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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Vol. 16, No. 4, 2001, 358 - 371

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Penelitian-penelitian akuntansi yang menggunakan pengujian statistis parametrik

biasanya berasumsi bahwa populasi berdistribusi normal. Hasil pengujian parametrik
yang didasarkan pada normalitas data mulai banyak dipertanyakan validitasnya karena
kenyataan bahwa data bisnis dan akuntansi pada umumnya tidak memenuhi asumsi
kenormalan. Yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah apakah mean dan variansi sampel masih
tetap andal dijadikan estimator parameter populasi normal sementara pendekatan
nonparametrik tidak memungkinkan untuk mengestimasi parameter.
Makalah ini mengevaluasi kemampuan metoda tegar sebagai alternatif alat statis-
tis yang menuntut kenormalan data. Evaluasi dilakukan dalam rangka pengujian
empiris faktor-faktor yang menentukan tingkat pengeluaran untuk riset dan pengem-
bangan. Hasil empiris menunjukkan bahwa metoda tegar menghasilkan estimator
parameter yang lebih konsisten dengan teori dan sekaligus mengatasi kelemahan yang
ditimbulkan oleh model parametrik. Makalah ini merupakan seri makalah metoda
statistis dari makalah sebelumnya (Suwardjono, 2001).
Kata kunci: riset dan pengembangan, metoda tegar, kuadrat terkecil biasa, median
terkecil regresi kuadrat, parametrik, nonparametrik, asumsi normalitas.

INTRODUCTION R&D to economic growth/productivity is

positive and significant (Dukes, Dyckman and
Research and development (R&D) have
Elliott, 1980). A company has to report the
been the subject of many studies ranging from
R&D expenditures and activity in a certain
those that investigate the differences in
way according to some permissible methods
spending behavior between certain industries
and these rules certainly affect the company's
to those that investigate market reactions to
R&D spending strategy. Several studies
changes in R&D accounting disclosure
addressed the economic consequence of report-
requirements. Research and development play
ing rules for R&D expenditures (Horwitz and
a very important role in the economy as
Kolodny, 1981; Elliott et al., 1984; and
indicated by the fact that the government
Shehata, 1991).
sponsors many research projects to promote
growth in particular industries. Some studies Grabowski (1968) examined the deter-
indicate that R&D activity average about 2.5 minants of research expenditures (in terms of
percent of sales and 50 percent of net income research intensity) in drugs, chemicals and
across the economy. At the level of the firm, petroleum refining industries. It was concluded
industry and economy, the contribution of that the interim differences in technology,
2001 Suwardjono 359

product diversification, and availability of The response variable is the research and
funds were all significant in explaining development expenditures of firms for the year
research intensity. Madden, McCullers and under the study (1992). This variable is
VanDaniker (1972) conducted a survey to measure in actual dollar value spent by each
determine whether R&D expenditures are firm for the R&D activities during 1992. The
sufficiently material to warrant greater year 1992 is chosen because of data
disclosure. The results indicated that the level availability and the time when most firms fully
of R&D expenditures in responding firms was applied the Statement of Financial Accounting
material in relation to net income. Standard (FAS) No. 2. Financial Accounting
Several factors are frequently associated Standard Board (FASB) defines research as a
with the behavior of managers in spending planned search or critical investigation aimed
decisions including R&D decisions and at discovery of new knowledge to develop new
strategies. These factors are usually firm- product or process or to improve existing
specific (e.g. size) or industry factor. Some product or process. Development is defined as
variables or factors that are frequently cited in the translation of research findings or other
the studies of R&D spending determinants are knowledge into a plan or design for a new
size, availability of fund, riskiness product or process or for a significant
(diversification), aggressiveness, inventive improvement to an existing product or process.
activity, growth in productivity, an increase in When absolute or nominal values are used,
knowledge as evidenced by an increase in heteroscedasticity is repeatedly present and the
patents and available accounting methods. scale effect tend to dominate the regression
However, the firm's behavior with respect to equation. Some studies avoid this problem by
the R&D expenditure are still not well defined. deflating the response and explanatory
Moreover, most studies use parametric models variables with size factor, for example, sale or
(ordinary least square models). asset (see e.g. Grabowski, 1968 and Dukes,
Dyckman and Elliott, 1980). An alternative
This paper examines several factors that approach is to transform the dependent
may have an effect on the R&D expenditures variable whenever possible under the model
in conjunction with testing the appropriateness specifications. The procedure adopted in this
of robust method in lieu of the common para- paper is to estimate the regression model using
metric models. Instead of focusing on certain least median of squares regression (LMS)
industries, this paper performs the analysis on method, as one kind of robust method,
the manufacturing industry in general. developed by Rousseeuw (1984). Instead of
Complete description of robust method and deflating by size variables, the size variables
guideline for choosing appropriate methods are are treated as explanatory variables.
given in the Appendix.
The first determinant of the R&D
expenditures to be considered here is the size
R&D DECISIONS AND HYPOTHESES of a company. The theory behind this choice is
Several different models are used in many that larger firms are financially better equipped
studies to test the effects of some variables on to undertake large-scale R&D projects than are
a variable of interest. In testing the validity of smaller firms. The results of empirical studies
robust method, this paper uses a regression on the size effect are mixed. Grabowski (1968)
model to test if the selected independent shows that R&D is proportionately related to
variables representing the firms-characteristics firm size. To evaluate the validity of this
are individually or as a whole associated with finding, sales and assets are used as proxies for
the response variable. size and included as explanatory variables in
360 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia Oktober

