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Gender differences in episodic memory and visual

working memory including the effects of age

Franz Pauls, Franz Petermann & Anja Christina Lepach

To cite this article: Franz Pauls, Franz Petermann & Anja Christina Lepach (2013) Gender
differences in episodic memory and visual working memory including the effects of age, Memory,
21:7, 857-874, DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2013.765892

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Memory, 2013
Vol. 21, No. 7, 857874,

Gender differences in episodic memory and visual

working memory including the effects of age

Franz Pauls, Franz Petermann, and Anja Christina Lepach

Center of Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation, University of Bremen, Bremen,


Analysing the relationship between gender and memory, and examining the effects of age on the overall
memory-related functioning, are the ongoing goals of psychological research. The present study
examined gender and age group differences in episodic memory with respect to the type of task. In
addition, these subgroup differences were also analysed in visual working memory. A sample of 366
women and 330 men, aged between 16 and 69 years of age, participated in the current study. Results
indicate that women outperformed men on auditory memory tasks, whereas male adolescents and older
male adults showed higher level performances on visual episodic and visual working memory measures.
However, the size of gender-linked effects varied somewhat across age groups. Furthermore, results
partly support a declining performance on episodic memory and visual working memory measures with
increasing age. Although age-related losses in episodic memory could not be explained by a decreasing
verbal and visuospatial ability with age, women’s advantage in auditory episodic memory could be
explained by their advantage in verbal ability. Men’s higher level visual episodic memory performance
was found to result from their advantage in visuospatial ability. Finally, possible methodological,
biological, and cognitive explanations for the current findings are discussed.

Keywords: Age group differences; Episodic memory; Gender differences; Type of task; Visual working

The general ability to remember episodes of mance in certain ways. However, there is still
events in one’s past is not only important for limited research into whether one’s sex also
learning and personality development but also influences episodic and visual working memory,
plays a decisive role in appropriate social func- although gender differences have already been
tioning. Although there are several theories of reported for those two memory constructs (see
memory coexisting in different fields of psychol- Herlitz & Rehnman, 2008, for an overview).
ogy, almost all researchers agree that the concept
of memory can be subdivided into two broad
categories: long-term memory with certain sub-
systems including episodic memory (Schacter & EPISODIC MEMORY AND VERBAL
Tulving, 1994) and working memory. The latter ABILITY
comprises executive functioning and storage com-
ponents, one of those being the visuospatial As suggested by Tulving (2001), the ability to
sketchpad (Baddeley, 2000; Baddeley & Hitch, remember past events directly relates to one’s
1974). Numerous factors, among them age and cognitive capacity for recollecting individual ex-
education, are assumed to affect memory perfor- periences in terms of their content, location, and

Address correspondence to: Franz Pauls, University of Bremen, Center of Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation, Grazer Str. 6,
28359 Bremen, Germany. E-mail:

# 2013 Taylor & Francis


temporal occurrence. Recent studies have found seems to be generally accepted that age-related
gender differences in episodic memory tasks deficits in sensory perception, and a rapidly
favouring women, irrespective of whether verbal decreasing ability of encoding new information
or visual material had to be remembered (Bloise & due to working memory overload, contribute to
Johnson, 2007; Herlitz, Airaksinen, & Nordström, declines in speech production (Burke et al., 2000;
1999; Herlitz & Yonker, 2002; Lewin, Wolgers, & MacKay & James, 2004).
Herlitz, 2001). Herlitz, Nilsson, and Bäckman Although relatively few studies have examined
(1997) gave an overview of previous studies gender differences in visual episodic memory, it
reporting gender differences favouring women in seems clear that the pattern of differences is
a variety of episodic memory tasks. The size of distinct from that in auditory episodic memory.
gender-linked effects across different episodic Lewin, Wolgers, and Herlitz (2001) state that the
memory measures ranged from d0.05 to d  magnitude of a gender-specific advantage should
0.34 depending on whether newly acquired words, vary as a function of the extent to which tasks rely
faces, or names had to be recalled or recognised on visual processing versus the extent to which
during the following retrieval. As in many similar verbal processing can be utilised. Astur, Ortiz,
studies, effect size here was defined by the value and Sutherland (1998) as well as Postma,
of Cohen’s d, d (Mwomen  Mmen)/SDtotal, with Izendoorn, and De Haan (1998) found that men
a positive value of d indicating that women outperformed women in visual episodic memory
performed at a higher level than men and a tasks, whenever external verbal information and
negative value representing a higher level perfor- verbal processing was significantly reduced. Con-
mance of men compared to women. However, versely, in episodic memory tasks apparently
because women typically show higher level per- requiring visual processing, women might be
formance than men on tasks assessing verbal able to utilise their advantage in verbal ability if
ability (e.g., Sommer, Aleman, Bouma, & Kahn, visual information could easily be verbalised
2004), especially on verbal fluency (d 0.33; see (Voyer, Postma, Brake, & Imperator-McGinley,
Hyde & Linn, 1988, for an overview), it can be 2007).
assumed that gender differences in episodic
memory might, at least to some extent, depend
on the type of task. It therefore should not be
surprising if women also excel when asked to WORKING MEMORY AND
verbally recall events from the past due to their VISUOSPATIAL ABILITY
superior verbal ability. Herlitz et al. (1997) also
found a female advantage in tasks measuring In contrast to women’s verbal advantages, men
verbal ability, which remains through middle typically tend to outperform women in memory
and old age. However, there are some studies tasks measuring visuospatial ability (e.g., de Frias,
showing a decreasing female advantage in long- Nilsson, & Herlitz, 2006; Weiss, Kemmler,
term memory with age (e.g., Maitland, Herlitz, Deisenhammer, Fleischhacker, & Delazer, 2003).
Nyberg, Bäckman, & Nilsson, 2004). It remains to Other studies have also found similar gender
be clarified whether task-related gender differ- differences in visual working memory (e.g., Duff
ences in episodic memory are stable across & Hampson, 2001; Geiger & Litwiller, 2005). As
different age groups. concluded by Voyer, Voyer, and Bryden (1995),
Since analysing specific age-linked effects on the effect size for visuospatial ability widely
verbal ability has been a common goal in cogni- ranges from d  0.19 to d  0.56 (e.g., Heil
tive ageing research (Burke, MacKay, & James, & Jansen-Osmann, 2008). Similar heterogeneous
2000), there are many studies in this area suggest- effect sizes were found by Voyer et al. (1995), who
ing that age-related declines occur in a wide proposed to distinguish three specific categories
variety of tasks measuring verbal ability in terms of visuospatial ability including mental rotation
of verbal fluency. This includes everyday word with the largest gender difference (d  0.56; the
retrieval (Burke, MacKay, Worthley, & Wade, ability to rapidly rotate two or three dimensional
1991), producing isolated words under time pres- figures in mind), spatial perception with a mod-
sure (Schmitter-Edgecombe, Vesneski, & Jones, erate gender difference (d 0.44; the ability to
2000), and producing the spelling of familiar but determine an object’s location), and spatial visua-
irregularly spelled words (MacKay, Abrams, & lisation with the smallest gender difference (d 
Pedroza, 1999). Following current suggestions, it 0.19; the ability to manipulate complex spatial

