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Salutary Neglect: Prime Minister Robert Walpole did not strictly enforce the Navigation Acts.

Many colonists saw each other as foreigners- lack of permanent colonial unity. Albany
Congress, Purpose was to form a treaty with the Iroquois.

Albany Plan of Union, approved by delegates, rejected by colonists, Benjamin Franklin’s Join or

French was more tolerant towards, natives, but England had more goods.

7 years War, started by George Washington(Fort Necessity) near Fort Duquesne.

Both colonists and British fought French, colonists felt not respected, lack of promotions.

Peace of Paris(1763) ends French Indian War, sends France away from America.

Britain is in debt following French Indian War.

Salutary Neglect over in 1763.

New Prime Minister George Grenville felt colonists should pay cost of war.

Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763), Native American rebellion led by Chief Pontiac in the Ohio Valley
Region, west of Appalachian Mountains. conflict with Native Americans in Northwest territory,
leads to Proclamation Line of 1763. Forbade colonial expansion beyond Appalachians.

Sugar Act of 1764, Tax on sugar to reduce illegal trade. Also has vice-admiralty courts, courts to
try smugglers.

Currency Act(1764)- Colonists could no longer use paper money.

Stamp of Act (1765). Tax on 50 paper documents, like newspapers. Colonists were upset this
was passed without the consent of colonial assemblies. Led to Stamp Act Congress

Stamp Act Congress: First attempt at colonial unity against British.

Patrick Henry and Virginia Resolves, belief that Americans had same rights as English, Virginians
should only pay taxes that were passed by the Virginia Assembly.

James Otis: Called for an intercolonial congress to take action against the stamp act.

Sons of Liberty: Protest stamp act, terrorized stamp tax collectors, tarred and feathered.
British get rid of Stamp Act, but passes Declatory Act which states Parliament could pass any
law they want.

Charles Townsend: The British sectary treasury.

Quartering Act of 1765: Colonists must provide quarters and supplies for British troops.

NY Assembly disbanded for not complying

Townshend Act: tax on imports like lead, paint, paper and tea.
Nonimportation Agreements: boycott of British goods, led to growth of an American homespun

In 1770, all Townshend taxes were repealed, except for tea.

Boston Massacre(March 5, 1770): Conflict between colonists and redcoats, 5 colonists killed.
Paul Revere painted a picture of the Boston Massacre- used propaganda.

Samuel Adams: Proposed Committees of Correspondence in 1772 where colonies would get
together and find ways to keep up Revolution.

Taxes: Americans believed they should only be taxed with consent. “No taxation without
England believed in “virtual representation”, said the England passed laws that benefitted all.

British East India Company on verge of bankruptcy.

Tea Act of 1773: Lowered cost of tea, but designed to bail out the British East Company.
Colonies against all taxes.

Boston Tea Party: December 16, 1773.

British passes the Intolerable (Coercive) Acts in response. Closed the port of Boston until
damages were paid. Extraterritoriality which means if British commit crime in America, sent
back to British to trial for better result

Quebec Act: Extended boundaries of Quebec from Quebec to Ohio territoires. Guaranteed
political rights to Roman Catholics.

Intolerable Acts led to 1st Continental Congress, all colonies except George met in Philadelphia.
Create a list of grievances

Wanted to repeal most acts since 1763

Called for military preparations.

Nonimportation and consumption of all trade with Britain

Would meet again next year.

Did not independence, only back to salutary neglect.

Lexington: British sought to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock.

William Dawes and Paul Revere warned British were coming. British go to Lexington, and 8
minutemen killed by British.

British moved to Concord to find ammunition. America removed most of it, but British burned
some. America fought the British back to Boston in Guerilla warfare.

Chapter 5:
Olive Branch Petition: Sign of peace: Written after Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill,
appeal to the king to stop conflict and go back to Salutary Neglect. Most Americans in 1775
didn’t want independence, just salutary neglect.