this paper. Sales is not necessarily correlated to the financial riskiness tend to avoid actions
with asset because firms are different with that worsen the financial position. In the study
respect to turnover or efficiency of asset of the choice of accounting method in the oil
utilization. Therefore, both variables are and gas industry, Malmquist (1990) states that
included in the model. It is hypothesized that riskier group of companies tend to have exag-
he larger the firms, the higher the R&D gerated variance in debt-to-equity ratio and
expenditures. therefore tend to choose method that stabilizes
The second explanatory variable is the income. Debt-equity ratio is an important
availability of fund to finance the R&D variable influencing the choice of method.
activities. R&D may be financed from external With similar reasoning, it can be said that the
sources. However, external financing may higher the financial risk (the lower the debt-
jeopardize the financial position of the firm equity ratio) the higher the R&D expenditures.
and may lead to breaching some debt contracts Another measure of financial riskiness is
(covenants). Managers in general are value- product diversification. Highly diversified
maximizer, therefore they tend to the avoid the firms are stronger to withstand the unfavorable
actions that decrease the value of the firm. In outcomes of certain R&D projects. Therefore it
other words, the ability to finance R&D with is hypothesized that the higher the degree of
external funds is limited due to the risky nature diversification, the lower the risk inherent in
of R&D projects. It can be said then that firms R&D investments and higher R&D
rely on internal fund for R&D ventures and the expenditure is also expected. One measure of
availability of internally generated funds diversification is the number of four-digit SIC
becomes a critical factor. Cash flows generated industries in which the firm operates. Due to
by operation is a measure of fund availability. the data availability, this variable is not
It is hypothesized that the higher the cash flow considered in this paper.
generated internally, the greater the firm's
ability to invest in risky R&D projects thus the The Testing Model
higher the R&D expenditures (Shehata, 1991).
The determinants of R&D expenditures can
Firms also commit to improve and replace be examined empirically by the application of
facilities. Capital expenditure decisions are linear regression model. Regression analysis is
assumed to be made in conjunction with the widely used in studies with the objective of
R&D expenditure decisions. As far as fund examining the determinants of some
availability is concerned, the R&D and capital accounting variables. For example, Francis and
expenditures may be complementary or Reiter (1987) apply this method to investigate
competing. The results of previous studies are the determinants of corporate pension funding
mixed. Shehata (1991) points out that no strategy and Shehata (1991) uses two-stage
directional relationship can be posited between linear regression to evaluate the determinants
R&D and capital investments. However, of R&D expenditures. To test the hypotheses
because the fund for both activities is usually in this paper, a linear regression model of the
limited, this paper assumes that R&D following form is to be estimated:
competes with capital investment in the use of
fund. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the RDi = 0 + 1 SALESi + 2 CAPEXi +
higher the capital expenditure, the lower the 3 CFLOWi + 4 ASSETi +
R&D expenditures.
5 DERi + i
The capital structure and financial position
of the company may affect the R&D decisions. where the variables are defined and measured
Firms that are in the lower margin with respect as described in Table 1.
2001 Suwardjono 361

