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Photo by Martyn Farr

In 2011 a team of British Cave divers will begin a two
year project to explore further than anyone before in Photo by Martyn Farr
the Huautla Cave System in Mexico.

Cavers and Cave Divers take part in expeditions all over

the world, each time with the goal of exploring new
cave. These expeditions always attract great interest
and support. They require a dedicated and experienced
team supported by sponsors. The Huautla project
promises to be one of the most ambitious and exciting
expeditions recently attempted, with a team of top
class cavers and cave divers.

Using state of the art technology the team will spend

many weeks underground, diving through flooded cave
passages, camping in the dry passage beyond and
exploring the unknown cave. An expedition like this is
a fantastic example of ingenuity, perseverance,
determination, team work and triumph over physical

Photo by Bill Stone

“Sump 9, a point that may be
considered the most remote yet
reached inside the Earth”
Dr William Stone

Photo by Hilary Greaves

OOvveerr tthhee nneexxtt ttw
woo yyeeaarrss tthhee tteeaamm ooff UUKK ccaavvee ddiivveerrss w wiilll
Objectives:: aatttteem
mppttttoo ggoo ffuurrtthheerr tthhaann aannyyoonnee eellssee iinn cclloossiinngg tthhiiss ggaapp..
IInn ssoouutthheerrnn M
Meexxiiccoo tthhee iim mpprreessssiivvee HHuuaauuttllaa PPllaatteeaauu rriisseess ttoo
22001111 PPeeññaa CCoolloorraaddaa::
oovveerr 22000000m m.. BBeenneeaatthh tthhee ssuurrffaaccee tthhee lliim
meessttoonnee m moouunnttaaiinn
ccoonnttaaiinnss aa mmoonnssttrroouuss nneettwwoorrkk ooff ccaavveess aanndd ppaassssaaggeess ccuutt bbyy IInn 11998844 tteeaam mooff AAm meerriiccaann aanndd UUKK ccaavvee ddiivveerrss ssppeenntt 44 m moonntthhss
wwaatteerr,, wwhhiicchh ssttrreettcchh ffrroom
m tthhee ppllaatteeaauu ddoowwnn ttoo tthhee SSaannttoo ddiivviinngg uuppsstteeaam
m iinn tthhee ffllooooddeedd ppaassssaaggeess ((ssuum mppss)) ooff tthhiiss ccaavvee iinn
DDoom miinnggoo CCaannyyoonn m moorree tthhaann 99 kkiilloom
meetteerrss aaw waayy.. tthhee SSaannttoo DDoom miinnggoo CCaannyyoonn.. CCaam mppiinngg uunnddeerrggrroouunndd ffoorr m maannyy
ddaayyss m moorree tthhaann 44..22kkm m ffrroom m tthhee eennttrraannccee,, tthheeyy w weerree ffiinnaalllyy
CCaavveerrss hhaavvee ssppeenntt oovveerr ffoorrttyy yyeeaarrss eexxpplloorriinngg tthhee ccaavveess ooff tthhiiss
ssttooppppeedd bbyy aaddeeeepp sseeccttiioonn w whheerree tthhee ddiivveerrss rreeaacchheedd aa ddeepptthh
ppllaatteeaauu aanndd tthhee HHuuaauuttllaa SSyysstteem m -- ddeesscceennddiinngg sshhaaffttss,, ccrraaw
ooff 5500m m.. IInn tthhee ffiirrsstt ppaarrtt ooff tthhiiss ttw
woo yyeeaarr eeffffoorrtt tthhee tteeaammw wiilll
aalloonngg ppaassssaaggeess,, ssccrraammbblliinngg ddoow wnn ssllooppeess,, cclliim
mbbiinngg wwaatteerrffaalllss,,
mmoouunntt aann aassssaauulltt oonn tthhiiss ffiinnaall ssuum mpp uussiinngg ddiivviinngg rree--bbrreeaatthheerrss
sslliiddiinngg ddoowwnn ttyyrroolleeaannss,, ddiivviinngg uunnddeerrwwaatteerr sseeccttiioonnss kknnoow wnn aass
wwhhiicchh ddiidd nnoott eexxiisstt iinn 11998844..
ssuum mppss aanndd m maappppiinngg tthhee ccaavveess.. TThhee ssyysstteem m iiss ccoom mpprriisseedd ooff
mmaannyy eennttrraanncceess,, ssoom mee ooff w whhiicchh aarreennoow w ccoonnnneecctteedd.. TThhee SSaann 22001122 SSaann AAgguussttiinn::
AAgguussttiinn eennttrraannccee hhiigghh oonn PPllaatteeaauu ddeesscceennddss ffoorr oovveerr 11440000m m
aanndd 66kkm m iinnttoo tthhee m moouunnttaaiinn.. AAtt tthhee ootthheerr eenndd ooff tthhee ppllaatteeaauu iinn TThhee llaasstt eexxppeeddiittiioonn ttoo tthhiiss ccaavvee w waass iinn 11999944 w whheenn lleedd bbyy
tthhee SSaannttoo DDoom miinnggoo CCaannyyoonn tthhee PPeeññaa CCoolloorraaddaa eennttrraannccee AAm meerriiccaann DDrr W Wiillliiaam m SSttoonnee tthhee tteeaam mddeevveellooppeedd tthhee CCIISS--LLuunnaarr
pprroovviiddeess aa w waayy ttoo rreeaacchh tthhee w waatteerrwwhhiicchh rruunnss tthhrroouugghh tthhee rreebbrreeaatthheerr ssppeecciiffiiccaalllyy ttoo ppaassss tthhee tthheenn tteerrmmiinnaall ssuummpp.. TThheeyy
HHuuaauuttllaa ssyysstteemm bbeeffoorree iitt rreeaacchheess tthhee ssuurrffaaccee.. ffoouunndd 33..33kkm m ooff nneew w ccaavvee ppaassssaaggee w wiitthh aallaarrggee w waatteerrffaalll tthheeyy
wweerree uunnaabbllee ttoo cclliim mbb aanndd aa hhuuggee nneew w ssuum mpp w whhiicchh hhaass nneevveerr
BBeettwweeeenn tthhee eennddss ooff tthheessee eexxpplloorreedd ccaavveess aaggaapp ooff m moorree tthhaann bbeeeenn ddiivveedd.. IIttwwaass ssaaiidd aatt tthhee ttiim mee tthhaatt tthhiiss ((ssuum
mpp 99)) ccoouulldd bbee
ffoouurr kkiilloom
meettrreess eexxiissttss aanndd ccoonnnneeccttiinngg tthheessee ttw
woo ccaavveess w
woouulldd ccoonnssiiddeerreedd tthhee m moosstt rreem moottee ppooiinntt yyeett rreeaacchheedd iinnssiiddee tthhee
mmaakkee tthhee HHuuaauuttllaassyysstteem m oovveerr 6644kkm m kkm m lloonngg.. eeaarrtthh..

