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Statistical data collected in the last 30 years indicate corrosion as the main

failure cause in risers [1]. At splash zone on risers

and spool pieces, where cathodic protection is not effective, the higher
probability of coating damage due to object impact or
coating disbondment turns this zone highly susceptible to corrosion [1,2]. Studies
published by U.S. Department of the
Interior, Minerals Management Service (MMS) indicate that 92% of corrosion failures
occurred in risers in the Gulf of M�xico
was caused by external corrosion [1].

In 2000, Chevron communicated a high pressure riser failure in one of their

platforms in West Coast of Africa due to severe
corrosion at splash zone caused by coating damage. Further studies on all 1027
production risers in that region revealed
serious problems in the Integrity Management Program of risers practiced at that
time [2].\

At Petrobras, a working group was established after events that led to

repair/replacement of spools pieces damaged by
corrosion at splash zone. This group aimed at searching risers and spools pieces
inspection techniques available in the
industry, which would be adequate for application in the field. It was identified
some technologies, that should be technically
evaluated finding their limitations and actual capabilities for further application
at Petrobras

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