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The Weekly Student Newspaper of Indiana Univeisity ■Pi idle University Indianapolis
OCTOBER 9. 2 0 0 0 N ew s • L ir e
Soccer team* fight
for ¿00 at midpoint

• S port

IU to face battle with anti-abortion group

■ U.S. District court will images depicting aborted fetus­ up the display." Cunningham "Jan has been advising us forced to reach the University option of appealing any deci­
es, in the area behind Woodbum said. “But the University will and it was just the luck of the community using approaches sion to the 7th Circuit Coun of
hear civil rights case filed draw that it ended up in her hus­
Hall. not even negotiate with us. that would not have been our Appeals based in Chicago.
against university. The Center, based in They have taken the position of band*! court** said Kipty Drew, first preference.** Cunningham called the
Mission Hills, Calif., attempted go to Dunn Meadow or go to associate University counsel. At thbdgaring. IU and GAP Woodbum Hal! area a place that
By f o B V Kipp to bring GAP to IU last April. - Cunningham said the will have the chance to present is “commonly used for First
INDIANADull S l i d \ 1 Gregg Cunningham, director o f rescheduling forced GAP to their cases. Drew said because Amendment activity** and said
Indian \ 1‘Niutsm the C enter for Bio-Ethical again put off coming to IU, the Center for Bio-Ethical th e( area Is also preferable
(U-W IRE) BLOOM ING­ Reform, said the visit was can­ which it had planned to do this Reform filed a preliminary because it attracts two and a
TON. Ind. - A U.S. District celed when the University week. injunction, there was exchang­ half times the traffic of Dunn
Coun judge in Indianapolis will denied a request to set up the I ’m not sure what the ing of paper* or taking of depo­ Meadow.
hear arguments in a civil rights display in the field behind University*! motive was but the sitions on (he pan of both sides Jim Gibson, assistant dean
lawsuit filed against Indiana Woodbum Hall. Instead, the case was reassigned and involved. The judge will then of students, said the Woodbum
University by the Center for University asked that GAP use rescheduled.** he said. “Now it make a ruling or take the case Hall area is not a designated ’
Bio-Ethical Reform. Dunn Meadow for the two-day is much more likely that we will under advisement. free speech area and that the
The suit was filed after the presentation. come for a much longer period Drew said she doesn't group will receive full
University restricted the Center “ IU is the first school o f time than originally expect the judge to make a rul­ University support if they
from setting up the Genocide where we could not come to an announced. Depending cm the ing in favor of one side tomor­
Awareness Project, a display of agreement about where to set outcome (of the suit) we may be row. Both sides win have the I on pagai

Candidates C ampus E v en t A town

field tough
questions within
from kids a town
■ Exit poll of secondary students at
Children's Museum debate reveal
they would vote for Andy Homing.
By W a rre n S o b a t
While Joseph Lieberman and Dick
Cheney were girding their loins for battle in the
Vice-Presidential debate last week, a debate of
a different sort was being conducted at the
Indianapolis Children’s Museum.
Gubernatorial candidates Andrew
Homing. Congressman David McIntosh, and
Governor Frank O'Bannon met in front o f 285
students and teachers from local elementary,
middle and high schools. Also included among
the questioners were four schools from
throughout the state linked to the auditorium
by satellite.
And what resulted may be one o f the most
informative debates that will be conducted for
this election season.
Students fired questions at the three can­
didates for one hour. Education was the order
of the day in opening statements as each candi­
date expressed his views on the current situa­
tion and the future o f Indiana's schools.
Apparently the students had other agendas.
The first question w as whether candidates
favored a moratorium on the death penalty.
O'Bannon. the Democratic incumbent, and
McIntosh, the Republican hopeful, did not
favor such a m oratorium, claiming some
crimes justified such a reprisal.
H oming, the Libertarian contender,
favored such a move and had in fact already
called for the cessation. While some chines
may justify capitol punishment. Homing said,
the poor are disadvantaged in such cases, and
under the current system, such punishment is
“based on vengeance.**
Students loved Homing's reply to the
question “why do you want to be governor?**
asked by a student at S t Patrick's School. The
Libertarian flatly stated, “I hate politics."
In an informal exit poll conducted by
teacher Christy Chappell of her Decatur
Central High School students. Homing won
with 37 percent, followed by O'Bannon with
29 percent. McIntosh brought up the rear with
22 percent. Six of the students didn't respood.

