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Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 25, 253-267
eISSN: 1875-533X ISSN: 0929-8673

Fungal Production and Manipulation of Plant Hormones The
Journal for
Timely In-depth
in Medicinal


Sandra Fonseca1,*, Dhanya Radhakrishnan2, Kalika Prasad2 and Andrea Chini1,*

Departamento de Genética Molecular de Plantas, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología- Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain; 2School of Biology, Indian Institute of Science Education and Re-
search Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Abstract: Living organisms are part of a highly interconnected web of interactions, character-
ised by species nurturing, competing, parasitizing and preying on one another. Plants have
evolved cooperative as well as defensive strategies to interact with neighbour organisms.
Among these, the plant-fungus associations are very diverse, ranging from pathogenic to mu-
tualistic. Our current knowledge of plant-fungus interactions suggests a sophisticated co-
evolution to ensure dynamic plant responses to evolving fungal mutualistic/pathogenic strate-
ARTICLE HISTORY The plant-fungus communication relies on a rich chemical language. To manipulate the plant
Received: October 25, 2016 defence mechanisms, fungi produce and secrete several classes of biomolecules, whose mode-
Revised: January 24, 2017
Accepted: January 25, 2017
of-action is largely unknown. Upon perception of the fungi, plants produce phytohormones
and a battery of secondary metabolites that serve as defence mechanism against invaders or to
10.2174/0929867324666170314150827 promote mutualistic associations. These mutualistic chemical signals can be co-opted by
Current Medicinal Chemistry

pathogenic fungi for their own benefit.

Among the plant molecules regulating plant-fungus interaction, phytohormones play a critical
role since they modulate various aspects of plant development, defences and stress responses.
Intriguingly, fungi can also produce phytohormones, although the actual role of fungal-
produced phytohormones in plant-fungus interactions is poorly understood. Here, we discuss
the recent advances in fungal production of phytohormone, their putative role as endogenous
fungal signals and how fungi manipulate plant hormone balance to their benefits.

Keywords: Phytohormones, plant-fungus communication, fungal effectors, fungal secondary metabolites, plant
hormones, TAM.

1. INTRODUCTION: are very diverse [1, 2]. Fungus can be a boon or bane to
1.1. No Organism is an Island plants. Every year hectares of crop plants are destroyed
due to fungal pathogen infestation resulting in huge
No organism lives in an exclusive niche. All organ- economic losses [1, 3]. On the other hand, mutualistic
isms form part of a large web of life, in dynamic bal- associations between fungi and plants can contribute to
ance with species nurturing, competing, cooperating the productivity of crop plants and benefit the famers
and parasitizing on one another. The sessile plant life- [2]. Therefore, it is crucial to understand these plant-
style may have promoted the evolution of cooperative microbial interactions, which can be controlled and
strategies with neighbour organisms to accomplish the exploited to achieve better plant fitness and agricultural
tasks that plants cannot achieve by themselves includ- benefits.
ing defensive responses. Among the inter-species and
Over the course of evolution plants have developed
intra-species interactions, the plant-fungus interactions
a robust defence system to protect them from various
microbial invasions. However, co-evolutionary strate-
*Address correspondence to these authors at the Departamento de
Genética Molecular de Plantas, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología- gies by microbes including fungi have ensured that
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain; these barriers are breached to gain access to the host
Tel: +34915855430; E-mails:; plants during pathogenic and symbiotic associations

1875-533X/18 $58.00+.00 © 2018 Bentham Science Publishers

254 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 Fonseca et al.

