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China Medical University Hospital Common Gynecologic and neurectomy

Obstetric Abbreviations Left/Right 左/右側 輸卵管卵巢切

A Abortion 流產次數 salpingo-oophorectomy 除
AC Abdominal circumference 腹圍 Low segment transverse
LST C/S 低橫位剖腹產
ACT Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺 cesarean section
AFE Amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞 Low-grade squamous
Atypical glandular cells of intraepithelial lesion
AGUS L/S ratio Lecithin/Sphingomyelin ratio
undetermined significance
AID Artificial insemination of donor 非配偶人工受精 Laparoscopic total
LTH 腹腔鏡式全子宮切除術
Artificial insemination of hysterectomy
AIH 配偶人工受精
husband MAS Meconium aspiration syndrome 胎便吸入症候群
AMA Advanced maternal age 高齡產婦 Microscopic epididymal sperm
AP Antepartum 產前 aspiration
APH Antepartum hemorrhage 產前出血 MFM Maternal fetal medicine
Anterior-posterior vaginal Maternal serum
A-P repair 會陰前後壁修補 MSAFP
repair (colporrhaphy) alpha-fetoprotein
AROM Artificial rupture of membrane 人工破水 NSD Normal spontaneous delivery 自然生產
Assisted reproductive NST Non-stress test 無壓力試驗
ART 生殖輔助技術
technique OCP Oral contraceptive pills 口服避孕藥
Atypical squamous cells of OCT Oxytocin challenge test 催產素壓力試驗
undetermined significance OGTT Oral glucose tolerance test
Abdominal perineal urethral Ovarian hyperstimulation
APUS OHSS 卵巢過度刺激症候群
suspension syndrome
ATH Abdominal total hysterectomy 經腹部子宮全切除術 OPU Ovum pick up 取卵
ATS Abdominal tubal sterilization 經腹部輸卵管結紮 P Para 生產次數
AVF Anteverted flexion* 子宮前傾/前曲 Para aortic lymph note
PALNS 腹主動脈旁淋巴結取樣
BBT Basal body temperature 基礎體溫 sampling*
BSE Breast self-examination 乳房自我檢測 Partial breech extraction
Bilateral delivery
BSO 雙側輸卵管卵巢切除術 PCOD Polycystic Ovarian Disease
salpingo-oophorectomy 多囊性卵巢疾病
BPD Bilateral parietal diameter 雙頂骨徑 PID Pelvic inflammatory disease 骨盆腔發炎
Bilateral pelvic lymph nodes PMP Preceding menstrual period 上上回月經來潮第一天
BPLND 雙側骨盆淋巴結摘除
dissection pp Postpartum
BPP Biophysical profile PPH Postpartum hemorrhage 產後出血
CDS Cul-de sac (Douglas pouch) Preterm premature rupture of
Cervical intraepithelial membranes
CIN 子宮頸上皮內腫瘤
neoplasia Premature rupture of
CIS Carcinoma in situ 原位癌 membranes
CPD Cephalopelvic disproportion 胎頭骨盆不對稱 Radical abdominal
RAH 經腹部子宮根除術
CST Contraction Stress Test hysterectomy
CRL Crown-rump length RDS Respiratory distress syndrome 呼吸窘迫症候群
CVS Chorionic villus sampling 絨毛膜取樣 ROM Rupture of membranes 破水
子宮頸擴張與子宮內搔 SA Spontaneous abortion 自發性流產
D&C Dilatation and curettage SGA Small for gestational age
D&E Dilation and evacuation Spontaneous rupture of
SROM 自發性羊膜破水
DES Diethylstilbestrol membrane
Dissemination intravascular Sacral spinous uterine
DIC 瀰漫性血管內凝血疾病 SSUS
coagulopathy suspension
DUB Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 子宮功能失常性出血 Sacral spinous vaginal
EBW Estimated baby weight* 預估胎兒體重 suspension
EC Electro-cauterization 電燒 STD Sexually transmitted disease
ECC Endocervical curettage 子宮頸內刮除術 T/L Tubal ligation 輸卵管結紮
EDC Estimated date of confinement 預產期 TAH Total abdominal hysterectomy
EP Episiotomy 會陰切開術 TET Tubal embryo transfer
FHB Fetal heart beat 胎心音 TBED Total breech extraction delivery 完全人工臀位生產
FT Finger tip 指尖 Transcervical resection of
TCR-A 經子宮頸粘黏切除
FB Finger breadth 指幅 adhesion
FSD Fundal symphysis distance 宮底高度 Transcervical resection of
TCR-M 經子宮頸子宮肌瘤切除
FL Femoral length 股骨長 myoma
G Gravida 受孕次數 TCR-P Transcervical resection polyp 經子宮頸瘜肉切除
GBS Group B streptococcus 鏈球菌 B 群 Transcervical resection of
GDM Gestational diabetes mellitus 妊娠糖尿病 septum
GH Gestational hypertension 妊娠高血壓 TOA Tubo-ovarian abscess 輸卵管 卵巢膿瘍
GIFT Gamete intra-fallopian transfer 精卵輸卵管植入 經閉鎖孔尿道中段懸吊
TOT Transobturator Tap (Out-In)
HC Head circumference 頭圍 手術
hCG Human chorionic gonadotropin Transvaginal pelvic floor
人類絨毛膜性腺激素 TVPFR 經陰道骨盆重建手術
HSG Hysterosalpingogram 子宮輸卵管攝影術
High-grade squamous TVT Tension free vaginal tape
HSIL Transvaginal Tension free 經閉孔無張力陰道吊帶
intraepithelial lesion TVT-O
I&D Incision & Drainage Vaginal tape Obturator (In-Out) 術
Intracytoplasmic sperm TZ Transformation zone 移形區
ICSI USI Urodynamic stress incontinence 尿動力學應力性尿失禁
IUA Intrauterine adhesion Vaginal intraepithelial
子宮內沾黏 VAIN 陰道上皮內癌
IUD Intrauterine device 子宮內避孕器
VBAC Vaginal birth after Cesarean
IUFD Intrauterine fetal demise 子宮內死胎
IUGR Intrauterine growth restriction 子宮內生長遲緩 VD Vaginal delivery
IUP Intrauterine pregnancy Venereal Disease Research
子宮內懷孕 VDRL
IVF In vitro fertilization 試管嬰兒
VED Vacuum extraction delivery 真空吸引
Laparoscopically assisted 腹腔鏡輔助經陰道全子
LAVH VIN Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
vaginal hysterectomy 宮切除
Vaginal perineal urethral
LBW Low birth weight 低出生體重 VPUS
Loop Electrosurgical Excision
LEEP VTH Vaginal total hysterectomy 全陰道子宮切除
LGA Large for gestational age Vx Vertex
LMP Last menstrual period 最後一次月經來潮日期 2014.04 revise
LPSN Laparoscopic presacral

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