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Mech wind live projects offer’s

Mechanical, Civil, Ece, Eee, Mba, Cse-it, Live Projects

We provide you prototypes and small series designed with steel ,plywood and aluminum ,plastic
or metal according to the design, we manufacture .we have involved in training students and
helping them in selection of project topic ,completion of projects with student’s involvement which
have received appreciation and recognition and prize winning in exhibitions. Every year we come
out with innovative project topics and concepts and also give scope and encouragement to the
students to come out with their own new ideas and we make them to realize them in practical with
available resources within the reach. Students to get involved in projects up to completion.

We believe students should be able to show at the end of the projects --- a working project model
that is practically constructed by them. Implementation of this practical work would sharpen their
engineering skills the ability to think logically and critically to solve a real time practical problem
in industry or society.

Mechanical, (all) project’s We Makes Fabrication Models

Civil (all) projects

Mba, (all) project’s we provide report & with plagiarized report also lost cost.

M tech, (all) project’s we provide report & with plagiarized report also lost cost.



First Floor, f 2, k. V. R. Enclave,
Bes: sat yam theater ,
Hyderabad: 500016.

PH: 9542878334, 040-66616644,

Thanking you.

9100831630 manikanta indersan bank

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