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Object Recognition using Camera For Intelligent

Traffic Transportation Device

Lecturer : Dr.Eng. Wahyul Amien, S.T., M.T.

Written by:

No Name NIM
1 Agus Hartanto 30000318410012
2 Akhmad Abdul Hakim 30000318410011
3 Budi Sulistiyo 30000318410025
4 Edy Umargono 30000318410009
5 Kresna Prasmadewa 30000318410005



Object Recognition using Camera For Intelligent Traffic Transportation Device

Agus Hartanto (30000318410012), Edy Umargono (30000318410009), Akhmad Abdul Hakim
(30000318410011), Budi Sulistiyo(30000318410025), Kresna Prasmadewa (3000031840005)
* MSI – Diponegoro University

Currently the development of microprocessor technology is very rapid (as stated in the
law of Moore), this causes many to be affected, the development and speed of computers
becomes increasing fastly, the storage media is getting larger capacity, so that the impact on
software development will be even faster. Programming methods are also growing, so there
are many programming libraries that support artificial intelligence was increasing fastly too.
As a product of artificial intelligence, there are tools that can behave like human intelligence.
This technology have an impact of the development of many aspect of human civilization.
Many devices were created to help, make it easier, and give entertainment to human. In this
article, we give an example of Artificial Intelligent implementation in transportation world.
During an very complexity of transportation problem, an intelligent transportation devices
was needed, to regulate complex traffic, and solve a complexity transportation problem, but
sometime an intelligent transportation devices have a problem with the sensor, that provide
a data to main processor, this will result the device not being able to work optimally.Image
and video analysis namely computer visual analyses are made to recognize and analyze any
object using camera. Real-time vehicle detection, tracking and counting of vehicles is now
very important, to provide a good transportation system. Utilization of video image
processing algorithm which detect, tracks and find the number of vehicles on a road is very
interesting, because this technology can be implemented easily and not need a special
devices. The camera can be used as a sensor to detect an object. The system developer
only focused on the algorithm and programming to produce a software. The output of vehicle
recognition system, can be used as a sensor for many various purposes, this sensor can be
embedded to another device, including intelligent traffic light, electronic traffic sign, and
electronic instruction for roads user, which can be used to complement the weaknesses of
intelligent transportation devices.

INTRODUCTION artificial intelligence software.

The development of technology in the Many devices was created that can
21st century is very rapid, especially replace the role of humans in the fields of
developments in the field of computer industry, commerce, education, medical,
technology, many intelligent devices are military, sports and the entertainment world,
created, all of this can not be separated from all of which have intelligence like humans.
technological developments from artificial Many industrial machines are connected
intelligence. with sensors, which can do work
Artificial intelligence is actually the result automatically to replace the work previously
of the development and use of the scientific done by humans. The automated marketing
and algorithmic methods, which are system has also been widely applied in the
combined and developed into a smart internet world, this system can analyze the
algorithm that can be implemented into an habits of internet users, then record
contacts, e-mails and so on and then be hardware and software capable of playing
given a product offer in accordance with the chess autonomously without human
tendency of one's behavior. In the world of guidance. Computer chess acts as solo
artificial intelligence education is also widely entertainment (allowing players to practice
implemented, especially for computer-based and to better themselves when no
training/learning systems, training sufficiently strong human opponents are
participants can take lessons and practice available), as aids to chess analysis, for
using a computer, where the computer will computer chess competitions, and as
behave like an intelligent instructor, who research to provide insights into human
guides participants to achieve progress from cognition. Current chess engine are able to
their knowledge. defeat even the strongest human players
Computer-Based Training (CBT) involves under normal conditions. Whether
the use of a personal or networked computer computation could ever solve chess remains
for the delivery and access of training an open question (figure 1b.).
programs. CBT can be synchronous and
asynchronous, as well as online, web-based,
mobile, and distance learning. CBT is
particularly useful when training learners on
a specific computer application, but can also
be built to train learners on general
knowledge or skills. The greatest
disadvantage of CBT is that it is expensive
to develop and deliver, especially for smaller
groups of students. CBT can be more cost
efficient when designed to train a larger
number of students. Fig 1b: Chess Robot

