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Reading Responses

Directions: Each student is to read 2 books per quarter of 120 pages or more. All books
must be pre-approved by Miss Zahn BEFORE reading them. In parentheses behind the
response description I have given my suggestion of a fitting topic/genre. However, that is
just a suggestion to make it easier for the response- all books are reader choice. The due
date is listed. The response topic is based on the type of writing being taught in the
writing curriculum. Therefore, responses may only be handed-in as early as 5 school days
prior to the due date, but not after.
Details of Reponses: By January, all responses must be typed using 1-inch page margins,
double spaced and 12 point font. Font can be of choice, but must be easily read. The 1st
Quarter responses can be either written or typed. There is no required length to the
response unless noted. Typed responses can not be longer than 2 pages. To gain full
credit, the response must be complete in thought and include all of the details that are
required. The upper right corner of the response page must include the following: Student
Name, Book Read, Due Date, Response Number (either 1 or 2)

Due October 30:

• Response #1- Change the ending of the story to create an ending that “leaves you hanging.” In
other words, the reader does not know exactly how the story ends. The reader’s own interpretation
can create the ending, but the writer does not give exact details. (Mystery)
• Response #2- Create a list of 50 or more statements of general information and 25 specific details
used in the story. This can be written in a list format (single spaced if typed). Also, write a 4-
sentence persuasive paragraph convincing me to either read or not read the story.
(Biographical, Non-Fiction)

Due January 14: (Remember, Science Fair!! Use Christmas Vacation wisely!)
• Response #1- Give all the important details of the plot, place and characters of the story. (Fiction)
• Response #2- Give a 4-paragraph, 4-sentence summary of the story. My correction of this
response is based on grammar usage: commas, run-on sentences, capitalization, quotation marks,
etc. (Any)

Due March 25:

• Response #1: Compare 2 elements of the story- What’s different? What’s the same? How do they
work well together? or Why do they not work well together? (Any)
• Response #2: Give a summary of the story in 1st person point of view and then explain, as the
character would, the lesson learned from the events in the story. (Non-Fiction)

Due June 3:
• Response #1: Write the examples of personification found in the story, and explain why the writer
would have written that way. (Fiction, Folk Tale- 120 pgs not required)
• Response #2: Using the main idea of the story, create a 3 stanza poem. (Any)

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