Family, friends celebrate life o f lost

loved one; create scholarship in her name
■ Siispect strangled body in i c
»ter a mile fron
charged in Coxnmnvc Turn IUPUI campus.
murder of IUPUI
student Tahnesia
Towner goes on
trial O c t 23. IUPUI sophomore's
Tier. L o tts is ached-
1 to appear in court
w vu n m p n M i ■i—i *

N ews S ports
Page 4 Paces
••m in en *

N ews
The IUPU1 Sagamoke » Moxday. Octobei 9.2000 • Page 2

Medical professions
certainly not immune
to changes in interest
trend has evolved during the last
few years as HMOs have in medicine could be connected
Thi Diav Phnletomw become more prevalent and to the profession’s volatility.
Puxom HurusiTY medicine less lucrative. T h e re arc such rapid changes in
(U-W IRE) PRINCETON. N oner man said that other the medical profession like
NJ. - The number of students schools arc producing even advances in technology and e t h i - ^
applying to medical school has fewer medical school applicants cal questions,” Bclz said, " t h a t ^ Paula Moore

decreased steadily during the last "Princeton has seen slight it's hard to tell the direction that
three years, according to a sur­ decrease* but not to the extent of the medical field is going.”
vey conducted by the national universities or o f the Also, other professions are
Association of American other Ivks.” ,he said. attracting students away from,
Medical Schools. And In 1996. nearly 47,000 stu­ careers in medicine, according to
Princeton's statistics are no dents at colleges across the Nottcrman. "My view is that
exception to this developing country applied to medical there are lots of things other than
school, but by 1999 that number medical school for students
”We have fairly convincing had dropped to below 39,000. interested in health and health
evidence over the last three years according to John Parker, media policy,” Notterman said. “And
spokesperson for the Association electronic commerce is drawing was working at
to indicate that there's been a
decrease in the total number of of American Medical Schools. away some of our best and
But Princeton administrators Hospital at the
d Dr. Daniel and advisers say they are not Both Notterman and Bclz tima o th er
Nottcrman. he chair o f the concerned, since fluctuation in
University's Committee on the number of applicants is com­ for admission in Sagamore photniAchoBo Í
"And our mon. "This is part of a historic school may discourage many
colleagues at oilier Ivy League
schools have encountered fairly
trend.” Nottcrman said. "Now
w e're back to where we were in
the early 1990s”
students from applying.
Notterman said that he
believes Princeton's pre-medical
significant drops, too.**
Princeton pre-medical stu­ Jessica Bclz *02. president of
dents have one of the highest Princeton's Pre-Medical students in the yean to come.
Association. agreed with ‘There are many professors Instead, she chose to focus arship fund, which will be Jerome Towner admits he
and faculty members in the on how the scholarship fund given to the School of is still in denial about his
top medical schools -
profession — it is common for molecular biology department, would someday better some­ Science at IUPUI. Tahnesia daughter's death, but says
percent of Princeton students
the num ber o f applicants to the Center for Human Values one clsc's life. was a biology major. her has no other choice than
who applied to medical school
change from year to year. and the Woodrow Wilson School "1 put this matinee Tahnesia's father. Jerome to deal with it every day.
were admitted last year. But only
159 students applied to medical "Hopefully starting now it will that hold good discussions and together - myself and my TowTier. said he didn't want “Her picture is the first
school in 1999 compared to net as role models for pre-med­ husband.” said Shannon. "I to attend the fundraiser, but thing 1 see in the morning
some 250 applicants in 1996T he ical students,” he said. plan on having one every wanted to show support for and the last thing I sec at
year either in September his daughter. night.” he said.
because that's (Tahnesia's) "I feel like my daughter As Tahnesia's family and
Undergraduate researchers may present papers birthday month or in
February, the month police
deserves to rest in peace,” he
said. "I like to grieve in pri­
friends listened to some of
her favorite songs, surround­
found her body.” vate. If someone never lost a ing themselves in laughter
Information is available on Opportunities Program. The
Shannon said all pro­ child, they don't how it and tears, there was a sense
the conference's website at IUPUI UROP will pay registra­ feels. It's like nothing any­
hap^/vrvr w dm b.cdu/-fcxafub/i tion fees for students presenting ceeds would go into a schol- that healing has begun.
one says can ease my mind.”
Undergraduate researchers papers and provide the required
are invited to present their IUPUI students wishing to liaison signature. For more
research at the IU 6th Annual present should ^ u h i^ t their information, contact Angel / ^ L S I J _
Undergraduate Research .CampbeU. IUPUI URQP
Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 5 Administrator at (317) 274
ra n r
p.m.Oct 20 at IU Kokomo. *4 Undergraduate Research 0631. Or e-mail her at:
their is an open area equipped equipped with sinks and bath- fer depending on the age and
where parents may sit and for little tots - "Alice and care serv ices. The rates
commune with other parents Wonderland” in style. are as follows: 5135 for age 2,
Respiratory Care . . . and their children
Little houses inside the vil­
Outside, there arc two play­
grounds. one for toddlers and
$115 for age 3.5110 for age 4.
and 5115 for age 5.
lage have various toys scat­ another with more engaging The childcare center cur­

A Life an4 Breath Career For You! tered about mini-tables, which
are surrounded by mini-chairs.
equipment for four and five
year olds.
rently has a waiting list, which
is accessible online
lookin g for an exciting and dynamic career? The individual classrooms are Monthly rates per child dif-

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The IUPU1 Sagamoie . N ets ____________________________________________________________________ Monday, Octobei 9,2000 • Page^

N orth A m erican tour to protest hum an rights v io la tio n s ;

Daily C.uiknlmax
tM rusm r or Caufoixu-
Calif. - The Middle East
C h ild ren s Alliance. a tions. ‘T h e U.S. is continuous­
Berkeley-based humanitarian ly dropping bombs over no-fly-
organization, and the Chicago- zones in Iraq that kill innocent
based Voices in the Wilderness, civilians. Billions of dollars arc
began a joint year-long tour of being spent on bombs to drop
on Iraq instead of (funding)
schools and neighborhoods,
and people arc upset.”

