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Colegio La Sabiduría

1st Grade


 . Unit 1  What are my gifts, interests, talents and characteristics?  Value their unique characteristics, interests, gifts and talents
 How do my gifts, interests, talents and characteristics make me a unique  Appreciate feelings, ideas, stories and experiences shared by others
individual?  Value oral traditions of others
 How do culture and language contribute to my unique identity?
 Why is speaking English is important?
 How can we show respect and acceptance of people as they are?

 Unit 2  What different types of communities or groups do you belong to?  Appreciate how belonging to groups and communities enriches an
 What helps us to recognize different groups or communities (e.g., individual's identity
landmarks, symbols, colours, logos, clothing)?  appreciate multiple points of view, languages, cultures and experiences
 In what ways do we belong to more than one group or community at the within their groups and communities
same time?  Demonstrate respect for their individual rights and the rights of others
 In what ways do we benefit from belonging to groups and communities?  Recognize and respect how the needs of others may be different from
 What are our responsibilities and rights at home, at school, in groups and their own
in communities?
 Unit 3  In what ways do people cooperate in order to live together peacefully?  Demonstrate a willingness to share and cooperate with others
 How do groups make decisions?  Appreciate how their actions might affect other people and how the
 In what ways do people help one another at home, at school and in groups actions of others might affect them
to ensure the vitality of their community?  Demonstrate a willingness to resolve issues and/or problems peacefully
 How do our actions and decisions contribute to the well-being of groups  Assume responsibility for their individual choices and actions
and communities?
 How does caring for the natural environment contribute to the wellbeing
of our community?
 Unit 4  What are some familiar landmarks and places in my community?  Recognize how their families and communities might have been different
 Why are these landmarks and places significant features of the in the past than they are today
community?  Appreciate how the languages, traditions, celebrations and stories of their
 What are some differences between rural and urban communities? families, groups and communities contribute to their sense of identity and
 Where is my community on a map or on a globe? belonging
 Recognize how their ancestors contribute to their sense of identity within
their family and communities
 Appreciate people who have contributed to their communities over time

 Unit 5  English Cultural Environment  Learn about English Culture

 Celebrations  Appreciate many different customs and celebrations in the English Culture
 Greetings  Recognize activities that English people do in their tradition
 What special activities represent the English culture?
 What are some examples of traditions, celebrations and stories that
started in the past and continue today in their families and communities?
Colegio La Sabiduría
2nd Grade


 Unit 1  Characteristics of Communities  Locate their local community on a map of Colombia

 Natural Resources  Identify the defining characteristics of communities.
 Stories of the Past  Describe characteristics of their local communities. Examples: transportation, services,
 Culture and Heritage schools...
 Name natural resources in their local community.
 Give examples of ways in which the natural environment influences their communities.
 Relate stories of significant events and people in their local community’s past.
 Value personal connections to stories of their community’s past
 Identify cultural groups in their local communities.

 Unit 2  Personal Identity  Give examples of factors that shape who they are. Examples: language, family, community,
 Contributing to Our Communities traditions, gender, where they live...
 Leadership  Recognize that stories of their elders, groups, and communities help shape who they are.
 Diverse Peoples  Recognize that all members of communities have responsibilities and rights.
 Value the contributions of individuals to their communities.
 Identify leaders in their communities. Examples: mayor, reeve, chief, elders, community
 Give examples of ways in which they may demonstrate leadership.
 Be sensitive to others when taking on leadership roles.
 Recognize that many people came to Colombia from other parts of the world to establish

 Unit 3  Features of Colombian Communities  Identify common features of Colombian communities. Examples: transportation, services,
 Natural Resources schools...
 Work, Goods, and Products  Describe natural and constructed features of communities studied. Examples: landforms,
 Diversity and Change climate, waterways; buildings, bridges...
 Locate communities studied on a map of Colombia
 Give examples of natural resources in communities studied.
 Give examples of ways in which the natural environment shapes daily life in communities
 Explain the importance of conserving or restoring natural resources.
 Value oral history as a way to learn about the land.
 Give examples of goods produced in Colombian communities.
 Describe different types of work in Colombian communities studied.
 Appreciate that their quality of life is enhanced by the work and products of other Colombian
 Identify ways in which life in Colombian communities has changed over time.
 Appreciate the diversity of ways of life in Colombian communities.