Preliminary analysis of the data and expected sign and measurement of the
residuals by ordinary least square (OLS) variables for the selected sample firms.
estimation using all available observations
indicates that the distribution of the data and
residuals do not comply with the OLS
assumptions. In particular, OLS estimation Table 2 summarizes the results of the OLS
suffers from nonnormality and nonconstant estimation using SAS program for 225 sample
variance problems. Therefore, least median of firms. The OLS estimation using PROGRESS
squares regression (LMS) is used as the last program produces the same results. The reason
attempt to deal with the problems. In fact, to use SAS program is to obtain summary
alternative procedures are also appropriate, for analyses (scatter plot, normal probability plot,
example robust regression or M-estimators and other diagnostics) that are not provided by
(see details in Booth, 1985). The reason to use PROGRESS.
LMS is simplicity and ease of application. In A large portion (84%) of the variation in
the first run, the model is estimated by OLS R&D expenditures is explained by the model
and LMS for all selected sample firms and the as shown by R-squared value. High value of F
results are compared. The firms with nonzero statistic (F=229.7 with p=0.0001) suggests that
weight in the LMS are then used to estimate the model fits the data and the explanatory
the model by OLS to obtain outputs for variables as a whole are important in
residual analysis. explaining the variation of R&D expenditures.
The table also indicates that sales, capital
SAMPLE SELECTION AND DATA expenditure and cash flows are statistically
significant at 0.05 level with the signs
The sample firms are selected from the consistent with predicted signs except for
COMPUSTAT data tapes. Firm data for 1992 capital expenditure. This means that R&D
are extracted. Again, the year 1992 is chosen expenditures are complementary to the capital
because of data availability and the time when expenditures instead of competing. Although
most firms applied fully the Statement of the signs are as predicted, asset and debt-equity
Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) No. 2. ratio are not statistically significant. The OLS
Initially, all firms in the data tapes that have estimates, however, suffer from some
R&D and other variables values greater than violations of OLS assumptions so that the
zero are extracted. This results in 564 available results may not be reliable. Univariate analysis
firms representing all industries. For the of the data shows that the data for each
purpose of this paper, only manufacturing variable is not normally distributed. In
firms will be examined. Out of the available particular, the residual analysis indicates that
data, 225 manufacturing firms are selected at the disturbances are not normally distributed.
random based on SIC codes while eliminating However, in large samples the normality
nonmanufacturing firms. The reason for assumption is not critical because the sampling
reducing the number of observations is the distribution of the estimators of the regression
concern over dominant number of firms in coefficients will still be approximately normal
certain industries and the limitation of LMS (Dielman, 1991). Since we have large enough
program to handle data (maximum of 300 sample size in this paper, this is not a serious
observations). Table 1 describes the notation, violation to affect the results.
362 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia Oktober

Table 1 Definition of Variables and Their Measurements

Variable Sign Definition

RD (research and development Total research and development expenditures for
expenditures) 1992 as defined in the COMPUSTAT manu als.
The values of this variable are the figures as
reported on the COMPUSTAT tape.
ASSET (firm size) + Total tangible assets as reported on the COM
PUSTAT tapes.
SALES (firm size) + Net sales dollar as reported on the COM
PUSTAT tapes.
CFLOW (cash flows as a fund + Cash flows generated in 1992 and measured as
availability measure) the total of income before extraordinary items
and depreciation and amortization. Data are
taken from COMPUSTAT tapes.
CAPEX (capital expenditures as - Total amount of capital expenditures incurred by
a measure of expenditure the firm as reported on COMPUSTAT tapes.
decision) .
DER (debt-equity ratio as a - Total long-term debt divided by the book value
measure of riskiness) of equity. Data are taken from COMPUSTAT

Table 2 Estimates of the Model Using OLS for 225 Selected Firms

Variable Coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P-value Variance Inflation