Work in Italy.
Live in the USA
H ost/H ostcss
Scrvcrs/Scrver Assistant
Dishwashers/Line Cooks
Administrative Assistant/
Assistant Kitchen

$2 Miller Lts S 1 0 0 sig n in g b o n u s

<2 Long Islands “We don’t want the blame.”
he said. “We want them to put
the blame where it belongs:
plus paid vacation going to come this fall ” squarely on the shoulders of
if the judge rules in the (IU President) Myles Brand.”
Apply in person: U niversity's favor. Gibson disagreed with this
Circle Center Cunningham said the Center for statement.
638-1800 Bio-Ethical Reform is consider­ “Anyone who admits to
ing several other options to
show the GAP project at IU.
Some of these options are mass
In home day care mailings to students, faculty
and staff and displaying the
provider needed
in Geist area«
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Page 4 • Monday: October 9.2000 The IUPUI Sagamore • Nets

Microsoft Millennium now Polls rush to judge after debate

available at IUPUI bookstores Byl “They try to break down the Americans, polls of likely vot
Tmi O ts a m . électorale to identifiable ers tend to be
The IUPUI Bookstores Students, faculty and staff must groups such as married couples because there is a
S o m Dame I xiveimtt
announce the arrival of show their IUPUI I-D. card to and senior citizens because it's these voters will cast ballots in
(U-WIRE) SOUTH BEND. hard to do something about
Microsoft Millennium, the qualify for special pricing for
their general poll numbers," they voted for. they would say
den liai debate concluded Oct. say. both professors are wary of they voted for the winning can­
supersede Microsoft Windows far other educationally priced basing voting decisions on didate." Wolbrecht said. T h e y
98 for 3, the news media conducted
might otherwise be overlooked public opinion. don't want to say they voted for
and in person — all attempting in a national campaign. “People can either say: One. the loser."
of this Pollsters seek to show the pos­ someone is so far behind I “Polls demoralize people
sible voting trend of a specific shouldn't waste my vote on and discourage people from
CBS News. ABC News. group, such as slay-at-home him. Or two. I live in a state voting (for a lagging candi­
CBS-New York Tunes and angle where candidate X is way date)." Radcliff said. The
CNN-USA Today-Gallop polls ahead, so why should I vote for
rushed to record public opin­ candidate Y T Wolbrecht said.
ion. These polls can be helpful “Both Gore and Bush go on Voters can be affected when
in judging the status of the Rosie and Oprah to fashion the candidate they support is "When a candidate is ahead,
appeal to women and stay-al- behind in the polls.
government professors. With Nader trailing Bush candidate," Radcliff
“In this day and age. polls Radcliff. associate professor of and Gore with 4 percent o f the The media might also dis­
can provide good indicators of govenhnent votes in the polls conducted tract voters fro
Polls, however, can be diffi- online by Lake. Snell. Perry &
where support is and isn't,"
said Christina Wolbrecht. assis­ Associates in mid-September, “If
H eart of C hicago tant professor of government.
use varying techniques for ask­
ing questions and target differ­
sqme voters might be dissuad­
ed from voting for him.
the polls, yes, they might get us
away from some discussion of
ent groups. “They can target Wolbrecht finds it hard to the issues," Wolbrecht said.
likely votAs or registered vot­ believe that voters would base “And the voters sec a horse

