Anda di halaman 1dari 3



 Anemia  Addison’s disease
 Angina pectoris  Cushing’s syndrome
 Asthma  Diabetes mellitus
 Bronchiectasis  Hyperthyroidism
 Bronchitis  Hypothyroidism
 Bronchopneumonia  Pancreatitis
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
 Congestive heart failure URINARY
 Coronary artery disease  Chronic renal failure
 Deep vein thrombosis  Cystitis
 Dilated cardiomyopathy  Glomerulonephritis
 Fluids and electrolyte imbalance  Nephritis
 Hypertension  Renal calculi
 Kawasaki disease  Urinary calculi
 Leukemia  Urinary tract infection
 Lung cancer
 Mitral valve prolapse/stenosis GASTROINTESTINAL
 Myocardial infarction  Cholecystitis
 Myocarditis  Enterocolitis
 Pericardial effusion  Esophagitis
 Pericarditis  Gastroenteritis
 Peripheral vascular disease  Hepatitis
 Pneumonia  Liver cirrhosis
 Pulmonary tuberculosis  Ulcerative colitis
 Rheumatic heart disease
 Thrombocytopenia MUSCULOSKELETAL
 Thrombophlebitis  Arthritis
 Lupus erythematosus
NEUROLOGICAL  Marfan syndrome
 Alzheimers  Osteoarthritis
 Brain tumor/ cancer  Rheumatoid arthritis
 Cerebrovascular accident
 Diabetes insipidus INFECTIOUS DISEASES
 Encephalitis  Dengue fever
 Epilepsy  Leptospirosis
 Hydrocephaluss  Malaria
 Meningitis  Stevens-Johnson disease
 Multiple sclerosis  Tetanus
 Myasthenia gravis  Typhoid fever
 Paraplegia
 Parkinson’s disease EENT
 Transient ischemic attack  Glaucoma
 Mastoiditis
 Meniere’s disease
 Retinal detachment
 Retinitis
 Tympanomastoiditis

 Amputation  Mastectomy
 Aneurysectomy  Myringotomy
 Arthroplasty  Nephrectomy
 Arthrotomy  Open reduction and internal fixation
 A-V fistula creation  Orchiectomy
 Bleeding esophageal varices  Pancreatectomy
 Bone grafting  Partial hip arthroplasty
 Bowel resection  Pelvic traction
 Cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation  Pericardiotomy
 Cholecystectomy  Pneumonectomy
 Choledocholithotomy  Pneumothorax
 Choledocholithotripsy  Scleral buckling
 Close reduction  Shoulder replacement
 Cochlear implant  Skin grafting
 Craniotomy  Spinal fusion
 Creation of ileal conduit  Splenectomy
 Cystectomy  TAHBSO
 Diskectomy  Thoracostomy
 Excision of thoracic tumor  Thyroidectomy
 Exploratory laparotomy  Total hip replacement
 Fractures  Total knee replacement
 Gastric resection  TURP
 Gastrointestinal bleeding  Tympanomastoidectomy
 Gunshot wounds  Tympanoplasty
 Hacking wounds  Ureteral stent insertion
 Hemorrhoidectomy  Vehicular accident
 Hemothorax  Vein stripping
 Herniorrhaphy  V-P shunting
 Hydrothorax
 Laminectomy
 Laryngectomy
 Lobectomy
 Head to toe assessment  Foley catheter insertion/care
 Abdominal sounds  Gastroccult testing
 Breath sounds  Hemoccult testing
 Glasgow coma scale  Hemodialysis access catheter car
 Heart sounds  Heparin drip administration
 Level of consciousness  Heparin lock insertion and maintenance
 Peripheral pulses  ICP monitoring
 Pulse oximetry  Ileostomy care
 Pupil size and reaction to light  IM injection
 Skin integrity  Incentive spirometry
 Use of pain scale  Insertion of suppository
 Administering peritoneal dialysis  Isolation precautions
 Application o anti-embolism stockings  IV site care
 Application of ACE wrap  Nebulization
 Arterial stick for ABG  NGT feeding
 Assist with chest tube insertion  NGT insertion
 Assist with lumbar puncture  Open wound irrigation
 Assisting with paracentesis  Oxygen therapy via: Nasal cannula, Venturi mask, T-piece
 Blood and blood products transfusion  Patient teaching
 Blood glucose monitoring  Patient-controlled analgesia
 Care of chest tube drainage system  PEG feeding
 Care of skeletal traction  Peripheral blood draws
 Cast care  Peripheral IV cannulation
 Charge nursing  Post-mortem care
 Checking for bruit  Post-op dressing changes
 Chemotherapy  Precepting new employees
 Chest physiotherapy  Subcutaneous injection
 Collecting mid-stream urine sample  Suicide precautions
 Collecting sputum specimen for culture and sensitivity  Suture removal
 Collecting wound specimen for culture and sensitivity  Taking 12-lead EKG
 Colostomy care  Total parenteral nutrition
 Computerized nursing documentation  Tracheostomy care
 Continuous bladder irrigation  Tracheostomy suctioning
 CPR  Use of inhalant puffers
 CVP set-up and monitoring
 Ear instillation
 Enema
 Epidural catheter infusion
 Eye instillation

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