British recruits Native Americans, southern slaves, Hessians(German mercenaries)

Common Sense- Thomas Paine- January 1776 aimed at Americans that were uncertain and
urged Americans to break away from England, said King was dictator

2nd Continental Congress: Urged to trade with all countries except England.

July 1776: Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and
others: ideas of government, wrongdoings of government.

Loyalists remained loyal to England, Patriots favored independence, 20%, harassed, property
confiscated, fled to Canada/ England.

Battle of Bunker Hill(June 1775). America loses, but British loses many men, led to belief in
American Army

Articles of Confederation- weak central government, had no executive branch, couldn’t tax.

The war: France aids colonists in military and soldiers.

French becomes allies with US after Battle of Saratoga.

Battle of Saratoga(October 17, 1777): Americans (Gate) defeats British, battle results in French

Battle of Yorktown: General Cornwallis surrenders to Washington, final battle.

Ben Franklin helped obtain foreign aid, especially French, with King Louis the 16.

Marquis de Lafayette(France): Worked with Washington, helped with French aid.

Treaty of Paris: 1783, ends war, Britain’s recognized US independence, loyalists would not be
persecuted. Americans could fish in newfoundland, US gains land east of Mississippi River,
British could collect their debts.

Many women stayed at military camps, provide food, caretaking and laundry.

In 1776, Abigail Adams call to “Remember the Ladies” in 1776, told John to help out women,
not successful.

Married women still could not own property, get divorce, vote.

Republican motherhood, belief that women should raise virtuous children that are good

5000 African Americans fought on the American side, slaves fought for British, for freedom or
fled to freedom.

Idea of Republicanism: all power comes from people.

Declaration of Independence said everyone guaranteed life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
However, slaves still existed and women had few rights.

State Constitutions: Governors could not hold seats in legislatures.

Property requirements for voting.

Religious Toleration: Statue of Religious Freedom, Jefferson

Slavery outlawed in northern states, but continued in border and southern states.

The Articles of Confederation: Very strong legislative branch, no executive branch, conduct
foreign relations, borrow money, but could not regulate trade, could not collect taxes, every
state had its own currency.
Took all 13 states approval to amend the Articles. Representation was equal for all states.
Foreign policy Problems, Britain did not follow Treaty of Paris of 1783.

Land Ordinance of 1785: Allowed Congress to survey and sell western lands, 36 sections, sale
from 1 section went towards public school. Once a territory reached 60,000 people, it could
apply for statehood. One of the positives of the Articles Confederation, allowed US to expand.
Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio. No slavery allowed in Northwest territory.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787 banned slavery in Northwest territory. Constitution allows for 3/5
clause and Fugitive Slave Act, Slaves represent 3/5.

Iroquois Confederacy divided, ½ tribes supported British. Americans could move west of
Appalachian Americans after British left, and many Americans resented Natives that fought
with British.

Treaty of Grenville, treaty with Native Americans that forced them to move out of Ohio and
Indiana territories,

Postwar depression: country in debt, since Articles could not enforce taxation.

Farmers were in debt and favored increasing money supply to make it easier to pay back debt.
Farmers vs. wealthy.

Shays’ Rebellion: led by Daniel Shay, former War vet, wanted paper money, tax relief, and
elimination of imprisonment for debt. Also wanted to end foreclosures. Shays rebellion showed
Articles of Confederation was very weak, Shay was able to do damage. Many people thus
advocated for a stronger central government.

Chapter 6: Many Americans advocated for a. new strong ventral government.

Newburgh Conspiracy: Military members were upset about not receiving pension. Washington
helped prevent rebellion from military members.

Major weakness of Articles was inability to tax.

Annapolis Convention(1786): 5 states to discuss commerce, fails, but to meet next year in

Constitutional Convention: 55 delegates from 12 states, no Rhode Island.

George Washington was president of convention. Edmund Randolph(Virginia)- proposed 3

Issue of Representation: Virginia Plan(James Madison) proposed bicameral 2 house legislature
both based on population.