information when several steps are required to groups. Gur et al. (1991) found a greater age-
create the correct solution). Within their meta- related decline in men’s brain volume compared
analysis, Voyer et al. (1995) found an average to women’s brain volume, suggesting that gender
effect size of d 0.37 for the overall gender differences in auditory episodic memory tasks
difference in visuospatial ability, indicating that could considerably increase with age. Some mag-
men performed at a substantially higher level netic resonance imaging studies have also found
than women on most visuospatial tasks. that, for at least some memory-related brain
Although similar gender differences have also structures, ageing effects might be more apparent
been found in relation to age from early child- in men than women (De Bellis et al., 2001; Sowell
hood to puberty (Davison & Susman, 2001; et al., 2007; Sullivan, Rosenbloom, Serventi, &
Moore & Johnson, 2008; Quinn & Liben, 2008), Pfefferbaum, 2004). Other studies, however, com-
there are only a few studies supporting the
pletely fail to find any age-by-gender interaction
stability of gender differences in young adulthood
(e.g., Lemaı̂tre et al., 2005; Salat et al., 2004).
and old age. De Frias et al. (2006), for example,
Findings of those interactions in brain volume and
found that gender-linked effects on visual work-
cortical structure are, to date, fragmentary and
ing memory remain stable over a long period of
time. Moreover, the magnitude of gender differ- inconsistent.
ence seems to be almost equal in middle-aged and Furthermore, it should be noted that most of
old adults. Nevertheless, future research should the previous psychometric-driven investigations
provide tangible proof for the existence of gender reporting effect sizes for either gender or age
differences in visual working memory favouring have mainly focused on the comparison between
males throughout the entire life span. isolated components of auditory episodic mem-
Despite studies supporting gender differences ory, such as word recall (Herlitz et al., 1997) or
in episodic memory and visual working memory, story recall (Zelinski, Gilewski, & Schaie, 1993).
several questions related to gender and age- This is also true of visual episodic memory, with
linked effects on both memory constructs still object or face recognition (Rehnman & Herlitz,
need to be addressed. On the one hand, further 2007), as well as on single aspects of visual
empirical evidence for possible subgroup differ- working memory, such as mental rotation (Silver-
ences in episodic memory is still needed. It is also man, Choi, & Peters, 2007). Utilising an instru-
important to determine whether such differences, ment that comprises subtests for more than one
if they exist, are related to the type of memory memory construct (with coherent tasks within
task. Accordingly, one should consider the possi- each single memory scale) would allow gender
bility that women’s higher level performance on and age differences in memory performance to be
most episodic memory tasks might only reflect an analysed on a much broader memory scale level.
advantage in verbal ability (e.g., Halpern, 1992; Finally, the present study addresses the follow-
Hyde & Linn, 1988) due to certain processing ing research questions: (1) Do adolescents, young
modes required (Halpern & Tan, 2001). Further- adults, and older adults show significant differ-
more, it is conceivable that men perform at a ences in episodic memory and visual working
higher level than women on visual episodic
memory performances due to their gender and
memory tasks as they typically outperform wo-
age? (2) If so, can these differences be generalised
men on tasks measuring visuospatial ability.
across auditory and visual episodic memory
Very little is currently known about how
measures? (3) Do possible gender differences
gender-specific advantages or disadvantages in
memory performance are related to age. There- remain stable in terms of magnitude and direction
fore, it is of interest to examine whether gender across adolescents, young adults, and older adults,
differences in memory are truly of equal magni- or do these differences vary across age groups?
tude across adolescence, early adulthood, and late (4) Can we consider possible gender-linked
adulthood, or whether the size of difference effects on memory functioning to be a result of
varies across these age groups. Although it still women’s advantage in verbal ability and men’s
seems to be rather difficult to directly map advantage in visuospatial ability? (5) Are age-
neuroanatomical and neuroimaging findings related declines in verbal or visuospatial ability
onto psychometric-driven data, research in these responsible for possible age group differences in
fields could at least provide some indication of episodic memory tasks including verbal or visual
varying gender-linked effects across certain age material?

METHODS participants in turn were represented in other age

subgroups. To obtain comparable age groups and
The present study was carried out as part of the to conduct analyses of variance, data from all nine
German standardisation and validation project of age subgroups were pooled into three age groups:
the Wechsler Memory Scale in its fourth edition
(WMS-IV; Petermann & Lepach, 2012; Wechsler, . 179 adolescents from 16 to 24 years of age
2009). For the current examination of gender and (M 18.78 years, SD 2.32) including 87
age group differences in memory, volunteers from men (M 18.72 years, SD 2.30) and 92
all over Germany were tested using the novel women (M 18.83 years, SD 2.36)
German version of the WMS-IV. Sample demo- . 176 young adults between 25 and 44 years of
graphics were adjusted to the 2011 German age (M 34.1 years, SD 6.17) including 103
Census results (see Petermann & Lepach, 2012, men (M 33.48 years, SD 6.02) and 73
for a detailed description). For the current women (M 34.99 years, SD 6.32)
investigation, the entire dataset was analysed . 341 older adults between 45 to 69 years of
before undergoing the adjustment and stratifica- age (M 58.98, SD 7.70) including 140
tion processes within the standardisation. men (M 58.59 years, SD 7.66) and 201
women (M 59.24 years, SD 7.74).

