension. 7.PK.5 Engage in conversation and

sometimes follow conversational rules. 4.PK.1 Demonstrate and understand that printed material

contains information (e.g., illustrations, graphs, and charts).

Objectives: At the end of this experience the child will have an increased ability to

 Re-tell the story from memory with the aid of sequence cards

 Answer questions about the story

 Use pictures to support understanding of the story

Materials: 12 Sequence cards for each child

Activity: The teacher will lead this small group activity. Each child will have 12 sequence cards to go

along with the story. The teacher will then ask the children if they can recall what happened first in the

story. She will then ask the children what happened next and so forth. The teacher may have to help the

children along by asking them to count how many dots are on each picture to figure out which card comes

next in the story. The teacher will also ask the children if they remember which item gave the dog the

colored dot. By the end of this activity each child will have the story laid out in front of them.

Scaffolding: Children will need listening skills to focus on what the teacher is saying about the next part
of the story. Children will also need to be able to count the dots so they can pick which sequence card
comes next.

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