he Jo h n M arshall U w S ch o o l p rid es ally conduct their own private
polls to determine what stales, ers," Radcliff said. their decisions on poll results,
itse lf o a a rich 101-year h isto ry o f
issues and people to target. While polls of registered but agrees that these polls are a
d h e n ity , in n o v a tio n an d o p p o rtu n ity . L earn voters cover a broader pool of “short cut way to learn sorne-
a b o u t o u r p ro g ram s an d specialties d u rin g
o u r visit t o In d ia n a U niversity, B lo o m in g to n ,
Scholarship groups confronted with criminal charges
• In tellectu al P ro p e rty arship programs.
By Ryan Troat claims o f affiliation to the
• In fo rm a tio n T ech n o lo g y The National Association Better Business Bureau or
Dun Ecrni ix
of Student Financial Aid Thc scam was run by mail­
• L egal W ritin g Soil mein Illinois I’MYEum
ing flyers to individuaU stating Monica Brahlcr. public
• T rial Advocacy (U-WIRE) CARBON- 350.000 people lose S5 million that they had won grants worth
• Jan u ary A dm ission DALE. III. - Congress recently a year to financial aid scams. thousand! of dollars. More SIUC Financial Aid Office,
(D ecem ber LSA T accepted) approved allowing criminal In 1997, a federal judge in than 50.000 people sent $10 to said she w asn't aware of any
be brought $100 for the grants and reports in her office o f students
ran a fraudulent scholarship received nothing in return. falling victim to a scam, but
"MALSA Law Day* search service to pay $6.1 mil­ In both cases the parties
M onday, O a . 2 3 The bill, which was passed lion in restitution for promising settled out of court without lize other options before
10 a.m . to 2 p m .; Maxwell C en ter by the Senate last year and the information about free college receiving any jail time. shelling out hundreds of dol­
House of Representatives two scholarships which the compa­ In 1996 the FTC began lars.
O t ih f e t J it t w i weeks ago. is expected to be ny failed to provide. Project $cholar$cam, a cam­ ‘T here are a lot of free
signed into Uw by President Attempts by the 2.400 paign to educate consumers on services available to help stu­
a U o c t •» OMIMMI defrauded customers to get a how to identify fraudulent dents search for scholarships
Under the new Uw, fraudu­ refund of the $299 fee were scholarship search services. and we encourage people to
lent groups would be hit with denied when (he company Now, with the fines and possi­ take advantage of them,"
possible jail time of 10 to 16 refused to honor its refund pol­ ble jail sentence. FTC officials Brahlcr said.
Jo h n M a r s h a l l months and fines of up to icy. hope to curb future scams. Brahler recommends stu-
$500.000. Current legislation In another case in Spotting scams can be dif­
La w S c h o o l * only requires a fraudulent com­ Washington. D C ., in 1997. ficult because companies often gatc
S II gotm i Pl y m o u th C o o s t , pany to repay the defrauded two men were required to pro­ use official letterheads, associ­ scribing by calling the Better
C a lc a n o , IL é l é S t consumers and prohibits them vide refunds to 500 people who ate themselves with govern­
g M . l l 7 .4 8 2 t from engaging in future schd- were also promised acholar- ment agencies and make false

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The IUPUI Sagamore « Monday, Ocroaa 9.2000 > Page 5

Soccer teams fight for .500 at midpoint

■ Men's and women's for head coach Steve Franklin s mind. At the current rate, the
soccer teams struggling squad, but has yet to have a Jaguars will go as far as their
defense can take them, but that
to break even midway The Jaguars have been out- could be lo the Mid-Coo title.
through the season. shot by an average of nearly six The steady Femia is capable
of single-handedly shutting
down opponents and making a
B y E d H old a w a y
Spoits Editot
many com er kicks as the
Ja^u jrih av e.
single goal good enough for a Around the Mid-Con
The IUPUI m en’s soccer The Jaguars have put on a The women’s offense started
team has found life to he a little sterling display of defense so off the season as a one-pronged
rough the first half of their far this season thanks largely to attack led by freshman Tara Sophomore Rob Maxwell scored off a p u s from sen­
the play of juniors Armando Laiella. After some midseason ior Vaj
Fcm ii and Greg Weilcr. it appears as though
Femia has been brilliant head coach Jean Delaski’s
between the posts for IUPUI troops have found a resem­
again this season. blance of an offensive rhythm.
Femia has averaged 5.5 Junior Karrie Reising rose to
saves per contest while allow­ the occasion in September scor­ and averaging just under seven
Conference preseason pick ing 1.29 goals per match. was a very even game.”
ing five goals in a five game saves. v
Oakland University. Weiler has played well at span, including a trio of game OU goalkeeper Mike Skolnik tallied a pair of saves
The loss of Brooke Hanrahan
On the women’s side, the for his fourth shutout of the season.
for the season to injury ljurt the
Jaguars opened up 0-3, but ness all season. Weiler and Another hot Jaguar of late The Grizzles climbed lo 6-3-1 overall while MSU fell
Jaguars, but sophomore Kara
rebounded to go 4-3-1 in the u>5-5.
Conger has played well at the
month of September. in a pair of assists this season. Campbell. Campbell has added center back position.
Justin Hines and Tommy four goals already this season After allowing 18 goals over
The men’s offense has had a Dunlap have also played while attempting just 12 shots. the first five matches of the cor, 3-0
hard time finding a rhythm thus admirably in the defensive Campbell missed some season, the Jaguars have yield­ Junior Larry Scheller scored a pair of goals and added
far. backfietd while Aaron Yoder matches early in the season, but ed just six over the past six an assist as UMKC em bed past Rockhurst 3-0.
Senior Thcis Hermann has and Ben Higginbotham have has came on strong with a two matches, including three to Scheller scored a quick goal in the first half, as the
carried a Herculean-like load, been steady in the midfield. goal performance against Oakland.
scoring nine of the Jaguars 13 Yoder has been slowed by an Kangaroos carried the 1-0 lead to the lockenoom.
goals, including three game injury t Paige Stuart has also provid­ The ‘Roos put the game out of reach quickly in the
has proven
action in all i ed a spark leading the Jaguars ic headaches second half when Scheller headed home a goal six min­
Hermann is currently tied for with five assists and attempting utes into the second half. Junior Tony Avery pushed the
on the offensive end of the
11th in the nation averaging a It has been a challenge for 14 shots. margin to 3-0 le u than four minutes later.
field. With Stuart delivering to
goal per contest Franklin to put a solid offense Eleven different Jaguars either Latella. Reising of UMKC goalkeeper Beau Williams defended four
Freshman Mike Erickson has on the field at the same time have been involved in the scor­ Campbell. IUPUI has a solid shots in posting h b fifth win of the season. It was h b first
shown special talents up front with a strong defense this sea­ ing. whether it be by a goal of three-way attack that can be shutout o f the season and only the third of h b career.
son. Frankly, the two haven’t an assist, which is a promising nightmarish at times. Rockhurst outshot UMKC 14-13, but fell to 5-5-1
Spring Break! gone hand-in-hand so far. sign for Delaski's young team. Hocking b gaining valuable with the kiss while UMKC improved to 5-6.
Deluxe Hotels. Reliable Air, The Jaguars have put up experience every game, and the
Free Fond Drink« and eight of their 13 goals in wins The IUPUI defense has been defensive backfield is learning
over Central Florida and Drury streaky thus far. allowing better along w ith her.
In the two other wins, Femia than five goals on two separate Unless they have a lale-sca-
son letdown, the Jaguars should
be a force to be reckoned with
Your participation Is Invited..
over the final month and a half
of the season, and should be in
the hunt for a Mid-Con
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Life _________
The IUFUI Saga)«)ìe • Monday, Octobei 9,2000 » P.vge 6_______ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________