Within each single age group, age distributions

Subjects then turned out to be comparable for men and
A total of 696 healthy German adults (330 men,
366 women) between 16 and 69 years of age
participated in the present study. The sampling
procedure was conducted in order to obtain Materials and procedure
representative age and gender distributions for
The WMS-IV was selected to assess multiple
the following age groups and age subgroups as
domains of memory performance, including four
required for later standardisation and validation
auditory episodic memory, four visual episodic
memory, and two visual working memory subt-
ests. The memory testing was conducted by
. adolescents including 16- to 17-year-olds (31
trained examiners and each session took about
men, 35 women), 18- to 19-year-olds (31 men,
100 minutes on average. The entire set of 10
28 women), and 20- to 24-year-olds (25 men,
WMS-IV subtests used for further examinations is
29 women)
briefly described in the following (see Lepach &
. young adults including 25- to 29-year-olds (36
Petermann, 2012; Petermann & Lepach, 2012;
men, 18 women), 30- to 34-year-olds (24 men,
Wechsler, 2009, for a detailed description).
18 women), and 35- to 44-year-olds (43 men,
37 women)
. older adults including 45- to 54-year-olds (43
men, 61 women), 55- to 64-year-olds (47 men, Auditory episodic memory
54 women), and 65- to 69-year-olds (50 men, It is suggested that performance on auditory
86 women). episodic memory represent the ability to recall
conceptually organised and semantically related
Although it was intended that the sample verbal information. This was therefore assessed
would represent the German Census population using the following WMS-IV subtests.
proportions, this was not totally fulfilled in the
reported sample. Age distributions of woman and Logical memory I (LM I, immediate recall).
men were found not to be balanced within the age The LM I subtest assesses narrative memory
groups mentioned above. Hence, there were under a free recall condition. All examinees
significant age differences in gender distribution were read two thematically independent stories
as determined by several chi-square tests of (Story B and Story C) and were then asked to
homogeneity (pB.01). Significantly greater retell each story immediately after hearing it
proportions of female participants were found using as many details as possible. Each correct
within some age subgroups, whereas more male detail was awarded with one score point.

Logical memory II (LM II, delayed recall). For them in the grid in their correct location. The
assessing long-term narrative performance on LM scoring followed the same rules as already de-
II, examinees were asked to retell all that they scribed for DE II.
could remember from the same two stories
presented in LM I after a delay interval of 20 to Visual reproduction I (VR I, immediate recall).
30 minutes. The scoring procedure was the same VR I was chosen to assess memory for geometric
as for LM I. nonverbal designs. After one of a total of five
different geometric designs had been presented
Verbal paired associates I (VPA I, immediate for 10 s, examinees were asked to immediately
recall). VPA I was selected to measure immediate recall and reproduce the previously shown design
verbal learning of associated word pairs in a by drawing it from memory. Each item was scored
multitrial learning task. Examinees were asked according to standardised scoring criteria which
to recall novel and semantically related word consider presence and accuracy of various ele-
pairs. After an oral presentation of 14 word pairs, ments within every single design.
examinees were cued with the first word of each
pair to respond with the associated second word. Visual reproduction II (VR II, delayed recall).
One score point was given for each correctly The delayed condition in VR II assesses long-
recalled word. term memory for visuospatial information. This
subtest required examinees to recall those designs
Verbal paired associates II (VPA II, delayed presented in VR I after a 20 to 30 minute delay.
recall). VPA II provides a measure of long-term Items were scored on the basis of the same
cued recall for verbally paired information. Each standardised scoring criteria as in VR I.
examinee was asked again to recall the novel and
semantically related word pairs presented in VPA
I after a 20 to 30 minute delay. Again, each Visual working memory
examinee was given one score point for respond- Visual working memory subtests were origin-
ing with the correct second word of a single word ally designed to assess storage components of the
pair. visuospatial sketchpad as well as the ability to
mentally manipulate visually presented informa-
tion (Gathercole, 2007). Further executive func-
Visual episodic memory
tions, such as ignoring irrelevant information,
As a measure of memory for visual details and were also measured, particularly by the first of
spatial locations, performance on visual episodic the following WMS-IV subtests.
memory was assessed using four WMS-IV subt-
ests. Spatial addition (SA). The SA subtest is a visual
addition task based on a modified n-back para-
Designs I (DE I, immediate recall). The DE I digm and allows the examiner to assess visuospa-
subtest was used to assess spatial memory for tial storage and manipulation in working memory.
unfamiliar visual materials. After a 10 s presenta- Two pages with grids showing a different pattern
tion of 44 grids with four to eight designs, of coloured dots were presented in sequence.
examinees were asked to select the correct de- Examinees then had to add or subtract the
signs from a set of cards (including target and location of these dots by following a set of certain
distractor designs) and place them in the grid as rules, for instance, by placing a blue dot on a
previously presented. Each item was scored blank grid in the exact location where they had
separately for selecting the correct design (object seen the blue dots on either previous grid and a
recall) and for placing whichever of the designs in white dot in any location that blue dots had
the correct location (spatial perception). In addi- appeared on both previous grids. One score point
tion, two bonus points were given for each correct was awarded if all correct dots per item were
design in the correct location due to the correct placed in the correct location.
match of both criteria.
Symbol span (SSP). SSP was designed to assess
Designs II (DE II, delayed recall). Twenty to storage and manipulation of visual details in
thirty minutes after the entire set of 4 4 grids working memory. It involves visual sequencing
had been presented in DE I, examinees were by showing examinees a series of novel symbols
asked to select the correct designs and to place on a page. Afterwards, all examinees were shown

