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Nervous System and Digestive System

1. Neuroglia (glia cells): cells that support and protect neurons, non-neuronal cells that
maintain homeostasis.
2. Functions of CNS are consists of a sensory and motor divison
3. Organs of the nervous system are consists of the spinal cord and brain.
4. SNS works in subconscious actions
5. Functional classifications of neurons consist of Afferent neurons, Efferent neurons,
Association neurons
6. ANS has a stimulating effect, fight, and flight
7. Parasympathetic division common in the CNS includes all skeletal muscle motor
8. Ependymal cells maintain blood-brain barrier and repair damaged neural tissue.
9. Microglia migrates through neural issue, clean up cellular debris, waste products and
10. Schwann cells increase speed of action potentials, myelin insulates axons, makes
nerves appear white
11. Dendrites are highly branched, 80-90% of neuron surface area
12. Purpose of the secretion of lacrimal gland is providing oils.
13. The cells of the eye that are most sensitive to the light are the rods
14. When you fly in an airplane and your ears pop, it is because you are relieving pressure
via the tympanic membrane
15. The organ of the ear that actually transfers vibrations into impulses is the organ of
16. 90 of taste is affected by smell
17. Taste buds detect bitter are filiformis
18. The nose and the tongue are both for chemical reception.
19. The sclera allow light to the enter the eye
20. When focusing, the lens shape changes by of the iris
21. From the lab, the dark layer inside the eye is the choroid coat and its job is to prevent
light scatter.
22. If one suffers from myopia, they have eyeballs that are too long and need concave
lens to correct the problem.
23. Part of the digestive system removes solid wastes such as feces from the body is large
24. Stores the liver's digestive juices until they are needed by the intestines is the function
of pancreas
25. An organ that produces a bodily juice called bile is gallbladder
26. Job of the digestive system is to take in and break down food for use by the body
27. Small intestine stores swallowed food and liquid, mixes up digestive juices with the
food and liquid and sends it to the small intestine too.
28. Anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract in which solid wastes are
29. Mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices to digest food, found in the mouth,
stomach and small intestine.
30. Chief cells are of the stomach cell that secretes hydrochloric acid?
31. Pepsin and amylase are enzymes digests protein
32. Hydrochloric acid Creates the optimum environment for pepsin and protease
33. Pepsin and protease break down long-chain peptides into short-chain peptides

Written test

1. Mention all the protection of CNS from trauma

2. Mention the different of the short term memory and long term memory
3. Mention the functions of:
a. Thalamus
b. Hypothalamus
c. Nucleus Basalis
4. Describe the hearing process
5. Describe about:
a. Secretin
b. Cholecystokinin (CCK)


No. Keterangan 0 1 2
1. Anatomi Sistem Saraf
2. Fisiologi Sistem Saraf
3. Fisiologi Sel Saraf
4. Anatomi Sistem Pencernaan
5. Proses Pencernaan

0 : tidak dijelaskan

1 : cukup

2: baik

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