 Unit 4  Colombian Symbols Historical Influences  Identify significant Colombian symbols, buildings, and monuments.
 Cultural Communities  Describe the origins of a variety of place names in Colombia.
 Colombian Diversity  Recognize that Aboriginal and other cultural communities are part of the Colombian
 Colombian Needs, Choices, and Decisions community.
 Global Connections  Value being a member of the Colombian community.
 1 Recognize the diversity that characterizes Colombia. Examples: cultural, linguistic,
geographic, artistic...
 Be willing to consider diverse points of view.
 Appreciate diverse artistic representations of the land.
 Give examples of needs common to all Colombians.
 Give examples of media influences on their choices and decisions.
 Locate Colombiaa on a world map or globe.
 Identify Colombia as one of many countries in the world.
 Give examples of connections linking Colombiaa to other countries. Examples: food,
immigration, media...
 Value Colombia’s global connections.
Colegio La Sabiduría
3rd Grade


 Unit 1  Colombian Citizenship  Recognize citizenship as membership in the Colombian community.

 Colombian National Anthem  Give examples of responsibilities and rights of Colombian citizens.
 Personal Identity  Be willing to contribute to their groups and communities.
 Leadership  Recite the words to Colombia’s national anthem
 Conflict Resolution  Identify factors that may influence their identities. Examples: culture and
language, time and place, groups and communities, arts and media...
 Give examples of formal and informal leadership and decision making in
groups and communities.
 Respect positive leadership in their groups and communities and in
 Respect the teachings of Elders, leaders, parents, and community
 Identify ways of resolving conflict in groups and communities.
 Identify ways to deal with bullying

 Unit 2  Mapping the World  Locate on a map or globe the equator and the Northern and Southern
 Community Connections hemispheres.
 Human Rights  Locate on a map or globe the continents and oceans.
 Personal Responsibilities  Identify maps, aerial photographs, and satellite images as representations
of the surface of the Earth.
 Describe countries as types of communities defined by borders.
 Describe similarities and connections between communities around the
 Be willing to accept differences among people, communities, and ways of
 Appreciate their connections to people and communities elsewhere in the
 Recognize that people around the world have basic human rights
 Identify organizations that support communities in all countries of the
world. Examples: United Nations and UNICEF.
 Identify ways in which community services can help people acquire their
basic human rights. Examples: ensure quality housing, education, security,
food and water...
 Respect the equality of all human beings.
 Explain the importance of fairness and sharing in groups and communities.
 Give examples of concerns common to communities around the world.
 Give examples of personal decisions and actions that may positively affect
people locally or globally. Examples: charitable donations and projects,
 Support fairness in social interactions

Unit 3  Locating World Communities  Locate communities or countries studied on a world map or globe.
 Living with the Land  Describe the influence of natural phenomena on ways of life in
 Resources communities studied. Examples: climate, vegetation, natural resources,
 World Communities landforms, floods, droughts, storms...
 Daily Life  Recognize that people have diverse ways of living on or with the land.
 Cultural Diversity  Value the land for what it provides for communities.
 Appreciate the sacredness of living on and with the land.
 Give examples of how the natural environment influences work, goods,
technologies, and trade in communities studied.
 Appreciate the diversity of the global natural environment.
 Describe diverse ways in which communities meet their members’ needs.
 Identify media influences on their perceptions of people and places
elsewhere in the world.
 Value the contributions individuals make to their communities.
 Describe characteristics of daily life in communities studied. Examples:
housing, tools, work, use of the land, recreation, education...
 Compare daily life in their own communities to life in communities studied.
 Express interest in the ways of life of diverse cultures and communities.
 Define the elements that constitute a culture. Include: ways of life,
language, art, clothing, beliefs.
 Give examples of cultural expression in communities studied. Examples:
language and stories, art, music and dance, architecture, traditions,
 Recognize the diversity of cultures and communities in the world.