a different page with an array of symbols, includ- to the overall test performance, such as visual,
ing some from the previous page. Examinees had hearing or motor impairments, and language
to identify which symbols were shown to them comprehension, as well as several personal factors
previously by selecting the correct symbols in the specific to the testing session such as physical
correct order. For each item, examinees were illness, fatigue, lacks of interest and motivation,
given two points for responding with the correct and attention problems were inclusively recorded
symbols in their correct order and one point for for each examinee.
correct symbols not in order.
Although the WMS-IV was designed to sepa-
rately measure immediate memory in terms of RESULTS
short-term memory (LM I, VPA I, DE I, and
VR I) and delayed memory in terms of long-term First, it was ensured that possible gender and age
memory (LM II, VPA II, DE I, and VR II), factor group differences in test performance were not
analyses showed no structural separability of these confounded by widely varying educational back-
two constructs in the WMS-IV (Holdnack, Zhou, grounds and cognitive statuses. Results of the
Larrabee, Millis, & Salthouse, 2011; Wechsler, corresponding analyses were then examined in
2009) and in the previous test version (Millis, order to evaluate possible effects of gender and
Malina, Bowers, & Ricker, 1999; Price, Tulsky, age on test performance. The potential influence
Millis, & Weiss, 2002). This is despite the fact that of gender and age on each memory measure was
immediate and delayed recall distinctions have assessed, statistically controlling for gender and
already been proven to provide important infor- age differences in verbal fluency and spatial
mation for clinical diagnostics. However, from a perception.
psychometric viewpoint the WMS-IV is used to Performance on verbal fluency as a component
predominantly measure episodic long-term mem- of the BCSE was also used to indicate verbal
ory by the aforementioned subtests. For the ability. This task required examinees to generate
current investigation, we therefore assessed audi- as many colour names as possible within a time
tory episodic memory capacity by LM I, LM II, limit of 30 s. Figure 1 shows gender-specific
VPA I, and VPA II and visual episodic memory performance on the verbal fluency task across
capacity by DE I, DE II, VR I, and VR II to ensure adolescents, young adults, and older adults.
reliability and validity. In order to operationalise Performance on spatial perception was scored
visuospatial ability later on, spatial perception independently of object recall in DE I and DE II,
performances on DE I and DE II were scored in order to indicate individual levels of visuospa-
for examinees independent of their performances tial ability. Raw scores on spatial perception were
on object recall. Because merely recalling correct extracted from the total raw scores achieved on
objects in DE I und DE II might at least be DE I and DE II and summed for both subtests,
influenced by the general ability to encode those with an obtainable maximum score of 48. Figure 2
objects verbally, a spatial perception subscore was shows performance on spatial perception across
more likely to guaranteed that the visuospatial adolescents, young adults, and older adults.
measure remain unaffected by verbal ability. Table 1 gives an overview of the mean raw
As part of the WMS-IV testing session, all scores and standard errors for men and women, as
subjects additionally underwent the Brief Cogni- well as the effect size d (Rosenthal, 1991) for
tive Status Exam (BCSE), designed to screen for gender across the age groups. As recommended
global cognitive functioning. The BCSE quickly for unequal subgroup sample sizes, standard
evaluates significant cognitive impairments by deviations s in Cohen’s d were estimated in due
assessing temporal orientation, incidental recall consideration of the pooled variances (Hartung,
ability, mental control, visual perceptual proces- Knapp, & Sinha, 2008).
sing, inhibitory control, and verbal fluency (see Total raw scores on auditory episodic memory
Lepach & Petermann, 2012; Petermann & Lepach, were computed using the sum of all unweighted
2012; Wechsler, 2009, for a detailed description). scores achieved on LM I and LM II, each with an
Performance on verbal fluency, particularly the obtainable maximum score of 50, VPA I with an
production of isolated words under time pressure obtainable maximum score of 56, and VPA II with
(Schmitter-Edgecombe et al., 2000) was used to an obtainable maximum score of 14. Hence the
operationalise verbal ability later on. A set of maximum total raw score on auditory episodic
further factors that were supposed to contribute memory that could be achieved by each examinee

Figure 1. Means and standard errors for raw scores on verbal fluency across age groups.

was 170. Figure 3 shows mean raw scores for male was a maximum of 326. In Figure 4, mean raw
and female participants on auditory episodic scores are presented separately for male and
memory across the age groups. female participants on visual episodic memory
Total raw scores on visual episodic memory across the age groups.
represent the sum of all scores achieved on DE I For computing total raw scores on visual
and DE II, each with an obtainable maximum working memory, results on SA with a maximum
score of 120, as well as scores achieved on VR I obtainable score of 24, and those on SSP with an
and VR II, each with an obtainable maximum obtainable score of 50 were summed, thus result-
score of 43. The corresponding total raw score on ing in a total raw score of a maximum of 74 points.
visual episodic memory that could be achieved Corresponding mean raw scores for men and

Figure 2. Means and standard errors for raw scores on spatial perception across age groups.

Means, standard errors, and effect sizes for men and women across age groups

Men Women

WMS-IV scale Age group M SE M SE Effect sizee (d)

Auditory episodic memory 1624a 115.86 2.313 119.95 1.904 0.20

2544b 115.09 2.083 121.81 2.266 0.33*
4569c 103.16 1.900 108.58 1.602 0.24*
1669d 110.23 1.244 114.08 1.141 0.17*
Visual episodic memory 1624a 233.60 4.229 224.65 3.854 0.23*
2544b 224.63 3.718 222.86 3.917 0.05
4569c 195.55 3.115 189.84 2.748 0.15*
1669d 214.66 0.272 205.17 0.143 0.23*
Visual working memory 1624a 52.01 0.891 47.86 0.981 0.46**
2544b 46.83 0.919 46.04 0.893 0.09
4569c 39.69 0.815 36.87 0.715 0.28**
1669d 45.17 0.578 41.46 0.563 0.34**

Adolescents, byoung adults, colder adults, dpooled age groups. e, d (Mwomen  Mmen)/SD pooled. A positive value of d indicates
that women performed at a higher level than men and a negative value indicates that men performed at a higher level than women.
*p B.05, **p B.01.

women on visual working memory across adoles- effects of age group, Wilks’s l .855, F(8,
cents, young adults, and older adults are shown in 1374) 3.418, pB.01, and gender, Wilks’s l
Figure 5. .955, F(4, 687) 8.091, pB.01. However, the
age groupgender interaction was not signifi-
cant, confirming a multivariate main effect of
Analyses of variance gender independent of age and a main effect of
age independent of gender. In order to evaluate
A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) the individual effects of age group and gender on
was conducted on educational background, cog- each dependent variable, information from the
nitive status, verbal fluency, and spatial percep- univariate F-tests within the MANOVA was
tion, with age group and gender as independent additionally examined. For educational back-
variables. Multivariate tests indicated significant ground in terms of years of education, no main

Figure 3. Means and standard errors for raw scores on auditory episodic memory across age groups.