Photo by Chris Jewell

“Exploration is really the
essence of the human spirit”
Frank Borman (commander of Apollo 8)

Photo by Jeff Wade

March 2011 March 2012
The team will head into the field and establish a camp in the The passages of the San Agustin entrance descend for over 800m
remote Santo Domingo Canyon near the Peña Colorada entrance. until the San Agustin sump is encountered. Requiring more than
Over 5 weeks they will pass the 6 sumps, cover more than 4.2km of 1.7km of rope, numerous camps and many days just to establish a
cave passage and establish two camps between the entrance and route down the cave, getting a team of divers here will require a huge
the final sump. amount of manpower and effort.

Based from the second underground camp the team will put divers Camping equipment and sufficient supplies for diving and climbing
in to the final sump. However the water is at the bottom of a 70m will then need to be dived through the sump. As the underwater
shaft, where there is no dry land, making this particularly difficult. section is over 400m long and 28m deep the entire team will use
The sump is known to be at least 50m deep and so rebreathers specially constructed lightweight rebreathers to pass the sump. The
with trimix to avoid nitrogen narcosis will need to be used. This team will then spend up to two weeks beyond the sump, diving sump
expedition represents an incredibly tough logistical challenge with 9 and scaling the waterfall found in 1994.
mixed gas decompression diving in a remote location several days
from the surface.
Past cave diving expeditions by this
Engagement and team have been generously supported
Support: by companies like Bauer Compressors,
Petzl and DiveLife.
Large caving and cave diving
expeditions like this do not take place For a full list of previous media coverage
without the generous support of please visit the expedition website:
sponsors. Our aim is to provide our
sponsors with high quality pictures,
video footage, quotes and media You can also watch videos about the
coverage. exploits of the cavers involved the in
Huautla project by visiting
Expedition members have featured in
articles in the national press as well as
diving and caving magazines. Members
have also given presentations at
national conferences and events.


Photo by Bill Stone

For more information visit
Or contact Chris Jewell

07970 923 959

Photo by Diane Arthurs

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