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1) How do GD’s and Debates help the professional in the making? Highlight the similarities and dissimilarities
between the two?
2) Give explanation and examples for sentences of probable condition, improbable condition and impossible
3) Differentiate Group Discussion and Debate?
4) Give an elaobrate account of the following in connection with Group Discussions :
a) Communication skills
b) Clarity of Thought
c) Team Management
d) Shared Leadership
e) Possitive Body Language

5) Write an analytical essay on “Effective use of smart phones in professional life “

6) Discuss the importance of history in modern times ?
7) Why does the author call the East India Company the ‘mother of modern corporatism’?
8) Do you agree with the author’s statement “ History teaches values”.
9. what are the modern day corporates that are seen as being similar to East India Company ?
10. what can contemporary India learn from East India Company ?


1. What are the primary reasons for the energy crisis in our country? Suggest some solutions for this problem.
2.What is Debate and explain the characteristics of debate and its process?
3. What are the uses of Modal verbs?
4.What are the steps in summary writing?
5.List out the renewable and non renewable sources with suitable examples
6. Write an essay on wind energy.
7. What are advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?
8. Describe the significance of idioms with examples.
9. The reduction in energy subsidies will remove the obstacles to efficiency gains – Discuss.
10. For India to become a ‘ Developed Economy ‘ energy supply and substantiality are critical . Do you agree?
Why ? or Why not ?
1. Write about your favorite actor or sports person.
2. What are the steps in making Impromptu Speeches?
3. What are the tips for Making Posters?
4.What are the tips for Creative Writing?
5.What is a natural disaster ? List the types of damage caused by Natural Disasters
6.What is Presentation? Discuss the qualities of Good Presentation?
7.Discuss in detail various components of a report.
8 .Give an account of the following keeping good “ presentational skills “in view :
a) Planning
b) Preparing
c) Organizing
d) Rehearsing
e) e)Presentation or Execution
9. ‘ Perfect Coordination between the officials and the engineers will avoid accidents like space shuttle challenger
disaster. Do you agree ? justify your views .
10. Express your opinion on ‘ Public Money Is Unscrupulously Wasted in the name of space research ‘

1. What is your opinion on travelling ? Do disadvantages outway the advantages ?
2.What is Group Discussion and what are the characteristics of the participants , analysed through G.D?
3.Assume that the cost of your education being paid by the Bharat Engineering Limited. The agreement is
thatyou will serve them for five years after graduating . They want a report on the quality of training and the
progress you have made . write this report which will be circulated to the member of the Board of Directors
4.Read the following passage and make notes:
The art of metallurgy includes the deriving of metals from their ores,or the condition in which they are found in nature;their purification ,or their admixture with other metals;and
finally their manufacture into shapes and forms usable in industry.The science of metallurgy includes the study of these processes with a view to their control and
improvement.and the development of new metal mixtures or alloys and of new tese methods.
Because of its wide scope,the field of metallurgy may be divided into two parts.The first part deals with the melting and refining of metals,and has been designated as process or
Chemical metallurgy.The second deals with the physical and chemical behavior of metals during shaping and treating operations and their behavior in the service of
man.This phase is termed Physical Metallurgy.

5. Write a report on your library as source of information,evaluating the following two factors and
suggesting improvements:
a)The types of data available.
b)The service it provides.

6.What is Collocation and give examples?

7.What do you mean by note making?What are the effective methods of note making?
8. Describe the program ATHIDHI DEVOBHA
9. Make a list of all the reasons why you think people should travel ?
10. Discribe the southern splender in the writer’s view ?

1.Explain in detail about Connectives?
2. What is resume? Discuss the important aspects of resume writing?
3. Write a note on phrasal verbs with examples.
4. What are the common questions asked in Interviews and show how they are answered.
5.Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement. Assume that you have the requisite
qualification and experience.
Wanted a service advisor at our Kolkata office. You should preferably be an automobile engineer with 2 years of
relevant experience.A pleasant personality and good communication skills are essential. Please send your detailed
resume with a cover letter to Topsail Toyota, 25, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata 700013,E-
6.What are the effective interview skills?
7. What are Do’s and Don’t' s with regard to telephonic interview.
8. Describe the SWOT analysis of Indian Software industry.
9. why do the writer’s consider that ‘ India has lots of opportunities ‘ in software industry in spite of its inherent
weaknesses ?
10. Answer the following questions normally asked in interviews –
A) Tell us something about yourself
B) Why should we hire you

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