[4]. Therefore, the emerging consensus is a re-thinking a primary role as general host defence mechanism and
of plant defence system not as a bulletproof shell but also during symbiosis and infections by fungal agents
rather as a “negotiation between parties trying to estab- with diverse lifestyle [7]. However, one strategy of ne-
lish a trade deal”. crotroph fungi is the hijacking of host ROS production
Plant secondary metabolites have been studied as an to kill host cells and feed on their dead tissues. The ex-
integral part of defence mechanism against invaders, ploitation of ROS mediated PCD by necrotrophic fungi
including fungi. However, to attract beneficial fungi, may also be an example of co-evolutionary strategy
plants also produce chemical signals that can be co- exploited by fungal pathogens; an example of a plant
opted by fungal pathogens [2]. During the process of defence strategy turned against the plant.
invasion, fungi produce effectors, pathogen-associated In addition, mutualistic fungi also have evolved ef-
molecular patterns (PAMPs) and biomolecules that fectors to weaken the host defence responses. The ec-
capsize or bypass the plant defence mechanisms. These tomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolorthe produces the
include oligosaccharides like glucan and chitin, poly- Mycorrhizal induced Small Secreted Protein 7
saccharide like pectin, other molecules like glycopep- (MiSSP7) to develop within the host poplar roots and
tides, lipids, toxins, effector proteins, phytohormone to interfere with the plant defences [15, 17]. The fungal
and their analogs, small RNA, reactive oxygen species MiSSP7 is translocated into the plant nuclei where it
(ROS), volatile compounds and other fungal secondary interacts with the key JA-repressor PtJAZ6 (JAS-
metabolites (SM) involved in the multipronged ap- MONATE ZIM DOMAIN), inhibiting its JA-induced
proaches of fungal infection and colonization [5-9]. degradation and consequently the activation of JA-
Several fungi combine different lifestyles, ranging mediated defences [17]. Therefore, MiSSP7 inhibits the
from pathogenic to mutualistic, the boundaries of JA-dependent host defences to promote fungal coloni-
which are often not clearly defined [1]. Depending on zation and mutualism. The description and mode-of-
the mode of association, fungi produce different bio- action of fungal effectors, as well as their delivery into
molecules and to varying extents to achieve selective the hosts, are emerging hot subjects [13, 18]. The close
advantages in some environments or fungal-plant inter- knit molecular communication between the host-fungal
actions. For example, biotrophic fungi are poor pro- partners suggest sophisticated co-evolution that ensures
ducers of SMs and produce few cell wall degrading dynamic plant responses/defences and fungal mutualis-
enzymes and effectors to obtain nourishment from liv- tic/pathogenic strategies [14, 19].
ing plant tissues [10, 11]. However, necrotrophic fungi Recent studies are unravelling an ever-expanding
employ a large variety of secondary metabolites, pep- repertoire of plant-fungus signalling and fungal effector
tides and ROS to kill host cells [6, 12]. Similarly, molecules such as the small RNAs (sRNAs) in Botrytis
hemibiotrophic fungi, which use a combination of cinerea-Arabidopsis interaction. Fungal small RNAs
biotrophic and necrotrophic lifestyles, actively produce are delivered into the host cell to form complex with
SMs and toxins mainly during the necrotrophic phase plant Argonaute1, a key component of plant RNA in-
[12]. Finally, mutualistic fungi also produce several terference system, leading to the selective silencing of
SMs to establish symbiotic relationships [13]. specific host immunity genes [8]. In addition, plant
The molecular mode-of-action of several microbial produced sRNAs are also transferred into the fungi and
virulent effectors are well characterised, whereas the target Botrytis DCLs (Defective chloroplasts and leaves
activity of effectors produced by fungi, ranging from protein), key components of the sRNA synthesis, at-
pathogenic to mutualistic, is only beginning to be deci- tenuating fungal pathogenicity and growth [20]. Over-
phered [13-15]. In general, necrotrophic fungal effec- all, these results show a bidirectional cross-kingdom
tors affect plants through the exploitation of ROS me- RNAi and sRNA trafficking between plants and fungi
diated Programmed Cell Death (PCD) [5]. For exam- to manipulate the partner responses.
ple, the necrotrophic fungus Pyrenophora tritici-
repentis produces PtrToxA that interacts with the host 2. FUNGAL SYNTHESIZED PHYTOHORMONES
ToxABP1 in the chloroplasts. PtrToxA-ToxABP1 in- Among the plant signalling molecules regulating
teraction causes ROS accumulation by interfering with plant-fungus associations, phytohormones play a criti-
photosystem activity, eventually leading to PCD [1]. cal role [6, 21]. Phytohormones fundamentally act to
This accumulation of ROS is a light-dependent process, modulate various aspects of plant development and
showing that fungal infestation is influenced at the mo- differentiation, as well as responses to stresses and de-
lecular level by environmental factors [16]. ROS plays fences. It is intriguing that fungi can produce phyto-
Fungal Manipulation of Plant Hormones Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 255

hormones such as auxins, cytokinins (CKs), gibberellic poorly understood [13, 18, 21]. Here we shortly de-
acids (GAs), abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonates (JAs), scribe the function of each hormone in plants and we
salicylic acid (SA), ethylene (ET), and phytohormones- focus on the comparison between plant and fungal
like molecules (Suppl. Fig. 1). Fungal produced phyto- hormonal biosyntheses, the physiological fungal re-
hormones were first suggested to promote fungal viru- sponses triggered by the phytohormones and how fungi
lence, however, the actual role of fungal-produced manipulate plant hormone balance to their benefits
hormonal compounds in plant-fungus interactions is (Fig. 1).
Hormone, analogs, or Proposed plant responses to fungi
Proposed role in fungi hormone modifiers produced phytohormones










Fig. (1). Fungal produced phytohormones.

In the middle column (white boxes) fungal produced phytohormones are reported, as well as hormone precursors, derivatives,
analogs and enzymes that modify plant hormone stability. The proposed physiological consequences in the fungi as putative
endogenous signals are shown in the yellow boxes. Finally, the proposed alterations in plant physiology as consequence of
hormonal balance/level changes induced by the fungi to promote their own benefits are reported in the green boxes. Orange
arrows highlight production of molecules and modifiers by the fungi; synthesis of hormones by plants are shown in green ar-
rows. Dashed arrows suggest that the activity of hormone, compound or modifier requires further studies. Red characters cor-
respond to enzymes that modify the corresponding hormone, precursor or derivative molecules. (The color version of the figure
is available in the electronic copy of the article).
256 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 Fonseca et al.

