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HOW CAN MATHEMATICS IMPROVE ONCE Mathematics helps the man to give exact

LIVING? interpretation to his ideas and conclusions. It is the

numerical and calculation part of man’s life and
Roger Bacon (1214-1294), an English Franciscan knowledge. It plays a predominant role in our everyday
friar, philosopher, scientist and scholar of the 13th life and it has become an indispensable factor for the
century, once stated: "Neglect of mathematics works injury progress of our present day world.
to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know Even nature also embraces mathematics completely. We
the other sciences or the things of the world." see so much of symmetry-around us and have a deep
sense of awareness and appreciation of patterns.
What is mathematics?
Observe any natural thing and find out
What is mathematics?’ The answer to this symmetry or pattern in it. Change of day into night,
question is of course complex; there are elaborate summer into winter etc. In plants there are innumerable
elucidations, some excellent, on the subject but examples of symmetry, shapes, patterns, etc. Such
inevitably, even the best accounts give incomplete examples exist in animals, in objects, in pictures and
answers. other things. The sun rises and sets at specified moment.
Mathematics is a branch of science, which deals The stars appear at fixed time.
with numbers and their operations. It involves Mathematics runs in the veins of natural
calculation, computation, solving of problems etc. Its sciences like Physics and Astronomy. This subject is
dictionary meaning states that, ‘Mathematics is the inextricably incorporated with world and the natural
science of numbers and space’ or ‘Mathematics is the phenomena. Importance of mathematics can be
science of measurement, quantity and magnitude’. It is understood by the definition given by Galileo. He
exact, precise, systematic and a logical subject. defined mathematics as ‘a language in which God has
But for me the definition of Mathematics reveals written the world’.
hidden patterns that help us to understand the world
around us. Now, much more than arithmetic and Mathematics for Life:
geometry, mathematics today is a diverse discipline that Knowing mathematics can be personally satisfying and
deals with data, measurements and observations from empowering. The underpinnings of everyday life are
science, with inference, deduction, and proof; and with increasingly mathematical and technological. For
mathematical models of natural phenomena, of human instance, making purchasing decisions, choosing
behavior, and of social systems. insurance or health plans, and voting knowledgeably all
It may also be defined as, ‘Mathematics is the call for quantitative sophistication.
study of quantity, structure, space and change; it has
historically developed, through the use of abstraction Role of Mathematics in Social Development
and logical reasoning, from counting, calculation, Man is a social animal and human life depends
measurement, and the study of the shapes and motions upon the co-operation of each other. Group work helps
of physical objects. social skills. The ability to work together on tasks with
others can build various social skills. In order to live a
Importance of mathematics social life, mathematical knowledge is needed, because
The literal meaning of mathematics is “things of the give and take process, business and industry
which can be counted” now you can think that counting depends upon the knowledge of mathematics. The
has vital role in our daily life; just imagine that there change in the social structure with regards to the
were no mathematics at all, how would it be possible for modern facilities like mode of transport, means of
us to count members of the family, number of students communication and progress in the field of science and
in the class, rupees in the pocket, runs in a cricket match, technology is due to mathematics only. In this way
days in a week or in a months or years? On a basic level mathematics has played an important role in not only
you need to be able to count, add, subtract, multiply, understanding the progress of society but also to
and divide. develop the society.
At a psychological level, exposure to Role of Mathematics in Intellectual Development
mathematics helps in developing an analytic mind and Mathematics teaching is very important for
assists in better organization of ideas and accurate intellectual developments there is no other subject in the
expression of thoughts. At a more general level, far curriculum likes mathematics which make students
away from dealing with the higher mathematical brain active. Problem solving helps in the development
concepts, the importance of mathematics for a common of mental faculties. Mental work is needed to solve
man underpinned. A common man is being increasingly mathematical problems. If a child, has a mathematical
dependent upon the application of science and problem her/his brain becomes active in solving that
technology in the day-to-day activities of life, the role of problem. Each problem of mathematics posses such
mathematics has undoubtedly been redefined. sequence which is necessary for constructive and
Mathematics is around us. It is present in creative process. In this way, all-mental abilities of child
different forms; Right from getting up in early hours of are developed through mathematics. Moreover,
the day to the ringing of an alarm, reading time on a mathematics makes the man very calculating so that
watch, rounding a date on a calendar, picking up the she/he cans economies time, money, speech, thought
phone, preparing a recipe in the kitchen, to wait for the etc. It develops a strong will power, patience and self-
counts of whistles of the cooker, manage the money, reliance. It, also develop the faculty of discovery and
travel to some place, to exchange currency at a ticket invention.
outlet while availing a public conveyance or checking up
the mileage of your car, halting at the filling station, Role of Mathematics in Vocational Development
attending to a roll call at school, getting scores in the The main aim of education is to help the
class exams, even meet new friends the list is just children to earn their living and to make them self
endless if one goes on to note down the situations when independent. To achieve this aim mathematics is the
our computational skill, or more specifically, simple most important subject than any other. It helps to
mathematics comes to play a role, almost every next prepare students for technical and other vocations
moment we do the simple calculations at the back of our where mathematics is applied e.g. engineering,
mind. Of course these are all done pretty unconsciously architecture, accountancy, banking, business, even the
without a thought being spared for the use of agriculture, tailoring, carpentry, surveying, and the
mathematics on all such occasions. office work requires the knowledge of mathematics.
Without math, you may not have enough food (or have