Another example of implementation of

Artificial Intelligent in sport, Russia made
tool called the SCAT shooting trainer, where
the shooting athlete will be trained and given
input automatically about what he has done
wrong, and what he has to correct based on
the analysis of his movements when
In the world of entertainment too many
Fig 1a : SCAT Shooting trainer devices were created, from virtual friends in
the form of software that can chat using
In the world of sports, many artificial natural language, as well as robots that are
intelligence devices are created, which are seem like humans, who can accompany us
combined with sensor technology for the and be invited to talk naturally, this
purpose of conducting scoring and training, phenomena was occurred in some
where athletes will be guided and monitored developed countries, that robot was became
automatically by the program, and then the a friend in daily life, that robots can behave
program will provide advice to achieve the like humans who can be trusted, loyal and
development of abilities from The athlete, for ready to accept our heart sadness, as is
example, Computer chess is a game of currently being a trend in Japan lately (like in
computer architecture encompassing fig 1.b.).
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), deep-
learning, and robotics are enabling new
military capabilities that will have a disruptive
impact on military strategies. The effects of
these capabilities will be felt across the
spectrum of military requirements - from
intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance to offense/defense balances
and even on to nuclear weapons systems
Fig 1b: Robot seem like human

In Medical world is a broad field where

innovation plays a crucial role in sustaining
health. Areas like biotechnology,
pharmaceuticals, information technology, the
development of medical devices and
equipment, that have an artificial intelligence
aquity and more have all made significant
contributions to improving the health of
people all around the world. From “small”
innovations like adhesive bandages and
ankle braces, to larger, more complex
technologies like MRI machines, artificial
organs, and robotic prosthetic limbs, Fig. 1d. : AI in military weapon
technology has undoubtedly made an
incredible impact on medicine. Artificial intelligence technology is now
In the healthcare industry, the making its way into manufacturing, and the
dependence on medical technology cannot machine-learning technology and pattern-
be overstated, and as a result of the recognition software at its core could hold
development of these brilliant innovations, the key to transforming factories of the near
healthcare practitioners can continue to find future.
ways to improve their practice – from better
diagnosis, surgical procedures, and
improved patient care.

Fig 1.e: AI in industry

The results of artificial intelligence

Fig 1c. : AI devices for sugery development research, have now been sold
by many companies in a smart product, performance computer and application
which has been widely implemented in daily oriented circuits in the current technology. It
life, ranging from artificial intelligence game is because of the amount of data to be
software such as chess games, smart processed in large and processing this data
mobile-based software, until to device that in real time is tedious task.
have a human like capabilities, one of the In this article we will discuss about an
artificial intelligences that greatly contributes algorthm and scientific method that used for
to the development of technology is video or create an video and images processing,
image based artificial intelligence. object recognize,etc that the goal is to
The development of image/video produce an intelligent camera sensor, and
processing technology using computer we also discuss one of the well-known
vision is currently very developed. Many libraries in programming languages, which
programming library is provide facilities that are widely used for processing video and
implement algorithms, useful for developing images, namely OpenCV.
computer vision based applications
Video processing systems use high

At present many intelligent traffic equipment have been implemented in developed
countries, which are useful for regulating traffic and transportation on the roads and
highways, one of them that very important is traffic lights.
Traffic lights are lights lamp that control the flow of traffic that is installed at a crossroads,
these lights that indicate when the vehicle must walk and stop alternately from various
directions. The calculation of conventional traffic lights does not give the correct green time
lag, the solid track gets a brief green light and the quiet lane gets the old green light. If
reviewed, the use of conventional traffic lights becomes less effective because the road
users must wait for the green light, especially with the density of drivers who spill the lane
and waste of time to get to the destination. Therefore, the application of intelligent
transportation technology using the development of a combined smart traffic system
algorithm with the scientific and algorithm method in which the algorithm reduces and
regulates congestion.
However, currently intelligent traffic light mostly uses wire-based sensors that are planted
on the road, this wire only detects vehicles passing above it, this is certainly still a lot of
weaknesses of this tool relating to input data from sensors whose numbers are inaccurate,
the use of camera-based sensors, the data that becomes the input of intelligent traffic light
will be more accurate. Another used of camera-based sensors can also be used on other
equipment to replace their still conventional sensors, to produce better and more accurate

ALGORITHM AND TECHNOLOGY background is extracted from the images.