2.1. Auxins susceptibility of the host [38, 39]. In the case of rice
blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, fungal auxin has
Auxin in conjunction with other phytohormones
been proposed to regulate plant auxin-dependent tran-
plays varied roles in plant development. Indole-3-acetic
scriptional activation, suggesting control over the plant
acid (IAA) is the major endogenous plant auxin and
development or host hormonal balance by the fungal
regulates several development traits at multiple levels
phytohormone [40, 41]. Moreover, A. brassicicola in-
(i.e. cell, tissue and organ) of plant organogenesis [22].
fection promotes increased plant IAA levels and induc-
Synthesis of IAA progresses through multiple path-
tion of the JA pathway, suggesting a synergetic interac-
ways which can be broadly categorised into tryptophan
tion between IAA and JA to increase defence responses
(TRP)-dependent and TRP-independent pathways [23].
against necrotrophic pathogens [42]. Direct evidence to
Four different interconnected tryptophan dependent
show that fungal produced auxins alter host hormonal
pathways have been postulated: (i) the indole-3-
balance is still a pending challenge.
acetamide (IAM) pathway; (ii) the indole-3-pyruvic
acid (IPA) pathway; (iii) the tryptamine (TAM) path- Fungal infection can also directly affect auxin ho-
way; and (iv) the indole-3-acetaldoxime (IAOX) path- meostasis. The plant GH3 proteins regulate IAA (and
way, all based on the intermediate immediately down- also JA) conjugation to aminoacids to inactivate aux-
stream of TRP [22]. ins. Magnaporthe infection promotes transcription of
rice GH3, resulting in the inactivation of free active
It is interesting to note that fungi also produce
IAA and in turn reduced cell wall integrity, facilitating
auxin. Indeed, even before the identification of IAA in
fungal infection [43, 44]. In Botrytis–Arabidopsis in-
plants, it was first detected in the culture filtrate of the
teraction, GH3.2-mediated conjugation of IAA to as-
fungus Rhizopus suinus [6]. As in plants, fungal bio-
partic acid activates pathogenicity genes in the fungus
synthesis of IAA is proposed to proceed through both
making plants more susceptible, whereas down-
TRP-dependent and TRP-independent pathways. Al-
regulation of GH3.2 gene expression leads to higher
though the TRP-independent pathway is not clearly
resistance [45, 46]. Finally, auxin transport was also
defined in fungi, the fungal TRP-dependent production
implicated in successful fungal infection, for example
of IAA is proposed through the IPA and/or the IAM
promoting susceptibility to the pathogenic fungus
pathways [24]. Unequivocal analysis of these pathways
Fusarium oxysporum [47]. In summary, the role of
is difficult because some of the intermediates can be
auxins in the plant-fungus interaction seems to depend
by-products of other metabolic activities, and culture
on the plant and the pathogen involved. Moreover in
media used for in vitro studies may contain plant de-
each case studies are focusing in a part of the overall
rived components resulting in false positive. Fungal
scenario which make difficult to define an unequivocal
genomic and genetic studies are required to confirm the
common role for auxin in plant-fungi defence proc-
in vitro results [6, 25].
The role of auxins in fungal pathogenicity is well
Since auxin can impact defence, over the course of
described. In F. oxysporum, the overexpression of two
evolution microbes associated with plants have learned
auxin biosynthetic genes induces auxin accumulation
to use this to their advantage. Auxin levels in plants are
and virulence on Orobanche infection [34]. Consis-
increased during mycorrhizal associations [26]. For
tently, silencing of an auxin biosynthetic gene in Puc-
example, increased IAA levels induce lateral root for-
cinia graminis resulted in reduced pustule formation
mation which is mutually beneficial for plants (i.e. fa-
during wheat infection [35]. In addition, infections
cilitating nutrient uptake) and fungi (promoting root
caused by P. brassicae and by Taphrina species pro-
colonisation) [27, 28]. In addition, the auxin precursor
mote severe organ deformation disrupting the host
indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is also involved in promot-
auxin biosynthesis [36]. Nevertheless, the role of fun-
ing arbuscular mycorrhizal associations although the
gal auxin in promoting virulence and tumour formation
specific origin and effect of this compound requires
during similar organ deformation caused by U. maydis
further analyses [29]. However, the effect of these
in corn is still unclear [37].
hormones may not always guarantee a benefit to host
Besides, fungi can produce auxins to alter the host plant. For instance, the overproduction of auxin by mu-
hormonal balance to their benefits. For example, auxin tants of ectomycorrhizal Hebeloma cylindrosporum
can repress SA levels and signalling, therefore biotro- enhances Pinus pinaster root tissue invasion but it did
phic pathogens, including fungi, may have evolved to not enhance the plant growth [30]. Similarly, a modula-
exploit auxin-mediated suppression of SA to enhance tion of IAA biosynthesis in transgenic Piriformospora
Fungal Manipulation of Plant Hormones Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 257

