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Title of Thesis:
Implementation Evaluation Model to Measure Virtual Learning
Environment Success Factors among Malaysian Teachers

From: Hapini Awang (900998)

Supervisors: i) Dr. Zahurin Binti Mat Aji @ Alon

ii) Prof. Dr. Wan Rozaini Binti Sheik Osman

To be assessed by: Dr. Alawiyah Abd Wahab

(Internal Examiner)

Date of correction submission:

No. Examiner Comments Correction and Explanation
3 Abstract: Three new sentences have been included in abstract.
Highlight major contributions to i. Methodological Contribution:
methodology and practice. a. The QR code was used to speed up the data collection without violating the
rules of probability sampling (5th sentence).
b. This analysis has become a major methodological contribution of the study
that provides a foundation for further investigations on the relevancy of the
recursive relationships in D&M (16th sentence).
ii. Practical Contribution:
a. The result indicates that the implementation strategy can be applied in
Malaysian schools (19th sentence).

4 Problem Statement: This sentence (which consist of a more recent evidence/statistic) is included in
Provide a more recent statistics on the Problem Statement to support the older statistics (see page 7):
VLE usage among teachers. These figures are further supported by a more recent report of studies and
observation by the Education Technology Division, MOE that show majority of
teachers only use VLE between one to five times in a month (Bahagian Teknologi
Pendidikan, 2017).

5 Literature Review: i. This sentence (which consist of a more recent evidence/statistic) is included
i. Need also to include the above in Problem Statement to support the older statistics (see page 7):
statistics (no. 4) in the relevant These figures are further supported by a more recent report of studies and
paragraph (maybe at the last observation by the Education Technology Division, MOE that show majority
paragraph in section 2.4). of teachers only use VLE between one to five times in a month (Bahagian
ii. Discuss on how previous studies Teknologi Pendidikan, 2017).
have influenced the current ii. The discussion on how previous studies influenced this study and in what
research and in what way (page way (page 49-50):
46). Together, these past studies provide important insights for the current study,
iii. Discuss the limitations of especially in choosing the suitable methodology, base model and other
previous studies that this study external success dimensions. Moreover, the previous studies have
intend to address (page 68-69). demonstrated the inconsistency in defining IS success (Agourram, 2009;
DeLone & McLean, 1992; Dörr, Walther, & Eymann, 2013). Although
iv. Provide a rationale for the DeLone and McLean (2003) suggested that IS success involves
reviewed IS theories. interdependent constructs, a final construct that acts as indicator for IS
success should be included. This has directed the current study to investigate
more on the concept of IS success, especially in terms of recursive
relationship and its applicability in modeling the VLE success…

iii. The discussion on the limitation of previous studies that this study intend to
address (page 69-70):
In view of all that has been mentioned so far, it is apparent that further studies
are necessary in order to strengthen and validate the D&M in other IS
environments such as VLE. As has been noted, research on the D&M has
been mostly restricted to limited subjects and constructs. For example…

iv. Rationale for the reviewed IS theories (page 53):

