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Dear Mr.

Chapter 1.
1 Who is Richard’s brother? ___________________________________________________
2 How was the weather? ______________________________________________________
3 Which month was it? ________________________________________________________
4 Where did they live? ________________________________________________________
5 Why did they walk quietly? __________________________________________________
6 How far was the hike to their hunting cabin? _____________________________________
7 What was Richard’s big day supposed to be? _____________________________________
8 How old was Richard? ______________________________________________________
9 Who was Richard’s sister? ___________________________________________________
10 Describe his sister? _________________________________________________________
11 Who does Richard look like? _________________________________________________
12 How old was Richard when he lost his mother? ___________________________________
13 Describe the sound made by the stream? ________________________________________
14 Why did the deer go to the large pool? __________________________________________
15 Why did Richard, Gus and his dad do at the leafless bushes?
16 Why did Richard pray that the deer will not go and drink at the pool?
17 What is the young of a deer called? ____________________________________________
18 How far was the deer from where they were crouching? ____________________________
19 Why was it a perfect target? __________________________________________________
20 Who first raise the rifle? _____________________________________________________
21 Why did his father not want Gus to shoot? _______________________________________
22 Why could the deer not smell them? ____________________________________________
23 Why did Richard raise the rifle a quarter of an inch higher?
24 Why did Gus scold him?
25 Why did his father not let Gus take the shot after Richard missed it?
26 What is the meaning of clean kill? _____________________________________________
27 Why did Gus stomp back up the slope? _________________________________________
28 Why do they have to unload their gun? _________________________________________
29 Why did Richard’s father want to talk to him? ____________________________________
30 What was Richard’s reason for not shooting the animals?
31 What was his father’s reason for shooting the animals?
32 Who was Roland? __________________________________________________________
33 Where and when was he killed? _______________________________________________
34 Why Gus was popular in school and what is he good at? ____________________________
35 Why did Gus scold Richard? _________________________________________________
36 Why did Richard not want to be in the baseball team? ______________________________
37 Who work more on the farm? _________________________________________________
38 What is Gus nickname for Richard? ____________________________________________
39 Did Gus feel sad after killing an animal? ________________________________________
40 What was Gus’s favourite topic? ______________________________________________
41 Who was eager to get into the Army? ___________________________________________
42 Why did Gus father not allow him to go to the Army? ______________________________
43 What is it about War that Richard dreaded? Give 4 reasons.
ii) _______________________________________________________________________
iii) ______________________________________________________________________
iv) ______________________________________________________________________
44. What did Gus and his father argued about after dinner? ________________________________
45. Where did Richard slip away to while they were arguing? _____________________________
46. Who was Richard’s sister and what was she doing? ___________________
47. How did Richard help his sister in the kitchen? ________________________
48. How old was Angie when her mother died? __________________________
49. Why did Angie quit school? _______________________________________
50. List (6) the life of a full-time women’s life then?
i) _______________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________
iii) _____________________________________________________________
iv) ____________________________________________________________________________
v) _____________________________________________________________________________
vi) ____________________________________________________________________________
51. Who did Richard’s father lose in his life? ___________________________________________
52. How old was Richard when he first went hunting? ___________________________________
53. What happened then? __________________________________________________________
54. Why did Richard open his desk drawer? ___________________________________________
55. Why did he take out his wallet? __________________________________________________
56. What was in the drawer? ________________________________________________________
57. Did anyone know that Richard wrote poetry? _______________________________________