Intercept -21.251252 10.864949 -1.956 0.0517 0.00000
SALES 0.019064 0.005650 3.374 0.0009 10.34420
CAPEX 0.336519 0.070170 4.796 0.0001 8.22576
CFLOW 0.175893 0.037657 4.671 0.0001 5.41685
ASSET 0.000167 0.002947 0.057 0.9550 4.92578
DER -11.931453 9.758053 -1.223 0.2227 1.04169
Adjusted R2 = 0.8362
F=229.70 (p>0.0001)
2001 Suwardjono 363

The more serious violation of OLS inflation indexes indicate that SALES variable
estimation is constant variance assumption. contains some influential outliers (variance
Each residual plot of residuals against each of inflation factor = 10.34). All these residual
the explanatory variable shows invariably V- analyses suggest that the OLS estimates suffer
mass pattern or in the case of DER, a diamond from severe heteroscedasticity. Because of this
pattern. The V-mass pattern also markedly problem, hypothesis tests about the population
appears in the residuals plot against predicted parameters based on the OLS estimates may
values (see Figure 1 Panel A). Variance provide misleading results.

Table 3 Estimates of the Model Using LMS for 225 Selected Firms

Variable Coefficient Standard Error t-ratio P-value Variance Inflation

Intercept/Constant 1.53342 0.33158 4.62459 0.00001 0.00000
SALES 0.01394 0.00049 28.53509 0.00000 8.49163
CAPEX -0.01962 0.00739 -2.65489 0.00890 3.88750
CFLOW 0.04893 0.00583 8.38969 0.00000 7.19885
ASSET 0.00130 0.00028 4.66452 0.00001 5.67530
DER -1.30270 0.26854 -1.12719 0.26169 1.04016
Adjusted R2 = 0.9886
F=2398.4 (p>0.0001)

Several attempts were made to alleviate the 0.8399). The increase implies that the homos-
nonconstant residual variance. Transformations cedasticity assumption is very important. The
of response variable (RD) by taking natural LMS estimation has reduced the impact of
logarithm, square, inverse or square root did outliers and hence provides more powerful
not help much. V-mass pattern persists in the statistics than the OLS estimation. F statistic
residual plot and in some cases systematic pat- also increases considerably suggesting that the
tern appears instead. Transformed models model fits better the remaining data. As we can
using square root of ASSET and SALES as see from Table 3, SALES, CAPEX, CFLOW,
deflators are also estimated but the results did and ASSET are all statistically significant at
not significantly stabilize the residuals. Since the 0.05 level with the signs as predicted. With
some efforts to fix violations of the OLS OLS method, only SALES, CAPEX, and
estimations do not provide satisfactory results, CFLOW are significant with inconsistent sign
as the last attempt, the model is estimated by for CAPEX. The DER is not statistically
least median of squares regression (LMS). This significant in any of the methods. One
method simply diagnoses outliers and puts explanation for the insignificance of the DER
weights of zero on detected outliers and is that debt-equity ratio might not capture the
recalculates the estimates so that the residuals riskiness of the firm or the R&D project
are stabilized. Table 3 presents the results of portfolio. As has been mentioned before, level
this method. After diagnosing outliers, this of diversification may reflect the riskiness of
method runs reweighted least square with 139 the firm conducting research projects and thus
non-zero weight points. a more appropriate surrogate.
The LMS estimation results in higher R2
than OLS method (0.9890 compared to
364 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia Oktober

Tempel Gambar 1 di sini

Figure 1 Plots of Residual Against Predicted Values

2001 Suwardjono 365

In order to evaluate the validity of the LMS The following analyses are based on the
results, it is desirable to examine the charac- results of estimation for 139 sample firms
teristics of its residuals. Since PROGRESS using SAS program. The plot of residuals
program does not provide residual plots other against predicted values indicates no apparent
than standard plot, the 139 non-zero point systematic patterns or V-mass even though
observations retained by the LMS method are Wilk-statistic shows that the distribution is not
used to estimate the model by OLS using SAS normal. Even though a large portion of the
program. This estimation is equivalent to the observations lie in the lower (left) section of
LMS and is carried out to obtain the necessary the predicted value axis, the residuals appear to
diagnostics. Moreover, the standard plot scatter randomly and evenly across the
provided by LMS is visually very difficult to predicted values (Figure 1 Panel B).
analyze because many observations are hidden
(see Figure 2).

Figure 2 Plots of Residual Against Predicted Values from PROGRESS Printout.

