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Lappa Fish Landing Base (PPI) Sinjai District

Well, we are going to show you about Lappa Fish Landing Base (PPI) Sinjai District,
South Sulawesi Province.

First of all, I would like to introduce ourselves; there are six students of Aquatic
Source Management study program at Agricultural College of Muhammadiyah Sinjai or
usually calls STIP Muhammadiyah Sinjai who are going to tell about this they are:

A.Anjas Yasin
A.Nurul Iftitah AR
Dina Meliana
Maqamal Qira’ah
Sri Asmiaty

Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Lappa Kab Sinjai

Lappa Fish Landing Base (PPI) Sinjai District

The speaker is Anjas & Dina & Sry Asmiaty

PPI Lappa Merupakan tempat pelelangan ikan yang terletak di Kelurahan

Lappa, Kecamatan Sinjai Utara, Kab Sinjai yang berjarak Sekitar 3 km dari pusat kota
Sinjai. Di PPI Lappa ini terdapat Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) atau masyarakat Sinjai
biasa menyebutnya lelong. Dan hingga saat ini PPI Lappa ini merupakan penghasil
ikan yang terbesar di provinsi sulawesi selatan. TPI Lappa merupakan penghasil
devisa atau PAD terbesar di Kabupaten Sinjai, dimana pada tahun 2017 jumlah PAD
yang masuk sebesar RP 600 juta. Di Kabupaten Sinjai ini ada sekitar 2000 armada
kapa dimana pada setiap harinya ada sekitar 20 – 35 kapal yang melakukan bongkar
muat ikan setiap harinya. Hasil tangkapan nelayan juga banyak di ekspor ke
beberapa negara sepeti jepang, china, amerika serikat dan beberapa negara lainnya.
Aktifitas atau kegiatan transaksi perikanan biasanya berlangsung pada jam 16:30
sampai jam 09:00 pagi.

PPI Lappa is a place for fish auctions located in Lappa Village, North
Sinjai District, Sinjai District which is about 3 km from the center of Sinjai. At
this Lappa PPI there is a Fish Auction Place (TPI) or the Sinjai community
usually calls it a bird. And until now this Lappa PPI is the largest producer of
fish in the province of South Sulawesi. Lappa TPI is the largest foreign
exchange earner or PAD in Sinjai District, where in 2017 the amount of PAD
entered was Rp. 600 million. In Sinjai Regency there are around 2000 fleets
where every day there are around 20-35 ships carrying out loading and
unloading fish every day. Many fishermen's catches are also exported to several
countries such as Japan, China, the United States and several other countries.
Fisheries transaction activities or activities usually take place at 16:30 until
09:00 a.m.

The speaker is Fadli & Maqamal

Di tahun 2018 ini pemerintah pusat atau kementrian kelautan dan perikanan
telah melakukan renovasi bangunan TPI yang sebelumnya tidak terawat dan tidak
beraturan menjadi TPI yang higenis. Maksud dari pembangunan TPI higienis ini
dibangun dengan tujuan agar pendaratan ikan, mutu dan kual itas ikan
semakin baik, pembongkaran ikan teratur sehingga bisa menguntungkan
nelayan serta memberikan rasa nyaman bagi para konsumen yang
melakukan transaksi jual beli ikan.

In 2018, the central government or the ministry of maritime affairs and

fisheries has carried out renovations of the previously untreated and irregular
TPI building into a hygienic TPI. The purpose of the development of this
hygienic TPI is to make fish landing, quality and quality of fish better, regular
fish dismantling so that it can benefit fishermen and provide a sense of comfort
for consumers who conduct fish trading.

The speaker is Nurul , Sry Asmiaty & Dina

Pembeli yang datang bukan hanya dari Kab Sinjai tetapi ada juga pembeli dari
Luar Kabupaten. Selain itu banyak juga pengunjung yang datang hanya untuk
menikmati wisata kuliner hasil tangkapan laut yang masih segar dengan harga yang
terjangkau. Caranya pun terbilang gampang, anda cukup membeli ikan yang sesuai
selera kemudian membawanya ke rumah makan yg disukai. Pemilik rumah makan
langsung menyambut dan membakarnya. Sambil Menunggu ikan dibakar, anda
dapat menikmati Minuman Asli Sinjai (Minas).

Buyers who come not only from Sinjai Regency but also buyers from
Outside the Regency. In addition, there are also many visitors who come only to
enjoy fresh seafood caught at affordable prices. The method is fairly easy; you
can simply buy fish that suits your taste then take it to the preferred restaurant
The owner of the restaurant immediately welcomed and burned it. While
Waiting for the fish to be burned, you can enjoy Original Sinjai Drink (Minas).

The speaker is Anjas

Dengan berakhirnya video ini kami akan mengunjungi salah satu destinasi
yang merupakan tempat yang menjadi rekomendasi atau tempat favorit yang biasa
di kunjungi para pecinta wisata kuliner hasil laut, maupun warga masyarakat

With the end of this video we will visit one of the destinations that is a
place of recommendation or a favorite place that is commonly visited by
seafood culinary lovers, as well as residents of the local community



Ok, that’s enough from us; we hope this video gives an insight about Lappa Fish
Landing Base (PPI) in Sinjai district deeply. Thank you for watching us. Don’t forget
to like, share, comment and subscribe. If you want to like, comment and subscribe,
just leave it in the button below

Anjas: First of all, I would like to introduce ourselves; there are six students of
Aquatic Source Management study program at Agricultural College of
Muhammadiyah Sinjai or usually calls STIP Muhammadiyah Sinjai who
are going to tell about this they are:

Anjas: PPI Lappa is a place for fish auctions located in Lappa Village, North
Sinjai District, Sinjai District which is about 3 km from the center of
Amal: At this Lappa PPI there is a Fish Auction Place (TPI) or the Sinjai
community usually calls it a bird. And until now this Lappa PPI is the
largest producer of fish in the province of South Sulawesi.

Dina: Lappa TPI is the largest foreign exchange earner or PAD in Sinjai
District, where in 2017 the amount of PAD entered was Rp. 600 million.
In Sinjai Regency there are around 2000 fleets where every day there
are around 20-35 ships carrying out loading and unloading fish every

Sry: Many fishermen's catches are also exported to several countries such as
Japan, China, the United States and several other countries. Fisheries
transaction activities or activities usually take place at 16:30 until 09:00

Fadli: In 2018, the central government or the ministry of maritime affairs and
fisheries has carried out renovations of the previously untreated and
irregular TPI building into a hygienic TPI.

Amal: The purpose of the development of this hygienic TPI is to make fish
landing, quality and quality of fish better, regular fish dismantling so
that it can benefit fishermen and provide a sense of comfort for
consumers who conduct fish trading.

Nurul: Buyers who come not only from Sinjai Regency but also buyers from
Outside the Regency. In addition, there are also many visitors who
come only to enjoy fresh seafood caught at affordable prices.

Sry: The method is fairly easy; you can simply bu fish that suits your taste
then take it to preferred restaurant.

Dina: The owner of the restaurant immediately welcomed and burned it.
While Waiting for the fish to be burned, you can enjoy Original Sinjai
Drink (Minas).
Anjas: With the end of this video we will visit one of the destinations that is a
place of recommendation or a favorite place that is commonly visited
by seafood culinary lovers, as well as residents of the local community



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