Chapter 2
1 In which month did US declare war on Germany? _____________________________________
2 What was the weather like? _______________________________________________________
3. Where do Richard and Gus go to school in Iowa? _____________________________________
4 What type of car did their father own? ______________________________________________
5 How are Richard’s grades in school? ________________________________________________
6 Which grade is Richard in now? ___________________________________________________
7 Who is their English teacher? _____________________________________________________
8 What is Richard’s favourite subject in school? ________________________________________
9 How many students were there in Richard’s class? _____________________________________
10 Who are the troublemakers in the class? ____________________________________________
11 What did Mrs Hansen read to the class? ____________________________________________
12 Who were Richard’s favourite poets? ______________________________________________
13 Whose poem was Mrs Hansen reading? ____________________________________________
14 What did Joyce Kilmer do? ______________________________________________________
15 Where did Joyce Kilmer work? ___________________________________________________
16 Give 2 examples of great poets who stood up for what they believed in.
i) ______________________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________________
17 Who says poetry is for sissies? ___________________________________________________
18 Who was Richard’s new hero? ____________________________________________________
19 Which book did Mrs Hansen read the poem from? ____________________________________
20 From where did Richard find the address of the editor’s office?
21 Describe Hannah Scherman.______________________________________________________
22 Why was Hannah crying? _______________________________________________________
23 Whose parents own a grocery store? _______________________________________________
24 What is a Hun? ________________________________________________________________
25 Why is it unpatriotic to serve sauerkraut when there is a war against Germany?
26 Describe Richard’s journey home. _________________________________________________
27 Why did Richard not pick some flowers for his sister? _________________________________
28 What does Richard’s job at the farm entail? _________________________________________
29 Who wrote “Trees and other Poems”? ______________________________________________
30 Why did Richard like Mar. Joyce Kilmer? __________________________________________
31 What did Richard tell Mar. Joyce Kilmer in his letter?
32Whom did Richard wrote to and where was it addressed?
33 Why did Richard post it at the post office instead of his house?

Chapter 3
1 Why was Mrs Hansen upset? ______________________________________________________
2 Why was Hannah not in school? ___________________________________________________
3 Why did people vandalise the tavern? _______________________________________________
4 What did Mrs Hansen want the class to do? __________________________________________
5 Describe the card. _______________________________________________________________
6 Who refused to sign on the card? Why? _____________________________________________
7 Who said Hannah’s family sang German songs? _______________________________________
8 Who was Blanche’s best friend? ___________________________________________________
9 How does Peggy look like? _______________________________________________________
10 Why do you think Peggy says that Hannah is better than the others?
11 What was Harry Carver’s complaint about Hannah?
12 What do the class call Herbie Wycinski? Why? ______________________________________
13 Why did Herbie not sign the card? _________________________________________________
14Why did Mildred Wright not sign the card? __________________________________________
15 Why did the other boys not sign the card? ___________________________________________
16 Why did the girls not sign the card? _______________________________________________
17Why did Mrs Hansen said it was shameful? __________________________________________
18 Why did Richard ask for the card? _________________________________________________
19 According to Mrs Hansen, what does Richard has?
20 Who block him on his way home? _________________________________________________
21 Who goaded Richard and shoved him into a fight? ____________________________________
22 What did Abner call him? _______________________________________________________
23 Who emerged as the winner in the fight? ___________________________________________
24 Why were Abner and Harry dumbfounded? _________________________________________
25 What did Richard realise on the way to Hannah’s house?
26 What did Richard do on realising that?
27 Why was Richard shocked when he arrived at Hannah’s house? _________________________
28 Where was Hannah? ____________________________________________________________
29 Why was Hannah in tears? _______________________________________________________
30 Why was Richard sad and hurt? ___________________________________________________
31What type of person was Hannah’s father and mother? _________________________________
32 What did Richard advise Hannah? _________________________________________________
33 How did Richard feel after delivering the card? ______________________________________
34 What thoughts were on Richard’s mind on his way home? ______________________________
35 What could Richard see on top of the old oak tree?
36 What was Richard’s wish?
37 Why was Angie running to him? __________________________________________________
38 Who was the letter from? ________________________________________________________