‘Titans’ presents a black and white world

Titans it appears he may be have turned into a story o f what
■Bruckheimer goes for
attempting a step in another with ignoring problems than it needs to happen in order for
a film with more social direction; but ts this move good is with challenging those issues black and white American cul­
meaning, but in the ture to come together. But in the
process forgets why we producer himself? society. hands of Bruckheimer and
love him: Exploitation. T iu n s would like to be The story concerns a Virginia director Boaz Fresh Yakin.
something monumental, impor­ high school that is undergoing Titans develops into a series
tant. thought provoking and desegregation in 1971. The of pat answers as to why race
EvrmuMttxT Eonot maybe even a catalyst for dis­ action comes when a black relations arent so bad in the
Remember the Tuans is the cussions on racial tensions that man. Hermann Boone (Denzel goodol U.S. after all.
third offering this year from exist in America today. Washington), replaces white While the film may be bean-
producer Jerry Bruckheim er It At first glance Remember head coach Bill Yoast (Will warming and a good movie for
follows Gone in Sixty the Titans ju st m ight have Patton). The wealthy while the whole family, it lacks hon­
Seconds and Coyote Ugly, what it takes to sp^rk discus­ males of the city are against the esty. The movie may be based
each of which were sions about how far we vc black man working in a position on a true story, but the way in
unashamedly promoted and come in terms of race relations above the white man. and the which the events are presented
accepted as purely visceral eye- since the days of segregated kids who muft now integrate in can only be fabrication.
candy. or popcorn movies. schools, buses and water foun­ order to play ball are particular­ Several scenes in the film are the team s black leader. Julius that sticks and stones and what­
The popcorn movie in a PG- t a i n Based on alru e story, the ly suspicious and resistant to presented to elicit a response, Campbell (Wood Harris) intro­ ever else cannot hurt Boone;
13 exploitation style, a style film is set in the Civil Rights playing with one another. but seldom do these scenes pro­ duces him self and offers to but is this true?
defined by sanitized versions of era. and features Oscar-caliber In the hands of a more politi­ vide a realistic resolution. shake hands with Gerry (R yan. Rem em ber the Titans is
edgier fare of 1970s cinema, is leads. Upon closer examina­ cally and socially challenging After football boot camp, Hurst) Bcnier s girlfriend. She swiftly paced, offering engag­
what Bruckheimer does best, tion. however, it is no more director or producer where most of the black and ing performances, and a solid
refuses, and all the audience
but with Rem em ber the than a huge, glossy compro- Remember the Titans may white players become friends. director who is not afraid to use
Sees is a dejected look on the
black boy s face and an apolo­ pure cinema to tell a story. It is
getic look on the white boys very easy to get caught up in the
face. The event is never dis­ events because one wishes it
cussed or addressed until the were so easy lo unite two cul­
end of the film when, after tures that continue to grow fur­
Berber is put in the hospital due ther and further apart in their
to a car accident, his girlfriend world views.
magically appears and offers The Disney aspect of this
her hand to Julius. O f course. picture is clear make everyone
Julius accepts this without feel like everything is just fine.
question. But should we? Unfortunately, race relations in
In another instance, a brick is the 1970s and race relations
thrown through Coach Boone s today, are not that easy, and Mr.
window. Before the audience Bruckheimer would do well to
gets to see the effect such an keep his hands off o f the
event has on Boone and his important films and continue
family we cut to another scene, to exploit planes, babes and
and when the film brings the automobiles. After all, it s what
brick back, it is to demonstrate he does best.

X Fest succeeds in spite of STP BRIEFS
■ lem e Scteel •( Art tests tfet m rt •( six cNtaaaerary totters
The interesting and eclectic work of Amy Brier. Palli Davene Davis. Christopher Furman.
Alison Helm. David R. Nelson and Diane Simpson can be seen at the Henon Gallery. 1701 N.
'Pnnnvyl vania St., from O c t 5 through Nov. 4. More information; (317J 920-2420.