Figure 4. Means and standard errors for raw scores on visual episodic memory across age groups.

effects of age group and gender as well as no cognitive functioning across age groups and
interaction between those variables were found. gender. In contrast, results on verbal fluency
This implies that there was neither a difference in yielded main effects of age group, F(2, 690) 
quantitative educational background among the 7.461, p B.01, and gender, F(1, 690) 15.763,
age groups, nor did men’s mean educational level pB.01, whereas no significant age group gender
significantly differ from that of women. Despite interaction was found. Regarding spatial percep-
the fact that the error bars for young male and tion, main effects of age group, F(2, 690) 
young female adults did not overlap, the BCSE 52.970, pB.01, and gender, F(1, 690) 15.763,
data did not reveal significant main effects of pB.01, were found but, again, there was no
independent variables or an age groupgender significant interaction between those independent
interaction, thus confirming comparable levels of variables.

Figure 5. Means and standard errors for raw scores on visual working memory across age groups.

In addition to the MANOVA, further non- performed at a higher level than men on auditory
parametric tests were conducted in order to episodic memory subtests, F(1, 694) 5.199, pB
evaluate whether there were possible gender .05, this female advantage was found to vary in
differences in school graduation within each magnitude across the age groups. In this case,
single age group. Just as in the case of quantitative young female adults, F(1, 174) 4.626, p B.05,
educational background, chi-square statistics re- and older female adults, F(1, 339) 4.734, p B.05,
vealed no differences in qualitative educational both outperformed their male counterparts,
background among the age groups (p .05). whereas this gender difference was not significant
Although post hoc analyses showed that ado- for adolescents (Table 1). When comparing gen-
lescents and young adults both outperformed der-specific performances on visual episodic
older adults on verbal fluency as determined by memory subtests regardless of age, men signifi-
a Scheffé and a Bonferroni test (pB.05), no cantly outperformed women, F(1, 694) 4.734,
significant difference in verbal ability could be p B.05. In fact, this male advantage still remained
found between adolescents and young adults. for adolescents, F(1, 177) 4.453, p B.05, and
These data are consistent with previous research, older adults, F(1, 339) 4.103, pB.05, but was
indicating a salient female advantage in verbal not found to be significant for young adults. Men
ability as well as a verbal superiority of adoles- performed at a higher level than women on visual
cents and young adults over older adults. Con- working memory subtests when age groups were
cerning visuospatial ability, results indicated a pooled, F(1, 694) 9.223, pB.01. Similarly, male
male advantage in spatial perception, as was adolescents outperformed female adolescents,
suggested. As in the case of verbal fluency, post F(1, 177) 9.751, p B.01, and older male adults
hoc analyses again showed that adolescents and outperformed older female adults, F(1, 339) 
young adults both outperformed older adults on 6.622, p B.01. The performance of young male
spatial perception (p B.01), whereas no signifi- adults did not significantly differ from those of
cant difference in performance was found be- young female adults. Finally, it should be noted
tween adolescents and young adults. that although men tended to perform at a higher
A second MANOVA was conducted on the level than women on visual episodic memory and
episodic memory and visual working memory visual working memory subtests, effect sizes were
measures, with age group and gender as indepen- not found to be of exactly the same magnitude
dent variables. The analysis yielded significant across the age groups. Particularly for young
multivariate effects of age group, Wilks’s l.752, adults, analyses of both types of visual memory
F(6, 1376) 35.171, p B.01, and gender, Wilks’s performance could not confirm any relevant gen-
l.938, F(3, 688) 15.066, p B.01. The age der-linked effect at all. Different tests of hetero-
groupgender interaction was not significant. geneity, namely Cochran’s Q-tests, I2-statistics, and
As determined by Scheffé and Bonferroni tests, z-value statistics contrasting gender-linked effect
post hoc analyses indicated that adolescents (p B sizes between adolescents, young adults, and older
.01) and young adults (pB.01) both outperformed adults did not indicate any significant differences
older adults on auditory episodic memory subt- in both episodic memory measures. For visual
ests. Furthermore, adolescents (p B.01) and working memory, however, analyses of gender-
young adults (p B.01) showed a higher level linked effects at least showed a moderate level of
performance than older adults on tasks measuring heterogeneity (see Higgins & Thompson, 2002, for
visual episodic memory. In both of these cases an overview) between the age groups, Q(2) 
there was no significant difference between ado- 3.406, p.18; I2 41.3, with the largest hetero-
lescents and young adults. Similar results also geneity of gender differences between adolescents
supported adolescents’ and young adults’ advan- and young adults, z1.823, p .034.
tage over older adults in visual working memory,
but in contrast to the other memory measures,
there was also a significant age group difference Regression analyses (first series)
favouring adolescents over young adults (pB.01).
Additional information obtained from several Bearing in mind that significant age group and
F-tests in univariate ANOVAs was used to gender differences were found in verbal fluency, it
evaluate gender differences for each specific age was deemed necessary to determine whether these
group in both the episodic memory and the visual differences would also remain in episodic memory
working memory. Although women generally and visual working memory after statistical

control of verbal ability. For this purpose, a series auditory episodic memory could be sufficiently
of hierarchical regression analyses was conducted explained by the mere presence of gender differ-
in order to evaluate the relative influence of age, ences in verbal ability.
gender, and verbal fluency on the episodic mem- A difference was also found between age
ory and visual working memory measures. groups in verbal ability. As such, age was entered
As shown in Table 2, two regression analyses first as a predictor in the regression equation
(Block 1 and Block 2) were computed for each of followed by verbal fluency within the first block
the three different models within every single of Model 2. To statistically control for verbal
memory scale. In the first block of Model 1, ability, verbal fluency was then entered first
gender was entered first in the regression equa- followed by age in the second block of the model.
tions followed by verbal fluency. In the second As Model 2 in Table 2 shows, the effect of age was
block, gender was entered when verbal fluency reliable across all memory scales, irrespective of
was statistically controlled. The effects of gender whether age was entered first in auditory episodic
were found to be reliable for visual episodic memory, DF(1, 694) 45.421, pB.01, visual epi-
memory, DF(1, 694) 9.223, p B.01, and visual sodic memory, DF(1, 694) 131.487, pB.01, and
working memory, DF(1, 694) 21.019, p B.01, visual working memory, DF(1, 694) 196.588,
when entered first. Those gender-linked effects pB.01, or right after the effect of verbal fluency
even remained significant when verbal fluency had already been taken into consideration for
was statistically controlled in visual episodic auditory episodic memory, DF(1, 693) 38.810,
memory, DF(1, 693) 14.092, p B.01, and in pB.01, visual episodic memory, DF(1, 693) 
visual working memory, DF(1, 693) 31.236, 122.215, p B.01, and visual working memory,
p B.01. Although there was also a gender-linked DF(1, 693) 184.193, p B.01. As indicated by
effect on auditory episodic memory when gender the first block of Model 3 in Table 2, significant
was entered first followed by verbal fluency in the age-linked effects even remained when gender
regression equation, DF(1, 694) 5.199, p B.05, and verbal fluency were entered first in auditory
this effect was not significant as soon as verbal episodic memory, DF(1, 692) 42.446, pB.01,
fluency instead was entered first. Consequently, visual episodic memory, DF(1, 692) 113.967,
results indicate that the gender-related variance in pB.01, and visual working memory, DF(1,