NJ Plan(William Paterson) unicameral 1 house legislature with each state have equal

Great (Connecticut) Compromise from Roger Sherman, lower house House of Representatives
would be based on population, upper house (Senate) would all have 2 representatives per
state. Senators were to be elected by state legislatures not popular vote.

3/5 compromise: slaves were 3/5 of person when determining population,.

Slave-trade compromise: Slave importation could not be stopped prior to 1808.

Commerce Compromise Congress could tax imports (tariffs), but not exports.

Sovereignty: James Madison says power lie with people

Supremacy Clause: Constitution would bet eh supreme law of the land.

Necessary and Proper (Elastic) Clause: Congress could make laws that are necessary and proper.

Federalists favored a strong government and the Constitution.

Antifederalists favored the weaker central government and were weary of the Constitution.

The Federalist Papers: Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison. Purpose was to gain
support for the ratification for the Constitution.

Antifederalists still not convinced, so Bill of Rights added in 1791 after the Constitution was
ratified for the Federalists to gain support from Antifederalists.
Washington was unanimously elected president and inaugurated on April 30, 1789.

Judiciary Act of 1789: Created the Supreme Court with 1 chief justice and 5 associate justices.

Creation of Executive Departments: State, treasury and war.

The Cabinet: Part of unwritten Constitution. Heads are appointed by the President, approved by

Washington became president on April 30, 1789

Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson

Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of War: Henry Knox.
Hamilton and Jefferson fought during Washington’s presidency.

Federalists: political party led by Alexander Hamilton, favored a strong central government,
supported by wealthy and merchants.

Hamilton’s Financial Plan. Federal government would assume state debts, they would pay off
debt at full face value Created the Bank of the US, private entity with government owning
stock. 20% of bank owned by US. pointed to Elastic Clause when created this.
Loose Constitution. Favored American industry and manufacturing. South to protect and
stimulate American businesses with tariffs.

Excise Tax- tax on manufactured goods.

Tariff- tax on imported goods.

Republicans- Jefferson led them and agreed to plan when capital was moved to
Washington D.C. in South.

James Madison was Republican. Believed farmers were the backbone of economy. Pro-French,
supported French Revolution, Federalists were against the French Revolution.

Whiskey Rebellion(1794)- In response to excise tax on whiskey, Washington summoned state

militias and Rebellion was stopped. Demonstrates power of new government.

Native Americans were not granted citizenship, not considered foreign nations, had no direct
representation in government.

Washington urged neutrality in war between France and British, since he realized country was
too weak.

French diplomat urged Americans to war against Britain in “Citizen Genet”.

John Jay- Jay’s Treaty- treaty with Britain so they could trade. US lost ships due to impressment.
US received compensation for damaged ships, upset south. Britain promised to leave forts but
again, don’t listen. South dislike this since they have no benefits.

Pinckney’s Treaty: Treaty with Spain, US granted navigation rights on the Mississippi River
(Right of Deposit) in New Orleans.

Election of 1796: Adams become President, Thomas Jefferson become vice president.

Washington warned against foreign alliances in his farewell address.

XYZ Affair: 3 US diplomats sent to France to smooth things out with France following Jay’s
treaty. 3 French diplomats, XYZ, said US had to pay 250,000 dollars to meet with French
leaders. Angers US, Adams calms them down,

Quasi War- undeclared naval war between US and France, ends when Napoleon’s resign.

Alien and Sedition Acts- Purpose was to punish opposition to Federalist Party and the Adams’

Alien Act- increased residency requirement for foreigners to become citizens, President could
deport foreigners.

Sedition Act- made it illegal to criticize the government, 10 Republican newspapers committed
under this act.

Jefferson and James Madison were upset, proposed Virginia and Kentucky Resolution.

Jefferson writes Kentucky and Madison write Virginia: urged states to nullify the Alien and
Sedition Acts, more symbolic at time.

Revolution of 1800: Adams vs Jefferson in election of 1800. Burr ties for presidency, Jefferson
wins and Burr become vice president. Hamilton urged members of house to vote for Jefferson,
since he was better.

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