indica, which is a root colonising plant growth promot- though no experimental evidence confirm a direct viru-
ing basidiomycete, failed to produce any effect on plant lent effect of fungal CKs [58].
growth [31, 32]. These studies fail to confirm a direct In contrast, some non-tumour forming CK produc-
regulation of plant morphology by auxins produced by tion by the fungi is required for its complete virulence
symbiotic fungi. However, in the plant mycoparasitism [55, 59]. In the case of M. oryzae, fungal CK biosyn-
of Trichoderma spp. several auxinic metabolites pro- thetic mutant for t-RNA–IPT, the key biosynthetic en-
duced by the fungi induced lateral root development zyme of plant aromatic CKs, was impaired in CK pro-
and plant growth [33]. duction [60]. The requirement for t-RNA–IPT, in the
The activity of auxins in fungi is still uncertain. fungal CK production also suggests conservation in CK
Auxin induces several developmental responses in biosynthesis across species, despite minor variations.
fungi, such as cellular elongation, hyphal growth and For example, the biotrophic pathogen Claviceps pur-
spore germination [6, 48]. An endogenous role for fun- purea evolved a single enzyme with both the IPT and
gal auxin is suggested by its synthesis even in fungi not LOG functions required for de novo CK biosynthesis
associated with plants. However, understanding the [52]. However, impairment in CK biosynthesis seems
role of auxins in organisms other than plants still repre- not to affect virulence of C. purpurea, though it exhib-
sents a major challenge. its a hypersporulating phenotype [52].
An additional fungal strategy for the regulation of
2.2. Cytokinins
plant CK levels based on the production of the fungal
CKs play a role in plant cell cycle, differentiation, β-glucosidase cleaving zeatin-O-glucosyde [(OG)Z] by
root and shoot formation, senescence and are required several biotrophic and hemibiotrophic, but not ne-
for source-sink nutrient distribution [49, 50]. Free CKs crotrophic, fungi. During infection (OG)Z ensure pho-
are considered biologically active whereas the conju- toassimilate accumulation for fungal growth by releas-
gated forms are inactive, serving as translocation or ing stored conjugated CKs [61, 62].
storage forms [51, 52]. CK biosynthesis occurs mainly
In addition, CKs are involved in mutualistic plant-
through two pathways. Isoprenoid CKs are synthesized
microorganism interaction as mycorrization and nodu-
de novo via adenosine phosphate, a reaction in which
lation. For example, in mycorrizal symbiosis, accumu-
the first step is catalyzed by Isopentenyl transferase
lation of CKs promote the growth of the host and the
(IPT). Aromatic CKs are synthesized through a minor
fungi [6].
pathway that requires the modification and catabolism
of specific t-RNA molecules by t-RNA Isopentenyl The tremendous diversity of CK-producing fungal
transferases (t-RNA-IPT). In both pathways the result- species, ranging from pathogenic to symbiotic, includ-
ing products are then activated by the cytokinin- ing those non-associated with plants, suggests a role of
activating enzyme LONELY GUY (LOG) [6, 51-54]. CKs as endogenous fungal signal [6, 60]. Indeed, CKs
induce hyphal development and nutrient uptake in sev-
Fungi can also produce isoprenoid and aromatic cy-
eral fungi, whereas in C. purpurea they alter fungal
tokinins identical to the plant hormones. Indeed, the
biology [52]. Recently, CKs have been shown to be
discovery of CK manipulation by pathogens uncovered
involved in oxidative stress tolerance in the M. oryzae
the role for CKs in plant immunity [55, 56]. The best-
[6, 59]. However, a possible direct sensing of CKs by
described example is that of the gall forming bacteria,
fungi, suggesting a putative endogenous fungal role,
Agrobacterium tumefaciens which transfers an IPT
requires further analyses. Beyond plant-fungus bounda-
gene into the host genome and modulates the plant CK
ries, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the human obligate
synthesis [57]. CK-mediated pathogenesis modifies
pathogen, is also able to synthesize and secrete CKs
host growth dynamics by inducing tumour gall or
[63]. In agreement, the cytokinin-activating enzyme
“green island” formation, thereby establishing new
LOG is conserved in important human pathogens [64],
source-sink relationship that remobilizes photoassimi-
suggesting novel roles of CKs in pathogenesis and as
lates for feeding. This strategy is largely beneficial for
crosskingdom communication compounds [64, 65].
many biotroph pathogenic fungi although some patho-
The actual function of CKs in fungi is not clear yet,
genic fungi also induce tumours in a CK-dependent
although the hypothesis that these non-plant metabo-
manner [56]. For example, U. maydis and Claviceps
lites evolved as signalling hormones only in plants was
purpurea produce CKs in infected host areas; CK ac-
recently proposed [65].
cumulation correlates with U. maydis virulence al-
258 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 Fonseca et al.

