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CỦA NHÓM 3 Tax Management
Yêu cầu bài:

You should use linked list to store data for taxpayers in a company. You should create
a linked list from scratch, do not use list structures available in java Data like ArrayList,
Vector or LinkedList classes. The items for a taxpayer are:

1. The code of the taxpayer (this should be unique for the taxpayer).
2. The name of the taxpayer.
3. The income earned by the taxpayer (should be positive).
4. The deduction amount (should be non-negative and less than income).
5. The tax to pay (calculated from income and deduction).

(taxable income of 5000 USD or less attracts tax at 5%, taxable income of more than
5000 USD and not more than 10000 USD attracts tax at 10%, taxable income of more
than 10000 USD attracts tax at 15%. )

Sau đây là thành viên nhóm và phân công công việc của nhóm:

STT Mã SV Họ tên Ví trị công tác Nội dung công việc

1. HE130059 Nguyễn Minh Trưởng nhóm - Display data
Quang - Input and add to end
- Input and add to begin
- Viết báo cáo
- Test lại bài
2. HE130022 Phạm Quang Huy Trưởng ban - Hoàn thành Khung sườn code
chuyên môn - Tạo linked list data structure
- Add after position
- Delete position
- Test lại bài
3. HE130088 Hoàng Đức Phong Trưởng ban Load data from file
Hậu cần Save data to file
- Test lại bài
4. HE130069 Nguyễn Quang Huy Trưởng ban Search by code
truyền thông Delete by code
Sort by code
- Test lại bài

Thời gian thực hiện: 27/01/2019 – 13/02/2019

Kết quả bài: Write a Java program that calculates the income tax by using linked list
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