Chapter 4
1 Why was Richard excited and running at the top of the stairs?
2 What was Joyce Kilmer’s advice to Richard?
3 What did Richard tell his family after dinner?
4 What was their reaction when Angie read the letter?
5 Did his family know about Joyce Kilmer? ____________________________________________
6 What did Richard tell the family then? ______________________________________________
7 Was Richard’s father impressed? ___________________________________________________
8 Was Richard’s father against it? ___________________________________________________
9 How was her sister’s reaction? _____________________________________________________
10 What about Gus? ______________________________________________________________
11 What did Gus warn him? ________________________________________________________
12 What did the school call Richard after he signed the card for Hannah’s family?
13 How did Richard feel? __________________________________________________________
14 Why did Richard go to see his English teacher?
15 What was Mrs Hansen’s reaction? _________________________________________________
16 What does Richard want Mrs Hansen to do? _________________________________________
17 After that, what does Mrs Hansen want Richard to do?
18 Why did Hannah want to talk to Richard?
19 What did Hannah’s neighbours do after Richard left the tavern?
20 What were Richard’s reasons why most kids did not sign the card?
21 Where did Hannah and her family stay four years ago? ________________________________
22 How did Hannah’s family feel all this while staying in Iowa? ___________________________
23 Who is Hannah’s brother? _______________________________________________________
24 What made Otto a patriotic American? _____________________________________________
25 Why were Hannah’s parents worried? ______________________________________________
26 What did Richard wonder about the soldiers? ________________________________________
27 Why did the war bring worries to Richard? __________________________________________

Chapter 5
1 When did Richard make a special presentation? _______________________________________
2 Why did he panic? ______________________________________________________________
3 Why did Richard write to Joyce Kilmer? ____________________________________________
4 What was Joyce Kilmer’s letter about?
5 Where is Joyce Kilmer going for his training? ________________________________________
6 What was the class’s reaction when Richard read out Joyce Kilmer’s letter?
7 Which poem did Richard send to Joyce Kilmer this time? _______________________________
8 What did Richard’s poem remind Blanche of? ________________________________________
9 Why did Richard not like the last line of his poem?
10 Who changed the last line of the poem for Richard? ___________________________________
11 Whom did Richard now earned his new respect from? _________________________________
12 Who was Richard’s History teacher? _______________________________________________
13 What does Mr Higby talk about? __________________________________________________
14 What did Mr Higby correct Abner? ________________________________________________
15 According to Mar. Higby, who were the Huns? ______________________________________
16 What did Mr Higby advise the pupils? _____________________________________________
17 What did Richard do that night? __________________________________________________
18 How did Richard spend his time during the summer?
19 Why was it a good time to be a farmer at that time?
20 How was the income for Richard’s family that year? __________________________________
21 Why were the hired farm hands amazed?
22 What does Richard do at the farm?
23 When was Richard’s favourite moments?
24 What does Richard wish his father to talk about?
25 When did Richard write a poem about his father?
26 What kind of man is Richard’s father? _____________________________________________
27 What were Joyce Kilmer’s thoughts about the last line of Richard’s poem replaced by Hannah?
28 What were President Wilson’s comments on the war?
29 What were Joyce Kilmer’s reasons for fighting?
30 Why did Richard want to rush to Hannah’s house?
31 Why was Richard shy to approach Hannah?

Chapter 6
1 In which month did Joyce Kilmer arrive in France? ____________________________________
2 How was the American troops feeling? ______________________________________________
3 What did Richard hope for? _______________________________________________________
4 How will the war cause grief to Richard’s father? ______________________________________
5 What was the school’s patriotic programme about? ____________________________________
6 How is Mrs Hansen going to help? _________________________________________________
7 What is the special part of the programme? __________________________________________
8 What is the special part for the guys? _______________________________________________
9 How is the Lady Liberty to be chosen?
10 What is the title of the essay that the pupils have to write? ______________________________
11 What will the models have to hold? ________________________________________________
12 Who is interested in the role of the man? ____________________________________________
13 How did the people of Turtle Lake help their American soldiers?
14 According to Richard, how can the students help?
15 What can the students learn in return? _____________________________________________
16 Why would he want to win badly? ________________________________________________
17 What were the class discussing after lunch? _________________________________________
18 Why was Milfred Wright not a good candidate for the Lady Liberty?
19 Why did Peggy and the girls think that Mrs Hansen will not pick Hannah?
20 Which boy and girl wrote the best essays? __________________________________________
21 What was Hannah’s essay about? _________________________________________________
22 Who was very impressed with Hannah’s essay? ______________________________________