2.3. Gibberellins fungi together with the absence of fungal GA inactiva-

tion enzymes, points to a role in fungus-host interac-
Gibberellins are terpenoid derived secondary me-
tion. Exceptionally, in the non-pathogenic GA-
tabolites first identified from the phytopathogenic fun-
producing fungus Neurospora crassa, exogenous GA
gus Gibberella fujikuroi (renamed Fusarium fujikuroi),
treatment enhances hyphae growth, suggesting a direct
that render rice infected plants abnormally tall (“baka-
effect of GA on fungal physiology [6]. Exogenous GA
nae” or “foolish seedling” disease). Currently more
affects fungal AM colonization, although it is not clear
than 100 GAs have been identified in plants, fungi and
if GA acts directly on the fungi or indirectly altering
bacteria [66]. GAs synthesis, signalling and action are
the host physiology [77].
well studied in plants: GAs promote growth and devel-
opment, seed germination, stem elongation, flowering 2.4. Strigolactones
and fruit maturation [67]. In fungi, however, our
knowledge related to GAs is limited to its synthesis [6, Strigolactones (SLs) play a key role in the associa-
68]. The first steps and final compounds in GA biosyn- tion between plants and arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi,
thesis are conserved among plants and fungi, although since SLs release by plant roots promotes fungal hy-
different intermediates do occur, suggesting an inde- phal branching to begin the plant-fungus symbiosis [80,
pendent and convergent evolution [67-69]. Besides, 81]. In nature, plants produce around 20 natural SLs
higher plants have evolved strategies for GA inactiva- acting as endogenous plant signals, involved in regulat-
tion that are absent on fungi, displaying an additional ing plant architecture, adventitious rooting, secondary
level of regulation of GA levels. The absence of com- growth and reproductive development [81, 82]. Re-
pound inactivation in fungal GAs has been proposed to cently, a role of SLs in plant defence, through their in-
occur since these are secreted to alter the host physiol- teraction with the jasmonic acid pathway, has been
ogy [69]. proposed [83].
GA synthesis is mainly restricted to some phytopa- In fungi, SLs promote spore germination, growth
thogenic fungal species with some species-specific bio- and hyphal branching of AM fungi from the phylum
synthetic steps (e.g. F. fugikuroi and Phaeosphaeria Glomeromycota, although SLs fail to influence spore
sp.) and in some cases GA levels correlate with strain germination or hyphal growth of Fusarium oxysporum
virulence [6, 68, 70]. F. fujikuroi produces a GA4 de- [80, 81, 84-86]. The exact mechanism of detection of
saturase whose overexpression in plant was sufficient SLs secreted by the plant hosts in fungi is unknown.
to induce growth by protecting GA3 from oxidation However the D14-type proteins that recognizes stri-
[69]. Since the equilibrium of the GA and JA pathways golactones in plants have not been discovered in fungi
sets the balance between plant growth and defence, [84, 86]. The assessment of SL perception in AM fungi
some pathogenic fungi were proposed to produce GA still represents a major challenge.
to interfere with the host hormonal balance and weaken 2.5. Brassinosteroids
defences [71, 72].
Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a class of plant steroid
Endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi derivatives with various physiological effects on plants
can also produce several GAs [73, 74]. For example, such as cell elongation, proliferation, vascular differen-
the endophytes Phoma glomerata and Penicillium sp. tiation, senescence, fertility, leaf morphology and
produce biologically active GAs that improve the light–dark regulation of development [87]. Recently,
growth and stress responses of host cucumber plant tissue specific activities of BRs were also reported,
[74]. In addition, the root endophyte Piriformospora showing a regulation of root growth and development
indica enhanced rice tolerance to root herbivory by al- as well as a role in plant growth-immunity balance [88,
tering the balance between GA and JA pathways [75]. 89]. So far, there is no evidence of BR produced by
In symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, GA sig- fungi; however, the fungal metabolite KM-Ol isolated
nalling is involved in fungal development after forma- from Drechslera avenae was characterized as the first
tion of AM symbiosis [76, 77]. In addition, the DELLA naturally occurring selective brassinosteroid inhibitor
proteins, key repressors in the host GA pathway, of [90]. Fungal responses to exogenous BRs are very
several plant species act as positive regulators of arbus- scarce; for example, mycelial cultures of Psilocybe
cule formation [76, 78, 79]. cubensis and Gymnopilus purpuratus are promoted by
BRs [91]. In summary, further studies are required to
The role of GA in the fungi itself remains elusive to
assess the role, if any, of BRs in plant-fungus interac-
date. The production of GAs mainly by pathogenic
Fungal Manipulation of Plant Hormones Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 259