Hierarchical regression analyses for all WMS-IV memory scales, with age, gender, and verbal fluency as predictors

Block 1 Block 2
2 2 c
WMS-IV scale Model Predictor b Cum. R DR p(DF) Predictor b Cum. R2 DR2 c

Auditory episodic memory 1 Gender .060 .007 .007* .023 VFa .194 .041 .041** .000
VFa .194 .045 .037** .000 Gender .060 .045 .004 .109
2 Ageb .227 .061 .061** .000 VFa .176 .041 .041** .000
VFa .176 .092 .030** .000 Ageb .227 .092 .051** .000
3 Gender .090 .007 .007* .023 Ageb .239 .061 .061** .000
VFa .162 .045 .037** .000 VFa .162 .097 .036** .000
Ageb .239 .100 .055** .000 Gender .090 .100 .003 .114
Visual episodic memory 1 Gender .140 .013 .013** .002 VFa .192 .030 .030** .000
VFa .192 .049 .036** .000 Gender .140 .049 .019** .000
2 Ageb .384 .159 .159** .000 VFa .128 .030 .030** .000
VFa .128 .175 .016** .000 Ageb .384 .175 .145** .000
3 Gender .093 .013 .013** .002 Ageb .372 .159 .159** .000
VFa .141 .049 .036** .000 VFa .141 .175 .016** .000
Ageb .372 .184 .134** .000 Gender .093 .184 .008** .008
Visual working memory 1 Gender .205 .029 .029** .000 VFa .246 .048 .048** .000
VFa .246 .089 .059** .000 Gender .205 .089 .041** .000
2 Ageb .450 .221 .221** .000 VFa .165 .048 .048** .000
VFa .165 .248 .027** .000 Ageb .450 .248 .200** .000
3 Gender .150 .029 .029** .000 Ageb .431 .221 .221** .000
VFa .187 .089 .059** .000 VFa .187 .245 .027** .000
Ageb .431 .269 .181** .000 Gender .150 .266 .022** .000

Verbal fluency, bpooled age groups, cchange in R2. *p B.05, **pB.01.

693) 170.946, p B.01. By additionally comput- were found to be reliable for auditory episodic
ing a second block of Model 3, it was confirmed memory, visual episodic memory, and visual
that a significant effect of gender still remained working memory when entered first. These gen-
when age and verbal fluency were simultaneously der-linked effects still remained significant after
controlled in visual episodic memory, DF(1, spatial perception was statistically controlled in
692) 7.071, p B.01, and visual working memory, auditory episodic memory, DF(1, 693) 18.607,
DF(1, 692) 20.474, pB.01. Similar to the first p B.01, and in visual working memory, DF(1,
model, gender as a single predictor again could 693) 5.975, pB.05. In contrast, a significant
not explain sufficiently enough variance in audi- effect of gender disappeared in visual episodic
tory episodic memory. memory as soon as spatial perception was con-
trolled. Current results confirm that the gender-
related variance in visual episodic memory could
Regression analyses (second series) be sufficiently explained by gender differences in
visuospatial ability.
Since considerable age group and gender differ- As in the case of the first series of regression
ences were also found in visuospatial ability, a analyses, the effect of age was found to be reliable
second series of hierarchical regression analyses across all memory scales, irrespective of whether
was conducted in order to determine whether age was entered first in the regression equations
those subgroup differences would remain after or after the effect of spatial perception had been
statistically controlling for spatial perception taken into account for auditory episodic memory,
(Table 3). Again, two regression analyses (Block DF(1, 693) 12.223, pB.01, visual episodic mem-
1 and Block 2) were computed for each of the ory, DF(1, 693) 24.456, p B.01, and visual work-
three different models within every single mem- ing memory, DF(1, 693) 91.808, p B.01.
ory scale. In the first block of Model 1, gender was Moreover, significant age-linked effects still re-
entered first followed by spatial perception, mained after gender and spatial perception had
whereas in the second block, both predictors been entered first in the regression equation for
were entered in reverse order. As in the first auditory episodic memory, DF(1, 692) 14.261,
series of regression analyses, the effects of gender p B.01, visual episodic memory, DF(1, 692) 

Hierarchical regression analyses for all WMS-IV memory scales, with age, gender, and spatial perception as predictors

Block 1 Block 2
2 2 c
WMS-IV Scale Model Predictor b Cum. R DR p(DF) Predictor b Cum. R2 DR2 c

Auditory episodic memory 1 Gender .153 .007 .007* .023 SPa .393 .135 .135** .000
SPa .393 .157 .150** .000 Gender .153 .157 .023** .000
2 Ageb .131 .061 .061** .000 SPa .319 .135 .135** .000
SPa .319 .150 .088** .000 Ageb .131 .150 .015** .001
3 Gender .159 .007 .007* .023 Ageb .140 .061 .061** .000
SPa .343 .157 .150** .000 SPa .343 .150 .088** .000
Ageb .140 .174 .017** .000 Gender .159 .174 .025** .000
Visual episodic memory 1 Gender .028 .013 .013** .002 SPa .842 .701 .701** .000
SPa .842 .702 .689** .000 Gender .028 .702 .001 .189
2 Ageb .108 .159 .159** .000 SPa .798 .701 .701** .000
SPa .798 .711 .552** .000 Ageb .108 .711 .010** .000
3 Gender .033 .013 .013** .002 Ageb .110 .159 .159** .000
SPa .803 .702 .689** .000 SPa .803 .711 .552** .000
Ageb .110 .712 .011** .000 Gender .033 .712 .001 .111
Visual working memory 1 Gender .077 .029 .029** .000 SPa .560 .328 .328** .000
SPa .560 .334 .305** .000 Gender .077 .334 .006* .015
2 Ageb .301 .221 .221** .000 SPa .463 .328 .328** .000
SPa .463 .407 .186** .000 Ageb .301 .407 .079** .000
3 Gender .062 .029 .029** .000 Ageb .298 .221 .221** .000
SPa .454 .334 .305** .000 SPa .454 .407 .186** .000
Ageb .298 .411 .077** .000 Gender .062 .411 .004* .036

Spatial perception, bpooled age groups, cchange in R2. *p B.05, **p B.01.