These theories and models describe the factors that influence IS usage. As
stated in the Problem Statement, this study has identified the low usage as
the symptom of failure in VLE implementation. In addition, continuous usage
has been identified as a possible factor that could adjudge the success or
failure of VLE. Therefore, it is essential to review these theories and models,
especially to choose a suitable base model(s) as well as to investigate the
likelihood of the proposed factors to be included as external dimensions in
this study.
6 Analysis & Interpretation: In-depth discussions on how the analysis lead to the achievement of Research
Provide meaningful interpretation of the Objectives and provides answers to Research Questions are presented in Chapter 7
findings by relating it to the research (Conclusion) - Research Achievement (page 255). However, the brief discussions on
objectives. how the findings relate to the research objectives and research questions have been
included in the following sections:
i. The Relationships between Information Quality, Intention to Use (H1a) and
User Satisfaction (H5a)
 It indicates that good quality of information would enhance the
intention to use the VLE in the future, which has supported the role
of IQ as the significant factor of ITU in research objective (i). (page
 The finding has partially answered the research question (i) by
proving that poor information quality as one of the reasons why
teachers refuse to use VLE. (page 237)
 With respect to the third research objective, it was found that IQ as
the significant factor that influences US of VLE among teachers.
(page 237)
 The preceding discussion indicates that resistance toward the system
is caused by the teachers’ dissatisfaction over the information quality
of VLE, which has answered ` research question (i). (page 238)
ii. The Relationships between System Quality, Intention to Use (H1b) and
User Satisfaction (H5b)
 The first objective of this study was to identify the significant factors
that influence ITU of VLE among teachers. Through this hypothesis
testing, the role of SyQ as an antecedent of ITU is confirmed and the
objective is achieved. (page 238)
 Therefore, it can be concluded that unless MOE ensures that these
elements meet the expectations of the teachers, continuous usage of
the VLE will not be attained, which provide answer for research
question (i). (page 238-239)
 With respect to the first research question, this finding justifies that a
good system quality as one of the reasons that trigger the explicit
attitude and perception toward the VLE usage. Moreover, the role of
SyQ as an influential factor of US has been confirmed (objective iii).
(page 239)
iii. The Relationships between Service Quality, Intention to Use (H1c) and User
Satisfaction (H5c)
 The significant relationship between SeQ and ITU indicates that
service quality is a crucial factor in encouraging a positive attitude
toward VLE among teachers. For example, the tangibility in terms of
the adequacy of ICT facilities should motivate them to use the system.
Hence, the analysis of hypothesis H1c has supported the objective (i).
In contrast, if the physical appearance of the VLE facilities is out of
date or insufficient, the teachers might develop negative feeling that
causes resistance toward the system (research question i). (page 240)
 Nonetheless, the link between these variables is still significant, which
supports the objective (iii) of this study. (page 240)
iv. The Relationships between Intention to Use and Use (H8 and H3)
 The second objective of this research was to identify the significant
factors that influence Use of VLE among teachers, which was
achieved through this hypothesis testing. This finding demonstrates
that ITU is a strong predictor for U, suggesting that the higher the
intention of a teacher to use the VLE, the more the teacher will be
inclined to use it. (page 241)
 In addition, the result has provided the answer to the research
question (i) and signifies that the continuous usage should be the
indicator for VLE success. (page 241)
v. The Relationships between User Satisfaction, Intention to Use (H2) and Net
Benefits (H10)
 Accordingly, the objective (iii) is achieved by ratifying the role of US
in predicting ITU. (page 242)
 Through this analysis, the objective (iv) is achieved. (page 243)
 The finding should trigger the MOE to ensure that the provided VLE
system is beneficial for teachers in performing their job routines and
for their career development. Therefore, this provides the answer for
research question (i) and it can be inferred that US is an important
element that justifies a success (continuous usage) or a failure
(resistance) of VLE implementation. (page 243)
vi. The Relationships between Use, User Satisfaction (H6) and Net Benefits
 This finding proves that U is one of the influential factor for US and
thus, contributes to the achievement of the objective (iii). (page 243)
 With regard to the research objective (iv), this hypothesis testing has
confirmed the role of U as a significant factor that influences NB of
VLE among teachers. (page 245)
vii. The Relationships between Net Benefits, User Satisfaction (H7) and
Intention to Use (H4)
 Accordingly, the research objective (iii) that is to identify the
significant factors that influence US, is achieved. This positive result
also suggests that teacher’s satisfaction can be improved when the
VLE fulfilled the expected benefits. (page 246)
 With respect to the first research objective, it was found that NB is
the strongest predictor of ITU that explains the important role of it in
the context of VLE success among teachers. (page 246)
viii. Mediating Effect Hypothesis
 The objective (vii) in this study sought to test the mediating effect of
US in the relation between U and ITU. This objective was achieved
through hypothesis H11. (page 247)
ix. Moderating Effects Hypotheses
 With reference to the objective (vi), which was to test the moderating
effect of WL, these hypotheses, H13 and H14, were proposed… This
result may be explained by the fact that the workload of the teachers
is caused by their own daily routine in schools…(page 249)

13 Presentation: i. Consistent acronyms (see page 55):

Use consistent acronyms (page 56) and There are typing errors in terms of acronym, which is supposed to be TPB
tenses (page 53). instead of TRA. This issue has been corrected.
ii. Consistent tenses (see page 52)
The 1BestariNet is implemented in three phases (5+5+5 years), where every
phase involves the enhancement of facilities and equipment (Kementerian
Pendidikan Malaysia, 2014). During the first phase, MOE equipped 7000
schools with 2 Mbps (upgradeable to 10 Mbps) fiber optic connection while
those in the suburban and rural areas were provided with 1 Mbps
(upgradeable to 4 Mbps) VSAT connection with the contention ratio of 1:10
at the end of 2012 (Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan, 2016). In the second
phase (2016-2019), gradual improvements are made in several aspects,
including the data plan (1.5 GB to 2GB), bandwidth speed (4 Mbps to and 6,
10, 15 Mbps), installation of Frog Appliance (for the schools with the VSAT
and ADSL) and to equip teachers with the latest gadgets such as smartphone
and tablet (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2016b, 2016c). This high-
speed network, along with high-end infrastructures in every school
nationwide should promote the VLE implementation and thus assist teachers
in coping with education in this digital age.


No. Examiner Comments Correction and Explanation
8 Literature Review: See page 50 & 168:
Provide latest report, e.g. page 51 Statistics produced by the MOE on December 2017 indicate that there were 7,776
(statistics produced by MOE, 2015) primary and 2,416 secondary schools, operated by 421,259 professional teachers
across the nation (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2017).
12 Analysis and Interpretation: i. The discussions on how the findings relate to the research objectives and
i. Translate statistical figure into research questions have been included. (As explained above, similar to the
more meaningful interpretation comments of Internal Examiner).
related to research questions and ii. All the validators and experts’ names have been removed from the text. In
objectives. addition, the appendices that contain experts and practitioners’ personal
ii. Remove name of the validator information were either removed or modified.
through the text.
13 Presentation: The issues were caused by the errors during the printing, and have been settled.
Minor formatting and paragraphing

*****mengikut catatan saya: Untuk reference lain, sebaik2nya include juga yang the most recent (i.e.2017 & 2018) (i.e. kalau boleh
digantikan/ditambah rujukan2 yang agak lama (i.e. yg 80an & 90an especially bila nak highlight findings), biasa kalan kita nak
emphasize on important concept, theory dan sebagainya, ok untuk refer yang lama.

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