2.6. Abscisic Acid signalling. However, the role of ABA in fungi is still
Abscisic acid is the key signalling molecule in plant elusive, and only few reports demonstrate a direct ef-
responses to environmental stresses as drought, high fect of ABA on fungi physiology [98]. For example,
salinity and extreme temperatures [92]. ABA also regu- ABA treatment induces hyphal growth in Ceratocystis
lates plant physiological processes (i.e. seed maturation fimbriata whereas ABA promotes germination and ap-
and dormancy) preventing precocious germination and pressoria formation in Magnaporthe oryzae, contribut-
counteracting GAs action [93]. Finally, ABA modu- ing to the fungal virulence [100]. Moreover, the muta-
lates defence responses such as SAR and ISR, antago- tion in ABA4 (homologous to the above-described
nizing defence signalling molecules as SA and ET [94- BcABA4, a key ABA biosynthetic gene) in M. oryzae
96]. halves the ABA levels and renders the pathogen unable
to infect rice, showing a primary role for ABA in fun-
ABA is a sesquiterpene that is synthesized from gal pathogenicity [101]. Other studies suggest that
isopentenyl phosphate (IPP) either by direct or indirect ABA may interfere with plant defence indirectly. For
pathways, where mevalonate (MVA) or methylerythri- example, ABA affects JA biosynthesis and the activa-
tol phosphate (MEP) are the corresponding source of
tion of defences against the oomycete Pythium irregu-
IPP respectively [97]. Plants can use both pathways;
lare [102]. In addition, ABA acts antagonistically to
the indirect plastid-specific pathway is predominant, SA during M. grisea infection [6, 103]. Although it is
whereas the cytosolic MVA pathway seems auxiliary. impossible to dissociate the intrinsic plant-specific role
Physcomitrella patens is the most ancient land plant of ABA from the effect of appressoria formation, sev-
with the complete genome sequenced that retains this eral studies support a direct plant-specific role for ABA
indirect plastid-specific ABA synthesis pathway, sug-
of fungal origin. For instance, in B. cinerea and U.
gesting this pathway evolved with land colonization
maydis, the level of ABA present in the fungus corre-
[98]. lates with infection levels [58, 104]. In addition, ABA
Fungi with diverse life strategies (e.g. pathogenic, contributes to susceptibility to B. cinerea and Plec-
symbiotic and saprophytic) can produce ABA, via the tosphaerella cucumerina by suppressing defence re-
cytosolic MVA pathway [6]. However, as described for sponses in plants [105, 106]. Although the molecular
the pathogenic fungi B. cinerea and Cercospora cru- mode-of-action of fungal produced ABA is still un-
enta, these pathways can have similar but distinct in- known, in plants ABA and SA antagonistically influ-
termediates, pointing to a high diversification of syn- ence cellular NPR1 protein levels [107]. ABA pro-
thesis strategies [97]. In the case of B. cinerea, the motes NPR1 degradation via the proteasome pathway,
BcABA1-4 genes are responsible for ABA biosynthesis whereas SA may protect NPR1 from ABA-promoted
[99]. So, if fungi synthesize ABA, can they perceive it? degradation through phosphorylation, resulting in a
Our current knowledge suggests that well-described dynamic balance of NPR1 turn-over [107]. In the com-
plant ABA receptor PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE ing years, we expect the elucidation of the molecular
(PYR)/REGULATORY COMPONENT OF ABA RE- mechanisms sustaining the hormonal relations involv-
CEPTOR (RCAR) proteins are present only in land ing fungal produced ABA and plant defences.
plants, being Marchantia polymorpha the earliest stud-
ied organism harbouring potential PYR/RCAR ho- 2.7. Jasmonates and Additional Oxylipins
mologs [98]. Therefore, PYR/RCAR-mediated ABA Plant jasmonates are key signalling molecules regu-
perception was suggested to have evolved with land lating stress and defence responses as well as growth
conquer. However, since ABA is a molecule common and fertility [108, 109]. JAs signalling pathway is in
to unicellular ancestor of eukaryote and their principal dynamic balance with those of other defence hormones
receptors in plant do not exist in other organisms, a (SA and ET) and growth promoting hormones (e.g.,
divergent evolution of ABA functions and perception auxins and GAs). JAs are cyclopentanone oxylipins
may be expected [98]. In this context, functions of derived from α -linolenic acid via lipid peroxidation
transmembrane G-protein coupled receptors and asso- [108]. This plant biosynthetic pathway involves several
ciated heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins have been hydroperoxide oxylipins, or structurally similar com-
associated to ABA signalling across kingdoms suggest- pounds, conserved in several fungi [110, 111]. In addi-
ing a role for ABA in the producing organism [96, 98]. tion, some fungi can also accumulate cyclopentenone
Intriguingly, fungi encode for transmembrane G- and cyclopentanone oxylipins such as OPDA, JA and
protein coupled receptors and associated heterotrimeric conjugated JAs [15, 112]. For example, Fusarium ox-
GTP-binding proteins similar to those involved in ABA ysporum accumulates JAs via lipoxygenase enzymes
260 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 Fonseca et al.

related to those identified in plants, suggesting that In contrast, synthetic COR derivatives that spatially
fungal JAs may be generated in a similar manner as in impede the interaction of the co-receptor COI1 and
plants [113]. Some, but not all, F. oxysporum strains JAZ proteins act as competitive antagonists [125]. It is
can produce jasmonates such as JA-Ile and JA-Leu that logical that fungi evolved natural JA-derivates acting
require COI1, the plant JA-Ile receptor, to promote in- as competitive antagonists, preventing the formation of
fection, suggesting a role for fungal JA-conjugates as the COI1-JAZ co-receptors and consequently weaken-
virulent effectors [114]. However, further studies on ing plant JA-mediated defences. For example, Lasio-
the virulence of fungal mutants affected in JAs produc- diplodia produces in vitro three JA esters (named lasio-
tion are required to confirm fungal JAs as virulent ef- jasmonates A, B and C) whose structural comparison to
fectors. JA-Ile suggests a putative ability to bind COI1 but spa-
A key regulation of JA-Ile-mediated responses is tially prevent the recruitment of the JAZ co-receptor
the hormone catabolic turnover promoted by JA-Ile [122, 126]. However, the hypothesis that fungal secon-
oxidation [115, 116]. It was proposed that JA-derivates dary metabolites may act as competitive JA-Ile antago-
resulted from JA-Ile catabolism, such as hydroxylated nists awaits formal experimental confirmation. Alterna-
JA (12OH-JA), might retain a biological function con- tively, fungal JA-derivates may act as a pool of inactive
tributing to switch-off JA signalling [108, 117]. Note- JAs, easily converted into active molecules whenever
worthy, the rice blast fungus M. oryzae can convert necrotrophic fungi need to induce plant cell death and
endogenous JA into 12OH-JA using an enzyme, the necrosis.
antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase (Abm) [118]. Finally, several JAs and oxylipins have a direct ef-
Abm and 12OH-JA are both secreted during host infec- fect on fungal physiology, suggesting that fungi might
tion to weaken plant defenses [118]. M. oryzae loss-of- be able to sense JAs [127]. Generally, JAs show nega-
function mutant for Abm results in higher plant produc- tive effects on fungal growth; for example, Me-JA in-
tion of methyl-JA, that in turn induces stronger plant hibits spore germination and mycelium growth of F.
defences. On the other hand, exogenous 12OH-JA in- oxysporum, highlighting that fungal responses may re-
crease M. oryzae penetration. Therefore, Abm might semble plant JA-mediated responses [108, 128].
have a dual role: (1) reducing the free JA and conse-
quently plant defences, and (2) producing 12OH-JA, 2.8. Salicylic Acid
that in turn enhances fungal penetration [118]. How- Salicylic acid plays an essential role in plant immu-
ever, the conversion of plant JA into 12OH-JA by Abm nity against biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens,
itself to facilitate host colonization awaits further con- including fungi, relying on living host tissue for nutri-
firmation. ents [129]. SA also regulates systemic acquired resis-
JA-Ile acts as “molecular glue” to induce the forma- tance, a broad-spectrum immune response activated by
tion of the plant co-receptor complex formed by COI1- avirulent pathogens, including fungi [129, 130].
JAZ proteins [119-122]. The bacterial phytotoxin coro- Fungi are not able to produce SA, although few ex-
natine (COR) is the best studied JA-Ile mimic that acts ceptions, such as Moniliophthora perniciosa and
as structural analogue of the plant hormone, inducing Oudemansiella mucida, have been reported [131, 132].
the formation of the plant co-receptor complex COI1- The fungal biosynthesis of SA is currently unknown,
JAZ [15, 122]. Novel bacterial COR-like compounds, whereas the predominant SA biosynthesic pathway in
such as coronafacoyl-isoleucine (CFA-Ile) and related plants converts shikimate into the intermediate com-
coronafacoyl-conjugated, have been recently isolated pounds chorismate and isoisochorismate to finally gen-
and suggested to act as structural JA-Ile analogs [123]. erate the bioactive plant hormone SA [133]. In contrast,
So far, COR or CFA-derivates have not been identified fungi have evolved several strategies (at least three dif-
in fungi. However, cinnacidin is a COR-like compound ferent molecular mechanisms have been described to
isolated from the fungus Nectria sp. DA060097 [124]. date) to interfere with the plant SA homeostasis and
Plant bioassays suggested that cinnacidin and its ana- SA-mediated plant defences [6]. First, the biotrophic
logs might act by mimicking the role of COR and JA- fungus Ustilago maydis was shown to produce and se-
Ile [124]. The astonishing similarity between cin- crete the chorismate mutase Cmu1 as a virulence factor
nacidin and COR suggests a putative cinnacidin’s [134]. Cmu1 convert the SA plant precursor chorismate
mode-of-action promoting the formation of the plant into prephenate, reducing accumulation of SA. In addi-
co-receptor complex COI1-JAZ. tion, genes encoding chorismate mutases were identi-
fied in many additional genomes of biotrophic plant
Fungal Manipulation of Plant Hormones Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 261