The plots of residuals against each of the may be ignored since the DER variable is not
explanatory variables also show similar statistically significant. From the variance
patterns except for DER variable which still influence factors, we find that no variable has
show a diamond shape. This unique pattern an index greater than 10. It can be said that no
366 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia Oktober

overall impact of outliers is present. Therefore elimination. First, an extreme point may
it is unlikely that the LMS estimates lead to provide us with useful information of some
misleading interpretations. Relying on the test sort or another. Second, we cannot be sure that
statistics provided by LMS, we cannot reject a particular point is an outlier just because it
all the null hypotheses of no impact except for deviates more than two standard deviations
riskiness factor and we conclude that firm size, from the mean. One possible explanation for
capital expenditures, and fund availability are too many deletions is that there is a latent
important determinants of R&D expenditures. discriminating factor that is not taken into
account in the model.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Subject to limitations of the LMS
estimation, the main conclusion of the analysis
Because of the nature of business and is that sales, asset, capital expenditure, and
economic data which generally violate the cash flow are all significant in explaining R&D
assumptions of OLS estimation model, expenditures. These variables represent the
hypothesis tests based on the OLS estimates size of the firm, capital expenditure strategy
may provide misleading results especially if and availability of fund. In general, these
the residuals are heteroscedatic. LMS is an results are consistent with those of previous
estimation method to minimize the influence studies. In particular, the results in this paper
of outliers. This paper provides evidence that support the claim that R&D expenditure is
LMS estimation can be useful and more competing with the capital expenditures in the
powerful when all possible methods under use of available fund. When a company has to
OLS to stabilize residual variance fail to make a major capital expenditure, some R&D
provide satisfactory results. activity may have to be reduced. The results
The primary drawback of LMS estimation also support the hypothesis that size does
developed by Rousseeuw (1984) is that matter even though several previous studies
suspected outliers are given zero weight. This provide mixed result. One possible reason for
is the same thing as eliminating observations. the insignificance of size variable is that R&D
Moreover, the LMS model in this paper has activities of most companies are long-term
eliminated too may observations. Out of 225 definite program so that expenditures are
observations, only 139 (62%) points were independent of level of size-related factors in a
considered nonoutliers. As Booth (1985) particular period.
points out, there are problems with the
2001 Suwardjono 367



The least square estimators and their respect is whether the sample mean and the
generalization have been dominating for a long variances are still reliable estimators of normal
time. Andrews (1974) points out that the linear parameters when the data sets do not strictly
regression and other normality-assumption- satisfy the assumption (which are the most
based (e.g. ANOVA) procedures are the most common cases in real life data). The weakness
frequently used procedures at the University of of the LS estimation is that instead of looking
Toronto. More than a half of the uses of the outliers as inherent statistical variability of the
statistical package (BMDP) are linear data, it treats them as measurement errors and
regression type of analysis and almost every nuisance and consequently they should be
discipline is making use of the procedures. It eliminated. This means that the main interest
seems that least square methods have been in estimation diverts from that of finding the
satisfactorily serving the needs of users true value to that of finding combination of
(academicians and applied statisticians). The observations which on the average lies nearest
least squares (LS) estimation is strictly based to the true values. The empirical distribution of
on the assumption that the measurement errors the sample may suggest better estimates than
should be normally distributed. Huber (1972) those provided by the classical least square
calls this assumption a dogma of normality and methods. Huber (1972) specifically suggests
states that the use of arithmetic mean had that we look at actual error distribution and
become almost sacred over the years. He examine whether the data are compatible with
remarks that the normal distribution was a normal distribution and, if not, to develop a
introduced by Gauss to suit the sample mean. different theory of estimation. Instead of
With the normal distribution, the mean is often imposing linearity, normality, and
said to be the linear unbiased estimator of the unbiasedness, alternative robust methods of
expected value of the underlying population. estimation should be developed. This is the
Huber further argues that the dogma of reason for the emergence of robust techniques
normality is indeed still widespread because of estimation. Robust statistics are techniques
users misunderstand the Gauss-Markov that are insensitive to small deviation from
theorem and central limit theorem (CLT). The classical assumption (especially normality) and
LS estimation was developed with the idea that yet powerful to specific factors under the test.
almost all of the statistical variability is due to
the measurement errors or other extraneous
factors (external variability). As Hogg (1979)
noted, the underlying assumption of LS is that
outliers arising from other than normal The development of nonparametric me-
distribution are simply considered as bad data thods is basically a response to the problems
points. with the classical normal parametric approach.
In the late 1950's, the parametric results Since the underlying distributions of popula-
based on normality assumption began to be tion do not always (in fact very rarely do) meet
questioned (see e.g. Rey, 1978 and Staudte, Jr., the assumption of parametric tests, inferential
1980). The question that is often raised in this procedures whose validity does not depend on
368 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia Oktober