Chapter 7
1 What was everyone in school angry about? ___________________________________________
2 Why were there a group of parents in the principal’s office?
3 What announcement did Mrs Hansen made that morning?
4 Who would Mrs Hansen choose to be Lady Liberty? ___________________________________
5 What was the reason Hannah rejected the role of Lady Liberty?
6 Why did Richard reject the role of the Doughboy?
7 Who advised Mrs. Hansen from cancelling the whole pageant? ___________________________
8 How does Richard feel by making Hannah feel a lot better? ______________________________
9 Who would be the new Lady Liberty and the Doughboy? _______________________________
10 Was Richard troubled by the insults when he turned down the role? ______________________
11 Who invited Richard home for dinner? _____________________________________________
12 How did Gus react when Richard told him about Hannah’s invitation?
13 Why are the kids in school saying that Richard is unpatriotic?
14 Who welcomed Richard at the front door of Hannah’s house? ___________________________
15 Describe Johann Schermer? -_____________________________________________________
16 Whom does Hannah look like? ___________________________________________________
17 Describe the things on the tables and walls? _________________________________________
18 What were in the framed pictures? ________________________________________________
19 Why was Richard surprised by Mr Schermer’s book collection? _________________________
20 What was for dinner at Hannah’s house? ____________________________________________
21 Why were the servings of the meat small? __________________________________________
22 Where did Mr Schermer study? ___________________________________________________
23 Which great cities have the Schermers been? ________________________________________
24 What did Richard learn about Hannah’s family?
25 How did Mr Schermer entertain Richard after the dinner?
26 How long could the disk play? ____________________________________________________
27 How did Richard feel at Hannah’s home? ___________________________________________
28 Who was sitting outside the house when Richard reached home? ________________________

Chapter 8
1 What did his father ask him when he came home? _____________________________________
2 Who came to tell his father that he was quitting in the show? _____________________________
3 What did Richard’s father mean when he said ‘the Schermers’ are not their own?
4 Who came to help Richard’s father when he broke his legs 3 years ago? ____________________
5 What was Richard’s reaction when his father talks to him about the Schermers and the rest of the
locals? _________________________________________________________________________
6 How was Richard’s relationship with Hannah as time goes by? ___________________________
7 What does Richard think of Hannah’s house? _________________________________________
8 Who understand Richard’s dreams and longings? ______________________________________
9 Who is Joyce Kilmer’s wife? ______________________________________________________
10 Give evidence that the war in France is very cold.
11 Give evidence that the war is intense?
12 How are Joyce Kilmer’s feelings regarding the war?
13 How did the Schermers help to lift Joyce Kilmer’s spirits?
14 Why does Joyce Kilmer love the French? ___________________________________________
15 What did Joyce Kilmer and his soldiers do in return? __________________________________
16 What was the name of the enormous gun used by the Germans to bombard Paris?
17 Who was forced to retreat in the Battle of Lys in April? ________________________________
18 What was President Wilson’s peace plan? ___________________________________________
19 What is the role of the League of Nations? __________________________________________
20 What are trenches? _____________________________________________________________
21 How does Joyce Kilmer feel about the trenches? _____________________________________
22 Why was France destroyed? _____________________________________________________
23 How do you know that it is spring in France? ________________________________________
24 What are ‘gutter babies’? ________________________________________________________
25 What was Joyce Kilmer’s post in the army? _________________________________________
26 Where were the Germans stopped in the war? ________________________________________
27 What was the turning point for the Allies? __________________________________________
28 Who was Richard’s date? _______________________________________________________
29 What event was held on the last day of school? ______________________________________
30 Where was the picnic held? ______________________________________________________
31 Why was it not difficult for Richard to be alone with Hannah?
32 Where did Richard spread the blanket? _____________________________________________
33 What was in Hannah’s picnic basket? ______________________________________________
34 What did Richard want Hannah to tell him about New York?
35 What did Hannah tell Richard about the elevator? ____________________________________
36 What can you find in Chinatown? _________________________________________________
37 What can the gypsy phrenologists do? ______________________________________________
38 What type of people can be found in New York? _____________________________________
39 Why do you think Hannah said that Richard will like the East side?
40 Why did Richard look sad? ______________________________________________________
42 Where did Richard take Hannah to? _______________________________________________
43Why did Richard bring Hannah to the ‘carving tree’?
44 From whom and when did Richard get his pocket knife? ______________________________
45 Draw a heart with the letters R & H inside it.