pathogens and symbionts, suggesting that chorismate [145]. However, Rss1 fails to act as fungal virulence
mutase is a widespread fungal mechanism to manipu- factor, suggesting the existence of redundant sensing
late plant SA levels [134]. Furthermore, fungi have mechanisms regulating fungal SA-responsive genes
evolved additional secreted enzymes to degrade a dif- [145].
ferent SA precursor. The necrotrophic fungus Verticil-
lium dahlia produces isochorismatase, which hydro- 2.9. Ethylene
lyzes the SA plant precursor isochorismate in order to Ethylene regulates many plant development and en-
decrease SA levels in the plant host and thereby to vironmental responses as well as pathogen responses
promote infection [135]. Finally, the shyA enzymes [146]. Rather than being the principal regulator, ET
encoded by different fungi, such as U. maydis and often fine-tunes defence pathways, including those
Epichloë festucae, are salicylate hydroxylases which regulated by JA and SA [147]. ET is also produced by
convert the bioactive plant SA into an inactive com- several fungi belonging to different phyla and with dif-
pound [136, 137]. The SA-degrading activity of several ferent lifestyles, from pathogenic fungi, such as B. cin-
bacterial salicylate hydroxylases has been long charac- erea, to symbiotic fungi, such as the ectomycorrhizal
terised and established [137]. Overall, these studies F. oxysporum f. sp. pini [6, 148-150]. The canonical
show the manipulation of plant host SA levels (or plant ET biosynthetic pathway, relaying on the conver-
metabolic priming) is a common strategy evolved by sion of methionine into 1-aminocyclopropane-1-
many fungi with very different lifestyle, from ne- carboxylic acid (ACC) via ACC-synthase enzymes into
crotrophs to symbionts, also conserved in bacteria. ET, is also conserved in fungi [150, 151]. However,
Fungi are also able to produce SA-derivate mole- fungi also evolved two additional biosynthetic path-
cules such as 6-methylsalicylic acid (6-MeSA); how- ways producing ethylene from 2-keto-4-
ever, fungal 6-MeSA is not converted into SA, but it is methylthiobutyric acid and/or from 2-oxoglutarate [6,
rather a well-characterised precursor of the mycotoxin 150, 152]. The multiple fungal ET-biosynthetic path-
patulin [138]. In contrast, victorin is a secondary me- ways suggest an important role of this phytohormone
tabolite with a chemical structure un-related to SA pro- for several fungi, although a consensus function of
duced by the fungus Cochliobolus victoriae [139]. fungal ET is not established yet [6]. For example, the
However, victorin binds to and represses thioredoxins production of ET by the necrotrophic fungal pathogen
including TRX-h5 that in turn inhibits the reduction of Cochliobolus miyabeanus increases rice susceptibility,
NPR1, the key transcriptional regulator of SA- suggesting a virulent role of the fungal ET [152]. In
mediated immune responses [140]. The redox status of addition, truffle Tuber borchii and Tuber melanop-
NPR1 regulates its relocation from cytosol to the nu- sorum produce ET to induce alterations in the host root
cleus, suggesting that victorin may suppress SA- morphology, suggesting a putative role of ET in fungal
mediated defences. However, the virulent task of vic- virulence [153]. Nevertheless, only the analysis of fun-
torin might not require NPR1 manipulation because C. gal mutants affected in ET production will clarify the
victoriae, as a necrotrophic pathogen, also employs role of ET in plant-fungus interactions.
victorin to induce plant cell death inducing hypersensi- ET, as well as its precursor ACC, affects fungal
tive response triggered by LOV1, a resistance protein spore germination and fungal growth in both patho-
activated by the inhibition of TRX-h5 [140, 141]. This genic (e.g. Alternaria alternata and B. cinerea) and
hypothesis is supported by the evidence that C. victo- symbiotic fungi (e.g. Gigaspora ramisporophora and
riae only triggers virulence on plants carrying the G. mosseae), suggesting that fungi might be able to
LOV1 resistance locus [142]. Nevertheless, victorin sense ET and ET-related compounds [154]. In addition,
underscores an exciting fungal strategy to manipulate ET produced by ripening tomato fruits is somehow
NPR1 and SA-mediated signalling. perceived by the pathogenic Coeotrickhum sp and in-
SA was reported to inhibit growth and spore germi- duces spore germination and the development of ap-
nation of several fungi, such as Harpophora maydis pressorium [155]. These results suggest that these fungi
and Aspergillus flavus, suggesting that SA might be might have co-evolved a mechanism sensing the plant-
sensed by fungi [143, 144]. Recently, it was proposed produced ET to establish the most advantageous time
that the fungus U. maydis directly perceives SA via to develop specialized structures for penetration and
Rss1, a binuclear zinc cluster protein. Rss1 is a tran- infection [155]. Until recently, ET was assumed to be
scriptional regulator of genes required for SA and tryp- sensed only by land plants, via a family of five recep-
tophan degradation as well as a putative SA receptor tors acting as negative regulators of the ET pathway
262 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 Fonseca et al.