 Unit 4  Daily Life in an Ancient Society  Describe characteristics of daily life in an ancient society. Examples: food,
 Cultural Expression in an Ancient Society clothing, shelter, work, social organization, families, education, religion,
 Contributions, Continuity, and Change celebrations, recreation...
 Express interest in and curiosity about people, events, and ways of life in
the past.
 Give examples of customs, stories, and traditions of an ancient society.
 Describe ways in which members of an ancient society expressed
themselves. Examples: art and architecture, music and dance, writing and
stories, religious practices...
 Recognize the continuity of cultures, traditions, and practices over time.
 Recognize that communities change over time.
 Give examples of the enduring contributions of an ancient society.
Examples: ideas, inventions, art and architecture, stories...
 Value the enduring contributions of societies of the past.
Colegio La Sabiduría
4th Grade


Unit 1  Mapping  Describe the relative locations of Manitoba and Colombia in the world
 Geographic Regions of Colombia using cardinal directions.
 Symbols, Monuments, and Important Days  Locate the oceans, major landforms, lakes, and waterways on a map of
 Canadian Citizenship Colombia.
 Locate the provinces, territories, and capital cities on a map of Colombia
 Locate the geographic regions on a map of Colombia.
 Describe characteristics of the geographic regions of Colombia.
 Appreciate Colombia’s vast and diverse geography.
 Describe Colombian and provincial or territorial symbols and monuments.
 Explain from a personal perspective what it means to be a citizen of
 Describe media influences on their perceptions of people and places in

 Unit 2  Public and Private Property  Use examples to distinguish between public and private property.
 Power and Authority  Respect public and private property.
 Government  Give examples of formal and informal power and authority in their lives.
 Elected Leaders Examples: rules, laws, student councils, bullying, gangs...
 Identify positive ways of dealing with conflict or the misuse of power and
 Be willing to contribute to their groups and communities.
 Respect the rights of others when using personal power or authority.
Examples: as a member of cooperative groups, patrols, class monitors,
conflict managers...
 Identify democratic ideals in Colombian society. Examples: equality,
freedom, citizen participation in government...
 Explain the purposes of government.
 Identify levels of government in Colombia and give examples of their
responsibilities. Include: municipal or local, provincial or territorial and
federal governments.
 Identify various ways in which governments help people meet their needs.
Examples: education, health care, sanitation...
 Identify elected government leaders in their local communities in

Unit 3  Geographic Features and Natural Resources in Colombia  Locate on a map and describe geographic features of Colombia. Examples:
 Cultural Communities in Colombia lakes and rivers, landforms, vegetation, forests, parks, cities and towns,
 Identity and Culture First Nations communities...
 Artistic and Cultural Achievements  Use traditional knowledge to describe and locate places in Colombia.
 Locate on a map and identify major natural resources in Colombia.
 Identify issues related to environmental stewardship and sustainability in
 Identify cultural communities in Colombia.
 Identify Aboriginal communities, cultures, and languages in Colombia.
 Describe the influence of various factors on their identities. Include:
culture, community, place, region.
 Understand the teachings of Elders about their culture and identity.
 Give examples of diverse artistic and cultural achievements of Colombians.

 Unit 4  People and Events That Shaped Colombia  Relate stories of people and events that shaped Colombia
 Historical Cultural Contributions  Give examples of the contributions of diverse ethnic and cultural
 Changes in Ways of Life communities to the history of Colombia
 Physical Features and Natural Resources  Describe ways in which life in Colombia has changed over time. Examples:
housing, food, hunting and fishing, clothing, recreation, languages,
education, agriculture, transportation...
 Appreciate the significance of Colombia’s history in their lives.
 Locate on a map and describe physical features of the Colombian territory
 Identify natural resources in the Colombian territory studied.
Colegio La Sabiduría
5th Grade


 Unit 1  

 Unit 2 

 Unit 3 
 Unit 4 - 

 Unit 5 - 

 Unit 6 - 

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