Role of Mathematics in Moral Development too much food) to feed your guests…
Morality is the important phase of life, which is Math helps us have better problem-solving
most, affected by time, person, situation and place. As a skills. Math helps us think analytically and have better
subject, mathematics can added to students moral reasoning abilities. Analytical thinking refers to the
development since mathematical knowledge is helpful ability to think critically about the world around us.
in character and personality development. It develops Reasoning is our ability to think logically about a
all those quantities which a person of strong character situation. Analytical and reasoning skills are important
must possess. Child develops qualities of cleanliness, because they help us solve problems and look for
reality. solutions. While it may seem farfetched to think that
solving the train problem above can help you solve a
Role of Mathematics in Spiritual Development problem in your life, the skills that you use in framing
Mathematics main potential here seems to be the problem, identifying the known and unknowns, and
regarding developing the skills of reflection and taking steps to solve the problem can be a very
possibly, for the more receptive, a sense of the beauty of important strategy that can be applied to other problems
a solution. One gets pleasure in solving mathematical in life.
problems, especially when she/he gets the correct Math is used in practically every career in
answers to her/his problem .At that moment every child some way. Obviously, mathematicians and scientists
feels satisfied, confident and self- reliance. The aesthetic rely on mathematical principles to do the most basic
quality of an elegant solution is something that may be aspects of their work such as test hypotheses. While
lost on a dedicated “mathematics hater”. So the child scientific careers famously involve math, they are not the
gets encouragement, satisfaction and happiness in only careers to do so. Even operating a cash register
attaining remarkable achievements. Therefore requires that one understands basic arithmetic. People
mathematics helps to develop their aesthetic sensibility, working in a factory must be able to do mental
meets the varying interests and helps them in the proper arithmetic to keep track of the parts on the assembly line
utilization of their leisure time. and must, in some cases, manipulate fabrication
software utilizing geometric properties (such as the
Role of Mathematics in Cultural Development dimensions of a part) in order to build their products.
This helps the learner to understand the Really, any job requires math because you must know
contribution of mathematics in the development of how to interpret your paycheck and balance your
civilization and culture. It has enabled her/him to budget.
understand the role of mathematics in fine arts and in Math is all around us and helps us understand
beatifying human life. the world better. To live in a mathematically-driven
world and not know math is like walking through an art
Learning math is good for your museum with your eyes closed. Learning and
brain. Research conducted by Dr. Tanya Evans of appreciating math can help you appreciate things that
Stanford University indicates that children who know you would not otherwise notice about the world. In
math are able to recruit certain brain regions more reality, math is everywhere!
reliably, and have greater gray matter volume in those Math can help you shop a good sale. Not only
regions, than those who perform more poorly in math. will your quick mental arithmetic skills help you become
The brain regions involved in higher math skills in high- known as the smart person who everyone appreciates
performing children were associated with various when the waiter brings the check to your table, your
cognitive tasks involving visual attention and decision- math skills can also help you shop. Knowledge of
making. While correlation may not imply causation, this percentages and how to calculate them quickly can help
study indicates that the same brain regions that help you you save time when shopping at a sale at the mall – for
do math are recruited in decision-making and attention example, to quickly calculate a discounted price, or to
processes. determine whether you’ve been correctly charged when
paying for a shirt at the store. You don’t need a Ph.D. in
Math helps you tell time. A recent math to develop some quick mental arithmetic skills;
study indicated that 4 out of 5 children living in they can help you in these and other areas of your life in
Oklahoma City cannot read the hands on an analog the long run.
clock to tell time. Knowing math, and Math is the universal language. Sure, it’s
particularly, fractions, can help you better tell time. mostly equations, numbers, and some Greek letters, but
While analog clocks may eventually become obsolete, math is understood the same virtually all over the world
don’t let your ability to tell time become outdated! Use (and who knows, maybe all over the universe)! A math
your knowledge of fractions to help you tell time on equation doesn’t need to be translated to another
analog clocks that have an hour, minute, and language to be understood by someone on the other side
(sometimes) second hand. of the planet. A mathematical law doesn’t change
Math helps you with your finances. Math can because someone has a different religion than you or
be helpful for balancing your budget because you will speaks a different language from you. 2 + 2 = 4 in every
have a good understanding of how to make sure that single place on planet Earth. The universality of math is
your costs are less than the money you have. Balancing one of the many things that makes it such a powerful
one’s bank account, for example, is an important life tool and, indeed, essential life skill.
skill that requires math in order to subtract balances.
People who know math are therefore less likely to go To clear this up, math is not only important for
into debt because they did not know how much money success in life; it is all around us. The laws of
they had versus how much money they spent. mathematics are evident throughout the world,
Math makes you a better cook (or baker). With including in nature, and the problem-solving skills
knowledge of math, for example, you can quickly obtained from completing math homework can help us
deduce that a half-cup of flour is the same thing as eight tackle problems in other areas of life. While many may
tablespoons of flour. This can prove handy if you find complain that math is boring or complicated, the truth is
that your half-cup measure is missing. Likewise, if you that a life devoid of math means that we go around
are cooking from a recipe that serves 4 people, but you experiencing the world on a much less interesting level
need to feed 8 people, your math skills tell you that you than we could.
can simply double all of the necessary ingredients.

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