BEHIND The extracted background is used in
For the traffic management, vehicles subsequent analysis to detect and classify
detection is the critical step. Computer moving vehicles as light vehicles, heavy
Vision based techniques are more suitable vehicles and motorcycle (Nilesh,Ravindra ,
because these systems do not disturb traffic 2013)
while installation and they are easy to Image processing technology, which is
modify. Image from video sequence are implemented by the Opencv library, uses
taken to detect moving vehicles, so that many algorithms, including the K-NN (K-
Nearest Neighbors) algorithm, MOG space is marked as class c if class c is the
(Mixture of Gaussian), CNN (Convolutional most common classification found on the
Neural Network), OpenCV is still developing nearest neighbor. Near or near neighbors
and does not rule out possibilities in the are usually calculated based on Euclidean
future, there will be many algorithms and distance.
other scientific methods to be implemented Matematically the input consists of the k
in OpenCV. closest training examples in the feature
space. The output depends on whether k-
OpenCV NN is used for classification or regression:
Open Source Computer Vision Library ● In k-NN classification, the output is a
(OpenCV for short) distributed under a BSD class membership. An object is
style license which allows for royalty free classified by a majority vote of its
commercial or research use with no neighbors, with the object being
requirement that the user’s code be free or assigned to the class most common
open. OpenCV is supported under Windows among its k nearest neighbors (k is a
and Linux, but the code is well behaved and positive integer, typically small). If k =
has ported to many other operating systems. 1, then the object is simply assigned
OpenCV contains an optimized collection of to the class of that single nearest
C libraries spanning a wide range of neighbor.
computer vision algorithms, including motion ● In k-NN regression, the output is the
segmentation and pose recognition, multi- property value for the object. This
projector display system, object and face value is the average of the values of
recognition, and 3D reconstruction, etc. The its k nearest neighbors.
broad functional areas supported by k-NN is a type of instance-based
OpenCV include: Basic structures and array learning, or lazy learning, where the function
manipulations, Image processing and is only approximated locally and all
analysis, Object structural analysis, Motion computation is deferred until classification.
analysis and object tracking, Object and The k-NN algorithm is among the simplest of
face recognition, Camera calibration and 3D all machine learning algorithms. Both for
reconstruction, Stereo/3D tracking and classification and regression, a useful
statistically boosted classifiers, user technique can be used to assign weight to
interface and video acquisition support. the contributions of the neighbors, so that
( Qingcang Yu a , Harry H. Cheng a, *, the nearer neighbors contribute more to the
Wayne W. Cheng b , Xiaodong Zhou b, Ch average than the more distant ones. For
OpenCV for interactive open architecture example, a common weighting scheme
computer vision ). consists in giving each neighbor a weight of
1/d, where d is the distance to the
K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbors) neighbors.
k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (k-NN)
is a non-parametric method used for MOG (Mixture of Gaussian)
classification and regression. This algorithm Mixture of Gaussian algorithm is used to
aims to find the nearest neighbor in an entity modeling object and background. After the
group, background is established, the algorithm
in k-NN, data is projected into a large begins to detect foreground objects using
dimension space, where each dimension connected components algorithm and
represents a feature of the data. This space calculate its property, e.g., its position,
is divided into sections based on the motion direction, speed, area, contour, and
classification of learning data. A point in this color histogram. That information are used
to tracking objects in later frames. According With this algorithm, we can extract a
the posterior information gained by tracking, video into background and foreground, so
the MoG background modeling algorithm the targeted object can be recognize and
can perfect the background to detect detected (Xun Wang, Jie Sun, Hao-Yu Peng
accurate and integrated foreground objects. , Foreground Object Detecting Algorithm
The block diagram of the proposed algorithm based on Mixture of Gaussian and Kalman
is shown in Fig.2a. Filter in Video Surveillance).

CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
approaches are commonly used with
Fig 2a architectures having multiple layers that are
Mixture of Gaussian algorithm is desribe as trained. There are two stages to train the
here : If each pixel resulted from a particular network: a forward stage and a backward
surface under particular lighting, a single stage. Firstly, the main goal of the forward
Gaussian would be sufficient to model the stage is to represent the input image with
pixel value. If lighting changed over time, a the current parameters (weights and bias) in
single, adaptive Gaussian per pixel would be each layer. The first layers find low-level
sufficient. In practice, multiple surfaces often features for instance edges, lines and
appear in the view frustum of a particular corners and the other layers find mid-level
pixel and the lighting condition change. and high-level features for instance
Thus, adaptive Gaussians are important. We structures, objects, and shapes. Then the
consider the values of a pixel over time, at prediction output is used to compute the loss
any time t, what is known about a particular cost to the ground truth labels. Second,
pixel is its history: based on the loss cost, the backward stage
{ X 1 ,..., X t } = { I ( x 0 , y 0 , i ) :1 ≤ i ≤ t } computes the gradient of each parameter
Where I is the frame sequence? Some pixel with chain rules. All the parameters are
samples are shown by the (R, G) scatter updated based on the gradients and are
plots in Figure 2b. prepared for the next forward computation.
After a number of iterations of the forward
and backward stages, the network learning
can be done. (Boukaye Boubacar Traore 1,
2 , 1 Bernard Kamsu-Foguem, 2 Fana
Tangara, Deep convolution neural network
for image recognition)

Figure 2b.

Innovation and development of artificial intelligence technology, increasing rapidly from
time to time, until now camera-based artificial intelligence has been developed into a device
that functions as a sensor. By using a camera, the object will be recognized and counted, so
this will contribute to the development of other intelligent devices.

This paper is written with a little research, that implement OpenCV library using Python
programming language, which became a small prototype for detecting cars using cameras.

Figure 3 : Software capture Figure 4: Hardware Prototipe

This program can detect and count a number of car in the road. The output of this
program can be connected to another smart devices (example: intelligent traffic lights),
which functions as a sensor.

The system is using OpenCV image development kits and experimental results are
demonstrated from real-time video taken from single USB Camera. We tested this system on
a laptop powered by an Intel i7 (3 GHZ) CPU and 8GB RAM, and Linux Ubuntu version
18.04 LTS (figure 4).

Figure 5: Example of Implementation

The example of implementation using camera as a sensor, is Intelligent Traffic light, as

can be seen in figure 5. The output of the camera sensor, will be the input for the main
processor in the intelligent traffic system, the data from the sensor will be analyzed based on
certain configurations, which will determine the duration time of the red and green lights, so
that traffic of vehicle will be more optimal, which will minimize the occurrence of traffic
The development of artificial intelligence provides many benefits for human civilization
when used appropriately and wisely. The selection of the right, effective and efficient
technology is needed in implementing artificial intelligence in aspects of human life.
The use of camera-based sensors and video processing has many advantages. This
sensor is also easy to develop and combine with another devices that have artificial
intelligence functions, also in terms of installation, it does not need a lot of devices that must
be installed in certain places, just only use a surveillance camera, which in addition to being
a CCTV recorder, also functions as a sensor that is connected to other devices.
However, the weakness of using a camera as a sensor requires high resources
hardware, because video image processing requires complex mathematical calculations of
images received. More higher the pixel of the camera, and the more objects that will be
recognized, we need more hardware that has higher specifications.

Boukaye Boubacar Traore 1, 2 , 1 Bernard Kamsu-Foguem, 2 Fana Tangara, Deep
convolution neural network for image recognition.
Nilesh J. Uke Sinhga and Ravindra C,Moving Vehicle Detection for Measuring Traffic Count
Using OpenCV, Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 1, No. 4,
December 2013.
doi: 10.12720/joace.1.4.349-352
Qingcang Yu a , Harry H. Cheng a, *, Wayne W. Cheng b , Xiaodong Zhou b, Ch
OpenCV for interactive open architecture computer vision ).
Xun Wang, Jie Sun, Hao-Yu Peng , Foreground Object Detecting Algorithm based on
Mixture of Gaussian and Kalman Filter in Video Surveillance.
YunWei, QingTian, JianhuaGuo, WeiHuang, JindeCao, Multi-vehicle detection
algorithm through combining Harr and HOG features.

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