[146]. However, the freshwater green algae Spirogyra BRs = Brassinosteroids

pratensis was recently showed to possess an ethylene CFA-Ile = Coronafacoyl-Isoleucine
sensing system similar to land plants [156]. To date,
genomic and transcriptional analyses failed to identify CKs = Cytokinins
a fungal ethylene system similar to the plant; therefore, Cmu1 = Chorismate mutase
the hypothesis that some fungi can perceive ET (and
COI1 = Coronatine insensitive 1
how) await experimental confirmation.
COR = Coronatine
DCL = Defective chloroplasts and leaves
Fungi, independently on the nature of the fungus- protein
plant association, manipulate plant hormone balance to ET = Ethylene
their benefits. To reach this purpose, fungi evolved dif-
ferent strategies, from altering the plant hormonal bio- FSP = Fungal synthesized phytohormones
synthetic pathways to affecting the plant perception GAs = Gibberellic acids
systems. Besides, fungi can synthesize most phytohor-
IAA = Indole-3-acetic acid
mones as well as many analogues and derivatives, al-
though their biological roles are still not known. Fungal IAM = Indole-3-acetamide
synthesized phytohormones (FSP) have been suggested IAOX = Indole-3-acetaldoxime
to act both as virulent or symbiotic factors by affecting
plant physiology. However, these fungal metabolites IBA = Indole-3-butyric acid
also induce physiological responses within the fungi, IC = Isochorismate
suggesting that fungi can respond to FSP. How fungi
IPA = Indole-3-pyruvic acid
perceive and respond to FSP is still a mystery. Simi-
larly, it is still unclear whether most or only few FSP IPP = Isopentenyl phosphate
can induce physiological responses in fungi. IPT = Isopentenyl transferase
The assessment of FSP as endogenous fungal sig- JAs = Jasmonates
nalling molecules is a primary challenge that might
pave the way to identify the fungal sensing mecha- JAZ = Jasmonate Zim Domain
nisms of FSP. It is currently unknown if fungi evolved LOG = Lonely Guy
receptors to sense FSP; so far, fungal genome-wide LOV1 = Long Vegetative Phase1
sequence analyses fail to identify reliable homolog
genes encoding for the key phytohormone plant recep- MEP = Methylerythritol phosphate
tors. However, sequence analyses showed that green MiSSP7 = Mycorrhizal induced Small Secreted
algae also failed to conserve many key components of Protein 7
phytohormone pathways, suggesting a lack of conser-
MVA = Mevalonate
vation among kingdoms [157]. Ultimately, the under-
standing of how fungi developed phytohormone sens- NPR1 = Nonexpresser of PR genes 1
ing machineries will allow an evolutionary and func- (OG)Z = Zeatin-O-glucosyde
tional comparison to the plant perception systems.
PCD = Programmed Cell Death
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PYR = Pyrabactin Resistance
12OH-JA = 12-Hydroxylated JA RCAR = Regulatory Component of ABA Re-
6-MeSA = 6-methylsalicylic acid ceptor
ABA = Abscisic acid ROS = Reactive Oxygen Species
Abm = Antibiotic biosynthesis monooxy- SA = Salicylic acid
genase shyA = Salicylate hydroxylase
ACC = 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic SLs = Strigolactones
SM = Secondary Metabolites
AM = arbuscular mycorrhizal
sRNAs = small RNAs
Fungal Manipulation of Plant Hormones Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2 263

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