25.271, pB.01, and visual working memory, DF(1, McKelvie, Standing, St. Jean, & Law, 1993;
692) 89.933, pB.01. As shown by the second West, Crook, & Barron, 1992). Accordingly, one
block of Model 3, a significant gender-linked could argue that the information and themes to be
effect even remained after age and spatial percep- remembered in certain auditory episodic memory
tion were both controlled in auditory episodic tasks, such as being a responsible mother and
memory, DF(1, 692) 20.654, pB.01, and visual taking good care of the own children (in Story B
working memory, DF(1, 692) 4.415, p B.05. of LM I and LM II), tapped the specific interests
Similar to the first model, gender again could of young female adults to a greater extent than
not explain sufficiently enough variance in visual those of female adolescents and older female
episodic memory when the effects of age and adults. Differences in memory performance could
spatial perception had already been taken into be caused by the mere thematic content of
account. verbally presented memory tasks favouring one
age group over another. Furthermore, it is con-
ceivable that performance on such tasks could be
DISCUSSION substantially influenced by prior semantic knowl-
edge, so that particular themes might be more
The main research questions of the present study accessible to participants of a particular age or
addressed whether there are task-related gender gender. Assuming that semantic knowledge in-
differences in episodic memory and visual work- creases from childhood to adulthood while access
ing memory performances and whether these to it decreases with age (Bjorklund, 1987), slightly
differences remain stable across different age higher performances of young female adults
groups. Although currently conducted analyses compared to female adolescents might thus re-
confirmed that there were reliable differences flect their advanced knowledge or an increased
between men and women in all memory mea- utilisation of familiar semantic elements (Addis,
sures, the direction of those gender-linked effects Wong, & Schacter, 2008; Levine, Svoboda, Hay,
was found to be strongly depending on the type of Winocur, & Moscovitch, 2002). Lower-level per-
memory measure. Furthermore, these effects formances of older female adults in auditory
slightly differed in magnitude across the age episodic memory compared to female adolescents
groups. could on the other hand stem from a generally
Initially, we intended to clarify the question of decreasing retrieval ability with age.
whether adolescents, young adults, and older Since various researchers have suggested pos-
adults between 16 and 69 years of age show sible biological explanations, women’s cognitive
significantly different levels of performance in performance across different age groups could
episodic memory and visual working memory also vary as a function of hormonal balance and
measures due to their gender. In general, our menstrual cycle phase (Hausmann, Slabbekoorn,
findings strongly suggest that gender influences Van Goozen, Cohen-Kettenis, & Güntürkün,
performance on episodic memory subtests. Wo- 2000; McEwen, 2002; Saucier & Kimura, 1998).
men tended to outperform men on tasks that It can be hypothesised that middle-aged women
required remembering verbally encoded items, in particular tend to perform at a higher level on
whereas men showed higher level performances memory tasks, just when oestrogen levels are at
on subtests measuring visuospatial processing. the highest level in the lifespan. Nevertheless, it
When comparing specific age groups, data re- should also be noted that such hormonal effects
vealed that young female and older female adults have not been found in most studies reporting a
clearly outperformed their male contemporaries comparable pattern of data (Epting & Overman,
on auditory episodic memory. Although not of 1998; Maki, Rich, & Rosenbaum, 2002; Postma,
significant heterogeneity, the smallest female Winkel, Tuiten, & van Honk, 1999). In the present
advantage was found for adolescents (d0.20) study, slight but not statistically significant ad-
and the biggest female advantage was found for vantages of young female adults over the other
young adults (d0.33). From a methodological age groups were at best found in auditory episodic
perspective, slight age group differences here memory but not in other memory scales.
could be interpreted as reflecting specific interests The menopausal transition of ageing women
or differential familiarity for different kinds of may also be associated with age-related declines
material. This has already been discussed for in cognitive performance. However, numerous
gender differences in previous studies (e.g., studies have failed to find a general negative