the rigid assumption of classical models are the data (distribution) rather than dealing with
needed. Nonparametric statistical procedures them. By nature, nonparametric analyses are
are the answers to the needs. As the name not concerned with the detection of outliers
implies, these procedures are not concerned and probability distribution of the data.
with population parameters but with other
characteristics such as goodness of fit and tests
of randomness. Since the validity of proce-
dures does not depend on the functional from Many test procedures involve probability
of the sampled population, nonparametric and therefore depend for their results on the
procedures are sometimes called distribution- assumptions concerning the variation of the
free procedures. This distribution-free nature is population. As discussed previously, the
cited as the main advantage of nonparametric Gaussian or normality assumption is the most
methods over the classical parametric methods widely adopted assumption about the gene-
because the chance that they are improperly rating mechanism of the data. Parametric
used is small (see e.g. Daniel, 1990). The pro- models work well when all the underlying
cedures bring some relief for testing problems. assumptions are fully met. If inference are
However, in some situations, nonpara- slightly affected by departure from those
metric procedures result in less powerful tests assumption (if the probability value of
than their parametric equivalents since statistics is stable) the tests on the inferences
nonparametric procedures utilize less said to be robust. Quoting the Kendal and
information from the sample data. Actually, Buckland dictionary, Staudte (1980) defines
nonparametric approach does not solve the “statistical procedures are robust if they are not
problem of robustness that classical least very sensitive to departure from the
square method suffers from but rather they are assumption on which they depend.” Booth
different methods for different purposes. (1986) defines an unbiased estimators of
Unlike robust estimators, most of the population parameter is robust if a large
techniques in nonparametric analysis are for change in one sample point produces only a
hypothesis testing but not for the purpose of small change in the estimate. Mallows (1979)
location estimation. Moreover, there are no defines robustness in terms of three attributes:
strong general underlying principles in resistance, smoothness, and breadth. Resis-
nonparametric procedures so that they have tance refers to the properties of being
general and wide applications. In fact, as insensitive to the presence of a moderate
Huber (1972) maintains, the notions of number of bad values in the data. Smoothness
nonparametric and distribution free have a very refers to improvement of the concept through
little thing to do with robustness in a real gradual response to small errors and changes in
sense. We can say that sample mean and the the model and breadth refers to the
sample median are nonparametric estimates of applicability of methods in a wide variety of
the true mean and median but we do not know situations.
with certainty which functional probability of Unlike nonparametric analysis, the robust
the distribution we want to estimate. In procedures are more concerned with estimation
summary, as far as the purposes (estimation, method as alternatives to the classical model.
robustness, and power) are concerned, non- Many robust procedures have been introduced
parametric procedures are not the alternatives in the literature as a response to the inadequacy
of classical statistics but rather a different of classical parametric approach. Maximum
family of statistics with the aim of avoiding the likelihood estimators (M-estimators), linear
problems of inherent statistical variability of combinations of order statistics (L-estimators),
2001 Suwardjono 369