Bela Lugosi is widely known for his portrayal of Dracula, but the actor made a number of
less impressive films, some o f which the Indianapolis Art Center will be screening over the
next few weeks. The series began O c t 3 and will continue through Oct.24. More informa­
tion: (317) 235-2464.

If there were an album titled Green D ay’s

Greatest Hits. its tracklisting could quite pos­
sibly match the crow d-pleasing set of the
band. Armed with the same simple but effec­
tive chords as always, the Oakland punks
came out to Frank Sinatra s My Way before
tearing into their newest hit. Minority.
fun one-hour set. Lead singer Billie Joe
Armstrong even let a 17 year-old fan named
Matt play his guitar at one point At the end CHRISTIAN SLATER


be 18-30.
CaH for application.
Steven Litz, Attorney
(317) 996-2000.

Viewpoints The IUPUI Sagamoie • Monday, Octoiei 9,2000 • Page 7

Dream is over for RU-486 gives women an alternative

USA basketball Rick Lazio supports it,
though he thinks Medicaid
presidents in the 1980s, 1990s,
and now 2000s have debated
of the world,
procedure that takes three days,
much longer than a surgical
shouldn't cover it. Hillary sup­ the ethical consequences of er for a abortion — the pill is still tax­
ports it and supports medical legalizing an abortion pill, m ing on the body and will still
coverage o f it. Finally last week, after years of essarily mean they will oo affect the woman both mentally
■Vince Carter and Co. bring home less sparkling George W. Bush doesn't fighting and legislation and more frequently; rather, and physically.
golds after vacation in Sydney. support it at all. presidential vetoes and bans, means But the FDA has realized
How has one little pill RU-486 may become a safe women who truly that this is a time of change.
As expected, the 2000 version of the Dream Team
stirred up so much controversy and legal alternative to the option, as they can Women may never break
brought home gold medals, and as a nation, we should
among this year's political can- invasive surgery currently not afford to raise more chil­ through the glass ceiling.
take pride in this. But for some fans, the team's victory
dren. will have a choice.
brought no joy.
On Sept. 29. the Food and Researchers in France began ions easier will, to fight for equality, to fight to
Toronto Raptors' star Vince Carter performed an
Drug Administration approved studying the piU as an alterna­ sen the strain of break free from the domestic
array o f dunks, including jumping over a seven-foot
the French abortion pill, tive to surgical abortion in sphere. B utS^R ick Lazio stat­
Frenchman in what is widely considered ‘the best dunk
mifepristone, better known as 1980. When France legalized Ever since the Republicans ed in The New York Times, "I
ever.* Carter also continually alienated opponents by his
RU-486. Since the drug was the pill. President.Reagan made regained control of Congress in think the FDA signed off oo
finger*pointing, trash-talking and brash*mouthing per­
it illegal to bring it back to the 1994, more than 200 anti­ safety. It ought to be available.
formances on a daily basis.
early 1980s, Congresspersons, United States for personal use. And it's, again, another way a
Carter h a sn 't alone though.
According to The N e* York woman can make a choice."
Time and time again the Dream Team taunted oppo­
Coburn o f Oklahoma, have Tunes, a woman was actually The goal of the Republican In the end, if is all about the
nents, played to the fans while escaping by the most
attempted to keep the pill out of a rre s te d Congress, it choice. RU-486 will give
scant o f margins in far from impressive performances.
Memo to the Basketball Gods: Get our NBA stars
the hell out of the Olympics. If lackadaisical efforts
the United Stales. Last year.
Cobum sponsored an ainend-
c u s to m s
GUEST appears, has
been to
women more options since,
when push comes to shove,
check for restrict in women are alone in the abor­
combined with trash-talking and taunting were what
fans wanted toacc, they can tune into the NBA on TNT
federal monies for any type of
research regarding RU-486.
to bring
COMMENTARY every way
possible a
tion debate. They carry chil­
dren and the burden of sex.
all season long on a yearly basis. H a m a h M i n g a r
R U -4 8 6 w o m a n 's
Frankly, the mystique of the Dream Team is gone. Colcvua Duly Skctato* They are the ones who have to
has been known to back from right to
No longer is our great nation being represented by
France in choose and
the finest meats, such as Michael Jordan, Magic jobs. They are the ones who
order to induce her own abor­
Johnson and Larry Bird, but by hotdogs such as Carter. must bear the cross of pregnan­
RU-486 does have some tion.
Kevin Garnett, and Gary Payton. cy or. if they so choose, of
ikx; some women have expe- So much for hands-off gov- of a
“We didn't lose. 1 don't care what the world thinks. abortion. Abortion does not let
eminent. So finally, after years of
Look at the scoreboard." Carter said after a particularly women off easy.
and for others, the pill ha Lynne Cheney, the wife of restrictions, years of fighting a
breathtaking 85-83 win over Lithuania. So congratulations, women.
completely eliminated vice presidential nominee Dick battle that should have ended
The Olympics are an opportunity for each nation to Last week, you were given
Cheney, remarked earlier this with Roe v. Wade 30 years ago,
be represented in competition by it's best athletes. another choice, the choice to
need for surgical abortion. RU-486 would only
Carter is undoubtedly one of the best we have to offer keep personal matters persona).
But RU-486 has many bene­ lions easier and more
as far as basketball is concerned, but he isn't going to And on O ct 3, Aetna, the coun­
fits. Precisely. Women
win Mr. Congeniality anytime soon.
For the past 20 years. will no longer have to plow try's largest insurance provider,
It only makes sense for our nation to return to using
Congress has butted heads through picket lines to have an order to get RU-486, and Cigna, the third largest,
college players.
about RU-486 and its place in abortion. Women will no longer still have to go through a doctor agreed to cover RU-486 oo
In the true spirit of the Olympics, a nation should be
the United States. Beginning in have to suffer through invasive and consent to a surgical abor- their health insurance plans.
more proud of a team that grunts and sweats it's way to
President Reagan's administra- surgery. Women will have the tion, in the event that the pill American approval of RU-486
a bronze medal than a team that coasts and hoedogs it's
option to have abortions in does not work. And, as the pill may be a small step, but at least
way to a gold medal.
President Clinton’s, American their own homes, as opposed to is actually more of a procedure it's a step in the right direction.
The Dream is over. Excitement was at a minimum
in a clinic, among the scrutiny
when the United States took the floor this past year,
despite all the dunks, alley-oops and taunts.
The “Dream" in Dream Team should be for the ath­
letes that dream to be competing in the Olympics, not
for dreaming o f dunking and humiliating some less tal­
ented Frenchman.
Hopefully Carter will remain in Toronto for the
Third parties crucial to democracy
How can any o f cwstand by people hage the -Now come on folks, we're we ought to be thankful for
remainder of his NBA Career and be can represent the
quidtly and witness the degree all fairly smart here; we must them and give them a chance to
veil in 2004.
o f absurdity steadily rising demand more coverage o f can-
throughout this millennium three debates televised nation- didates and allow them to par- Approximately 90 million
presidential campaign? Most ally. Although the debates ticipale in the debates. What are Americans watched the 1992
people will say there are only might make folks chuckle to Gore and Bush afraid of — that
two possibilities come hear Bush's indirect, pre- Nader (or even Buchanan) president Bush and third-party
November. What about third- die table and practiced argu- might know more than they do candidate Ross P erot Most
party candidates? This country menu just as they might make about specific issues? Or that likely more people will watch
has taken pride in the fact that individuals crack a smile at he may unmask bigger priori- the debates this year, but this
it's run by the people, for the Gore getting all huffy trying to ties time around third-party candi­
people. So why exclude more defend dates have been given the boot
qualified presidential candi- C l i n t o n 's e n v iro n - instead o f the go-ahead to par­