influence of the menopausal transition on cogni- sise the relevance of gender-specific environ-
tive functioning, or have reported that those ments, as well as biological assumptions
effects completely disappear, as soon as the referring to gender differences in brain organisa-
effects of age and education are statistically tion and morphology, have already been discussed
controlled (Fuh, Wang, Lee, Lu, & Juang, 2006; elsewhere (Andreano & Cahill, 2009; Bloise &
Fuh, Wang, Lu, Juang, & Lee, 2003; Herlitz, Johnson, 2007; Herlitz & Lovén, 2009; Herlitz &
Thilers, & Habib, 2007; Meyer et al., 2003). Since Rehnman, 2008). It is noteworthy that the ab-
no definite conclusions regarding hormonal ef- sence of a significant difference in performance
fects can be drawn yet, the role of hormones and between young male and female adults in tasks
sex chromosomes for cognitive performance on measuring visual working memory is inconsistent
memory measures is rather speculative at present with previous results (e.g., de Frias et al., 2006).
but provides a worthwhile focus for future re- This should be clarified by further investigations.
search (e.g., Skuse, 2005). Furthermore, the question of why performance
Further on, a contrary gender-linked effect was on visual working memory measures in general
found for visual episodic memory in terms of a tended to continuously decline from the youngest
men’s advantage over women. Although this was age group to the oldest, whereas performance on
proven to be true for adolescents and older adults, both episodic memory measures significantly
unexpectedly, young male adults and young declined only between young adults and older
female adults both performed at an equally high adults in the current study, still remains to be
level. Additionally, a similar age-related phenom- addressed. Similar to the performances on both
enon was also found for men’s advantage in visual episodic memory measures, age-related declines
working memory. Despite the fact that gender in verbal and visuospatial ability were also found
differences here turned out to be the biggest in to be significant between older adults and the
magnitude compared to all other memory mea- other age groups, but not between adolescents
sures, a salient male advantage in visual working and young adults. Different rates of age-related
memory was indeed only found for adolescents declines in episodic memory performances across
and older adults but not for young adults. There age groups could at least be considered as a result
were no significant gender differences on the of those patterns of declining performances found
BCSE across the age groups and no clear indica- in verbal fluency and spatial perception. Finally,
tion was therefore given to prove for confounding possible reasons and explanations for such vary-
effects. One could conclude that young female ing patterns of age-related declines are yet to be
adults generally performed almost as well as their determined, and ideally would be addressed by
male counterparts in both the visual episodic and longitudinal studies in the field of developmental
visual working memory measure, as their cogni- psychology.
tive statuses tended to be higher than those of Since there remains a widespread misconcep-
young male adults. Gender differences in cogni- tion in psychology and neuroscience that gender
tive functioning which slightly favoured women differences are generally small and therefore
turned out to be the biggest for young adults unimportant (e.g., Cahill, 2006), we should briefly
compared to the other age groups. It is concei- discuss this viewpoint. In fact, because effect sizes
vable, therefore, that overall cognitive status in the present study ranged from d 0.17 to
might compensate for the lower visual memory 0.33, indicating a female advantage, and from
capacity of young female adults compared to their d  0.05 to d 0.46, indicating a male advan-
male counterparts. Generally, future studies tage, almost all of them, although mostly signifi-
should provide more detailed measures of cogni- cant, were small in terms of actual numbers (see
tive functioning and health status to help deter- Cohen, 1988, for an overview). Nonetheless, it is
mine whether elderly male and female subjects well known in neuroscience that the sizes of
actually differ from their younger counterparts. gender-linked effects may range from the trivial
In summary, the current findings support the to the large, depending on the specific tasks being
hypothesis that women’s advantage in auditory utilised. However, it could be argued that these
episodic memory and men’s higher level perfor- gender differences are still too small to elicit future
mance on tasks measuring visual episodic and research interest, but in any case, we believe that
visual working memory are both rather consistent they cannot a priori be considered unimportant.
in direction across different age groups. Several Since previous research has already substantiated
psychosocial explanations of this, which empha- a consistent pattern of gender-linked effects in

numerous memory measures, most effect sizes in and verbal ability both had been taken into
the present study are at least comparable to those account.
typically obtained on memory tasks with compar- We also addressed the question of whether a
able levels of complexity (e.g., Hyde & Linn, male advantage in visual episodic and visual
1988; Linn & Petersen, 1986). It should be working memory could be explained by men’s
mentioned that there are also studies which advantage in visuospatial ability. As in the case of
report even larger gender-linked effects favouring verbal fluency, regression analyses showed that
men on visual working memory measures (e.g., spatial perception significantly contributed to the
d  0.65; Kaufman, 2007). variance across all memory measures. Results
Considering that women performed at a higher presented in Table 3 indicate that gender-linked
level than men on auditory episodic memory effects were eliminated, but only in visual episo-
measures, we also suggest that women’s higher dic memory as soon as spatial perception was
verbal ability might contribute to their advantage statistically controlled. At first glance, it should be
in those memory subtests that include verbally surprising that a male advantage in spatial per-
encoded items. Results from the regression ana- ception could not fully explain their higher level
lyses indicated that verbal ability in fact signifi- performance on visual working memory mea-
cantly contributed to the variance across both sures. Considering that the chosen spatial percep-
episodic memory and visual working memory tion task required the ability to remember an
measures. However, statistical control of verbal object’s correct location without demanding any
fluency virtually eliminated the variance ac- mental manipulation, however, we believe that
counted for by gender in auditory episodic there are just more complex executive processes
memory, whereas gender differences in verbal involved in solving visual working memory tasks.
fluency did not significantly contribute to gender- These could sufficiently explain gender-linked
linked effects in any other memory scale. Wo- effects here. In this context, it should be noted
men’s advantage in verbal ability was therefore that the entire conceptualisation of spatial per-
confirmed to be the main reason for gender ception and its actual operationalisation could be
differences in auditory episodic memory due to called into question. Given that the actual visuos-
the inclusion of verbally encoded items. Further- patial subscore is based on a memory task (DE I
more, gender-linked effects remained significant and DE II), this spatial perception measure is
even when verbal fluency was statistically con- suggested to be confounded with memory-related
trolled in visual episodic memory and visual processes due to visuospatial memory (e.g., Della
working memory, thus indicating a male advan- Sala, Gray, Baddeley, Allamano, & Wilson, 1999).
tage in both types of visual memory measure. Nevertheless, the current visuospatial measure is
Hence, the extent to which verbal ability might still thought to mainly indicate the ability to
enhance women’s performance on visually en- determine an object’s location as spatial percep-
coded items of the WMS-IV, although signifi- tion was originally defined (Voyer et al., 1995).
cantly contributing to the variance across both As the present study was carried out as part of
visual episodic memory and visual working mem- the German standardisation and validation pro-
ory, is proved to be too small to substantially ject of the WMS-IV, thus being restricted by those
influence gender-linked effects in direction. Gi- subtests available, several methodological limita-
ven that age-related declines were proven to tions should also be considered. Generally, the
occur in verbal ability in terms of decreasing mere use of a single test battery like the WMS-IV
performances on verbal fluency with age, we also bears the risk of severely limiting the precision of
addressed the question of whether these age the conclusions that one is able to make about
differences were responsible for the age-linked underlying subgroup-specific effects on memory.
effects in certain memory measures. Regression It should be noted that the contents of the
analyses disclosed that the variance accounted for auditory and visual episodic memory tasks of
by age was not eliminated by controlling statisti- the WMS-IV are not directly comparable across
cally for verbal fluency in any memory scale. This both memory constructs. Thus, current findings do
indicates that the age-related declines in verbal not allow the determination of whether it is only
ability could not fully explain age differences in the auditory versus visual aspect of episodic
auditory and visual episodic memory or in visual memory that is exclusively responsible for the
working memory. Moreover, age also had a gender-linked effects. In order to answer such a
significant effect on memory, even after gender question, the memory tasks to be used should be

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