estimates derived from rank tests analyses which require more stringent
(R-estimators) and adaptive estimators are the assumptions so that the validity of the
major families of robust procedures (see results are questionable.
discussions in Huber, 1972 and Hogg, 1979.).  Most procedures utilize less information
Compared to the classical least square pro- from the sample data (e.g. distribution) and
cedures, the main advantage of robust methods therefore the test are in general less
is their stability against the presence of powerful.
outlying values whatever the source of the  There is no general underlying principles
errors. Huber (1972) recommend the use of and therefore the procedures are not widely
robust procedures over the parametric proce- applicable. Nonparametric statistics are
dures for the following theoretical reasons: designed for specific problems and data
 One never has a very accurate knowledge of sets.
the true underlying distribution.  The procedures do not solve the problem of
 The performance of some of the classical robustness that classical least square
tests or estimates is very unstable under method suffers from but rather they are
small change of the underlying distribution. different methods for different purposes.
 Some alternative tests or estimates lose very Unlike robust estimators, most of the
little efficiency for an exactly normal dis- techniques in nonparametric analyses are
tribution model but show a much better and for hypothesis testing but not for the
more stable performance under deviation purpose of location estimation. Therefore,
from that model. nonparametric statistics are not substitute
for classical parametric approach.


Advantages of Modern Robust Statistics:
Advantages of Nonparametric Statistics:
 The methods are developed with the general
 Nonparametric statistics is not based on
principle of achieving robustness without
classical assumptions about errors but on
sacrificing power. This modern robust
minimum assumption and therefore they
statistics seeks to provide methods as
have a little chance of being improperly
substitutes for or alternatives to classical
methods based on the dogma of normality.
 Formulas are not mathematically involved Therefore, modern robust statistics is
and can be easily applied especially far expected to be more widely applicable than
small samples. nonparametric statistics.
 The concepts and procedures are usually  Because robust procedures take into
easy to understand for those with minimum account the distribution of the data
background. However, it does not mean that (whatever the shape), robust procedures in
the procedures are easy to develop. general produce more powerful tests than
 The procedures can be applied to analyze nonparametric procedures. While robust
count or rank data. procedures undertake to deal with non
normality and outlying value problems,
nonparametric analyses are designed to
Disadvantages of Nonparametric Statistics: avoid the problems.
 Because of minimum assumptions, the  Modern robust procedures are also
procedures are often misapplied for concerned with parameter or location
370 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia Oktober

estimation while nonparametric statistics is  If the data are count or rank measurements,
not. Therefore, modern robust statistics has nonparametric procedure would be the
wider applications. In this regard, the best choice because of ease of use or the only
that can be said is that nonparametric procedures available.
analyses are a subset of a more general  When location estimation is involved and
family of robust procedures. the sample size is large, modern robust
 Like nonparametric statistics, because of methods would be the choice because of the
their robustness, the hazards of inappropri- power of tests.
ate application are less consequential than  When power of test is more important than
the classical parametric procedures. practicality, modern robust method is better
than nonparametric procedures.
Disadvantages of Modern Robust Statistics: The more difficult decision is to choose
 In terms of practical application, nonpara- between classical and robust procedures. In
metric analyses seem to favoured because general, it is not a good idea to blindly apply a
of their popularity and ease of use. model prior to sampling and then make
Functional fixation with normal model and statistical inference about the distribution
sheer resistance to change might hinder the characteristics from the sample without
wide application of the robust techniques. worrying whether or not the model is
appropriate to achieve the purpose. The
 The procedures generally involve iteration characteristics of the sample may have to be
and complex formulas so they need more investigated and then a broader model that is
computing time and thus are more costly robust for all possible distributions under
than nonparametric techniques. consideration can be applied. However, in
 As Mallows (1979) observes, robust complicated and large data sets, identifying
procedures are somewhat novel and normality and outliers are often difficult. when
unfamiliar to many clients and thus can this is the case, Hogg (1979) recommends the
pose an obstacle to effective use of the following steps:
methods.  Perform both the usual least squares
analyses and robust procedures.
WHAT METHOD TO USE  If estimates from both methods are in
What method to use on a particular data agreement, report the agreement and the
analysis depends on the purpose of the study usual statistical summaries associated with
and the availability of tools. The variety of least square method.
situation sometimes dictate particular methods.  It the results from both methods are not
 If the purpose of the study is to test quite in agreement, investigate the data
characteristics of population and no carefully and pay special attention at the
parameter estimation is involved, nonpara- points with large residuals from the robust
metric analyses may be the choice fit.
especially if the size of data is small.  If points with large residuals are suspected,
 If the assumption of normality for a find possible reasons for that (recording
parametric procedure is not met and some error or the points are trying to tell
population parameters should be estimated, something).
modern robust methods are the only choice.
2001 Suwardjono 371

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