Participating in the debates

" lib c ra l GUEST
___ _____
venation or
Should this be allowed? No
could allow these hopefuls to
get expanded media coverage
may be no
m o r e COMMENTARY f e d e ra lly
way! There are potentially
50,000 registered voters (or
and better access to the public. e n r ic h in g higher edu­ more) in and around this cam­
Citizens desperately need this Daily Tilín (l*. Texas-Atsm ) cation? pus on any given day. and most
sort o f exposure in order to cast O f don't even realize I

watch than Ralph Nader of the

is stuck in a niL ! Green Party. dates don’t ever w >be if we don't demand
toward capitalism and foreign It’s amazing how the media tiai elections (or even a per-
shadow the two name-brand centage of the Electoral
school everyday through a haze party candidates while the College votes), so why bother?
poor taue wtD be rejected. Mail or brief type »nom knen to The IUPUI o f pollution and ponder how thrifty, practical and refreshing- Simply because this nation
Safunorc *Learn to the Editor. 425 Uoivmdy Bhd CA001G ly original Nader is being needs something not only new visible) candidates out there
brushed under the third-party and better, but it needs to set its
n't be a source of debt in the carpet Nader has been in the priorities straight Third-party empire of Democrats and
TH E IUPU I first place. newspapers only a few times candidates offer spice and new Republicans to hopefully bring
In the next couple of and on television even less. about a positive change in