46 Why was Hannah clutching her ankle? _____________________________________________

47 What was the reason for her bleeding? _____________________________________________
48 What was on the stone? _________________________________________________________
49 What is a slingshot? ____________________________________________________________
50 Draw it.

Chapter 9
1 Why did Gus show up while Richard and his father were cleaning the barn?
2 What news did Gus bring? ________________________________________________________
3 Who came to enlist him? _________________________________________________________
4 Who is Uncle Sam? _____________________________________________________________
5 Why was Pa unhappy? ___________________________________________________________
6 What were Gus’s reasons for volunteering? __________________________________________
7 What is the meaning of immortal? __________________________________________________
8 Give another word for livid? ______________________________________________________
9 Why did Richard chase after Gus? __________________________________________________
10 Could Gus be appeased and calm after Richard’s consolation? __________________________
11 Why was Richard’s father disappointed with him and his brother?
12 Where did Gus go the next morning? ______________________________________________
13 How was his father at the time of Gus‘s leaving?
14 Why was Richard sad and fearful? ________________________________________________
15 How do you know it was a good summer for the crops?
16 Why was Richard not happy working with his father?
17 What did Richard confide in Angie? _______________________________________________
18 How did Richard seek relief? ____________________________________________________
19 What was Joyce Kilmer’s comment on Richard’s poem?
20 Why did Joyce Kilmer say he is blessed with the beauties of nature?
21 What was Joyce Kilmer’s best and last poem? _______________________________________
22 Who are the living poets whom Joyce Kilmer admires?
23 Who was the other poet who had fought and died there? _______________________________
24 What was Joyce Kilmer’s advice to Richard? ________________________________________
25 What did Richard write to Joyce Kilmer about this time? _______________________________
26 Why was Richard feeling uneasy about sending the letter?
27 Where did Richard stop on his way to the hospital? ___________________________________
28 Why was Hannah in tears when she opened the door for Richard?
Chapter 10
1 What was Richard’s reaction to Joyce Kilmer’s death?
2 What was the headline in the newspaper regarding Joyce Kilmer’s death?
3 What was Joyce Kilmer’s famous poem? ____________________________________________
4 Describe Joyce Kilmer physically. _________________________________________________
5 When did he die? _______________________________________________________________
6 What was Joyce Kilmer’s work? ___________________________________________________
7 Where were the German snipers hiding? _____________________________________________
8 How was Joyce Kilmer killed? ____________________________________________________
9 How did he die? ________________________________________________________________
10 Why could his body not be buried under the tree by his comrades?
11 Where was Joyce Kilmer buried finally? ____________________________________________
12 Where did Richard go after Hannah’s house? ________________________________________
13 When was the last time he cried? __________________________________________________
14 After learning about Joyce Kilmer’s death, what poem did he write?
15 Whom did Richard share his poem with? Why? ______________________________________
16 What did Mrs Schermer suggest?
17 What is the name of the local newspaper? ___________________________________________
18 Who accompany Richard to the newspaper office? ____________________________________
19 Who was at the newspaper office? _________________________________________________
20 Who was the owner? ___________________________________________________________
21 What did Richard see in the newspaper? ____________________________________________
22 What else regarding Joyce Kilmer was there?
23 Why was Richard afraid that his father will see his poem?
24 What did Richard’s father talk to him about?
25 Where did his Uncle Roland fight? ________________________________________________
26 When and which battle was Uncle Roland killed? ____________________________________
27 When did the war end? __________________________________________________________
28 Who won the war eventually? ____________________________________________________
29 Why did Richard’s father able to laugh? ____________________________________________
30 What was Richard’s poem mainly about? ___________________________________________
31 How was his father able to help him? ______________________________________________

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