Sex and the city

■Sex education programs focus on abstinence, avoid danger of the real world,

The Kaiser issues and would like to having sex. good for our public schools.
Foundation, a research organi If no change is made and
ration, released a study show Other issues targeted for taught for so many yean when “abstinence-only" programs
ing gapa between what parents research are proper uses of con- the whole free world knows continue to be taught. America
most adolescents aren’t abiding is going to find a general
is being covered in the class- dren talking to parents about by it? decline in continued education,
whom they may be involved The Kaiser Family All the people who would
Foundation also included absti- be going off to college won't
don't start listening to the facts. The sur-
their children will pay the price vey found survey, children at the age of 18 or are
by not having information eight out of GUEST
about AIDS, STDs, abortion. 10 people mss it
Awinfcmjtai to If ignorance continues to children to
61 percent
to people because they don't
want to use birth control,
opagate in schools, children of teachers The problem is real,
and 58 per- Young people having sex is
cent of as inevitable as the tides. Why
p r in c ip a ls don't school districts set an
The foundation recently sur­ example by showing they will
veyed 1,500 students and ptr- no longer pull a shroud over
and 1.300 teachers and children's eyes and finally
This includes teaching teach them the troth about sex
thought AIDS should be o f the real world i young people to wait before in America,
addressed in schools, 79 per- live, having sex. but they should use Them are our very lives we
cent far abortions and 76 |
i h u e ileg - 317-274-3456
mumtmtm Jr«4 _ 317 274-2*54
AÊWfcémt J u t - 317.271*2442
r - C k i _ 317-274-U5S he at fault for their futures <
The IUPUI Sagamoie • Monmv, Octobei 9,2000 • Page 8

Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 - October 15
Latino Student, Faculty, and Staff Reception
M onday, O ctober 9
4p j* .to S :30r J* . -

student*, faculty, and staff from across campus. Make connections

while finding out about the resources and support available within
the IUPUI community. Refreshments will be served.

Dance Fiesta
Friday, October 13
9 p.m . to midnight
Union Building C riteria

weekly events
every Wednesday from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm ia University Litany Lilly
Auditorium (Room OI30Tfor the remainder of the semester

The Newman Club will hold Mass a

every horn 4^00 pm to 5 M pm at the Si. Mary Child Center located al
901 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. S t

¡rear and day of recottectioo entitled

'Boding Ood hi My Career’*on Saturday, October 14 from 9:30 am . to
3 pint at the Benedict Inn Retreat Center located at 1402 Southern Ave.
Beech Grove. Coat is 15 at the door.

■ N I C h l i Pnychlo g y « ■ > Stand

The IUPUI Pat Chi A Psychology Club will hold a popcorn stand
every Wednesday from I0rt0 a m to 2.00 p.m. in Ok LTVSL Building,
Popcorn and pop will aell (or 50 cent* sod bookd water will sell for 75
cents. Candy ranging in price from 10-60 cents wilt also be available.

The IUPUI Equestrian Team wiU hold weekly meetings every Thursday
from 8 pm . to 9 p.m in U C lI t : X‘W V-r D- ;¥*•

iit iit M w n
Saturday, October 14 from 9 a jn . to 2 p.m. in SI 224 A 226. Register in
University Cottage. Contact for more dettili.

The IUPUI Computer Graphics Club is open t

regardless of major. If you have any i
thu is the dub for you. Membership is S10 per i
office m ET332 or t

IUPUI International Club October 15 horn 6:30 p m to 7:30 p m in CA227. The featured weaker
International Culture will he attorney Robert Browning sod he will be speaking about what
firms look for in law school students.
IUPl/1 Taekwondo Club
The College Republicans win have their OOP Campaign 2000 The IUPUI Taekwando Club has
Operations Meeting on Tuesday, October 10 from 12:15 pm . to 1:00
P a k istajj^ p m. in UCI32. Find out how students can help Repubtv
win offices and lead the nation. Food will be provided. obtained the rank o f yellow belt
or have at least 6 months experi­
\Cn n ence in a martial art or are cur­
Pieasc pian lo atte rently enrolled in HPER E l00
12 from S: 15 i
Friday Ortobtr f ) Taekwondo. Join us every
to 9:30 a.m. in U LI116.
Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
L’C I I S ■ 4:SO fun.to6:30 Planing Process in Action.
in PE156 to sharpen your skills,
build your endurance or to just
have fun!
Honors Program Speaker 13 from 8 p m to midnight in the Union Building Cafeteria.
mm*.*'. 'g&veqn
Election 2000:How will you 4ed4e ■ IC f P ra lM le rv ic e sm I Tafle c*.*V j **
The IUPUI Christian Fellowship is sponsoring a Praise Service « id Talk
R ich S h e n lu n c n 's S even H ab its o f E ffective Voters by P ittar Oscar Muhu from Nairobi Kenya on October 10 at ths IUPUI
V ' Tuesday.
Tue O ctober 26
Noon - 1 p.m. ttl
The lmernational Club will host its first Bim in they semester long series

vote Shenkman is a writer, journalist, historian.

producer and college lecturer.
on Wednesday. October 25 in the Ruth Lilly Auditorium ia University
Library. The movie wiU be announced in the next issue a t The Sngmnom
Snacks will begin at 5:30 pan. with the movie he ginn teg at 6 p.m

1 11:30 s o . io 1 p.m. at the University Library,

He has appeared on
Prime Tune U ve and the Today Show.

■ah) » cial oa Thandav. cnAcr I tr a m i p m 1.10 p.m.

t a w kv*4 of I’ntmuy Cnttcfr
■ IMA Pm, b -kamt forum
TimUafevrafcah. teak« Awnbly -ill bold* f«U aataate
* » U l* AMnonumia Uanmay Library cmM«*by. Cteabar 16 t e l
worn to I p a . W agata hom Î p ia. w 6 pm

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